Show TOWN AND COUNTY emer stake contributed in tithing the past ear A D dickson and lira leave next week on a prospecting venture in grand count H appleman leaves for salt like cita to da to vahit with his family binl ob berve the have our girls face pictured on a aboto iboto I 1 or pin man see stephens lemon the wool buyers are frolking to utah they are aid to to paving from 9 to 11 cents a pound for this vear clip eaird S jorgensen returned from reman upon his farm here for abe coming summer walter cluff who taught the past winter at the academy left for provo wednesday to attend the academy until the close of that school t ir meeting of the bishopric last night it vaa decided that no church sen ILLS or public meeting 0 nay kind should be held to morro v sunday the 11 knoon lureka mining man ns in this city tho earl pirt of the week on business connected etith the copper globe mining claims capt is havica the rock obstructions blasted and removed from green river between moab and cisco preparatory to making cebular steam boat trips betge n those to alces vill norton of sunn side has pur chased the alex jameson house and lot in Cast ledale and is expected heie with his famil at any time now the rice paid tor the gioi eriv nas fred 0 richardson of san JOSP cala is in this nt to decote attention to the oil and mineral ces of this county the gentleman is an experienced oil man and miner and sas emery county is one of the most inviting fields for prospectors and that he knotts of the re union of the Y academy in commemoration with dr machers management to be held may 29 and 30 the rio grande railroad offer a rate pf a single fare for the round trip from all oin tsin utah to provo date of sale may 27 and 28 return limit may 31 parente your pretty baby a picture would look nice on a brooch pin and that would make an elegant keepsake or something to send to some relative stephens lemon Cast ledale mr and james sewall came over from sunn side noonday and v kited with mr sew all a mother tor several da mr soft ill reports the coal camp ampro ing s soon as the coke ovens are completed he expects the i B roll will be increased to 1 men there are 40 new houses cow under construction there tha progress is printing a fine adver ti tor county on the back 0 envelopes and charging but little more thin plain en elopes of the best qualitz are usually soil for it vou want to aid a little in calling the atten tion of outsiders tu the oil boil mining and other resources of this county you can do so by using these envelopes when sending letters to bour business firm and friends send for a free sample colv this paper don t devote much space to noting the whitewashing oe old fences and the painting of barns nd or nav other color but the ne v fence that ole olsen recently put up all around bis place and subsequent the painting of tl e situe blue and white 14 pretty enough to mention such substantial improve ments add several hundred per cent to the appearance 0 homes as well as to the whole town in general would that there were more such much of a holiday in Cast ledale our tree planting was done some weeks previous to the issuance of the governors proclamation and by the dav in about three vears this town will be one of the greatest fruit producing sections in the state this spring there has been in the neigh borho olof fruit trees set out thirds of which are winter apples james jeffs has put out about trees miller soo and ott era from dav a to 25 or less diphtheria made its in Cast ledale last week but iti presence was not fully known until sunday when dr pearson announced that dreaded dis eabe here fortunately for the at large ane disease has so far been con fined ft holly to one family that of chris larsen s where mrs larsen and four children ethel el a denev and austin hive suffered vieb it the rast week mrs larsen had a severe attack and so did one of the children but the other cases were light 11 ho v ever we are pleased to say are no v M s amanda ralph in ced nurse in this disease bent several dis with the ired bunkle departed tor montana on S ind indo o to Q a his u icle di wetzell fhe fa nelv of P moved over to the part of the ft eek kennison children moed to wel lington yesterday to make thit place their future home counti treasurer ier wall bas much needed article 0 furniture to his office a roller top desk james sewall sold his pasture on the south side 0 the to this week to jos cunha cons aeration de ration try a nev roy U sewing machin e for quality and prices their equal vas nev er know n ottosen s furniture store hae ou seen our fine display of bed suites and iron be Is and our pir lor suites and finey rockers 9 we ve got them at bedrock prices ottosen s fur kiture store L and of lawrence leae here this morning with teams wagons household goods etc en route tor marsalle Mar ida they will board the cars at moroni utah from which I 1 their goods will be shipped talk about a snap we ie got one sure our partners in the east just steil goods for us and all we have to pay for them is the fre hharges and the best of it is thit we propose to let ou in on the same easy terms come running orangeville Orang eville co op the peoples friend A number of left here yesterday to work on the branch line that the rio grande road is building from delt colo osair larsen took with him a double team and wagon and accompanying him were jos and lav rence lund hyrum and al petersen and job botts county clerk fox issued a marriage license to john Poel mary smith both of desert lake on thursday and the couple wore married in the alter noon by justice savage the bride is but 17 ears of ige and the groom gasn wasn t quite sure how old he was on wednesday when the application for the license w as first made after a night s consideration upon the matter he he was 21 ears ot age and secured his license ind bride to he ever afterwards in peace and happiness metta nelsen wife of andrew isalsen of manti died at the residence of I 1 er son in law john lemon in perron last frida decease I 1 waa 71 airs of age and had lived id ferron here several of her children reside for amny leare she was most highly and leaves a husband ind a largo number of children and relatives to mourn her loss mrs nelsen was a native of denmark and came to utah in 1803 1 or many years she resided in manti her bus band was too feebly to the fu which occurred on sunday 1 u services were held at the meeting house and ft ere attended by a large gathering among the speakers who eulogized the deceased were J an dersen of Cast ledale and petar P peter sen and ex bishop frederick olsen elsewhere is published notice of sale b the sheriff of emery county of the copper globe mining claims located 0 o miles southeast of ferron the sale is to satisfy a decree of foreclosure obtained b dr walter pike of broo in the fourth judicial district court mr pike it is said holds a mortgage against the property tor a sum exceeding 2 there has aten considerable litigation in connection mth this property or the past ears and it is expected the coming sale will clear it 0 all antan gling alliances and permit the purchaser to work the mines considerable high grade copper ore has been taken out of the and with the prospects of a railroad within 18 or 20 miles of it it is believed it will produce ore of kulhci ent quality to pay more than enough tor gioina and smelting the Castl eddle public school cloa ed on wednesday because ot a little na scare amongst the people hence the closing exercises that vere to be given yesterday were declared off ann cipal seth alien us in a ver comprehensive report of the work of the past ear showing the medal winners hose entitled to honorable mention and chobo pro noted etc 0 ving to our limited space I 1 matters the report is withheld until next week when it will be pub in full 11 children of the grammar and an miry departments aie requested to call at the homos of their teachers on mon da april 21 and get their promotion cards prizes and anything belonging to them |