Show PEACE IN SOUTH AFRICA REPORTED THAT BOERS HAVE ACCEPTED TERMS PROPOSED BY BRITISH an adreen ent beached by mr satyn and Geue rala dewet stid pulli by which an end to the war Is ex pecked to result the london financier and bullion ashes a d that the boer leaders have accepted the brit sh terms that peace has been arranged and that tl e terms of peace have been cabled to the boer agents in london other unconfirmed statements of a similar character aie in cir culat on in london it is said rutherford ns former secretary of the british south africa company has received information to the same effect bat no rel able informal on concerning the matter is oata the central bews is informed that a telegram was received in london from pretoria saying that mr breyn and generals dewet and batna botna had agreed upon terms of peace the telegram indicates that the british terms have been accepted and that peace has been arranged |