Show contracts for the sinking of from one to ten Well sOil convention to be held at price may 8 the milton land A oil company has entered into an i on clad agreement agie ement with X E burns of salt anke ait oit and on en burns of chicago chereb the two last named genelen en are to commence drilling an oil well upon the s property in ameo county within the next 80 daya the agreement was hied besterda est erda with the county recorder 0 emery county and covers se n pages of tire written matter burns bind themselves to pace in the hands of le vis cannon of salt like city of the mil ton compan or moses davis i nil of lading tor a standard plant of ma chinery on or before the au h day of april this ear the contractors are to have said plant of machinery in opera tion within ninety dava from the date of agreement which was april ath or will forfeit said plant to the milton corn pany the agreement calls for a well 2000 feet unless oil 13 struck quan titles before that depth is reached ahe hole is to be 95 inches in diameter it the top and not less than 3 inches it the bottom is to be entirely cased and all work done in a first class in case the contractors find it impracticable to continue work on the first ft ell they ma start a second or a third well and s the same on the same conditions as named for the first well the eon to bo given burns is n certain per cent of the capital stock of the milton the articles of agreement au provide or the sinking of other wells on eich lection of land acres in all owned b the milton oil either be fore or after the completion of the first well it the indications ir favorable for a pacing quantity ot 1 while the vork 13 in progress on the arst well the contractors will i stall a second or third plant to facilitate the development of the property the milton land 0 1 company is organized under the laws of utah with a of its dent is D J williams and headquarters salt lake city the burns are experienced in be oil business and their great faith in bhaer county as a future 1 feld is shon b the agreement they have n into while en ro ite to boston list week dinager A J of tho ban rafael oil stopped off at cincinnati to confer with the officers of the cm cinnoti utah V oming oil compia hiving holdings in emery counti so well pleased ere the ohio men with the report made by mr baua that they decided to w ork on their proper in this count as soon is they can get a plant on the ground an organization to be kno as the oil lind locators protective a tion of gumti county has been perfected at Evanston yo it is expected that the will do much to cot only to protect the locators of oil lands but to encourage the develop abent 61 that territory the purpose is to protect the of the members of the organic atlon from illegal jumping ind the po vers of the association are vested in an executive committee of beien over oil 0 o aaion notices were filed with county recorder 00 of this number the ev bork utah 0 1 A mining company sent in 71 ani john dr jeannotte mis ia S mcclun ard other leadville Leid ville and denver people sent in 43 v use there we sh a call for an oil convention to be held at puce on may ath the object of said meeting is full stated in the notice ind wn heartily heir tily endorse the action e bel eve that in cistern utah a much richer oil belt exists than iny heretofore dincov ered but e must have outside cap ital to assist is in developing this held hence there should be concerted action in advertising our oil resources invest ors protected from such sharks as have brought the lexas oil fields into diere and the original land locators also protected from jumpers and con sequent litigation emera count should sead intel igent delegation to this convention the question has been frequently raised as to whether i vil d oil placer location can be made on land covered b homestead timber culture or desert land entry the secretary 0 the inter or his repeatedly held such enone are such i segregation of the lind as pre vents any other location being made thereon or even from making a valid ap for entry of such segregated land rom this it would appear that oil placer locations mide upon land fred b a homestead timber culture or desert laud entry are mere nullities the proper course to pursue in cisa of an abandoned homestead timber cul ture or debert land enter bould be to bring a contest tor its er cancellation cincel lation by which the contestant acquires re ference right to ei ter the lin 1 in an if voul hen ane entry is can ceic placer locations ran be made but not before tho kaiser mining compan of adl lal e tit his been incorporated with a capitalize it on of shares of slouch he officers are J grose president W W est vice president and jack treasurer ard secretary the corn pany ons the copper boy group of four claims in summerville Sum morville district em ery county the arold dividend oil of salt lake city has filed articles of in corporation with a cap ti iz of shares at 1 each the officers are L S pros dent arther jarvi vice i res dent and lewis cannon secretary and treis uror the coni piny ans acres of oil lands in finer count |