Show emery stake conference reported f t the progress b arthur vi ll clerk the quarterly conference of the emer stake of zion was held at price on sun day and monday april lath and there ere present ol 01 the first presidency 0 the church joseph F smith and J R winder Teasdale ot the council of apostles reuben G miller and john R ot the stake presidency eatn aichs high counselors bishops of wards and their counselors and a large attend ance of officers and members of the stake the gathering v as one of the largest eer seen in cistern uti h on sunday morning after the opening exercises of the sabbath school the first session of the conference began by the choir and congregation singing the by mn we thank thee 0 god for a prophet president joseph smith occupied the time his remarks were directed to the parents in zion and tor the bene tit of the children of the latter day saints he said the children had the first right to a seat in the house 0 prayer find that it was wrong tor child ren to be turned out of their seats and out of the house to make room for the elders and parents he exhorted the priesthood to impress upon the minds of the children that there was room for them in the house of prayer he said that he had 12 children born unto him under the new and everlasting covenant and thit ho had aldays endeavored to make home pleasant which every father and mother should do he exhorted parents to keep their children home at night and said if they would they would gro v up good citizens and good litter dav saints he said there were secret sins being committed and when a man was guilty of that bin he was longer a latter da saint he defined the dit faience between i good citizen and neigh bor and a good citizen and latter day saint he said there wera 50 organized extending aiom the sunny south to the frozen north and it took rainy officers to preside over these stakes and wards and for that leason he wanted the little boys looked after that they might gro v up good men and be ible to fill responsible places in the church he exhorted tt e people to keep the commandments of god and said it was the will of god that we should be workers of righteousness and that it took a man to be a latter day saint and i big min one that could siy s iy no when came along he thanked god that his boys had not visited saloons and gambling dens that he knew of and said the peopled should set their homes in order and haye rules to govern them and when people cime among us they should be subject to the rules of that bouse ai d that the presence 0 strangers should never betard the saints aroa doing their duty at home the choir and congregation sang the hymn do what Is right benedic tion by elder john Z and the con terence adjourned until i P M the afternoon session of the confer ence began by the choir singird the hymn softly beams the sacred dian ing prayer by bishop L P overson the choir sang the hymn ye simple souls who stray sacrament was ad ministered and the choir sing the hymn jes is once of humble birth president john S winder of the first presidency wis the arst speaker he said he had desired for many ears to vis t the people of emery stake he complimented the people for the good showing thy hid inide m building up homes and clintin plin tin I 1 baut ful orchards and said it the people would becoates be coaten ted the lord would send moisture upon he land and m ike it fruitful he spoke of organization and said the saints should go to their bishops for and the bishop should keep the ward in order and see that no sin existed among the people he bore his testimony that jos smith was a prophet of god and referred to the great work being done for the living and the dead and said that we bad spent a great deal of money building temples where the work could be done or the dead he s ii I 1 the sal el on fo jtb lags STAKE conference co itina d f om fir t page olour dead wis important matter for the baines to cons oer elder george was the next speaker testifying fing that ohp gospel of tl e boo of god mas established onedith and lore his test mony tha joseph baith as a true prophet of god and state 1 that he hat had 0 er en e in the church and ho 1 ne v that the prim i led ta acre true he e hooted the aa nta to be ponte t an 1 ie leem the wate wa te places of L on for the 0 o ild icher 11 choice spot hei eatter pies dent joseph P 11 ed the conference he bpi i 1 va king the saints to as at him with their fi th and bikers he to tt e sai its from e 11 ice to another for the purpose of gathering riches for their ch larer he had knon poodle to do that aid their ch lire i lad depar ed from the faith he hoped the sa ants of the emery stake ill enjoy riches an remain fai ahful in the chi ach of christ he said the lor 1 des re 1 the saints to the riches of the earth s well the riches of eternal 1 fo he exhorted the saints to kee it of debt and not to mortgage their homes ind lands tor they belong to their families he refer red to the n wonderful ond erful gro v th of price jovn during the past 18 eui and sta ted there visie lo 10 trees no fine house hall n 1 no orchards Js at that time as e deholl to da the land wa barren and aste he sai I 1 the school house would be a t to i cit of innab tants he to tho id tion of all the land throughout the state and said the hand of god had been over it ar d had made it fru taul for our sake he read fron the bible tl e chapter of isaah and bo test mony that he kne v the of izaiah had been fulfilled ful fille I 1 to the ery letter he advised orle to redeem the earth and make use the ano in bains and tl air rights for this land vas the 1 nd of joseph and if the people uld keep the corn i and tie lord and do their duty they 1 acome a po ver in the lai d the choir sal g the anthau redeemer dei ed action hv agop potter and conference adjourned until monday morning at 10 clock t 7 op in tie oung genri a d oung ladies M I 1 on hell then conference el ter jose h E job i son pres ding after the ing eer ses ela r johnson 1 tho liouns me i s association and ih je akes rei ortel the oung lai es asso ch excellent instruct ons ere given bt president josei h 1 smith and apostle george lale morning at 10 clock the con ference vas agan lied to order by el der deuben G lillei the cl on and congregation saig the 1 dmn P a se to ane man that communed ith jeh prater by shop hirs P kib gaussen the cho r so angel from 0 i H gh eler el er reubel G miller was the i boaker he v u I 1 leased to so many of the S r resent at tl e conference u d bore debt i that tie instruct 01 s agnen at this con firel ce came fro n god through his servants he the stal e as being 20 good condit on 1 tl at the pi d in g during the e r 8 aih shoved to him that they were n u condi tion ler john H pace wis the nex speaker he 1 to the teachings 0 the duain tie conference and ei all the nude 1 P resident miller 11 reporting the li tion of the stake ind d s red the anes hood to i ss bt in e eibl u u s in i p to late church school in this of zion el ler will am lailor his libora as president of the high priests quorum elder jo ph john sot reported the condition of thee farst quorum of seventies franklin W ouno reported his labors as i i among the und 1 hia no that the si int of the lor 1 rested upon the presidency of the church bider peter bunderson of em ery was the next breaker ho hid ie cei tl arned from a miss on to den maik and gave i br ef lecort of h s la t ors a d bore his testimony to the truth of the gospel george teasdale Teas dile addressed the conference and binl keople among us that ind not 1 een rei eive by reco rec o a Q I 1 ao I 1 the b shop 1 d no r to the to in one 1 e did not kno v ha then lead from the doctrine and part of sect on 0 to tho blessing of children biet z ng and edmin the sacrament he edid it wrong for the latter day to move place to pi ice phout taking a becom men 1 ind the r gene logy he exhort ed the S i ts to keer i decord for them selves arc sill the lord required tenth of their in crete s tithing india va for all to hane that law in older to be infill fellowship in the church of chr st he lecia ed that the form ator 1 ar ani dr inlaw d coull lot be fello ped n the cauich a d a d it was the duty of the bishop to look nt ter those aho vho ed the laws of go ind h ive them make lest tut on or I 1 e ast out after benediction b ans se veil the conference a ijo aimed to 2 p m U tl e beg of the after sess on the cho r sang Z on stands with intilli S brou led prater bv elder arthur W horsley aba cho r sing peace 01 earth goodwill to men fhe general church ere presented and u an bously sm the baake officers and ho ne iu s s also were unanimously sua tame i uriah W cuitis vas the to the I 1 ahter tint of sand had any rain to darken decaying root ning with iron it would have hid the light gray tint thit suggests ban enness and if the rainfall cutoff entirely with no irr atlon to take its place it bould in bitne change back to the grader tints while the desert will finally darken to a richer looking hi e decaying roots cyst speaker he red thit there one gobbel ind was the gospel of cl r st chich 19 the god unto hegard there was t time when dail i ess covered tl e earth and darkness the mm I 1 of the deop e ind tl e over of gol vas taken from the earth and that it ia restored to the earth ig in h the 1 oy prophet doseph smith 11 this sat 01 chop con tian M 1 her vis the next sr piker he soffi ur in the r n ciplys of the an 1 exhort 1 11 to read the pt ires that ho one bo it tak n in ragi d to the true pi in afife nn 1 saint on d the ch ach of chris iab fo n ie 1 upon tho rock of on in 11 ore a test ion that topah S th tr e proof et of gol eldri go rp Idress pd the i po i tho tut the an t PP to the h and I 1 tt rd lo 10 el the ruie in henrt and ante 1 a pro 1 10 k in 1 ir and that tl P temples of our gol were I 1 alt for the n teo w to an 1 vo a I 1 less nr he u ii 1 those ho mi joined oreal a i I 1 rother boods th t ero n nile of U e church of ohr the r birth r an 1 not eo to tie temples of r god i the joreh repent tha no i n ih sarve na fprd n clos ng he bore h s that the blint of the I 1 or 1 ha 1 been ith the S ints luring the enre e ind exhort ed them to ie k nd to then ves and kapp the of god pres lent anade i few ains ng remarks thanking the people of price for the 1 ti tv in 1 ohp fr en the ha 1 pro led for the vis ting saints jhb r ir i 1 1 the hymn cone come ye stints the benedic tim aiono acel ly elder A E n an 1 n ed f r three n months to neet nt anner S indi ai d monda july alth ai d 1902 |