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Show "MORE HOMES FOR MORE PEOPLE IN TREMONTON" TO? 4 R RIVER f A VOLUME X IT Y LEADER TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935 AAA to Continue All Adjustment With farm prices still substantially CITY rlcultural Adjustment Administration is not considering abandonment of any adjustment program now in effect. Director William Peterson has just been informed. Average January farm price of the 14 ba3ic commodities included under the AAA was 106 per cent of the prewar level but, in terms of present prices for commodities which farm ers purchase, parity would be 126 per cent, oi me pre-wlevel, ine jaiiu- 14 commodi- of farm these ary price ties was therefore 20 points below parity. With farmers facing a situation in which farm prices, without benefit payments, are 20 points below parity, consideration has been given to abandonment of any adjustment pro- gram. With normal growing condi- -tions, unless there are substantial increases in consumer buying power and industrial production in 1935, it is believed that prices could easily go lower this year. Considering benefit payments as additional income, farmers received on the part of their crops consumed in tins country, returns equivalent iu 124 per cent of prices, or 2 points less than parity for the 14 basic commodities. For the 7 of these 14 basic commodities covered by adjustment programs, farmers received in farm price plus benefit payments, 9 points above parity. However, this margin above parity applies only to that share of sales consumed in this country. Administration officials point out that the purpose of the adjustment act is to seek to establish ana mam tain parity prices. The need for con- tinuing agricultural adjustment is em. phasized by the fact that farm prices are 20 points below parity in spite of the combined effect ot reduced export surplusses, drought and dollar devaluation. Wholesale prices of farm products are 13 per cent below their 1S29 relation to industrial prices, retail food costs 20 points below the general level of the cost of living, and the farmers' standard of living, as measured by net income over operating expenses, 20 per cent below their prewar standard. As the Editor It In the regular meeting of the Tre WOMAN j ! music. The speakers were O. A. Iverson, A, J. Taylor, Dr. E. H. White, Orson A. Lions club Wednesday even the adoption of the recommen- dation of the road committee, headed by Lion C. J. Dewey, the club went on record as favoring the Nye-HSprings road. The recommendation set forth that the club desired to cooperate with the Ogden citizens wherever possible and consistent but owing to the conjestion that one meets in Ogden City it ed altogether inconsistent to force a highway through a busy section of me city wnen a straignt line nign- way, which will miss the city for those who are going to points south of Ogden, can be constructed at less cost and to a greater benefit to all concerned. The recommendations of the com-n- o mittee were adopted unanimously. iner. bv , Funeral services were held WedneS' day afternoon for Mrs. Emmeline An- derson Peterson, wife of Frede Y. Pe- of Bear River Citv. who died Sunday afternoon at the Valley lios- pitai. The services were in charge of Bishop Osey Jensen, of the Bear Riv- er City ward. The invocation was of- -' fered by Patriarch James P. Chris- tensen. Mrs. Connie Peters of Brig- ham City, rendered a solo, the ward choir furnishing the balance of the OF DIRECTORS mnton TmmplirtP A PpfArenn Dies Sunday at the Valley Hospital ar Di- E Lions Adopt RecomWATER USERS mendation to Favor FOR BEAR RIVER ELECT BOARD Nye Hot Springs Road below parity, although much improv- ed duiine the oast two years, the Ae- - Box Elder Representatives vide Votes on Important Lower House Bills TWENTY-FIV- FINAL RITES HELD Programs In 1935 LEGISLATURE FACES HUGE TASK IN LAST TEN DAYS NUMBER ot seem-terso- I n, nf kjujui Resolutions Adopted to Protect Rights on Water Supply . f The water users meeting held at the high school Saturday, March 2, was well attended. J. L. Weidmann reported the activi- ties of the directors relative to pending legislation, and the outlook for water for the coming season. The following resolution was read and adopted. It seems to express the sentiment of the water users. A copy will be sent to the Sugar Company: WHEREAS, we, the Bear River Valley water users suffered from insufficient water supply during the year 1934, and WHEREAS, prospects for water supply for 1935 would lead us to conclude at this time that an insufficient supply for all water users on the Bear River exists, and WHEREAS, we claim priority of rights ,and o WHEREAS, the Sugar Company, a service corporation, has contracted to deliver a sufficient quantity of irrigation water ,and WHEREAS, it is common knowlo edge that the Sugar Company has a contract with the Utah Power and Light Company to deliver to the service head gates a certain specified minimum flow during the irrigation season, and WHEREAS, it is our belief that the Utah Power and Light Company can deliver the said stipulated quantity of water at our hear gates, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we the Bear River Valley Water Users, Inc., do most earnestly request and demand that the above mentioned companies exercise their utmost diligence in supplying us with the needed irrigation water for the 'year 1935. And, as one means of accomplishing their undertaking, we most urgently recommend o Suand demand that the gar Company insist that the Utah Power and Light Co. provide their several reservoirs on the Bear River with full storage capacity at the time the irrigation season opens and that they permit no water to waste past the Cutler Dam during the irrigation season. Be it further RESOLVED, that we request the aforesaid corporations to deliver to the Bear River Valley water users, irrigation water prior to the contracted date of May 1, as it may be needed and used by the irrigators. Be it SJno-i!i certifier ' (By U. S. P. A. Service) Members of the twenty-firs- t Utah Christensen, Lucinda Jensen ,whoi UrCfed Legislature have completed another read a SKetch of the life of the de- the seventh week or lawmaking efceased. Senator A. E. Holmgren, Suforts with the bulk of major legislaT?a Hervin Bunderson and WHY PEOPLE CANNOT BUILD perimendent tion still on the session books as unBishop Jensen, OB REMODEL THEIR HOMES who to grow sugar farmers intend finished business. interment was made in the Bear beets must sign the factory purchase Ten officially-allowe- d River City cemetery. days remainA meeting was held Tuesday aftercontract on or before next Saturday, Mrs. Petersen was born July 20, 10-a noon in this city at which a federal ed Monday of the 60 allotted to the ', ' current session. Stopping of the 1881,, in Bear River City, a daughter necesaarv so th, t thp rnnn. representative was present to explain P. resort of Hans often made Anderson and Inger Marie ty Allotment Committee the Federal Housing act. A great legislative clock a may make use Mortensen Anderson. She grew to certain many people are in sympathy with time of to give additional lawmaking adjustments and make proviwomanhood or in two add another Bear River and one, may City the spirit of this act and are trying sion for new growers of sugar beets married Mr. Petersen in the Logan to to lend a cooperative hand in this three days. In this short time such qualify for contracts. on matters as a state liqtemple August 6, 1930. She was All producers who grew sugar beets very worthy project but here are the uor an active member of the L. D. S. in 1933 control law, personal income anu obstacles they have to face: andor in 1934 wil be given church and has served as counselor an 9S per cent interest is charged on corporation franchise taxes, social reto sign for acreage opportunity and M. of be Y. W. must and I. A., with the the lief, appropriations secretaiy before March 9th. any loan for this purpose. One must thrashed company out by the assembled law and was a member of the Relief So- Others who wish to have a stady job or be in a position grow beets must makers. ciety. to absolutely guarantee the apply to the company before March are her and husband The liquor question is expected to Surviving of the loan without any delay 20th. four brothers. Willard H. Peter M.. or face a heavy penalty. Brick lay- be solved in comparatively speedy The Brigham-Garlan- d factory j0Seph and Alvin Anderson, all of ers want 1.12J an hour, painters want fashion through passage by the sen in Box Elder county has been al-- j Bear River ate City. and concurrence by the house of ?1.10 an hour, plasterers and lathers lotted 12,360.6 acres of sugar beets also want to make from $12 to $15 a compromise state stores bill, with for the 1935 season, and the Malad a day, the carpenters are more reas- the finished product providing for fac- portion of the Brigham-Garlan- d Drnmne Will " onable and are willing to work for a state stores and sales in tory district has been allotted 251.8 ,! acres living wage. Building materials are licensed hotels, restaurants and clubs. A few other changes in the d the highest, almost in history. Growers are urged to get in touch measure will likely see the o Now can anyone figure out how the with the Sugar Company Drama of lovers are the community once at officials and sign for the average man is going to stand a deal committee of 49 proposals agreed up- treat a at the stake drama promised of that kind. Every man should have on in practically their entirety. to be held at the high school aSe desired so a definite report of a living wage, but through codes and The end of the seventh week found next Thursday evening, acreage can be made to the Sugar auditorium combined agreements it has become house and senate deadlocked on perMarch thl AA in Washington, 14, at eight p. m., according Section almost impossible for one to cooper- sonal income and corporation franUI1 JKiaXCI Vmllo. Vlll, Ktr 1UII3. Mra 'KTf Dnnminmonf fcu uiiivuul.lllV,llb V U1V11U KJ chise taxes. Neither side midst verate in this worthy project. Those who do not intend to grow j director. stake Griffin, There are dozens of people in this bal fireworks would recede from its The event is arranged as a sort of sugar Deets osnouia report accordingly community who are ready to remodel position on property tax offsets and Sugar Company so to the dramatic activities of to the climax or build and if a fair wage and rate exemptions in the individual income their acreage can be allotted to other BeBill Assothe ward Mutual Improvement of interest can be had then there will tax measure and the offsets in the growers. This applies only to the ciation. be considerable activity in this line corporation income tax bill. ConcesDoes 1935 season. one-aFour be presentplays will and steady employment for most of sions must be made by one house or Brigham-Garlan- d Factory District ed as follows: the tradesmen in this community, but the other if either bill is to be passControl Association. Sugar "Second M. Elwood I. Best" A., under the present set-u- p M. G. Perry, President. activity in ed. Otherwise there can be no inOrcon Christensen. come tax changes. this line is going to be limited. H. Stewart, Secretary. R. Residents of the State of Utah director, on the Rocks" Bothwell of the M. "Teapot the . provisions Speedy passage by both branches should note that I. A., director. Vera Summers. : rr : : r i bill enabling the state to reap j J "uw "c"'e "Pink and Patches" Thatcher M. Glee Club Will ofa advantages of bond refunding sug- - by the Legislature of this state will ' A director Lois Watt j further H. made Governor ..A'ndante"-Tremonot in any way affect the liability for by gestions Henry nton M. I. A., Elwood A RESOLVED, that we the Bear RivBlood will doubtless result in increas-- I filing income tax returns covering the (jrectdr carl Cook er Valley Water Users, Inc., ask of ed appropriations for various govern-- i taxable year 1934. returns Such of good drama pre. Various A special musical program will be mental the above named corporations a comfiled with the State Tax sentation aspect3 departments as it means should be demonstrated by win mittal as to their intentions with refgiven in the Elwood ward chapel with-revenue in additional ; Commission 118 State Capitol, Salt each of these $750,000 James S. Goldsberry, 66, died at his erence to the services contracted for. production3. day evening, Feb. 10, with the Imper- out resort tfp more taxes. Lake City, Utah or one of its branch The w schoo, orchestra fur. farm home, one mile south of this And be it further ial Glee Club, of Logan, rendering the were in also on 1935, March or Legislators before quick 15, joint offices, nish music during the evening wd city, Friday morning at 9 o'clock folprogram. The glee club will be un- enactment of several measures clari- in RESOLVED, that we, the members the usual manner. the girls" dancing class, under the di- - lowing a stroke of a week previous. der the direction of Professor Walter fying the water of the Bear River Valley Water Users, , re-Ena to noted be is that supply question. further It wm a,go of Mgg Reed The deceased was born March 17, Inc., do most urgently request our Welti. actment of these clear the way for cent court decision rendered by Judge rection 1869 at Farmington, Utah. He movt Qn the programAn invitation is extended to the cities to 1 to take vigorous steps, even in reclamation Court District participate McKinney of the Third ed to this valley about 14 years ago to the extent of general public. in entering the courts, Lake Salt a! projects, enabling City in no way affects the liability of from Paradise, Utah. He has resided if need be, to protect and enforce our MOllterS ClUD particular to take part in the pro- resident for the payment of th'j filing on his farm since that time. and contracts pertaining to rights Deer Creek Utah $10,000,000 not posed did rule court fee. upon The Two Funeral services over his remains water supply for the members of our to Lake water project. The bills passed whether or not the filing fee was conwere held in the ward chapel here organization. Blood a both A. M.I. branches after Governor stitutional but simply held that By BandS Monday at 12 o'clock noon, with Adopted March 2. had urged their speedy adoption. criminal complaint could not be mainCounsellor John O. Garfield in charge measApplications for membership in the but Neith in case controversal, M. in be the A. Important, An tained drama festival will I. question. of the exercises. The speakers were water users organization were read,, A of moth the ures good included the the house now be representation er will the passage of the bill passed by held in the Garland recreation hall and circulated in the audience for sigthe North Box V:J. jYTrTZiL '7'"J bill changing the presw0 tv, Taiatnr rpiivp a resident ers of the students ofand March 14. Four wards will particiu sign-u- p nature. Practically 100 d.trict junior act and from th high school of the filing fee for. pate in the presentation of one act ent workmen's compensation All directors are prowas the result. 4 cents of a tax another per levying h plays. The admission to the festival 1000 cubic vided with membership agreements aVehTgfschoolrTJ.He '? uvedh feet on natural gas deliv- SLsTow'p; Jb is free. and one sis-- . and will sign with irrigators in their . to a Band club. Mothers organize The succeeding event will be the ered and used in Utah. Agricultur The new bill will only cover the filing various districts, at the earliest date ists won marked victories in. the of returns in 1936 and thereafter organization will be for the pur-- j t following evening when the stake so no time will be lost. Farmabolof bills house made. is will hold a Saint Patrick's dance through passage til a further change dise cemetery. Shaw & Iverson fun- - possible ers are , of bands in con-communities the several urged to contact any of the common on tax and the ishing at the B. R. H. S. gymnasium. It will be the duty of the State Tax the directors for further details. Much enthusiasm was eral directors. on and tract carriers valley. A special feature of the the to enforce public highways Commission provisions evening The following board was elected: will be an Irish dance in costume. To a new produce dealers' license bill. of the Income Tax laws in accordance shown and the results of the meeting two-yedirectors J. L. WeidxFor were to are measures All of these highly satisfactory. expected with the above, and the cooperation make the evening complete, fun C. G. been C. ,and J. P. Holmmann, who Mrs. has F. Adney meet with determined opposition Gephart, of all residents of this state will tend makers and caps will be given to the band mother for the high school, was gren. in considerable administration of costs to amending probably the reduce patrons. directors For Harry the senate. Week-En- d which after all fall upon those subject named band mother chairman of then Drew, M. G. Perry, Geo. M. Ward and The senate took final action last to the tax. uisinci wun mrs. Adam a. urenti-maNoble Hunsaker. as secretary of the district orweek on 39 measures, passing 33 senEight fast teams of Box Elder ate bills, two house bills, and one senganization. Local chairman that were into action to Open chosen during the meeting were Mrs. county will be thrown ate joint memorial. It killed one sen- Hartley-Stoke- s E. Nelson Dies R. D. Anderson, for Tremonton, and Thursday evening at 6 o'clock, when ate bill, one house bill and one senate Box the third annual Elder basket Fred Jensen .proprietor of Fred's joint resolution. Bills passed were: ville. Orin Mrs. Snow for City Dewey The grand musical festival to be ball classic gets under way at the Cafe of this city, and Mrs. Clara M. S. B. 22 to 51, inclusive, state bar high school at Brigham City. Kirkham, of Garland, were married association bills having to do with Hartley & Stokes .local grocery-me- held under the direction of Mr. prominent farmer Games will be played Thursday and of E. Earl Nelson, in Frithe of held will B. to be court S. and the officers 7, two successful Logan temple. Wednesday after died suddenly at his years proceedure; relating Bothwell, Both are widely known and highly procedure for conducting primary business in this city, are expanding day, April 5, instead of the date as Saturday and the championship tilt home early Wednesday morning, folS. B. 178, approving and their business and this Saturday will previously announced. Watch for on Monday. Cost of admission will lowing a brief illness. Death was due respected citizens and have a host of elections; cents be 15 per evening. friends who are happy to see them confirming bonds and other obliga- - open a modern meat and grocery further details. to an acute heart attack. Mr. NelPairings upper bracket: united in marriage and extend to tions heretofore issued by public bo-- : store in Brigham City. ; son had been ailing for two or three 6 p. m. B. E .H. S. vs. B. R. H. S. them their hearty wishes for a suc- dies of Utah for public works proThe success with which they have weeks from gall stone and liver trouTnl.p Hpnf flivpn 7 vs. m. Mills Woolen Baron life. p. ViltUVS cessful and happy married jects; S. B. 204, authorizing the gov-- !- mot in thia rnmmi.nitv ha oncourble but it was thought that he was TViio WWL- Tremonton ernor to deed to the federal governthtm tn pvtpnH thpir nativities. recovering as he was able to be ment lands in the r.ed or on the mar- These home boys also express confi- ")wer D,tKl1, B. R. H. S. FACULTY CLUB around. His death was a severe MEET IN NEW SCIENCE gin of Utah Lake; S. B. 205, validat- dence of the future and still believe shock to his family and friends. During the past week nearly 200 niv sPrvirp (HnnewiiieJ BUILDING FOK PARTY ing contracts between water users' that opportunity knocks at the door. beet The deceased had been a prominent out to beet; 9 D m..Beehive Bottling- Works were checks given associations and the federal govern-"meTheir many friends will wish them in civic and religious affairs. worker conout oi iiuu iuu va fioMine for reclamation projects; S. B. unlimited success in their new ven- growers, maKing mission for The B. R. H. S. Faculty club and wno nave now were - He had filled a tracts mat m eliminatwo.eame b signea T, relating to underground waters; ture. L. D. S. church, been a member party last 142, the the from received bonus partners enjoyed a novel new beet their winners en-tion with winners 1 playing science S. B. 211, permitting the state Thursday evening in the government. These checks come at a and losers playing losers. The big- of the Thatcher ward bishopric, and of the ward M. I. A. Upon arrival the guests gineer to initiate actions in the courts building. to assist the time very opportune treat of the season is In store president were given crepe paper and told to of other state or the United States Old Show He married Edna Compton, daughin the preparation for spring gest farmers in Box of Elder the fans for B. county 206, providing for agreemade themselves a costume. After courts; S. ter of Mr .and Mrs. J. F. Compton, of r the presentation of this county evervone was made up they entered ments between the state engineer and Thatcher. Seven children were born a few who have not call- are There a class room for a day in school. Mr. the U. S. Geological survey for coop-of to this union, six sons of whom sured for their checks, in spite of the Last. In a long black coat, was the erative investigation and survey over fact that a notice was mailed to the vive: Doyle, Vern, Lynn, Ray, Reed More a than hundred persons teacher and many a dark, deep mys- underground water supplies and ap 60 years of age enjoyed the picture effect that their checks had arrived. and LaMont. $10,000 for the work; S. A CORRECTION For many years the Nelsons lived tery was solved under his able gui- propriating "Bright Eyes" at the Liberty Theatre Those receiving such notices should of new a B. committee 156, creating - call dance. entertainat afternoon. at The for checks their Thatcher, Mr. Nelson coming there immediately was served cafeteria nine; S. B. 132, permitting a repre-- 1 Monday A luncheon ment was sponsored by the Tremon- - the office of the county agent. the head- with hla parents in 1900. Last fall under In week's last issue, voldescendent of a Utah ton ward Relief Society in cooperation The balance of the checks are ex- - ing of "As the Editor Sees It," in they moved to Bothwell, purchasing style in the large dining hall. The sentative hosts and hostesses were Mr. and unteer from the Ladies' G. A. R. to with Manager Winzeler of the thea- - pected soon, a member of the control speaking of the officials at the court a farm and home formerly owned by Mrs. Ted Arbon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. attend the national G. A. R. encamp- tre. committee stated. bouse, a typeographical error was L. E. Allrcd, business man of this ments; S. B. 96, permitting unequal from who in which It said "a remark made city. those attend Last, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols, Mr. assessments made Expressions S. against water shares; ed Indicated that the show was great and Mrs. Leo Walker, C. E. Smith, was A writer." It should have been short Relief meetine the Society Ephralm Earl Nelson was born by tnese elderly folks, and held Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. "a remark made to the writer." Mrs. Oneta Schurtz and Miss Ruth B. 99, permitting the state land board cy ly enjoyca September 17, 1884, at Ferry, the son to sell farm lands acquired under their SnnreciAtlnn WAX froplv ovnivnl. 'Xfter thn alnoHncr Johnson. tha artnlotv knows the writer would not of James and Urania Cutler Nelson. Anyone and an at foreclosure appraisal price, ed for the kind consideration shown adjourned permitting the merabern to make such a remark. He courts the j Funeral services will be conducted debtor preference mem Dy me nener Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Taylor were giving mortgage society presidency attend the home remodeling meeting wrong politlca to ao that, Saturday at 1 p. m. in the Bothwell Mr. and to Winzeler. Turn Four) conducted Mr. Page week. ward chapel. , (Please last visitors Trcmonton by England. pre-w- house-adopte- j r Beet Contracts l.iL. nfVfT i ; l ar Mk 3 Utah-Idah- Utah-Idah- j j j i dis-tri- ct j , j Fnnr " I eature Stake Festival j Utah-Idah- acre-festiv- i al : Utah-Idah- I LJ- A - 1 Utah-Idas- Income Tax fore Legislature Not Effect This Year Imperial Appear at i",1". Sun. 11 ct 1 Jas.S.Goldsberry Dies Stroke; Following Services Held Monday j , - Band Organized Promote in this District Activities Planned Board Stake much-talked-- .. t-.u'' of -v- ffiorrfcmrt ';, im-'Th- mu-tua- ls W I e County Basketball Tournament Slated For This Fred Jensen and Clara Kirkham Mary Wed. ar one-ye- ar Earl Store In Brigham Suddenly at His Home Wat-kin- s n, ; J l'lWCUCtl Phplfc - bp-a- j ; j i nt two-ye- Folks Enjoy At Liberty Theatre tur-ne- ' j y. ar |