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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH I FIELDING By Enid Welling ents.'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hess. She returned in the evening to Ogden where Mr. Zundel is improved. Howard Hess, who has been attending school in Ogden, returned home here Sunday after a week at Ogden, where she was ill. It is hoped that he will soon get better and return to school and take up his stu- PLYMOUTH .Mrs. R. Lamb Mr. and Mrs. David Sill of Layton, accompanied by Edith Bourne of spent the weekend visiting with Miss Bourne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Bourne. Rosa Lee Peck of Ogden, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Inez Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burns spent a few days of last week visiting in Salt Lake with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Whitney. Dale and Gale Welling entertained a number of their boy friends at a candy pull Saturday night. A good time was had by all present. A large number of basketball fans attended the tournament held in Ogden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Gam and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Woods and Mrs. Carl Wilcox spent Saturday in Ogden shopping. Phillip Wood who has been in the hospital in Salt Lake for several weeks, returned home Thursday. His condition is improved at this writing. A splendid program was rendered by a group of young people Sunday evening in our conjoint meeting. A song by the girls chorus, a reading by Adair Welling, a trumpet solo by Sher man Halverson ,a talk by Leo Earl, song by the girls chorus and the benediction by Faye Farnsworth. Safety zones are being placed along the highway near the school building and principal Jackman is warning the Og-de- n, j Notice to Contractors BEAR RIVER CITY Bear River By Mrs. C. YV. lirausford Sealed proposals will be received by HIGH LIGHTS its at the City Council of Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iversen spent the office in Tremonton for the construcweekend in Salt Lake City visiGhg RETURNS STAYNER tion of andor improvements to its JUNE with Mrs. Iversen's mother, Mrs. Jowaterworks system, together with Students were surmised to see an hanna Linguist, also with other rela accorin all certain alternate bids, old friend and classmate back toj tives. dance with the plans and specifica- school Tuesday. June Stayner has Miss Lela Jensen spent the week dies. as prepared by C. O. Roskelley, been attending Mesa Union high end in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Dewane Lamb made tions up and until the hour of 11 school, Mesa, Arizona, for the last Mrs. Ruth Andersen and family a business trip to Salt Lake City Engineer, a. m., March 19, 1935, Tremonton, three months, but she will finish the moved to Brigham Friday to make Sunday of this week. at which time and at which rest of the year here and graduate their home. Mrs. Andersen sold her Alma King of Garland attended the Utah, will be publicly opened and with her former classmates next may. home in this place they here mutuals of city to J. L. Andersen the conjoint meetings read. It is the intention of the City in"I had lots of fun, but, Oh! I'm glad and she bought a home in Brigham. a after and very Sunday evening sevto Council under work the award muto be back home," she said. Jay Chnstensen returned home on teresting program put on by the talk. eral contracts, segregating the labor She will assume her duties as presi- Thursday evening .after visiting in tuals he gave a very interesting to and material awards. dent of the Agenda club immediately. Salt Lake City for several days. Many of the young folks went Plans, specifications and proposal finals the to witness Monday evening, March 4, a few Ogden Saturday blanks may be examined at the of- BEARS CELEBRATE friends met at the home of Mrs. Sina in the games being played in the tour- fice of the City Recorder, Tremonton, CLOSE OF SEASON Thorsen in honor of her birthday. The nament. Utah, or they may be obtained at said evening was spent in playing bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson of office successAt the ending of the most upon a deposit of $10.00. Said a delicious tray lunch At eleven Fieldine. visited the Sunday school deposits will be refunded provided the ful basketball season ever had at Bear was servedthirty to sixteen guests. here Sunday morning. Tuesall celebrated students plans and specifications are returned River, Bishop Osey Jensen is in Omaha, to the City Recorder in good order not day afternoon. Neb. club feeding sheep. The South Tremonton A taste of the programs which have later than March 20, 1935. was schools achievement exercises were held Feb. to sent other must given be in been made strict Proposals 26. A very interesting program was accoruance with all the provisions of in assembly when several students or musical numucis, the plans and specifications, and must presented numbers they had previousgiven consisting readings, talks. The visitors were be made on the blank forms provided ly given in different schools of the GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Evan Green, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart of Brigham iCty, by the Engineer. To be considered northern division. Mr. King gave m a girl, born March 4. club hiembers they must be accompanied by a cer- teresting comments from spectators who awarded the and Mrs. Rudy their pins. tified check, Cashier's check or Bid he had heard at different games. SCHOLLER Mr. Scholler, Jr., a boy, born March 6. Bond ,in an amount at least equal to After the program a dance was heia ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Leland five per cent of the following sum: in the gymnasium. of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Anderson Bothwell, a girl, born The base bid, plus all additive alter March 1. at the hospital. Department of the Interior, U. S. nates. CHOSEN COMMITTEES WALKER Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Land Office at Salt Lake City, All bidders are hereby notified that FOR SENIOR HOPPE Walker, a boy, born March 1. 1935 SI, W. a is P. A. this Utah, January project and all work Senior CHRISTEN SEN Mr .and Mrs. Oscar annual the for Committees AlNOTICE is hereby given that contemplated thereunder must be Christensen of Bothwell, a boy, born Hoppe were elected Monday in class meda Frost, widow of Heber L. Frost, done under the rules and regulations March 2. meeting. of the Industrial National Recovery anu MATESEN Mr. and Mrs. Clifford deceased, of Grouse Creek, Utah, who, Sam urpna Woerner, neppier, (See Con Fina Davis will tane care oi mviva. on ADril 26. 1930. made stockraising Act thereto pertaining. Matesen of Bear River City, a boy, Regulations, P. W. A. Bul Hons. e. J. Holmgren. Mildred Theu homestead entry No. 048798, for NW4 struction born March 5, at the hospital. No. 1934. letin March 2, 3, win wkc ADAMS Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Adms Dana rer and stepnenson NEJ Sec. 26, Twp. 12 North Kange no Without be bid will exception, of Thatcher, a boy, born March 2, 18 West.. Lots 2. 3. 4, SWiNEJ sec considered unless rharpi of other arraneements. . ... - .i accompanied by the at the hospital. 13 The Hoppe is now scneauieu North 19 1 Sec. & Lots 2, Twp. 18, bidder's Certificate of Compliance, U. Ranee 17 West SJNE1, SEJ, EiSWi . Government Form P. W .A. 61, Re March 29. Sec. 13. NE1NEJ, Section 24, Town vised March 1934, to the effect that ship 13 North, Range 18 West., Salt the bidder is complying with and will Lake Meridian, has filed notice or in continue to comply with each appliSee Our New tention to make final Proof, to es- cable Code of Fair Competition, or ,in PAPER SAMPLES WALL absence of such Code or Codes, tablish claim to the land above de- the with the President's Reemployment Sun Tested - Washable scribed, before Wm. C. Betteridge Agreement. Copies of this Certificate Utah Grouse Creek, will be included with the "Instructions Notary Public, at on the 26th day of April, 1935. to Bidders." A as witnesses: names Claimant Sips Specific attention is called to the Thomas D. Warburton and M. L fact that not less than the minimum ! A Warburton of Etna, Utah; D. P. Frost wage rates prescribed by the Feder and Wm. Frost, of Grouse Creek, al emergency Administration of Pub & SON lie Works must be paid on this pro Utah. Spend 45 cents today at the City bota for Co. or any drugstore PHONE 3.a-- 3 THOMAS F. THOMAS. Registrar ject.. The right is reserved to accept or Drug fly rupUWb Mixture (triple act 15. reject any or an proposals or alter ing) take a couple of doses and sleep nates. sound most ail nigni long. THE CITY OF TREMONTON, the ordinary oin onH ' nften vyxit; o.f a Municipal Corporation. for 2 ttafiiilf JTilt t'n'rifMiiiii i'ii'tfi continue on is its way cough ISRAEL HUNSAKER. Jr. or 3 days and you'll hear no more cough Mayor of Tremonton City from that tough old hang-o- n SATURDAY seems io... neip u. m i iiBL ruoucauon iw-3that nothing Ar in.n1 i Last Publication utw-sausnea money joyfully BARGAINS Lkm By PAGE THREE 7. 1935 school children to be cautions about getting on the road after school. Much interest is being shown among the school children of the 7th and 8Lu grades as they are gathering all information on the building and the history of the old school buildings that have been built in Plymouth. The best write-u- p will appear in the columns of the local papers in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Eberhart Zundel of Brigham City, were visiting here with Mr. Zundel's mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Zundel, Friday of last week. The entertainment given in the new school building Friday evening in honor of the completion and occupancy by the school children of this magnificent building proved to be the big event of the week, and most of the residents here turned out to enjoy the program and view the interior of the building. A number of the board of education were present and gave some good talks along the educational lines. The stockholders of the Plymouth Water Co. met together Saturday afternoon to talk over the plans of piping the water from water canyon to town for cullinery purposes. Mrs. Welling Zundel of Ogden, was visiting here Sunday with her par- - j 4-- H RECENT BIRTHS 4-- H DR. DON C. JAMES OF SALT LAKE CITY . OPTOMETRIST WILL BE AT THE BRONCHIAL Getz Jewelry Store in Tremonton MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1935 COUGHS Dr. James, recognized as one of the state's leading optometrists, will be here in order that residents of this community may continue to enjoy the same high standards of optometric service as established and maintained by the late William E. Getz. AVOID WAITING PHONE 75.0-- 1 FOR APPOINTMENTS W. E. GETZ JEWELRY Tremonton Flash Relief Like Pay TaMtt 3-- " Every Price a Regular Price Everyone - - -- 11 ... 0. . A . n A Saving 1 it m a artley Stokes - tl fi "Just Home Folks" 1 v Rolled Oats t4t4i44444ii44ttm : m i ' Krj'Mst..-j-i.?i.- x Bag 9-l- b. 1 O. P. S. Jello x sr-,n-i r a? mm- l 3 ' M Wl i d Pkgs., 1 Cake Tin ONLY u m March 8th to the 16th Delegates ircta f ield and garden, orchard and ocean. They're all here! Elected for h flavor and healthfulness. their Assembled by us for your spring pantry-stockinThey'll cure that lean and hungry look of winter-draine- d pantries. Help you achieve appetizing meal variety-easi-ly, quickly! And deliriously, too. Even Lenten d meals offer no problem to the pantry with these quality canned foods. 43c Sperry's 6 iiii i w a m j 17 i WILKINSON tii-n- c t Painting Tinting Paper Hanging and Just Few 2-- im - T&1 25t S0AP'rrr;:':,IWhitf 35c top-notc- . Spinach ' CLEANSER O Q OOd DelMonte 15c Can Quart g. T VI? well-stocke- - PEAS Good Grade - Utah No. 2 Can 90 Solid - 100 Fancy Alaskan Pink 110 BEEF 7 CORNEDBrand Libbys Can 12-o- z. - 150 OYSTERS Fancy Cove 4-o- 100 Can z. 3 Cans " No. " 200 Fancy Flakes Can PINEAPPLE Can - 19c CRYSTAL WEDDING OATS, Package ROCKWOOD COCOA Box 23c -- - 2-l- b. - LAUNDRY SOAP, White King 10 Bars CHOCOLATE, Rockwood's Baking .. yt Lb MACARONI, Hard Wheat 3 Lbs 170 10c 19c 10c 25c - Lb RICE, Blue Rose - 5 Lbs 18c FANCY 25c - JELLO, All Flavors Package CATSUP, Dinnerette Brand -- - 3 14-o- z. Bottle Loaves 2 z. - Lb Heads Dozen - Dozen ORANGES. ExLarge 2 for CARROTS, Bunch . 7C Flavors I A Assorted 3 Packages JLLLU 1 A A rrn uOl1 v I17T 1 Quick Quaker Ux 1 U Large Package A A TC UllO uick Quaker Small Package H Q UK -- OYSTERS ' S'.'!.10!'!'0. 21c 25c SARDINES Ova!T"ns. 3 Caas 25C PRUNES 23c SOUP z. 10c 3 KRAUT2., z. Cans - 2 for ..... Pounds 9c Can 56c Bottle Shaker Imperial, Seedless 8c Dozen 5c 5c 15c 15c 29c 9c ORANGES T 1 yK Dozen Daffodils - FTTITfr Large lULli Head JL Li 1 DEAL .. Pounds JL Grapefruit Fresh for Per 5c 29c 2 Dozen QUALITY MEATS FgPotftoasts Beef Pound 14c IVeal Stew Per 12c Pound Pork Roasts Shoulder Cuts Pound 20c Shortening Pound 33c 33c 8c 13c Egg Noodles 1 Large 1 Qgi Uv Packages Per PRODUCE 19c - - a 28c 43c 10c COFFEE, Airway, Fresh Pound 10 Lbs SUGAR, Utah Beet LETTUCE, Firm BROOMS Kffsaffi 6c - BANANAS, Golden Ripe ZDC WHITE KING 29c CHEESE, Full Cream LEMONS, Juicy Hillsdale Brand No. 2 19c Large Package CORN FLAKES, Utah Large Package ALL-BRA- N MUSTARD, Shaker Pack 100 19c or-Ll- Ei 25c EXTRACTS, Lemon, Vanilla TUNA V2 Can 2-l- b. Lbs BREAD, White or Health SOUP Campbells Tomato 24c - 3 Cans -3 10c 23c - SALMON Tall Can '4 Cans - POWDERED SUGAR Pack Can No. 2 10c CALUMET Baking Powder Pound CLABBER GIRL Baking Powder RED SEAL LYE TOMATOES 10c - 6 Box Carton MATCHES, Good Grade Extra Standard 10c 2 Can $1.41 4-o- z. - 3 No. DELIVED MEAT, Libby's CORN No. FLOUR, Primrose Brand 48 Lbs. Can PEPPER, Schillings Black Can GRAPEFRUIT, Shavers 142-oz- . Red Seal 3 Cans Rice 1 18c WILL BUY FAT VEAL WE WILL SMOKE YOUR MEAT OR SKAGG& Surety 0 Purity |