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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. MARCH 7. 1933 PAGS POUR 'AND IT RAINED Don't Miss High School Operetta Part 200 THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 9, 1935 Students Taking General Admission f Osmond and Mrs. Horton Muller of Farmington. James Osmond and Owen Cook of Salt Lake and Miss WanDOME da Garfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor entertained Monday of last week in honor (Continued From Page One) of Mr. and Mrs. Dalam Kent of Ma-lawere Mr. those present .Among for 30 days; S. B. 92, providand Mrs. Dan Taylor and Mr. and right use of surplus rales tax for for ing Mrs. Douglas Cannon entertained the Mrs. Ed Nelson and son of Burley, deficiencies in state district school E .B. bridge club Saturday. High Idaho. fund and state equalization and genmet at mothers Lower. the Mrs. won Fannie The was score singing by eral funds; S. B. 153, the Cut prize was won by Mrs. Phoebe home of Mrs. Fawn Quinney last state land board to paypermitting the necessary Z. Hepcosts of Haight and low by Mrs. Hazel Ran- Thursday evening. Mrs. R. d prosom. A delicious luncheon was serv- pler and Mrs. Florence Beard acted perty; S.maintaining B. 203, permitting the state were Stella as hostesses. ed. The invited guests Cherry pie land board to sell, without mineral was served to 16 members. The singTaylor and Mrs. Ted Christensen. lands acquired by forereservations, fine. The Treble Cleff club met with ing mothers are progressing closure; H. B. 132, the metropolitan to all with The even sing being object water district act Florence and Marie Gibbs Friday passed might. They will appear in two by the house, and H.previously B. 182, relating ing of last week. On account of sick- your Libat the amateur on night to revision of water to the public by ness there was only nine members weeks abandonment or failure to use. The present. Games were played ,aiter erty theatre. which Mrs. Gibbs served a dainty memorial passed was S. J. 1, urging Miss Burns awarded an COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY luncheon. the sale of Piute, Central Utah and honor pin to Shirley Watland. Carbon water, land and power comMEETS AT GARLAND HOTEL pany projects. The joint resolution Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalton spent killed was S. J. R. 7, amending the Saturday and Sunday at Salt Lake Last Thursday evening the Box El- state constitution to provide for apand Provo attending business and vis- der met a in Medical Society County of court and dispointment supreme iting relatives. business session and entertained their trict court senate bill The judges. and M. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. J. wives at dinner at the Garland hotel. killed was S. B. 68, a legiscreating two children of Richfield .were the of the dinner, auxiliary Following lative bureau and the house bill deZ. R. Mrs. Mr. and of was Heppler guests inaugurated feated was H. B. 268, the medical society the Sunday. Mr. Peterson has been chos- by Mrs. F. M. McHugh, Utah State time in which 1935 auto extending licenses could mission. en to be present of the Texas Mrs. elect, Paul, president president, be secured 30 days. Mrs. Peterson is a sister of Mr. Hep- and other state officers. lower house passed nine house the following billsTheand pler. Following balloting four senate bills, and deMrs. Raymond D. Hunsaker of officers of the Box Elder society were feated one house bill. Bills passed and Lois Cook entertained at elected: Pres. Mrs. T. E. Betensen, dinner Sunday, honoring the birth- Garland; vice pres., Mrs. Reese Mer- were: H. B. 182, the water reversion Mrs, Jay measure; H. B. 24, the new produce day anniversary of their mother, Mrs. rill, Brigham; dealers' license bill protecting farmA. L. Cook. Covers were laid for 15 Schaffer, Tremonton. ers in selling produce; H. B. 62, inThe following physicians and guests guests, among whom were Mrs. Alice creasing premium taxes paid by inDr. in the proceedings: participated surance companies from one and Mrs. Dr. and Paul, and Mrs. McHugh, per cent to four per cent, with a Dr .and Mrs. Pearse, Dr. and Mrs. two and per cent tax in cas Fish, Dr. and Mrs. Schaffer, Dr. and es where 30 per cent of the company Mrs. Bettensen, Dr. and Mrs. White, assets are invested in Utah; H. B. 16, Dr. and Mrs. Merrill, Dr. and Mrs. the gas taxing measure; H. B. 137, Cooley, Mrs. Dr. E. Hammond, Mrs. road commission: fixing a three-ma- n Fosgren. H. B. 138, prohibiting a ir.embor of a business the meeting, Following the road commission being an professional and scientific demonstraicio of the commission ; H. tion was given by Drs. McHugh and B. 77,member the truck licensing bill; 11. B. of Lake Paul Salt City. ft 4, rewriting the workmen's compenThe institution of this professional sation as to include occupational diand social organization was accepted seases as the compensatory a'ntl with enthusiasm by all present. state sole authority to writegive indus-- : trial insurance; S. B. 1, the corp&ra- -' tion franchise tax bill much amended; GOOD 5. B. 88, the individual income tax bill also considerably amended; S. B. ADVICE 139, authorizing the issuance of re Dr. and Mrs. Schaffer entertained of Mrs. Schaffer's birthday anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. Stocks and family of at a bridge party Sunday in honor Bountiful, were present. Mrs. Homer Bradshaw spent last week at Brigham City, visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bott. The Wilson Lumber Co. is putting in a new line of electric refrigerators. They will have a new attractive display room open for Inspection in the very near future. Mrs. W. T. Bennett is visiting at Salt Lake City for a couple of weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John T. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sandall entertained at a rook party Wednesday A delicious luncheon was evening. served to 12 guests. N. T. Spangler spent Tuesday at Salt Lake City attending business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robbins were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Moore and children motored to Logan Sunday to visit relatives. d. state-owne- Hon-eyvill- Curtain 8:15 p. m. 35 Operetta to Be Presented Mar. 9 funding bonds per the governor's tax saving suggestion, and S. B. 205, a water bill; H. B. 268, extending auto license time was passed in the house and killed in the senate. H. B. 89, extending various powers of the state board of education was defeated. Senator Albert E. Holmgren of Bear River City votes no on S. J. R. 7, H. B. 268 and S. B. 68, all of which were defeated in the senate last week. He was absent and not voting on S. B. 35, 33, 34, 92 and 7. He voted yes on all other measures brought to final action. Representative Will R. Holmes of Brigham City, voted no on H. B. 24, 89 and S R 1 Hp vnrori vca r,n all other measures disposed of in the house last week excepting H. B. 4, being absent and not voting on this UNDER THE CAPITOL MflBOCAl Reserved Seats 25 B. R. H. S. 8-- "And It Rained," an operetta in which 200 students will take part, will be presented at the B. R. H. S. auditorium Thursday and Friday evening, March 8 and 9. For two months the operetta has been under preparation under the direction of George O. Nye. The operetta will be extensively costumed, the costumes having been hired from a commercial house. Those who attend are assured a high class and pleasing performance. The curtain is at 8:15. and 438. He voted yes on all other house measures acted upon excepting H. B. 24, 15 and 137 and S. B. 159, Representative E. H. Cornwall of and not voting on these Tremonton, voted no on H. B. 62, 89 being absent bill. j j i measures. FURNITURE Styled to the Spring Tempo e, sec.-trea- "Newness" is apparent in every line and detail of the Spring Furniture Now on Display at Oar Store! one-ha- lf one-ha- lf Come Prepared to be Thrilled by the Varieties and the Low Prices! t ex-of- -f w APPLIES FASCINATING Spring Hats At Fascinating Spring Prices - $1.29 ' $1.95 Specially Priced! It's so easy to be well dressed when millinery is selling at such an unusually low price. Included in this lot are sailors, brims, berets, and tricorns, in a huge variety qf fabrics and straws. And all in grand new springtime shades. With attractive metal ornaments, and gaily colored bands and When it's TRUE STOMACH RELIEF you want, don't tease your stomach with pills and powders. Take a liquid medicine, that will penetrate to the seat of the trouble. Williams S. L. K. Formula is known by thousands as the true stomach medicine. It spreads to the diseased portions of the stomach and helps tone it up to better digest food and eleminate any unhealthy hyper acid AAA AAkAA WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS Williams S. L. K. Formula has printed on its label its entire contents. Your druggist will tell you how good each ingredient is for you. He knows his medicines, and that is who he has been recommending Williams S. L. K. Formula to his friends for their stomach distress. Advise with your druggist today at the City Drug Store. He will tell you more about Williams S. L. K. Formula and explain the relief you should be able to get. (Adv.) FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 8 and 9 ONLY "You Save When You Trade With Us" dram - - 250 2 Muscles so hot and sore and tender they feel as if they had been boiled? And so lame you can't move uiem without crying out from pain? Rub them lightly with penetrating Moone's Emerald Oil one minute's rubbing and soon its penetrating. soothing warmth will soak deep into the tender tissues and ease the pain. Emerald Oil is guaranteed by all good druggists to give you quicker relief than anything else you have ever tried, or it won't cost you a cent. (Adv.) Collates White PERFUMED SOAPS, Cashmere BOQL'ET SOAP - 3 for 6 for .. CREAMS AND LOTIONS 50c 50c 50c 50c 75c 50c 50c FROSTELLA Jergens LOTION' Laura Bond LOTIOX Hinds HONEY and ALMOND CREAM Lady Esther CREAM Woodbury CREAM Woodbury FACE POWDER J. TALCUM Mennens Borated TALCUM Combination Syringe and Water Bottle LYSOL HOSPITAL COTTON, Full Pound McKessons RUBBING ALCOHOL 10c 39c 33c 19c Prophalactic TOOTH BRUSH Colgate TOOTH PASTE LISTERINE, Large McKessons SOL 59 - Pint . S9c 39c 39c . 18c 59c 49c Remedies and Household Drugs McKessons MILK OF MAGNESIA pint .... 89c 25c Chocolate EX-LA" iq0 25c N R. TABLETS 75c Bayer ASPIRIN TABLETS ..'.' 59c MINERAL OIL, Heavy - Pint (lOO's) 39c McKesson COD LIVER OIL - Pint 59c 50c Vlcks Vatrol NOSE DROPS 39c Certified ASPIRIN TABLETS (lOoV) 19c 85c Vicks VAPO RUB 24c 60c ALKA SELTZER 49c CRAZY CRYSTALS - Now $1 00 X 0 V ALTINE 57 M B MONTECLAIR STATIONERY St. Patricks Dance Free Caps - Fun Makers Punch and Wafers for Sale 49c 89c 21c 29c 29c Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE, New Lgs. Size Ipana TOOTHP ASTE Former $1.00 size WARDS PARTICIPATING Special Feature Irish Dance in Irish Costume 57c 98c 10c 19c 19c 37c 29c - 28c Tooth Pastes and Mouth Wash MAX FACTOR'S B. It. H. S. MARCH 14, 40c Per Couple 3c SICK ROOM SUPPLIES HOT W ATER BOTTLE 3 UU U Palmolive SHAVE CREAM, Giant Sise Ingrams SHAVING CREAM GEM and EVERREADY' BLADES PROBAK BLADES - 4 for 50c Barbosol SHAVE CREAM Colgates AFTER SHAVE McKessons S1LWE CREAM 39c S9c .... 89c 55c 85c 35c MALTOSE IiPUE P fl U II FOR THE SAFE TREATMENT OF SHAVING NEEDS 25c 19c 29c 29c 29c 27c BABY NEEDS Drama Festival ADMISSION $1.19 TOILET SOAPS STAKE M. I. A, MARCH 15 AT B. R. H. S. LARGE SIZE drams - - 390 JVassours CASTILLE - round Bar 25c Packers TAR SOAP PALMOLIVE SOAP - 6 for Colgates BIG BATH SOAP - 6 for . & 4 49 - NTPPLES, 3 hole - 3 for - FREE MALL SIZE Boyer Lilly of the Valley PERFUME (in bulk) DEXTU S M A ADMISSION Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded Thrifty Buyers Sale MUSCULAR 2U Tremonton, Utah condition. 1 umi Ft Add happiness and comfort WHERE X'" 98c Brighten up your home .... 60 sheets, 25 envelopes, both " STANDARD 39 i Oil PEARL OIL DEALERS Tremonton, Utah BLUE CREEK STORE (Leon Dunn, Prop.) M M In exquisite color shades perfected for the screen stars, nd for you, by Max Factor, Hollywood's Make-U- p Genius,. .It clings for hours. 98 H bar-mo- ny M M M Challenge (Square) M M TREMONTON HARNESS & ACCESSORIES CO, INC. (Elmer Gorring, Prop.) D AURAL II EATON SERVICE H ALARM CLOCKS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA $100 M MAX FACTOR. HOLLYWOOD "Cosmetics of the Stars" ELECTRIC FLAT IRON 6-l- b. - Guaranteed POCKET WATCHES $1.00 St Regis CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 H $1.49 H 890 I X JLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |