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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935 PAGE TITO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at T ream ton, Utah as Second Class Matter. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates $2.00 One Year (in advance) 51.00 Blx Months (in advance) Three Months (in advance) - - - - 50tf Free to Public Tbe only place in tK U. S. where cataloct and Jvertmiii matter cmwrim any line of buiincM or product can be obtained Free tod Without Library. Ookcatun i the American Industrial Write (or Buainea Advertiainc Matter yon are interested in; aame will be promptly forwarded. AMERICAN IMDUSTRIAL LIBRARY EaaisMriniBaildiaa, Ckioato. liUaoi To Your Town as well as to your Country PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS r BOTHWELL Mrs. Ezra Harris By Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Summers n and Miss LaVera Summers were visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Rasmus Anderson is confined to her bed with a bad case of flu. Helen and Russell Christensen visited with relatives in Salt Lake Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Christensen are baby happy over the arrival of a fine boy born Saturday, March 2. Mrs. Christensen is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers and children spent the weekend in Clinton, visiting with Mrs. Summers' Mr. and Mis. John Child. Mrs. Dorothy Paskett returned to her home in Henifer. after spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mr3 E!i Andi&on. Mr. and Mrs. Leiand Anderson aiei the proud parents of a baby girl, born Morch 1 at. the. Yallcv hospital This is the first Uabv ir the lami.y. Mother and daughter ie dung nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Newman and daughter, LaVon, and Miss Wanda Anderson spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pollack and children returned to their home in Los Angeles, Calif., after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Pollack's mother, Mrs. J. J. Newman. Fred and Lydia Eberhard spent the weekend with their uncle, Herman Eberhard and family. They are students at the A. C. at Logan. The Primary girls met at the home of Mina Eberhard Wednesday and made popcorn balls for the Primary dance which was held Thursday nite. It was a big success and everyone reported a fine time. John Eberhard visited with his cous Ins, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eberhard at Preston, Idaho, Friday. A mass meeting was held here on Wednesday night to discuss the feasibility of developing our water resources to be used for culinary purIt was deemed advisable to poses. incorporate a town here. Commitees were appointed to map the community and report at the next meeting to be called by the chairman. County Attorney Lewis Jones, was present. Og-de- pa-cnt- s, i i 4- - NOTICE DEWEYVILLE By Mrs. Thomas Ault ! i , Clarence Perry, Max Germer, Nor ma Hansen, Arlin and Donna Marble students of the U. S. A. C. at Logan spent the weekend with their par ents, returning to Logan on Sunday. duo Laree Barnard attended a training school held at the U. S. A. C. at Loeran during the past week. Miss Verla Barnus of Logan spent a few days here with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlin Memmott ai.d children of Ogden, visited here with relatives Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. Verle Barnard were Ogden visitors Monday. Tuesday at noon, impressive funeral services were held for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Johnson. Bishop Marion G. Perry was in charge.. Musical numbers were furnished by Tillie Lish, Cleo and Edith Marble, Mrs. Etta Gardner, Bishop Johnson and Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. H. A. Lish. The speakers were Floyd Johnson, Bishop Gam, O. W. Snow, Jr., and Bishop Marion G. Perry. The benediction was given by Bi3hop A Bingham. The grave was dedicated by Jarvis Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have the sympathy of all in the loss of their small daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burbank attended the the funeral services of Mrs. Jeanetta Pett at 2 o'clock in the L. D. S. Third ward chapel, under the direction of Bishop J. Frank Bowering at tmg-haCity, Sunday. Mrs. Oswald Harwood and son, of Ogden, were calling on relatives here Sunday. Newman Harris has opened up a grocery store at Honeyville. Ralph Jensen, principal of the district school, has returned from the hospital in Ogden, and will soon be able to resume his school work. Miss Wanda Anderson of Elwood, is spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. Newman Harris. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Lish were calling on relatives in Brigham, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr of Brig-haCity, were calling bbb JunaC No bills will be allowed or paid by Tremonton City unless a purchase order has been duly issued before the purchase has been made. By Order of Tremonton City Finance Committee. By i FOR SALE Perfectly clean seed brewery barley. Elmer Hall, Gar7 land, Utah. tip. 3-- FOR SALE Seed barley and oats. Richardson, Elwood. t2p. NOW - Notice to Growers We have been appointed sales agents to furnish brewing barley for this district. If you plan on planting barley for Beckers, be sure and get your seed barley from us. This barley has been shipped in from California and is the only type of barley that will pass inspection in the fall. So if you want to raise barley for Beckers, get your seed from us. Ma-la- d, Ma-la- d, Place Your Orders at Once! PHONE BEST PAINTS ! THESE STORMY DAYS I IMPERIAL WALL PAPER up-to-da- 3. 77.0-- to be found w ell, anywhere. The modern Lumber business is no two by four affair, it's a SCIENCE. A real department Store. We furnish anything from a 2x4 to a finished house, including HARDWARE - PAINT WIRE GOODS - ROOFING HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 1 Community LOST -- PUBLIC AUCTION Wilson Lumber Co PHONE 11 Will be Held at 2. We are prepared to hatch your turkey and hen eggs. Most modern and equipment made. Quality Leghorn chicks, bred for profit, $10.00 per hundred. All hatching on our own place .from breeding hens from trapnested stock, disease resistant, low mortality, Hanson strains. F. B. Barlow, Tremonton, phone 74.a-- 2 We invite you to call in and look over our stock of custom-bui- lt harness, sewed with the best linen thread obtained. No wire brads or tacks to rust and dig your horses. Made from Choice Oak Tanned Leather PRICES REASONABLE TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TREMONTON HARNESS & ACCESSORIES CO., INC. Manufacturers of High Grade Harness REAR OF FARMERS' CASH UNION IN TREMONTON 4. Saturday March 9, AJLTEJYUOJN COMMENCING AT 10 a. m. .... We will sell anything of value - for cash including LIVESTOCK (Work Horses, Dairy Cattle, and Fat Stock) OR ANY POULTRY, MACHINERY, FURNITURE ARTICLE LARGE OR SMALL, for 5 up to $50.00, and 3 over $30.00 WE WILL HAVE BUYERS FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK BRING THEM IN! -- .... - THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH NOW OFFERS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE I YOUR PLACE SANITARY 1 -- - Articles Will be Received on Saturday, up to 10 a. m. For Further Information Contact GEORGE CROZIER, PARK STUMM or GLENN MASON FOR ICE Beverages & Coal SEE- BESSINGER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH 36 : By building new sanitary pit- - privies, make sewer connections, build septic tanks, and remodeling old buildings. 2 - All labor will be furnished without cost to the applicant. -- REMODELING YOUR HOME ? If So You Will Find It Profitable to Figure With Us 3 - Our Stock Is Complete! t it will furnish material used in construction. Keep Step With the Trend BUILD, REPAIR OR REMODEL The cost of material is very low. The project is of short duration and 4 5 YOUR HOME : TREMONTON, UTAH e, te -- te BUILDING MATERIAL ESTABLISHMENT AUGUST NUSSBAUM PHONE & Co. have no terror for the many good people living in well built homes, with good lumber and other good material from the must SKILLED WORKMANSHIP AT REASONABLE PRICES FOR SALE Used Maytag washer, cheap. Maytag Shop. Phone 54.a-A gray range horse, weight about 1250 lbs, with shoes on front. Call H. A. Hawks, Blue Ridge - 41.a-- l Lars Anderson AND AVOID THE RUSH LATER FOR SALE 225 pullets. See Ferrell Wood, Thatcher. CHICKS AND HATCHING Tremonton, Utah - Phone 28 I Painting - Paper Hanging - House Cleaning Gil-2-2- Co. " Thomas Kay returned from his trip Salt Lake City and Mona on Monto a called Hunsaker The Mayor Ray While in Mona he attended the day. meeting here Monday evening to give old folks reunion. a report and further discuss the possibilities of a water system here. Mr. and Mrs. Bowcutt of the stake Dr. Wm. Eli Hawkins genealogical committee .attended the CHIROPRACTOR genealogical meeting here Monday out. a was turn There MIDLAND HOTEL good evening. 2 to 5 p. m. Office Hours What other cities have done, your HOME PHONE: 7.3-- 5 city con do in proportion to its capacity. b. 6-- Fronk Chevrolet W the and other matters pertaining (j& Classified Ad Column 4P3-J-- MAKE GOOD OR WE DO hr water supply of that place. m e. 7 an-nt- ELWOOD Bil-li- e, 8 (nwirfi The Tremonton unit of the P. T. A. held a meeting at the school building Thursday afternoon, Feb. 28. President Mrs. Israel Hunsaker, gave a resume of Founders day of the P. T. A. and a brief outline of the local ac-- . tivities. A committee was aDDointed to meet with the school board to apply for a water tap to be put on the drinking fountain in the school yard; the installation cf a fire extinguisher in the school building; and the services of a plumber to repair the plumbing in the school lavatories. An interesting and inspiring talk on -- Enriching Family Life in the Home,'' was given by Mrs. Maud Cook, and a talk on "Junior Flower Garden Clubs," was discussed by Mrs. Gifford Watland. Fcur new members were accepted into the unit. A very good representation of parents and teachers were present. The meeting was adjourned until March 7th, at which time everyone is invited and the members of the P. T. A. are especially urged to be present. m ly OUR CHILD GARLAND Mrs. Geo. A. Beal Mrs. F. J. Limb was hostess to the Ladies Self Culture club at her home Friday, March 1. Pres. Mrs. T. E. Betensen was in charge. A very interesting program was given consisting of a cornet solo by Theo Limb; talk by Dr. T. E. Betensen; duet by Mrs. Earl Hales and Mrs. Henry Tubbs of Riverside, accompanied by Mrs. A. D. Rich. The new members Mrs. Arthur Welling, Mrs. Alma King and Mrs. James Trinnaman, were introduced by Mrs. Harold Persson and welcomed into the club by Pres. Mrs. T .E. Betensen. Luncheon was served members and eight to thirty-on- e guests. Club will meet March 15, with Mrs. G. W. Bradford. Mrs. E. Louis Johnson had as her guests on Sunday, Miss Joan Bingham of Brigham City; L. A. Hansen and daughter, Luella, of Warren, and Oliver Williams of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gunderson entertained in honor of the grade school teachers at their home Thursday night. Bridge was the diversion of the evening and luncheon was served to sixteen guests. Mrs. J. H. Kirkham left WednesBy Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen day for a short visit with relatives in S Salt Lake City and Lehi. Mrs. David E. Manning is spending Mrs. .and of Mr Dee Selman ,son the week in Salt Lake City. John Selman ,and Miss Mildred Hess, Mrs. T. E. Betensen, Mrs. F. J. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Limb, Mrs. C. E. Pinder, Mrs. J. L. Hess of Fielding, were married at Harvey, Mrs. T. W. Innes and Mrs. the Logan temple Feb. 26. Rulon Manning attended a bridge Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Hansen of luncheon given by the Civic Improve- Mink Creek, Idaho, came down last ment club at Brigham City, SaturTuesday. They purchased the farm of day, March 2. H. C. Hansen and will move here in Mrs. Ira L. Bennion who was Miss the near future. Helen Harvey, gave birth to a fine Mrs. Bennett of Mink Creek, Ida., baby boy Monday, March 4 ,at the spent a few days last week visiting Vernal hospital. her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Johns spent Fred Barfus, also her daughter who the weekend with relatives in Sanpete is staying with the Barfus family, atcounty. tending the Bear River high school. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Swinyard had Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen accomas their weekend guests, two daugh- panied by Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Barters, Mrs. J. P. Jensen of Brigham fus went to Ogden on Wednesday to City and Mrs. H. G. Wrigha of consult a specialist in regard to their Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Horn of health. were also guests at the Swinyard J. M. Mortensen went to Salt Lake home on Sunday. on business last week. City Mrs. Glen Baron and small son are The M Men and Gleaner banquet guests this week of her parents, Mr. was held here last Thursday. and Mrs. Geo. O. Nye. After a most delicious luncheon a Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Capener were dance was FOR SALE 97 stands of bees with enjoyed. business visitors in Ogden, Monday. and Peter Rasmussen of Salt extractor, top boxes, Luby Rulon Hanson visited a short time Lake City, came home Thursday nite gasoline stove, 2 gallon cophis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank to visit their sister, Veda. Peter alper kettle with steam knife and with brood foundation, 200 Hansen. so attended the banquet. hose, 150-lwood frames unopened, 40 gallons bee feed, and other accessories. Sarah K. Shuman, Tremonton, K. DO YOUR t2. F. D. No. 2. ton-Garla- Culli-mor- EAST TREMONTON 4-- H The Tremon Literary meetclub met in their ranch. tf. ing at the home of Winona Mulliner. The book "My Own Story," by Marie Dressier, was reviewed by Edna Hen-ri- CASH PAID for dead and useless A delicious tray luncheon was cows and horses. Call Maple CreeK served to 13 members and Mesdames Trout Hatchery, Brigham Swensen, Bettenson, Gaddie, Reverse Charge. tf Carter and Taylor. FOR SALE 1 set used harness, in FOR SALE House, See Mrs. 1 Tremonton Har good condition. bert Parker. tf. ness & Accessories Co. 2.28 tf . semi-month- Miss Melba Hansen has been home from Salt Lake City and been quite By Mrs. P. E. Ault ill, put is now on the improve. -teachers and .14 A. officers M The Dot Fridal attended a refrig Mrs. the of in honor gave a surprise party convention at the New House mutual president, Owen Rasmussen erationin Salt Lake City Friday. and his bride at the amusement hall hotel E. Ault and Harvey Ault K Mrs. a and were Games played Saturday. were Ogden and Salt Lake City visretray lunch served. The couple itors on Friday. ceived a beautiful present. Mrs Charles Peterson was hostess . chiland Mr. and Mrs. Kim Mann to the Ladies Farm Bureau Friday-afternoondren and Cyril Wright went to Ogden After an interesting lesto visit Mr. Wright's family Sunday. son on Paint-up- , Clean-u- p and Keep-u- p, Mr. Wright's health is improved but Abbott dainty reLewis Mrs. by he decided to return and spend freshments were served the 13 ladies wpck on the farm. present. The next meeting will be en-- J Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen with Mrs. Jones on Monday, April 8. tertained nine guests Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager motored and A three course dinner was served to Salt Lake City, Sunday and visited the remainder of the evening was their children, Dr. Tyrell Seager, Ausspent in playing rook. tin Seager and Mrs. Harry Furse and Mrs. Elias Andersen went to Logan family. on Monday where she was visited her Mr. and Mrs. Cephus Anderson and children, Milton and Norma. visited in Brigham City Sun- Sam Mortensen, Hyrum Christen- family sen and John Bronsen went to Cor-inn- e day. Zeb White spent the fore part of Monday to investigate the cost last week in Salt Lake City. to should be taken advantage of NOW! Wc Are Headquarters for All Your Needs in LUMBER, HARDWARE, HARNESS, FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES Further information can be obtained at 6 the lumber companies or your city officers. We Have a Complete Line of FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS DR. JAY. M. SCHAFFER, PAUL HEITZ, Farmers' Cash Union City Health Officers. "Your Good Will Oar Best Asset" 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l H M I II 1 1 1 IH 1 H 11 1 1 1 1 |