Show monument to jacob hamblin ready for unveiling Unveil ind ceremony the monument erected on the old kanab fort site in honor of jacob hamblin Hani blin apostle to the indians Is completed and ready for tile the unveiling ceremony which will take place next sunday sundays september 3 apostle george A smith president of the utah pioneer trails and landmarks association john D giles and probably howard R driggs ot of the oregon trails and landmarks association will be present and take charge of the ceremony the utah pioneer trails and landmarks association are furnishing a beautiful bronze plaque 24 inches by 21 inches with a raised figure of an oxen head the official marker of the association at the center top of the plate with the following inscription below erected sept 2 1933 jacob hamblin born april 2 1819 died august 21 1886 the great mormon frontiersman and I 1 indian missionary mission ary settled in the tooele valley utah in 1850 and began peaceful negotiations with the ted mon men he was so successful that the officials of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints sent him bint to establish residence resi denee among the indians indiana at santa clara utah in 1854 A fort was settled on this site in 1865 1966 into which he moved in 1860 he assisted major J W powell and party in 1869 72 he was transferred in 1978 to arizona and later to new mexico he la Is buried at alpine arizona hla his friendship with the indians indiana saved many lives utah pioneer trails and landmarks association and the citizens of the kanab stake the monument was erected by local men under the direction of the high priests quorum of the kanab stake it Is built of petrified trees and native stone and cement it Is some 12 feet high and about 8 9 feet wide with a center column of a petrified tree standing on a cement and otone atone base and two knotted petrified trees treba of shorter dimensions at the sides between the 91 6 feet center columns and the two outer shorter columns is rock work of 0 native stone and content cement the petrified trees tit in tho the monument were selected from some found just north of the historic navajo wells east of kanab those who assisted in the construction st of the monument were W W adair adaar joseph W V covington heber J meeks juleus S dalley dailey joseph S johnson frank at mi hamblin am jacob crosby jet at To johnson linson orson W pratt J G Shu shumway alafe ford isaiah meeks brig hama batra ham A higgs george crosby wm Mackle prang jack crosby john hamblin and claude ford the high pr priests tests of tho the kanab stake also alao made oon contributions tribu in cash |