Show the livestock situation by LA L A mcnaughton 0 1 los loa An angeles golos august 28 1933 ono of most elaborate schemes in ili modern times for the alio purpose ot of In cresing commodity prices I 1 la a now being tried out by tile tho united states government starting on august 23 tile tho secretary of agriculture announced that tile U 8 agricultural Agil cultural adjustment would pincha oo every pig weighing from 50 to pounds ind and nil all piggy sows bows over pounds on oil the public stock block yards at pron premium flum pricel pric pr lc tL it la Is estimated that the gov ornament will bo called upon to purchase a minimum um of four millton million pigs and ono one million bred flows gildor this plan pi ili ices to bo be paid producers range from 0 6 to 9 cents a pound for foi pigs strictly according to weight and market price pi ice for sows bows plus four dollars per lead head with no lockage dockage tor for sowa as Is customary on oil the markets during tho first two days in which tile united states government the role lolo of tile tho world largest live pork buyer nearly ono one hundred bundled thousand pigs and brod bred sows bows wore more offered on oil tho the middle western markets the scheme Is expected to reduce tile the 1933 34 winter hog market ns as well as the 1934 1034 hog marketing by at least 20 per cont cent roughly officials believe that tills this will moan tile elimination of tile tho actual surplus pork product ion thus paving tile the WILY way for inci increased eased creased pilcha of live hogs on tile tho market by at least 25 to 30 per cent to pay for tile the purchase of these hogs a processing tax amounting to loss than a holt halt cent a pound will bo be levied against all packers who slaughter hogs beginning october let chicago la Is used as the basic market with prices to bo be paid tor for pigs alga running a hundredweight less at missouri Inar keKs and 60 cents loss less at rocky mountain anti pacific coast markets all of the meat ineat from those these hogs will be purchased by tho the government for relief purposes and allt Is not to go 90 into usual retail ineat inott channels in edible product it Is promised w all iii not compete with established trade sonic some product la Is expected to bo be ox ex ported tho the plan Is expected to prove of real benefit to middle western farmers who are short of feeds because of drouth conditions the ex west Is not expected to share in the alio program as there Is no surplus of hogs hoga on tile the pacific coast however western stockmen stoc kmen may be expected to share in to the general market which Is an those who life aro in the habit of buying young pigs for feeding purposes aro are loft out of the picture us its they cannot compete with the gov nent price schedule such feeders will either have to arrange to raise their own pigs or else get olit of the hog feeding business during the next few months mont lis this la Is not a serious program ns the govern government ineat pig buying Is expected to cease by october the effect of the huge 3 will be interesting to observe Pa partners and stoa knien nien are hopeful that it will prove highly beneficial to tile the price structure deet beet battla producers are watching the experiment with great interest tod to d alre talking of requesting the govern ment to work out cut some s such lich plan for cattlemen |