Show vernon davies has returned frola it i three wool trip to tho the northern part of the state mr tuil anti mra airs fred alex alexander ander ot of panguitch wore visitors at tile tho honio of mra airs alexanders parents par onta mr air and airs non ban P F campbell miss julia thompson has haa 1 been con VINI visiting ting in ili tropic at tile tho homo home of mr all alad mrs airs mark alark johnson linson Jo aless Itu porta ingram ingrain lias has re turned hoino from a three weeks visit with mr air and mi airs a vernon of jack Pl etchol of alt was u visitor in one olio lay day laet week weak mra airs fletcher FIet clief who has as visiting with rolli tives and friends boro returned turned le to hor honio home any klinor ellner liaa has returned fro bioni the hard wednesday most of tile residents ot of Cannon vIllo and a few front tropic wont went to and gave it i shower ind and party for mr air and mry afro grant shumway A very enjoyable dine was had and many beautiful sins gifts received by tho the elde and groom mrs airs shumway y was wan formerly atlas klesli 1 idali thorn p son soil of mrs J at N nelson has returned home hoino after a visit of several days daya in suit luke lake city J AI nelson went to saturday Fatur day on business busl noaa I 1 win adair of tropic was a vis via hor in cannonville Cann onville tuesday ile ho Is looking after the busi business noss of having tile school building cleaned and renovated preparatory to the opening school john 11 II davis and IV jasper went to Pan gultch sun day on OIL business mr air henderson went W ont to salt lake city monday A meeting of 0 the citizens was waa catlett called saturday oven evening ilig in ili tile in teros t of the pipe line water system mr air and mra airs roy twitchell and mr air and mrs airs powell leo loft tuesday for hurricane mr air and mrs lee expect to make inake their home hoine thero A earn corn roast was waa enjoyed by the young people of Cannon villo tuesday evening |