Show afla HALF A ak ilk ar MT AWN 0 R SHOE of ARL NIS since wearing wolver waiver J ines for tho the list last 3 years I 1 find I 1 buy only half as many pairs as I 1 used to bu bm I 1 t other work shoes reports a it t customer of ours oura that makes half ray my work shoes freo free work shoo wearers bearers by tho thousands aro are cutting their work shoe choe bills and retting getting more moio easo caso anil and comfort with wolverine shell wolverines rines exclusive triple tanning process tans shell ll 11 d 0 ilk like c no other leather why wolverines rinea rines dry out soft and pliable uppers dont resist adds acids soles flexible us as bamboo scams sewed with 4 ply thread lodged in tho the surface to prevent ripping whether you fire aro on a farm or dairy truck or tractor make cement or drill for oil work in factory or railroad patrol a beat or fight fires wolverines rines can make your job easier and savo save you money now selling at lowest prices in ill 18 years como in and try kiy on your favorite style today ankle length to knee high WO RIN may workum WORK OWES Y hatch mercantile col co LOST groon green fountain fount aln pon on main alain st finder gleaso return to IV earl pendleton Poud Pond leton reward I 1 handclasps Hand clasps T an outstretched hand a friendly voice you can put no price on these X simple gestures yet they mean so much A members of your family X relatives and friends in other cities are too far away for handclasps hand clasps but you can greet them by voice telephone them tonight its next best beat to seeing thorn then the long distance operator will tell you any rates you would like to know the mountain states telephone telegraph company local and long r distance aw a A hundred pounds or a carload 0 regular trips to salt lake lahe city Can cameron neron truck line TELEPHONE 80 t philo cameron Came roii mgr FOUND hunch bunch of keys in container at Air doino owner can have leavo same by calling at nowa news describing sanio same and paying for tilts ad I 1 iii at is crotty oto 10 ot RIAS I 1 V 1 Q r IT vie yo t oil VO n N sto y her the flat N ow for me 41 any ccleen her loves so 0 llotys so ephs tri and I 1 N 71 4 I 1 MAE bla Dr decad cAd by eddie HUB THEATRE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2 and 3 1 comedy short subjects regular prices fill WHO WILL PAY YOU OR YOUR FAMILY if you are killed in an automobile accident protect Irot oct yourself up to for or the small sum of 2 cents a dayl day I 1 avery member ot at the farmers automobile inter insurance exchange should know these facts about our special Pors personal onal accident policy the policy pays you if you are injured while walking injured while driving your youl own owl car in jurod while driving another persons car injured while riding as in a passenger burned by fire a or r ox ex plo slow overcome by gas from the exhaust injured white while cranking LL a car c ar injured while demonstrating a car cut by flying glass hurt by being thrown against the top etc tills personal injury policy la is so broad so liberal that it Is almost impossible to bo be injured by nn an auto truck or trailer and not receive compensation it protects you whether tile the car Is il moving loving or not on or off tile tho highway anywhere in the united states or canada for more detailed information see W V narl earl pendleton district manager for aarti hartield eld deavor beaver san juan kane wayno wayne and pluto plute counties all Inq inquiries uries gladly nn an scored adv legal N notices notices constitutional amendments constitutional AMENDMENT IN RELATION TO MINIMUM WAGES FOR FOH WOMEN AND MINORS A joint resolution 11 1 0 po ing an n amendment me to 0 o attic article 16 c of the th constitution by the addition of a section It elating tu to minimum wago wage for women and nil nd gener general W welfare 1 fare of A any ny and ill all employers employee ill be it res resolved Ived by the lature of the th state solon t of utah two t hl rd of all th anem b bera ra elected to each ach house hour concurring the therein reins I 1 SECTION 1 that it to li proposed to amend article 13 18 of the constitution by the addition ol of a section lection which will read ai u follow I 1 SEC FC 8 the legislature may by appropriate legislation pr vido tot for the ht nent of 0 a minimum mini minimum mom wage for or women and minors and may provide for the comfort health safety and general welfare of tiny any and all employees employee no provision of this constitution shall be construed as ai a limitation upon the authority of the leg slature lali iture to confer upon any commission no now au or hereafter created such luch po power and authority as the legislature may d deem ier eem it to carry out the provisions a of f this 4 tec sec tion constitutional AMENDMENT RE HE LATING TO intoxicating LIQUORS A joint revolution pro an amendment to article of th tin of the th state of utah by section 3 thereof relating to the pro iru hibi tion and nil regulation of 0 sate sale manufacture vie use advertisement of ion of or traffic in intoxicating liquors no be it resolved by the legislature of the state of utah two thirds of all mem lier lers elected to each hour and two ie thirds third of all the members of each house hoar concurring the therein reint 1 SECTION 1 repeals g section I 1 of article 22 that it Is proposed to abend article ot of the constitution of utah in the lh following particular to biti that hint section 3 of article of the c institution of 0 utah be anil and the U same nine is 1 hereby repealed SECTION 1 2 duty of 0 secretary of state the secretary of state li is hereby directed to submit the proposed amendment con herel nto to the electors electon of the tate state at the next general election in th the wonner provided ded by law SECTION 9 effective date if adopted by tho the electors electo r a of the tate state tills amendment shall hall h have ave effect on the first day ot of january next succeeding a determination by the board 0 of stats state canvassers of the remit of the election designated in section 2 hereof 1 hl 11 II welling secretary of state of the state rt r it t utah do da hereby certify that the foregoing forc KoIne la is a full true and correct copy of tho the constitutional amendments amendment proposed by the relar and special session lei iloni of record in my office I 1 in n w atness whereof I 1 have hereunto let et my hand and affixed the great seat of the tha state of utah this lot lit day of ef september 1938 1933 SEAL secretary of state pint first publication september 8 6 logs last publication november 6 1683 1983 BEFORE B N F 0 R dl TUB THE PUBLIC UTILITIES commission OP OF UTAH in the matter of the application ot at NORM SARGENT for a certificate 0 of convenience and necessity osal to operate as a common carrier of property between Alary evale and Pan gultch utah caad no 1410 NOTICE OF HEARING notice Is hereby given that the application app tion of norm sargent for a certificate ot at convenience and necessity to operate as a common carrier of property between marys yale vale and Pan gultch utah will be heard before tile commission at its office state capitol on oil tho the eth day ot of september 1933 at 10 1000 00 A at hy order of the commission P F L osria 00 till secretary dated tit at salt lake city utah this lay day of august 1933 first firs publication august 25 1933 last publication sept 8 1933 1033 DEF ORE 1 1 U 1 1 16 5 16 TIES TICS commission OP UTAH in tile the mater of tile tho application of PHILO VA V cami A RON mon tor for bermis stan to op operate irate as a common motor corrior of property between salt lake city and utah case no 1397 NOTICE OF HEARING notice la IS hereby given that the application of pello cameron for permission to operate as a coin common nion 1 motor carrier of property between salt lake city and panguitch Pan gultch utah will bo be heard before tile the com coin mission at its office state capitol salt lake C city ity utah on the gil day ot at september 1933 tit 1000 10 00 a ili hy by order of the Cornin islon dated nt at salt lake city utah tills alst day of aug august t 1933 F L 1 I seat seal secretary NOTICE FOR publication PUBLISHER department of the interior U S land office bt at salt lake 77 utah aug 2 1933 cit 7 i notice is ili hereby given that IT rum A adair adah at 0 rubya in inn iiii utah who on may alay 18 1931 mado I 1 hora hom i mead entry no 0 49 9 50 for nt nwe ea 4 itsou on 7 71 township 36 south 3 west salt lake alert merilan south t rang m hs filed notice of intention t to 0 mat 1 s final filial proof to establish claim e tile the I 1 land and a above b ova described bedfor F to thomas F P Th thomas onias Ite Keg luter glater U i land office nt at salt lake cn utah on all the city ber bar 1933 day of se nora m claimant names as joseph A Ni Marshi arshall ill and roland al marshall a r sh a 1 1 of Wid tsoo utah and A abel b e i 1 riding ti d in g and harry chandler of salt lake city utah THOMAS F THOMAS register er first publication aug 11 1933 last publication sept S 1933 FORWARD automobile INSURANCE TUNED TO THE TIMES tho the foremost economists and farm leaders havo have cOliten contended deI for years that the excessive sales cost of getting products of 0 the tann farm to the final consumer has nearly broken tile the back of tho farmer the modern trend Is to ell minato the loading of excessive sales expense automobile insurance should be no exception by applying the true trite principles of operation cooperation co to the ansur ance business the exchange cuts out the constantly repeating sales cost we sell the policy to you once thereafter the he policy la Is automatically renewed by payment of your premium billand bill and nd YOU SAVE THE DIFF FERENCE difference ill I 1 11 sed by alio Nat national lonal grange OFFICES AGENTS everywhere write today for our financial statement tat ement and iam information on the low rates rate for your car FARMERS automobile INSURANCE INTER EXCHANGE W JEARL EARL PENDLETON 1 DISTRICT MANAGER P 0 box 64 PANGUITCH UTAH FARMERS AUTO INTER insurance EXCHANGE W earl pendleton panguitch Pan gultch utah please send me booklet on accident facts and full In information on oil tills this low insurance name street rt town occupation present ins ina expires I 1 make of car typo type of at dody body year jj 1 I I 1 J there may be an opportunity tor for you to represent the exchange ag in your community why not write in MEMBER US WE DO OUR PART quality and value these are our watchwords tho woman who shops here finds that she ohe can obtain more and better food for less money and got tile the best and most courteous service our grocery la Is up to date wo we do business in a mo modern derli efficient mai manner iner no waiting prompt deliveries of orders no mistakes every day we have astonishing specials real bargains for the woman who seeks to buy tile the best rt at tho the lowest price we handle no merchandise that has not thel the highest leSt reputation for merit purity and S V Ys CASH STORE the smart grocery store |