Show D DIED I 1 E dla dia dih in springville Spring vilie ville city vak may jtb IS iso M of croup RICHARD son of henry and elezi beth roylance aged 5 3 months mouths and 12 cays at hyrum city cache co utah t of dropsy NIELS seed beed aeed ae ed 67 years seed leed was as a mem berof the high priests quorum he embraced the gospel in by kugla sweden 1855 1655 emigrated to utah 1872 1873 he lived and died a faithful latt latter er day 11 tnt scandinavian papers please copy tn in this thib city at i 2 amio a am amlo m io may 21 at 1879 of bleeding after diphtheria IDA daughter of samuel A and frances aua ana woolly Woo iley llcy born jaily july being belnac 1 year 8 9 months and 28 daib dais a old at franklin 0 goelda nei net county idaho may way 1879 of ria ABIA ARIA CECILIA routen daughter daug of jared and harriet potter aged LL 11 years 6 months and nod 8 days also at the same place my of same disease dl seBe sese hyrum JAMES PERKINS ared aped byear I 1 year 9 mor moi the and 18 13 da dai axi a 8 both deaths ii in the same family in the irth ward of this city thursday may and nd at 12 45 pm room p m of diphtheria JOHN W sort eon ot of edward L and mary alary sloan aged 13 years and 7 months mouths tn gunnison Gunn teon county may jamrs JAM el pt ING lebon son bon of thomas i and Bl izabeth elizabeth pringle aged 29 years al igue copy t at asbey ashley fork wasatch count v march ad 18 1879 9 of diphtheria JOHN son of Irean curn cura and mary jane taylor aged 10 years and 7 months also ateo of same disease on ort the stat slat of march marcho 1879 albrrt bon son of and mary jane taylor aed ned aged ared 1 5 years 9 months and aud 99 days at fork nty march augustus ath 1879 of 4 NATHAN AUGUSTUS son of allen alien W ani aul an ani 1 matilda fat latilda lat ilda llda A davis aged I 1 lye iye mycah arbi arsi 6 months and 7 days at yorks forks wasatch countr county april 16 1879 or of diphtheria NANCY LUELLA daughter of alfred and arid deborah E dejuhn juhn john son eon aged 6 years 8 mouths months and 5 days at ashley fork wasatch county adi aoi il oth poth 18 1878 j et of diphtheria LEROY DAVIS bavis DA VIS lycurgus Ly curgus and cora johnson jorin Jotin boa soa aged I 1 year 7 months montha and iday idas 1 day I 1 I 1 at lork fork wasatch coo county lit yit r apri april 0 of f diphtheria JAMES WILLIAM soft ot of M W highland and nd lyala lydia ann gagon year 5 and ia 3 days at ashier ashler fork wasatch county may lith litho IS 9 BETSY ANN AHN daughter ot of samuel C and henrietta maria snader and wire wife of joseph H black aged 49 years 10 months and 6 days deceased was born in the state york yorki and was with the gathering balaes in county illinois in 1841 in 1818 with the general exodus ot of the tha saints journeyed to winter quarters in 1817 camo came to 10 salt lake late valley she sha leaves us but for a short erne fine wo we all expect to meet her ag abin aia ala abbe was a irin mind l and loving daugh caught te wife and mother the last years yeara ot of her life was a period of suffering which she bore with saintly pst pt lence and aud resignation looking forth with pleasure to the time when whon she would ba be released from ber her the assurance that her garments par ments menis were ariale whito white by the blood ot of the lamb iamb in milton muton morgan county from occidental fracture ot of tho tb skull mahla HARIA JANE daughter of bishop eli ell and eleanor aged 6 months and five days in wellsville cache cacho co mar 13 IS 1879 79 of lingering lin tin vering decline deci ln nant NANY Y hiley KILEY lak lar aar 1 AK eer SEK beloved wite wife ite ire of henry parke parker r deceased was born in ira blackburn lancashire cash eash ca shire lre england ragland may way 15 1817 ghe she be was baptized a mi member aber of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in the railor the tha year ear 1837 by the apostle heber C kemball in a the biver river ribble kibble at preston and emigrated in the year 1811 la in the ship elster slater parker was waa v gui gwi latier latter day saint 11 a ll kind wife and an affectionate mother bhe bho leaves a and four sons and td daughters 17 grandchildren grandchild ren I 1 and ud M cou COM a hotd hott host ot of to mourn bar har loss itts armast at east canyon tooele county pech DESERET born march 7 h d ded ed april 1879 also NANCY PA pah PAK it THENIA born bora june lith 1665 died may 2nd 1879 1 both daughters of alma an ant I 1 usan at her residence la in the tho ward sunday may 25 at 2 SO 30 0 in ot of inflammation orthe kidneys ELI ell ELIZA ellza Z A E B POT rit bit wite wife ot of the late william boster foster soap maker aged 67 y sears years e ars barnin born in Lelce leicester Eter En england glands apri april fe rg J s ser services e r vices rices at the ward meeting house houser to tomorrow morrow tue tuc tuesday aday at 1030 sm a m pi lends of the family invited star plea pica al copy ELDER SPICER WELLS CRANDAL who departed this duemay leat county was born dec alst slat 1822 1823 la in the state of new yorick and was baptized into the church of jeus jens chaitt of latter day saints in 1837 in Kirt kirtland iana lana ohio and was ordained an elder in 1841 1811 was among those who were driven out of kirtland in the spring of 1838 arriving at missouri in the fail fall of ghe the same year from thence moved ra oved to nauvoo until the th expulsion ol 01 1846 was ordained a seventy in 1852 1653 and took tool a mis slon elon to england in that pears year jear on w bloh which mission he labored faithfully four years a portion of off the t ame me presiding over the tha Ller lier liverpool iol loi jol conference conferences and returning aa as captain of oa handcart company he was presiding teacher of several years and was ten years counselor to bishop johnsen Johns johnb of 61 thag that place and built the second bou hou serin that city nib nis to utah was in IBM 1860 HB ile wab waa universally beloved bya huew knew almy aid add died lu in fuji full faith of tle tte of ghe the redeemer his memory will bo be cherished by all the tho ta affias LOM I 1 at B D Y college farms cacile valley vailey may 1879 barah born july 1800 she with hen her husband and family q emigrated m I 1 td Australla ln in 1846 1816 united with the church thae thre in august 1853 october 1878 salt lake city renew d her covenants and died la in full alth faith of the gospel star please 1 copy |