Show NOTICE A A LL persons persona having claims against tb th a 0 rl A estate of henry walker val cal kerg herg e ber hereby e br noti nati notified fied fled to present tho bame same for adjustment to the undersigned under signed administrators of said estate mth with tte Dec necessary essary cEsary vouchers before the loth day of march W r e forever de barred andali andall per persons seris to said ratta rotta are requested to make payment to the under JOHN jolin 11 WALKER josepn JOSEPH 6 RAWLINS administrators union salt sait labe lahe co may M ism PEOPLES DRUG STORE rocity from falt fait lake akoto to ephraim arl city cop co coy on and after jan jam 1879 will take pleasure in supplying the tho people wl with articles in their line at reasonable rates rated CROCKWELL 4 SON SM |