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Show Preservation of Slht. Mr. Priestly Smith.ophthalmic surgeon to tho Quecn'3 hospital, Birmingham, has prepared for the school board of that town a series of golden precepts on this important subject, which, legibly printed on a mounted scroll, are to be hung up iu all the board 6chool rooms. Seven cardinal maxims are all that are considered con-sidered needful for the scholar to bear iu mind. Theso aro: "Sit upright, sit square, keep your eyes at least twelve inches from your work, writo on a slope and not on a fiat table, read with your book well up. do not read very small print, do not work in a bad light, and if you c:uinot see your work properly tell your teacher. " A3 there is nothing like pictorial example, this is illustrated by four drawings exhibiting good ami bad positions. New York Telegram. |