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Show j TO HAVE A "HEALTHERiES," A Company Farmed In New York to Look After Uie Food Offore-d (or Sale. New York is to have a "beaJtheriea." It la to be modeled after th Ijoodon bcalth-eriea, bcalth-eriea, and is to exercise Just about the aame genrral Influence, iU projectors Wiy, owx the puldic health. Whcu it Is tn good working order it will keep New York informed in-formed concerning what it ought to eat. If . it luis any partiality for pure food. It la already Incorporated, Rnd ullices have been i selected near the 1'Mth Avenue hotel. I The scheme is an outcome of the food exhibition ex-hibition ut the lienor Lyeeum. In fact, i tho company is headed by the same gentfe- 1 nien who uiaile t hat enterpriso ao glorious a fliiccess ns the RreuOcst free luncheon tho world but ever wen. That energetic fair promoter and manager, A. B. Ho Freed, ia the president and general mannr, G. R UusMiig is treasurer and business mm-ner, mm-ner, and Kdwnrd Ralph is th secretary. The prospect uh of the company promises a lot of good things, Mr. I)e Krece particularly particu-larly tieing omphalic in bia declarations of the iiiiiueii.-ti beneilts tho public Is to derive de-rive from it. The American Healtheries company Intend In-tend as t be chief end of ila existence to ea-tatdisli ea-tatdisli and maintain just such exhibitions on thin hide of l lie ocean as have proved hiub great succo.-es in Knglnnd. H intends, in-tends, its circular say, to "illustmt and explain, both by practical expo.sit.ion and publication, all manner of food and drink, as well ns generally investigating all such appliances and methods as may bo In the line of heah li and comfort. By exact chemical ami microscopical aualysis the company will ascertain and make public the true condition of the food and drink elTored to t be public, mid will inform thn individual coiimuiht upon application of any iiifiirinat-ioa iu this particular he may desire." It is expected by tbo Incorporators of the company that they will not have to charge for tlio information they have occaaiou to 1 give out. The food exhibition gave a net i profit nf SI 0,1X10, and tbis company bellcvea 1 that it can do quite aa well as this, If not i bel ter, wit b its annual exhibitions, Tlnm i the expense of the venture will be paid, i the sui -plus being devoted to the erection of a building that may bo used as the per- nianent home of the company, j Besides t he board of management, whose members have ioen already inenLioneil, i there will bo a board of chemists, com-j com-j poM'il of three of l lie most widely known j chemists of this city. All analyses will be made by them, and the reports of the company com-pany will lie signed by them. Jti this way tho corporation will act as a sort of nup-plemeulal nup-plemeulal board of health, Lhe chief ail-v.'iutageof ail-v.'iutageof it being that it will devote nil of its t inionnd energy in a single direction. In nil (1 i lion to all of these good thingn j tbis company will publish eit her a weekly 1 or monthly periodical, in which will be given announcements of the new food in the market, wilb carefully prepared analyses analy-ses of their coinp.iMtioii, and warnings or ml vice to tho public, Tbo income of the "J lealtlieries," nfter itscxpenses have beea pnid, its building fund given a certain percentage per-centage ami so on, will be distributed to Home wort by cbnrii y. Thus, say the gentlemen at the bead of the enterprise, the "llealtliories" will be iu every sense a beneficent institution,, inasmuch inas-much ns it is an assurance to the public that Us lieultli is being looked after, so far as food is concerned, but it will net also as a dispenser of charity. New York Herald. A Safely Lump for Mines, A new safety lamp for mines a rectangular rectan-gular box of ebonite containing accumulators accumula-tors of the IJollak system, and resting on a inet.il plate is described iu a London jnuninl, with the statement that, with the mode ex peri men ted with nnd weighing BOmo 1 ,f U0 grnms, a perfectly constant light of 0.7 to 0.S candle power waa givcu forth for twelve hours. Iu this device an ebonite lid serves as support for aglow lump inclosed in a cylinder of thick glass, the whole- covered with a metal top fixed closely by means of pins, tho junction being be-ing made hermetic by a leaf of soft caoutchouc caout-chouc introduced between the top and the box. Into the lid are inserted rods of an iuoxf-dizablu iuoxf-dizablu metal, which pass through it, and supportnt their bases contacts of platinum, these mcetirm the platinum eontactsof the accumulators, and having nt their sum-! sum-! mita springs, one of which is in metallic l connection with a font of tho lamp; the other foot of tbo lamp is insulated and can ! bo brought in contact with a pole of the accumulator by means of a needle introduced intro-duced into a horizontal channel made la tho lid. As the contacts are in the luterior of tho box and the lid, neither the opening nor the closing of the current can cause au explosion, ex-plosion, hence tho lamp can lie either ignited ig-nited or extinguished in an inflammable atmosphere. Again, the advantage presents pre-sents itself that, if the system or arrangement arrange-ment is dismounted, or if the gloss globa of the glow lamp is broken, tho lamp is extinguished. A New Llvory. "What dois this rig mean, Sambof "Well, uinsa, I buai-d so iuu; b 'bout servants ser-vants weai in' libbery that I j;s done bought ouu at n second hand store. How yt i lik emr-Toxa iiiftings. |