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Show ' I'omtIv'S y. the least of our g-iev-ances. Ti!K V::c,i.z:i. to, is heartily in favor of tl;o oranizati.iii of a. Terri-U'vial Terri-U'vial rt fifoocialicci. The head cf tlie oiice pr.'.e.d Liberal Lib-eral party is stone dead, but low nnd behold, the tail end still wir-gletb. wir-gletb. Two-thirds of the papers of the Territory are spoiling themselves by a superabundance of politics and neglect of news. There is infinite internal fdory in ''iinrown" selective wisdom, when propped up in full view of a cool thousand of peo,ib we hear the principles of "our own" party so beautifully expounded. Some of our local pjlitieal whales miglit well be placed under bonds to prohibit their swallowing the occasional minnow politician who once in a while has' the gall to jump Ym up auu try to bold hid .own in a etreet con flab. "What has become of the local silk producing industry that flourished flour-ished and even showed a siukcring sign of a fat growth a few brief years, ago? lias free trade knocked it sky-high or has tarilT translated it? It has certainly gone some'er. The election of a representative j to the next Legislature, which will j take place in a few weeks, is of i vast importance to every person in I our county. Let us nominate men and elect a man who is firm, strong and broad-minded; a man who has Htamina enough to stand up and face in opposition the entire body of lcgislat.irs, if need be, that our in it rests, principally farm in jr. j Btockrahdng and wool growing. I may be properly represented. I |