Show Obituaries Agnes Stewart Campbell Campbel Funeral services for Miss Agnes Agne Stewart Campbell will wiil wi be conducted Saturday at 2 p. p m. m In the Eighteenth ward meeting meetinghouse meetinghouse house Second avenue and A A street by Rulon S. S Howells bishop Miss Campbel Campbell 81 who died of Infirmities Infirmities ties le Incident ut to age Thursday morning at ather ather ather her home North Nort State Stale street was Wa wa a prominent Salt Sal Lake LakeL L D S church worker Speakers a at l Mt the services will b be Mrs s 1 s Geor George e J. J Cannon Bryant Brant S S. secretary for the L LD LD LD D S church and LeGrand LeGrand Le- Le Le Grand Richards presiding presiding pre pre- pre pre- siding bishop of tho thoL L 14 D S church 21 Miss 1 a s Campbell Campbel one of ot the second set of twins w born b in Utah was S born o n in Salt Lake 11 City No November vember 8 S 1860 a t daughter of Robert Rober L. L L and Mary Stewart Silos Miss Campbell Campbel ca Campbell She was a member of the general board Jebe of a the Young Youn Women's Mutual Improvement Improvement Improvement Im Im- Im- Im provement association for nearly 50 years year and in that capacity traveled extensively ely for the organization She was affiliated with wih te church groups from her youth In earlier earler years year sh she was wa employed at atthe atthe atthe the Z C ht lt I and was wa business manager maager of the Young Women's Journal Joura until It merged with the Ibe Improvement Era She Is I wih survived by her twin sister Miss Mini Annie Campbell Campbel Salt Lake City another another another an an- other sister Mrs Mr Isabel C. C Clive Overton Overton Over Over- Over ton Nev Nev lister and a brother Joseph S. S Camp Campbell Camp bell Ogden bel Olden Friends may call at 36 East Eat Seventh South street Friday evening and Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day prior to services serice Interment wilt will wi be In City cemetery Johanna Grabemann Mrs Mr Johanna Christina Christna Ruse Ellse Else Grabemann 64 died of a a carcinoma at 7 a. a m. m Friday at the home of a a daughter Mrs a Mimi Ides Mes Me 1134 Denver street Mrs Grabemann was born July 12 1877 1871 In Bielefeld Germany a daughter of ot Carl and Carolina and she came to Salt Lake Lake City 14 years year ago as asa a a convert to o the L LD LD t D S sO church h r t She was wal an active worker k In the Liberty Lib erty L D DI S ward d 1 Relief Relief Re Re- lief le society and for for L five years maintained a home in Germany i for L D S mission mission- L aries i Mrs Grabemann is 11 survived by a son Herman lIerman Grabemann Germany two daugh- daugh k tens Miss Anna Grabemann an and Mrs Mimi bern Mrs Salt Lake Jj 1 City a br ther Wil- Wil Wi 1 Germany Germany Ger Ger- many aa y Ega and two o Gs' Gs sisters sis Mrs M Maria I r j and nd Mrs Mimi S 1 I g g gem e m ann Germany Funeral services serice will be conducted Monday wi at 1 p. p m. m Mrs Grabemann t In y Liberty L D s S Sward Sward ward chapel 1104 De Denver street re b by A A. A B. B Kesler e berE bishop Friends may y call caU at 2350 East East Thir Thirteenth hir South street a. a Saturday and Sunday and at the residence 1134 Denver street Monday from 10 a. a m. m until services Burial will wi be in jn Sunset Lawn burial park Sarah c C. C Bennett Bennet MIDVALE ALE Funeral services will wi be conducted for Mrs Sarah Sarh Chappie Bennett Ben nett Sunday at 2 p. p m. m in the East Eat MIdvale Midale Midvale Mid- Mid vale ale L D S ward chapel by T. T Donald Creer bishop Mrs Bennett Bennet who was wa 97 years year old last November was MIdvale's oldest resi rel dent She died of Infirmities in infirmities In- In incident to tor r Inn Inc age oge at a Thursday the si home morn morn- of a daughter Mrs A. A J. J 1 Bird boulevard 1715 East Eat 1 jm str street i rm She was wa born in Moulton Moulon Devonshire wh England November 16 1844 and came cameto cameto to the United States Statu 1 with wit her r pa ets 4 f John and md Ann Ford dl In 1865 as asan asan 1 an L D S church convert con con- cont t p ve vert William ilam Bennett Bennet married her In 1866 and they spent the first 10 years yearl of ot their married life le Intent in intent intent tent houses housu and due du outs out I on the site of ot the present es t business district of iw Midvale Mr r. r B Bennett t built bUit the Saran Sarah ah c c. Bennett Bennet 10 log house louse in Mrs Mr Bennett was an au active L D S church member serin serving as L D S Relief society counselor and president of the old Midvale MidVale Mid Mid- vale L D S ward society for 17 11 years She is II survived bv by two sons Joseph and Wilford Wiford Bennett five daughters daugh daugh- tens Mrs Mr Bird and Mrs John Dunn Midvale Midvale Mid Mid- vale Mrs Samuel A. A Jenkins and Mrs Mr Etta Etla Jenkins of ot Idaho Mrs Mr WilHam Wilam Wi- Wi Wil Wil- Ham lam Werrett Salt Lake City 57 51 grandchildren grandchildren grand grand- children 71 11 great grandchildren and nine great great-great grandchildren I great Ireat Friends may call cal at the C. C I. I Goff Goft Son Soi funeral home Fiday Friday until 8 T P. P m mand m. m and at the Wilford Bennett home Sunday from 10 a. a m. m until services Interment wilt will wi be in Midvale City tery Sarah E. E Cole Clark SPRINGVILLE Mrs Sarah Sarh Elizabeth Elzabeth Cole Clark 78 widow of W. W A. A Clark I died here at 1 a. a m. m Thursday at th the family residence 60 South Second lg East ast street street She was wa born in i Nephi 1864 a February daughter l 13 of i William WIlam and Emma Jenkins Jenkis Cole and I had spent most of ot other her life in this city Surviving are five sons Mrs and R. R d F. F daughters auf Holley Ercell Ercel and J. J W. W i Clark of at Mrs William Wilam Cox of McKennon Wyo A. A R. R Clark of Seattle Wash I eight grandchildren grandchildren grand grand- gand children a a brother and four sisters sister W W. I J J. Cole of ot Nephi I Mrs J. J N. N Pexton Patton of ot r Mrs I Ralph Hopes Hope of I Eureka Mrs Mr L. L E. E I Weaver of Clara- Clara moot mont mont Mo and Mrs Mrs Ir Clark J. J W. W Francom of Tremonton Funeral services will wi be conducted Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 2 p. p serce m. m m In the te Fourth L I D S Sward war ward chapeL Mary M. M Coats Stratford Statford OGDEN OGDEN Mrs Mary Maude Coats Stratford Stratford Strat Strat- ford 81 81 wife o of Edwin A A. A Stratford Stretford o of Twenty first street died at her home horn Thursday at p. p m. m after a two day heart ailment Mrs Stratford was wa horn born brn December 6 1860 in Port Glasgow Glaslow Scotland a daughter daugh daugh- ter of ot Andrew and I Isabella labella Forrest Forret Coats Coat Her mother died when n she was wal only about abou a year old and two years later she came cam cameto to America with wit her aunt aunt Mrs Mary Bergstrom and her husband as I L D S church converts They y crossed the te Atan Allan tic tc ocean ocen after a six si weeks' weeks trip on a sailing vessel vesel and crossed the plains I Iton In inthe the William I B. B ton company a Pall log ing f In 1 Salt i fL Lake ke City 1 October 1863 1663 She came to Ogden Olden later with her foster foste parents were ere she lived through trough the experiences ex ex- of pioneer life of early Weber Webe county She was wa married to Mr Stratford in the Salt Lake L I. D 13 S endowment house hous house February 6 1879 89 I An active L D 13 S 8 church worker all he her 1 life fe she was wa made first counselor al in th the Fourth ward Relief Rele society in 1908 an and held the te position for 10 0 years yearl With he her husband she celebrated her sixtieth we weding wedding wed wed- ding anniversary February 6 1939 Surviving are her husband and the fo following fol- fol lowing sons and daughters daughter Earl A. A Stra Stratford Strat- Strat ford Jord of Salt Lake e City Alfred E. E an and E. E Carl Stratford it of Ogden Howard J. J Stratford of Portland Ore Mrs Mr EtheS Ethel Ethe Ethe S S. Skeen of Salt Lake City and Mr Mrs Mr Maude Rabe of Ogden 17 37 grandchIldren and 12 great Minnie L. L H. H Warby VERNAL VERNAL Mrs Minnie Lavon Harris Harr Warby 36 died In a local loal hospital Tue Ties Tuu- day night of ot acute cardiac collapse Tl The daughter of Abe and Ina Isa Jacobs Jacobi Harri Hars Mrs Warby was born in Park r City Jan Janu January n nVer ary rV 9 l 1966 1906 6 Early a l In l life she h il came to Ver Vernal with wilts wih her ber parents and had resided here since She was married to Marion Mario Warby W in Vernal Jun e 16 1924 2 Marln 1 Jh Surviving I beside e her b husband ba are re three sons and one daughter Kenneth Kenneh Ea Earl Maurice and Marie Mare Warby and her mother moth of ot Vernal Vera her father of Duehesne Duchesne o one brother and two sisters Wilbur Wibur Harrand Harris Harr Haris and Sirs Mrs Mr Rose Graham of at Veral Vernal Vernal- M Mra Dells Della Dela Powel Powell of Newport Kentucky Coby oby Cannegieter Coby Cannegieter 60 of Vine street reel Murray died Thursday at a. a m. m in a Salt Lake hospital of coronary elusion He was born Jan Jan- ry 17 1882 in 4 Salt alt Lake City a an son n of James and andIn san Can Can- and had re- re led In Murray 45 ears He was a member the Fraternal Or- Or er of Eagles Aerie o. o 1760 for many ears Surviving are a ater j A sister ter Mrs Charles Charlee ahlberg Dahlberg of San Dlo Dl Dl- ego o Cat Cal and two brothers others William of Mury Hun Mur- y and Frank Cats Can of OZ San Funeral services will 11 be conducted Mr Sunday at 1 p. p m. m in the George A. A Jenns lenkins len Jen- kins ns mortuary chapel South State street reel by the Eagles lodge Friends may call 11 there Saturday and Sunday prior to services Burial wilt will be In Murray City cemetery Robert obert Robert 52 of South Jordan died ed in a Salt Lake hospital Wednesday at 7 p. p m. m of t B. B Horn o orn I In 1889 gos at he heme came me to 10 the Ibe United States State In 1907 1901 He lIe le was a farmer wa Funeral Funeral mass will be conducted Saturday Saturday Satur- Satur day ay at 1030 mas a C. C m m. wi In St. St Theresa's Thereas Therea's Catho Catho- c church at t Midvale by the th Rev J J. J T. T le Recitation of the e Rosary OS will willbe willbe be Friday at 8 p. p m. m in tb the gh mortuary chapel Burial Buria will wi be in Midale Midvale Mid Mid- vale ale cemetery His widow Mrs Mr Francis of ot South Jordan survives Louise ouise S. S Keil leil Pitts Pits Mrs Louise Selma Selma Edt Keil Pitts Pitt 65 of 31 West Vest Eighth South street died of Thursday at 1225 a. a m. m at the home of a a daughter Mrs Mr Robert L. L McCardle 1519 Westminster avenue 4 Funeral services will wi be conducted conduced Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- at 2 p. p m. m m In the th Twenty sixth L D 13 S ward chapel p Ninth West and Seventh Sev- Sev ith South streets by Floyd L L. Weed Wed ward bishop Friends may call cal at East Eat South Temple emple street Friday from 4 o to to p. p T. T m. m and nd at the residence West Eighth South h street e Saturday from 10 a. a m. m to N ps U L Lake k CI 30 p. p m. m Burial U I will be in Salt City cemetery h So Sophia hia S. S Cohen Funeral services will wi be conducted conduced Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 2 p p. m. m at East Eat First South street for 1 Mrs Sophia Siegel Cohen 70 former resident of Salt Lake City who died ed of ot pneumonia Thursday morning moring In i iLos Los os A Angeles n eles She was wan born in Rica Russia and lived in wa O Ogden den and Salt Sal Lake City before moving to Nev She was wa visIting visit visIt- ing ig In Los Ll Angeles Angelel at the time of ot her herShe depth She Is to survived by v her husband Ben Cohen ohen Pioche Nev a a son Joseoh Cohen Pioche three daughters Mrs Jennie Po- Po Mrs Oscar Feldscher and Mrs Mr Morris orris Rosen Salt Lake City eight grandchildren grand grand- children and three great Ireat Interment will wi be in Montefiore come come- tory tery ry Grant W. W Domgaard Grant Williams Domgaard 29 of Glenwood Glen Glen- Gen wood Utah died in a Salt Lake hospital Thursday at 1205 p. p m. m of ane ane- mla mis He was born In Glenwood November 16 6 le 1912 a son of ot John and Minnie Olsen Domgaard and resided there until several months ago when he came to Salt Lake City ity to take e a position with the Z C M I. I I i nG J f He Ic returned ur t to f live five in Glenwood o when h he became ill iii 1 recently Surviving Ur ar are his 1 parents of Glenwood tw two wo sisters l Mrs ere L. L D. D s Crawford a i of i Preston reston Idaho and Miss Mignon Domgaard Domgaard Dom Dom- gaard raard of ot Glenwood and a brother Major Domgaard of ManU Mantl Funeral services will be conducted at lenwood Glenwood with wih burial In ManU Mantl city come come- tory tery ery Diana L. L L Mrs Mr Diana Diana Lloyd 66 of ot Fifth East street died in a Salt Lake hospital Thursday at 1010 a. a a m m. of Intestinal in in- tU hemorrhage m She was born af In Salt Lake City Octo Octo- Octo ben ber er 6 1875 a daughter of William Wilam J. J and nd Martha Lloyd and had resided here her ler entire life Surviving entre are her husband Dr Hugh a son Hugh L. L of ot Camp amp Welters Wolters Texas a a sister Mrs Mr Bessie Price of at Salt Sal Lake City and three grand- grand children Richard lichard Rihard P. P Dwyer Funeral services for Richard Patrick Dwyer wyer Utah ordnance plant worker who died led Thursday evening will wi be conducted In n Denver The body boy will wi be taken there thele Friday night for services servIce and Interment Mr Dwyer who was 59 50 5 was wa found dead ead Thursday in his hotel room at East Cast Second South street of ot undetermined but ut natural causes cause Christensen MORONI MORONI Mis M. M Christenson Christen Christen- son sen en 72 12 died at the family home Wednesday Wed morning of a heart ailment Mrs Mr Christensen Chrisensen was wa born in Moroni October 5 1869 1860 a daughter of Andrew and Karen M. M Jew Jensen en She Sheva wa va wat married to o James Christensen J l March r 13 1889 Inthe in the he Mantl L i D S tern tern- pIe le She was an ac ac- w tive ive worker in the y A lve 1 L D 13 S Relief society j t 7 her t Surviving are fl l h husband nine daugh- daugh h. h V e tens ers and ana sons Mrs L. L Carter of Mona i Mrs 21 D. D R. R Syme L Mrs Irs Henry O. O Chris Chris- dJ i hansen lansen se enz and n Clr Mrs V fi Jalley Syme of ot Salt J f 1 a ake k e City Mrs Mr fod f L 1 od o yd B Blackham m lay D. D and d Jor Forrest i y Christensen s of Mo Moroni roni L. L J. J Christensen Christen Christen- sen en of Magna F F. A. A Sirs Mrs lr Christensen Christensen of Garfield Gareld and several grand grand- children Funeral services serice will wi be conducted Saturday Sat Sat- Funera at 2 p. p m. m in the East L D 13 S Sward ward chapel hapel hape In la Moroni by B B. A. A bishop Albert Mitchell Mitchel MAGNA MAGNA Albert r Mitchell 66 retiree retired mill worker was found ou dead i Thursday a at mf 6 a. a m. m in a Magna hotel Death was wu attributed to ailments incident to age A resident of at Magna for 27 years ear Mr Mitchell retired several years reas a ago o. o Hi His wife wie Mrs Mr Tressa Tresa Mitchell Mitchel preceded him himIn himin In n death Survivors Include a son Albert L. L L Mitch Mich- Mich eli H of f Magna two daughters N Mrs George latt iatt t ot of Copperton and ur Mrs i Don C. C geoG Gee of Salt La Lake e City three brothers brother Don Dot Mitchell of Lehi Lebl Otto OUo Mitchell Michel of American American Ameri Amen can Michel Fork and Robert Mitchell Mitchel of ot Los Ls Ange- Ange Ange les es 12 grandchildren and one great grand c bud Funeral services service will wi be conducted Monday Monday Mon Mon- day at 1 p. p m. m in the George A. A Jenkins Jenkin mortuary 1 funeral chapel at South Sout State street Murray where friends may call caU Sunday evening and prior to services service serice Monday Burial Buria wl will be in Bluffdale cemetery Lars Jeppa Noden Node HYRUM Funeral services for |