Show Maw Deplores Apathy of Public To Defense in U USA S A C Talk I LOGAN LOGAN Deploring Deploring the apathy of the people despite recurring recurring recur recur- ring unfavorable surprises Governor Herbert B. B Maw Frida Friday told II I students at Utah State Agricultural college that we must ha have e I leaders with vision and the ability to think clearly and then the I conviction to it 4 carry through I Governor Maw was waa principal speaker at the annual Washing Washing- ton Lincoln birthday assembly of ot the college He was wall introduced by Dr Elmer G. G P Peterson terson college president Citing the fall of ot Singapore he said the English had 1000 big guns all pointed in the wrong Tong di direction direction di di- and compared this feeling feeling feel feel- ing that old defenses will stand with Utah residents' residents belief bellef that they are safe because they are surrounded by mountains There has hardly been a month since the war started that the unexpected unexpected unexpected un un- un- un expected has not happened I dont don't think there is nearly so much danger of George Washington's gov government falling failing from the armies of ot its enemies as from the apathetic attitude of ot the people Therefore we need leadership with vision leadership that thinks There Is nothing the nation and the state need more than people who can think this way If It colleges colleges col col- col- col leges cannot produce such leadershIp leadership leadership leader leader- ship there Is no justification for them My Iy earnest hope Is that from U USA S A C and other schools will come the impulse to lead with vision Islon Governor Maw was scheduled to tomake tomake tomake make his second speech of ot the day at a formal banquet at p p. p m. m in the college cafeteria precedIng ing the annual U USA S A C military ball In the Logan |