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Show TI I IT MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH v VJl9 fcesWetet Vi f, ij Apply few drops then lift sore, r touchy corns off with , The : 1 - Hcec?. mjrr'i ir atef f y- V'W-- - - yT 5 t9 if vi. N, fingers aaya-- i u r jw-teno- ajt&yiu & 4, 0 y j. i'JUUU 0 meatprices retailer !;ay ,iie f Uhas to pay j higher prices1 ",; :'.; ' the packers; .vfto ' mT:.y-?: J k.. ' Just a little splash of eyfil&6UarC; the retailer pays-- to the '" packers for kneit, 2 cents si is yipr packers profitffl 3 cents is for Dp crating expenses, and 85 cents i .r - j -:- n- - ogr-jF ll . , . The . the .oldest European without soreness or irritation. Jia flail, or stone of calluses, is the sensational discovery Freezone identical was to believed be fate, a of Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful, With the stone on which Jacob laid his head. The Tuatha de Dananri A Meek and Lowly Follower. brought' it to Ireland by way of NorMuch to ' her chagrin, the-, lady way, They were called the Tribe of speaker had inadvertently and ..conGod and were looked upon as supertinually used the expression-Do-yohuman because of tlieir great attainfollow me? - A meek little man in the ments in artistic and scientificour-suits- . front row atkled to her annoyance by All who. are, skilled in the use signifying each time that he did. The lady speaker was exceedingly-annoyeof musical instruments ; those who arc exceedingly. Finally, she gifted in the arts, of .divination, and to the' house policeman. enchantment such are.tue sons of the beckoned Officer, she ordered, '1 wish you descendants of th?. Tuatha de Panaim. would take this offensive male brute About 300 or 400 years later another into He has persisted in foltribe from the same stock and called lowingcustody. me all evening. of Gaels came from. Egypt .by way Spain to Ireland.- Their queen, was v. -- - u .. ' live-sto- ck ' A i . S; OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH , .. : jy IMx Noone, apparently, is No " How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. one, apparently, benefited is by higher prices and responsible. iiighet income, ' r We are all living oh i t high-pric- ed One trouble is, that the number, of dollars has multiplied faster than the quantity of goods; so that each dollar buys less than formerly. scald. Swift & Company, U. S. A. , Old Monastic Ruin. i No Tightwad, Anyhow. J No Posing for Josh. T 'shouldn't Your boy has proved a wonderfully marry' a young nnuj of Ms type, If I were you. Industrious chap.Q ! ' -- i i "aviy Yes, replied Farmer Corntossel. They gone through, tw'j He never would let us have our own fortunes already. , . j way. Now that his mother would be What of that? I should think t perfectly willing to have him do nothery nice to he married to a man who ing but visit an tell stories, he insists Is such a liberal spender. ' on bein, out where the real work la ? golnMmv Keep cinlFttMde ai wall as oatald by taktna . .. L& ; - , Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIa, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. , - 1 Say--he- s - M - BOSCHEES SYRUP ' Why use ordinary cough remedies when Boschees Syrup has been used action leadsrto neCesSary Ihw. so successfully for, fifty-on- e years in all parts f the United States for Slamclei'gains no Tov. ' coughs bronchitis, colds settled in the throat, especially lung trouble? It nt DONT FEAR THE "FLO gives rest, free sfrom It cant get you. if you use DR. HIL- toration In couhln wlth easy expecLERS ESSENTIAL OIL TAPLETS. a chance to the morning," gives' nature soothe the Inflamed parts, They Quickly1 .relieve cough colds, all throat and lung troubles, reduce fever, throw off the disease helping the paprevent attack if taken in time and are tient to regain his health. Made in America and sold for more than half free from drugs or opiates. A real which should be used in every home. a century. Adv. Trial package of 2 tubes, $1.00. Full package; 10 tubes $5.00. Complete directions. v Foreslghted. Jack, dear, before our wedding, I Postpaid on receipt of price. wish you would see a doctor. FREDERICK HiLLER, M. D. , Why should I? I alh well, except Saha 423 Consolidated Realty Bldg. for a touch of dyspepsia. Lot Angelos, California Thats just It. '.Id like you to get a certificate from him wMch would show that your dyspepsia antedated our marriage." Boston Transcript. THB those stiffened joints, that backache, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, brick dust, etc. They are an effective remedy for all diseases! of the bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs- - i ' .a. v -- GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood. They frequently ward on attacks f the dangerous and fatal diseases of the kidneys. They have a beneficial, effect, and often completely cure the diseases of the bodily organs, allied, with the bladder and kidneys. If you are troubled with soreness across the loins or with simple aches and pains in the back take warning, it may be the preliminary indications of some dreadful off or cured malady which can be warded J if taken in time. : Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original imported Haarlem Oil CapBulea. Accept No Substitutes. Adv. ( You can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stable and cure all the colts suffering with you begin the treatment. No matter how. SPOHNS COMPOUND is safe lo use on any colt. young, It la wonderful how it prevents all distempers, no tnattef how the colts or horses at any age are exposed. SPOHNS is sold by your druggist. SPOH.Y MEDICAL CO., Sole Mfrs., Goahea, lad. . Out of Torment arid Misery to Comfort i; '"Headache ' Neuralgia ; Toothache 7- , Earache Rheumatism;v Lumbago j ColdS Grippe ' ? :c ' ; . . . Colds Stiff Neck. ' ,J . : f r i Adults Take one or two Bayer Tablets of Aspirin with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a driy, after meals ! Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders! v. iL ." "'t ' ! - 4 . . I.: i.:, . 20 cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages. Buy , Bayer i packages only Get original package. ,,, ' Easiest Way.'1' How can you tell' a dogwood tree ? "'Easily. ' By its bark." ' f , Tablet Bauer OF a nr -- The Bayer Crosson Genuine Tablets Asphtn U the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicyiicadd Proof that Some Women flGRICKS Mrs. Etta'Dorion, of Ogdensburg, Wis., says: . caused piercing pains I suffered from femald troubles which Bide. life-sav- er iH 4ror1tR; OlntmtatKASO, TnlcsmK. 8mp) Moh f?M nf Ovtkm, Xpt. I, leet. WsSsrauRia UiUU RECIPE: FOR tRAY HAIR. To half pnt of water' add 1 oz. Bay Rnm a amall box. of Barbo Compound, and M oz.of glycerine. Any druggiat can pnt thii up or you can mix it 'at hone at very lit tie coat Full' directions for making anc uae come in each box of Barbo Compound It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and gloaar. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky sc greasy, end doesnot rub off. Adv. inflamed, swollen .Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft 1 Bunches; Heels Bolls, Poll no rhyme, for 's'lver, but It Thyre Fistula and , EyiLOpittor, ' very nicely. infected tetM qiflckly jingles-- with gold 11 e at it i a, positive satiaeptiei Creaolated Eyelids, sod germicide. .Plemnt W smi does nor oilstar or hboh Eya inflamed by expo, 0.aa. aat ,aaaa worktb. bww.1 ture to Sis, Dnt and Wlsl SAWmt boitla. tellrnH. BookTRIraa. will reduce 1 , ABSORBINB, JR..IW aadiaptic lialBoit tor aaaliM, Palatai Iwallia VOaa Wen., ttaiaa, BraUai tataBBortoa. Pries Sl.U tai bMlt at Bo,. ,hM tat wri tmuH .1 etihtrtS WID itD ,m kola ll ISiial Trial BaMt la, Its la man. . F. roUM, f. 0, F.,ltlTietlitt,ltrlflltMlMaM. aSM ra ysReasdy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfoit At Yoitf Dnifriite or by mail COc per Bottla. For Bee ! fh fyt free write k Marla Eye Ronedy Co., ChleigA ' like a knife' through my! back and I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an bperation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what 1 had read about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first , bottle brought great relief aud six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try 'Lydia E. PinkhamS Vegetable Compound. - i ,,, How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio.' I ' caused me much Buffering, and two doctors decided that suffered from a female trouble which I would . , .1 J get welL 1,1 ! . ' Joint Pains the-patie- With Cuticura , Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria , Heal Itching Sldns jV Proved safe by, millions ". I ' Influenzal-.,,.- -' - - 4 ;C niorrif Cod blass Ireland ! We love her for her sins and her virtues. Her sins are the blunders of & zeal for freedom, and her virtues are the sweetest flower that eve; grew in human heart. ' We love Ireland for the quaint beauty of her speech; the fertile charm 6f her fancy; the heedless Are of her blood. We love the romance and magic of her; the daring and courage of her; the uncompromising idealism that invites martyrdom. May she never lose faith in God and the fairies. May her harp never be stilled nor her voice silenced. May she prosper in field and in loom. May she hwe the courage of righteousness and the patier.ee of wisdom Cod bless Ireland I . 4 Go to your druggist today and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. it when 11 ..Or Going Therefrom. Brethren . and sisters, remarked the visiting presiding elder, looking at the evolution that' has taken place among us, considering the social up-- t lieaval that we see on. every side, taking note of, the fnrmoil that exists on every hand, I ask, brethren and sisters, what is this world coming to? I dont know, responded the reglar minister,, but a large part of It is not coining to this church. . named Scotia and when she separated from the king her followers were the called Scots. At first they name of Scotland to Ireland and It was so escribed for many centuries. They and the Piets colonized north Britain and gave the name Scotland to it. The Piets came to Ireland shortly tafter- the landing of the Gael. These Gaels had lost r. great many men in a stormy voyage from Spain and the .widows were married to the JPIcts, who had no women with them. Taras Hulls continued to he the seat of government down till the Christian era, when It fell Into disuse because of a curse that was placed, upon it by St. Brdan. ' and Dofh Beef and Milk COLT DISTEMPER ' t determine moral action 20 ye art in tablet a cold safe, sure, no opiates breaks .a 24 'hours relieves grip in 3 days.upMoney back if it fails. The genuine box bat a Red top with Mr. Hills picture. At All Drug Stores. form , old-tim- e -- (tntle lazatlae at least once a week, aneb aa Doetof Pierce', Ptcaaant Pellet.. AdT. W Standard cold remedy for old-tim- When youre fifty, your body begins to creak a little at the hinges. Motion is Not so young mpre Blow and deliberate. as I used to be is a frequent and unwelcome thought. Certain bodily functions upon which good health and good spirits so much depend, are impaired. The weak spot is generally the bladder Unpleasant show themselves. and Painful symptoms annoying complications in other organs arise. This is particularly true with eh derly people. If you only know how, this trouble can be obviated. For over 200 ' years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the inconvenience and pain due to advancing home years. It is a standard, remedy, and needs no introduction; Iff is now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules. These are easier and more pleasant to take than the oil in bottles. c .. , ; Each capsule contains about one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow of water. They soak into the system and throw off the poisons which are making you old before your time. They will quickly relieve p v, RC QUININE WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN : A WEAK BODY County fifty! Your cold In head or catarrh disappears, . Your clogged nostrils will open; the air passages of your head will clear and you 'can breathe freely. No more; snuffling,. hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small botye of Elys Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a llttld of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing aad4 healing the swollen or inflamed tnucous membrane, giving you Instant relief.,, Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. - Dont stay stuffed-uand miserable. Relietis sure. Adv. ' ai' CASCARA i. 1 1? raiser points to rising costs of raising live stock. Labor reminds us that higher., wages must go hand Th hand with the7 new cost pf living., .. ? v 5 -- IRELAND.The ? . - ' ' Rub' this soothing, penetrating' liniment rightr ' Into ! the-- - sore, inflamed nerves, and like magic neuralgia disconSt. Jacobs Liniment appears. quers pain. It is a harmless neuralgia relief which doesnt burn or discolor the ikfif. v"w ' Dont suffer ! - Its so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drug store and gently- rub the aching nerves- - - and, in just a moment you will be absolutely free from pain and , suffering. No. difference whether your pain or neuralgia is in the face, head or any part of the body, you get Instant relief honest pain dewith this stroyer- it can not injure. Adv. 19. goes tp the; stock raiser; and that the prices of live stock and meat move up and down together. . s jorture oue breed that in both beef and milk is the Shorthorn. Shorthorn steers repeatedly broke the records at the markets in The Way of It. 1918, making the highDoesnt hurt a bit! Drop 'a little Madam, your lmsbaml footed the est record on the open Freezone on an aching corn,, instantly bill. market of $20.50 per cwt. knew kick I. hed There!., And Shorthorn cows that corn stops hurting, then you lift about it.. . , hare mJlk records of .. it right out. Yes, magic! over 17,000 lbs, per year. ii the farmers breeds ' A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a The man who considers his own having xtra teak, qualitu and aukt kmjxramnt. few cents at any drug store, but is suffi- faults has but little to say concerning ' Y cient to' remove every hard corn, soft the faults of others. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. corn,. or corn between the toes, and the IS OLDEST NATION ' ' NEURALGIA. GONE Ijjstan j (eltef ! fRub ttys n jXe' and misery right out with St. Jacobs Liniment." . , : ' " Who is he who would be scornin When the shamrock smiles at him, With this good St.. Patricks mornln the brim? Full of kindness-to- . j 1 Color, Sure it brightens up the day! Drab the world would be, and duller, But for. good St. Patricks day! ( Swift & Compapy prove 1. rAND ...... SqpBtloE.Rsafo?a : ; rt Spanikh Influenza can '.be prevented easier, than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take ; - ' I MS":. FlFtY! 'PAINS' j COUNT ann Av eJ! oi was U rn nrrrrwT ' 'W- have to go through an operation before 1 could "My mother, who had been helped by Lydia E. beVegetable Compound. advised me to try it fore submitting to au operation. It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vege- -' table Compound a trial and it will do as much for them. Mrs. Makie Boyd, H2i 6th St., 2L E., Canton. Ohio. Pink-ham- s Every Sick Woman SlWi EMMA E. PINKHAM 8 VBGEmBIE COMPOUND Before Submitting To An Operation! IYDIA C.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. |