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Show THE MAMMQTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY i 1 "X - UTAH-- ' a n 1 SphngrA cmitiestiegin r : A Single Refnedy Often Curee Many DUeues 'W 'DIRSCTOR GENERAL-i-HINE- SIS, OPTIMISTIC FOLLOWING CON- - FERENCE WITH GLASS. , . THROUGH BLOQJ3Y, .TIOIPLANNEJl REVOLU- Issue of Warrants Suggested to .Raise Funds ; Needed as Result ' Failure of Congress to Pass Bill Appropriating $750,000,000. of-th- e lYasliington confer-o- f tlie wav 'finance Corporation, Director Gen- eral of Railt-oaris Hines expressed confidence that the .situation'-confrontintlie hiTifoad adnilhi'.it ration through The!' failure of "congress- - to' piiss the" hill will be $750,(XK),XX appropriation ! .satisfactorily adjusted Tlie director general was optimistic, lie said he woiiidhave a definite plan to propose' to the rail road executives wifliin a week or ten days. f The spirit shiUVii 1.y tlie railroad of men in the coiife'rence of1 the. previous day leads' him to believe 'they will enter into the plan wlioledieartedly and the administration's financial difficulties ' will he solved. v The clffdf subject of discussion at Wednesdays conference of the director, general, the secretary of tlie treasury and the war finance corporation directors was the issue of warrants that Mr. Hines tentatively suggested as one method of solving the problem. It is understood that the discussion developed no legal 'objections to the pro-imbed tvarrants and that' this plan will . be carried through. Mr. Hines .made it clear that it wag 'not iiitehdeiLtliat. .tin warrants should he negotiable.' The understanding is that they will amount to little more than acknowledgments of tlie governments indebtedness to the railroads. Such documents in the hands of the railroads, however, .will strengthen their credit, it is .believed,' to tlie extent that most of them will he. able t(f obtain .private, loans sufficient to tide the over the present difficulty. ' i- - HO'i- , ' Five Billion ..Dollars the Minimum to be Raised by Government , v, - W ashington. The Victory Liberty loan campaign will open Monday, April-21- , and close threj weeks' later, ' .V Saturday, May 10. Secretary Glass has announced the - -- - dates,' together wtli ; the fact that notes maturing' in not over five years would he issued instead of longer-termbonds. Tlie amount of notes to be offered was tint disclosed,-buit lias been generally understood that th.e loan would be for a minimum of $5,000,000,000,' with the treasury reserving tlie right In accept all oversubscriptions Mr. Glass said tlie interest rate on; tlie notes and tlie amount. to be exempted from taxation would not be determined until a week or two before the campaign, ns they would b based upon finnncihrrionditions at that time. short-ter- 1 fit - - ,L. - HUNS SAYS MUST ' , " " s ' ft:-- P Secretary Lansing Says Allies : . up-jit'- id w 7T , A. 0, STANLEY , - , - Chiefly Among Criminal Classes That Recruits; for Bolsheviki Are Secured Geneva, The latest'1 Sparta rah outbreak in , Berlin, ' according to' the 'latest reports received here, may 'he dea revolt of the timDDVorld. scribed It was;,, chiefly among the "criminal passes ..of Russia that tlie Bolshevist Jjladek had reeruiied his fight irigT'orce. ,do minutely bad. tlie' insurrection been prepared .that, in spite off tin- arrest of Rtidek and eighty-siSiuirtaclst leaders some weeks before,-- , the remaining comnmiiist' eliiefs 'were able to execute their plans' without difficulty; The Spiirtadst forces nninmlteil' to about 10,1X10 men, .mostly deserteys ande.sniM'd eoiiviets, reitifiireeil by sailors of the. naval .divisible' emergs ing suddenly from haunts in .fbe' am slums of Berlin's., etisi end., 1 A . . f . - HELP HAVE Must Feed Starving People. Paris. ,We have readied a crisis In the affairs of tlie world, said Secretary of State Robert Lansing at u banquet' given Wednesday night by the ilnfefiftlied press dub in honor of the American peace commissioners. Mr. Lansing was emphatic in the tlie' allies must feedter-rnan- y and give tlie Gerhmns opportunity fo sell tlidr' products' in tlie fordanger of Bolsheeign markets vism' Vaa,' to felf Avoided. state-ment'ha- , service New York. jneii and jtnmigrnt,io;i 'officials raided 6 building, in East Fifteenth street enrl'y. WediesJt jnorning and arrested 198 me.n and two women, i All of them a re. .supposed .) o lie radicals. i -- ti.f, - ...... i Special Privilege Allowed Mothers. an opinion rendLincoln' Neb.-r-- In r G PARTICIPAT-IN- NUMBERED MEN. f, 390,000 - r.i - k . 1 Officers and Men Discharged te Date Are 1,361,528.-battl- e. Casualties e: of American; Army in France " .. Totaled '240,1 97. ,; ... -- j Tlie decisions of tlie various. Imun-dttrcommissions of tlie peace "conference are being : framed rirf xiCCOrd-iinc- e with the instructions of. the supreme council for speedy action by tlie conference and if is expected tliaf rill tlie reports will lie completed liy tlieend,. of tlie week. The commissions have been told that 'when they could not 'agree they should Submit the 'reports of various viewpoints; leaving it to the council to make ' a decision. Tlie American members, it is reported, have been coldly judicial and without favoritism, -- thereby incurring criticisms from partisan Thiiiuaiillt daily. The dpcisioU ; of the council to limit Gerhiany fo V'volunfeer twelve-yea- r army is regarded by file Americans us likely to lead to .consideration by Hip I.eague, of Nations, when it takes up the subject of The limitations of arum intents, of thCj pqlicofjceneral of conscription armies in all nations. - This is on the theory that the great expense of regular loug-- ; term armies will he such as ter automatically kee down militarism,.,, . ' PAIN , ' . . , , POAN fiu-iii- FOSTER-MiLBUR- New Albany,- Yorks Budget Heavy. N. Yt It will cost New York State approximately $!X),(XX),(KX) the largest amount in the history of to administer Its tlie commonweaJHi affairs during Ihe next fiscal year. Approximately 20,CXM),(KX) of tills total will Jie for (onst ruction work lo help take cure of the unemployed. , Dry Towns Join Wet Column. Boston. Returns froth eleven towns Hint voted Tuesday on Hie question of issuing liquor licenses show Hint eight changed from dry to wet. Two of tlie towns. Weymouth and llingluitn, have been no lio'onse plnceJ'for more than a quirter of a century. AA. .J Unemployed Wi'(l tibi'Parade. Buffalo, N. Y. There were no Indications" Tuesday Hilif-'nattempt would In miiile to hold tlie parade of unemployrilllW'iMifoh tilt1 city authorities refused to issue it permit. , , Embezzler of Million Paroled. Louisville Ky. August Ropke, who In 1910 was convicted of cmbezjjling $1,400,000 from Ihe Fidelity Trust company of Louluvillo, and for which be was sentenced to serve u term o ten yeurs, has been paroled. . , 8erbia Ruined by, War. NeV York. Serbia was described "as both an economic und physical ruin by Dr. IxmiIh I. Dublin, a stntlslclan of New York, Just returned from a health survey of Italy, Greece, Serbia and Jugo-Slavl- ' -- -S 1914-15-1- - Negro Shot by a Mob. Vnldosltm Ga.-rj- oe .Walker,, a negro, charged with having shot a watchman at Greenville, Fin., wnS 'seized by a moil und shot to death Wednesday, while lining taken to Madison, Fla., for safe keeping. ap 2e S pound; formula Ke pmutlca pound; formula Dm ORIEL SUPPLY, 3638; Park, Saint Louis tf i ered Mardi 12, Attorney General Davis held it was not n doseenilion of tlie flag for a mother of a soldier who tiled In the service to embroider upon , It the imme of her son. AC rUItmULAO ' ' . I know of no advice better than this: Begin a home treatment today with, this good vegetable ,, piedicfne. ... It ,vjH how you better than I can tell you what it will do. When taking Golden Medical Discovery, you can rest assured of one very important thing it- - contains neither alco- hoi nor opiates. There is nothing in it but standard roots and herbs that possess curative properties of, a high ordey. A safe medicine is the only kind you cat afford to take. c e Thousand Casualties in Berlin, One thousand . persons London., were;. killed or wounded in (lie fighting in Berlin last week, ..according to an estimate of the casualties made by flie Wolff bureau, the leading news agency, of Germany.' a ; - tl I i. thou-'Mndg- ' U: ' British, Troops Threaten Ships. Halifax. 'flie transport Toloij doelf,-u- d libjv Wednesday witli.Juu; rnpiajii reporting. a threat by. 294 itriti.-il- i troops .to sink tlie vessel un Jn her sits-raglesslhcy yert put aslioj'e (Hid glveiv. A; 0 Stanley,' for' four year governor of Kentucky; and before that a transport at ion to their, homes in i.e. , , ; member of congreaa for ten year, wai Uultqd States. r- : h.t Ollie to late James the succeed elected .Writes Will on Envelope. , v In the United States senate. His term x'.'mVv.wwasv, N. S. A sailor's' wd! ,Ksei llaiiftiXt, 4. won1 March 'Senator Stanley began ' on an ami written cover euvtdope New portrait of Friedrich Ebert, wide prominence several years ago ly as chairman of a special committee ed liy tivo jMistage slumps, was dpi who has been elected the first presi of the house to investigate the ateel glared tjfilld by the. Nova XeoHtt ,u- - dent of the German republic by thf 1 . national assembly at Weimar,.... trust. preme'' court liej'e. Twenty Thousand Stevedores Strike. - New York. In sympathy, with the strike of marine workers against private limit owners, nearly 20, (XX) longshoremen quit work Monday, refusing to handle freight delivered to piers by boats manned by nonunion workers. liyer complaint, loss of flesh,, nervousness, bad memory, dizziness, sleeplessness, nq appetite. Many times, wlteh neglected, indigestion results in coughs-ttfroa- t diseases, catarrh, bronchitis and even more dangerous things. And all these disorders arise because the food is not properly, digested in the stomach.' It is plain even to a. child that relief and. cure are to be had only by setting up a healthy, condition in the stomach. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.t many years ago combined a number of vegetable growths into af temperance remedy for indigestion, and called it Golden Medical Discovery. It is probably the most efficacious discovery ever made in medicine, for the list of people all over the world who have had their countless ills Overcome by Dtp Pierces Golden Medical Discovery 'makes an amaizitig total of ' ft, . d Washington, Ajiien'can troops act.Had 'Heard Her Before- .ually participating in engagements Doesnt her .singing move you? ' numbered .1,390,000 against the enemy did sIt when I lived in' the adonot, flie la r.cl annount-Pmen, General flat. it',.'; H i, joining Mareit' oh 8,.'shi)vviiig':tJiij.1.I,figures IdO.tKX) comprised divisional troops .and Freshen a Heavy Skin divisional replacements ; 240,000 ,efrps With the antfsepfld, fascinating Cnti and army troops, and 50,000, service cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely - A of supply troops. scented convenient, economical face Deinobilizatioii, reports made pulilie skin, baby and';' diistirig,'powder' and. by General ..March. tsbowpd . T,tjl,-528- . perfume. Renders Other perfumes suofficers, and, jnen discharged perfluous. One of the Cutioura Toilet to date, wltile the munher ordered, reTrio (Sofap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. leased had reached. 1,613,500. Battle casualties of the- American A good many people long to be rick army in France, as shown by revised who dont know how to spend what Geu-endivisional records announced by ' 1'- have properly. they inBRYAN FAVORS Tliese COVENANT, ' March, totaled 240,197. clude killed in action, wounded, miss' r A Vniiri must stand' erect, not be kept There But Suggests Some Amendments That ing in action and , prisoners. Marcus Aurelius. erect others. by Would Preserve Monroe; Doctrine.' probably will lie some slight further revision as final reports are received. Jennings . William Washington..' Statistics "compiled by the war de- - Bryan issued a statement here March partment slmw that from the date rof 10, indorsing the league of nations, but FRAUTIC WITH lie entry of (hd United Strifes itito suggesting iftiiendmentk the protlie. war to February 21, 1919,' thdre Loag SufJcriif From Kidngf Treuile posed constitution wliicli, among other were-ilHsuicides ' in 'the army.' ()f tilings would preserve specifically tlie More Thai Word Cai Deacribe. ' these,1. 193 occurred in the United Monroe doctrine, enlarge the propor' Doans Brought Health .. Stateg and J4( overseas. In making tionate voting power of the United this total public, General March pointand each Bapplseaa. clear make it and that States ed out that it waf far below tlie averMrs. Anna Thor?pri,,290 South St., member nation might decide for itself I hadnt any Stamford, Conn., says: age per thousand in civil life, durihg whether it woul( support decrees of more strength than a child, and after tlie years of .the league's general council. ,. t sweeping my bck hurt me more 'and Hospital records from' tlie expedimore. My headachea yterc so, bad it ' seemed as though my tionary forces, General March said, RUSSIANS TURN CANNIBALS. skull were being torn showed 81,231 patients on February into shreds and I 20, a reduction from 142,217 since the lose would Human Flesh Sold to Starving People finally' armistice was signed. track of . everything of Revolution Torn Country. lie. in. a stupor and for hours. I felt I Washington. Chaotic conditions in Federal Prisoners Receive Clemency had to in and going or keep Pefrogrud Russia, particularly ' lose my mina and f Leavenworth, Kutis. Men confined were described in reports reup often when I kept at tlie federal prison here for Violation .Moscow, The ceived by tlie state department. trembled all over of the espionage act and for military with weakness. My to which tlie country bad been offenses lire receiving clemency frbin .depths feet were swollen and Bolsheviki rule was said by every bone in my the department of justice and tlie war plunged by to be indicated in a tlie advices report body seemed to ache. , Wedit became known department-from Moscow, saying that fiunian flesh My fingers gut almost as rigid as f nesday! pieces of wood . and ;. thej knuckle had been sold to tlie famine-stricke- n swelled. kidney secretions- - were population by Chinese soldiers, who dark colored, scanty and terribly Champ Denies Statement. later were arrested. burning. I suffered more than words ; can describe: t I finally began Using Atlanta,' Ga. Champ Clark, former believe Doans Kidney Pills and speaker of tlie house of Radio Phone Used by Daniels. with all my heart that they kept me in a signed statement given out out of the well am I and on grave nappy Washington. Secretary Daniels here, denied that he had evef sahl tlie after going through enough pain to drive talked by radio telephone with Tuesday to1 . Doans saved nations-lmno frantic. me of life. chance, my league Ensign Harryil Fagenwater in a. navy Sworn to before me this 13th day he ratified by tlie senate. of Sept., 1915. flying bout, en iron to., from, Washington BENJAMIN M. AYRES, ' to Hampton Roads. Crimmunicnlion ovnrt s .Notary Public was established at a distance of more ' Get Doans at An? Store, 0ea Bos trans450 titan miles, b,v fur tlie longest -- t mission ofWepbone signals CO- - BUFFALO. N. Y. an with airplane in flight ever achieved. eV-Inr- r- on, Radicals Police, secret "IN'- - FjCH-Ti- -- - JRaid' TROOPS ACTUALLY , - : ii y ' - ' Gei-iiian- s . - , Proposes to Neutralize Rhine and Kiel Canal Paris. Recommendation that the navigation of tlie Rhine lie opened to all nations without discrimination was made in a report to the peace confer-- . ence Wednesday by the commission on tlie international. regime of. waterways, railways' and ports. It is suggested that the Uhiipe he controlled ljy a commission jSiitvilnr to the Danube commission .Tlie slat us. of the Kiel cynnl has been settled by the commission on the tiasig of the freedom of use for all nations for merchant ships or warships in time of peace. The canal would continue under German ownership and opera, tion.. 4.., , Commission- - , - C London. Fivmien Lloyd Geoi-gand Foreigu Kecretqgy. Balfour lmve sent word to their colleagues here tlinYtlie peace conference has nearly completed its work, the Evening,--New- s says it understands. Tlie draft f Hie peace treaty alrqjidy lias been, finished and will be signed before tlie end of March'. rice stniimoned When thefo I'ariS;,,the News adds Ihe- - trinity will he read to them and they will lie invited to sign it. There will he iio disenssion with iV view to uTtcrYitions of tlie principal articles 'of the treaty. If it is thought necessary, questions involving tlie adjustment of details will lie deferred to' a special coimti'i's-sion- . .; -- WATERWAYS FREEDOM ASSURED - rte ''Atfy 'DtscUsSio'h." ' .'' 1 3 . foi-vii-- . - 'l When fQerrnAnV. Are ! umrldvtfcd to Paris,' They Will' be Invited to pijn the , T reaty , Without . LOAN DRIVE WILL OPEN APRIL 21 - Dili - ..Mail, mailer seized Washington. since tlie signing of the armistice lias dischfeed that the I. aiiarciiists radical socialists and others are.jpert-feelingtin amalgamation."'' which flag juhject tlie overthrow of liie American through government Idoptly revolution" and tlie establish-- 1 ment of, a Bolshevik republic, accord- ing to n memorandum sent to the senate propaganda 'committee by Solicitor Lamar of tlie postoffice department. Tlie memorandum was made public j Monday by the committee, and Gliniv-j- f man Overman said. Jt would lie read into tlie record. Declaring that in Bolshevism tlie radical elements of the country' had r..l for the first time found a common eft 1. ahil ft ; e?.r f; cause upon which they can unite;u Mr. Lamar said his information showNORMAL LEVELS OF PRICES jfrXD ed tlmt propaganda against the WAGES SOUGHT BY THE U. 6. , was being conducted-- with' .COMMERCE COMMITTEE.-- " great regularity and that' the magni-- ; Xvj:i tilde could be. measured by the bold! and outspoken statements found in; Purpose of Board is to Bring- About the literature. Accompanying his 6 the Operation rof Laws of Supply memorandum 'were several hundred and bemand Interferred Wlth-Sfby Process of War. excerpts from mail matter showing the trend of the propaganda. These will be made public later. ' Washington. Completion of tlie per.Particular reference was made by sonnel of tlie industrial. .board pf .the tlie solicitor to, tlie activity of tlie of eoinmerqe, togetliey vyitli dissatisfied, foreign element "of the department Ihe plans of tlie board for hastening country,: but he said, perhaps tlie L W. the return of pripes and wages to a W; was the most active in the disnormal level, was announced Sunday semination of tlie propaganda because through the council of national ..deit ,has at its command a large field fense. , force known as recruiting agents, subAssociated with Geyrge, N. Peekof unwork scription agents, etc., who Moline, 111., a former ' member of .the ceasingly in the, furtherance of tlie war industries board, as chairman of cause. the new organization, are Samuel. T. Bush of Columbus, (). ; Anthony Cami-nett- i, GERMAN ARMY LIMIT FIXED. commissioner if Jmmlgratiqp ; Thomas K. Glenn of .Atlanta, Ga. ; Allied War Council Sets 100,000 Men as George R. James of Memphis, Tenn. ; : Maximum. T. C. Powell of Cincinnati and William ' Paris. Definite ' steps to put Ger- M. Ritter of West Virginia. To Fix Price Levels. many forever beyond the hope of obThe chief purpose of the new board,, taining military domination over tlie world were- taken Monday by the sup- it was announced, is to bring about the reme-war council, wifli Clemenceau operation of the laws of supply and de presiding,- - Lloyd George present and mand, interfered with by the process Secretary Lansing and Colonel House of war. To this end conferences!!' be held with representatives .of tlie representing the United States. The kaiser's great armies are to- be clti'efs of industries to decide on prices reduced to a mere police force and to lie offered to the nation as the other steps severer than have been conapproved J judgment On 'a templated were provided .for. The price scale low enough to .tin courage German government must accept them Inlying and the resumption of normal " or thke the consequences. " . : activities. ' As a result of the discussion it' was As soon as a stable and wholesome agreed to' fix the strength at 100,000, scale of prices is achieved, said the loss' than-- " half rhe .original figure announcement, the cost of living will a .4 laid have so far been reduced as to create under the tel-mdown by" ih''aHies.' 'Germany1 must automatically reductions in the price raise'' tills force by Vbltinhiry enlist- of labor without interfering with U 1, ment. American standards and ideals for the .i.l : 'r:r treatment and living conditions of ja-It t ilor and thus the last inflating element Debs .Praises .Anarchists. 1 Ju w,lmt fina,y be, bis will .have been withdrawn from prices'. , ..Cleveland will fare.weil pubUcLiiddi'ejis.iiefoi'e he be- It is believed that industries cost must of tlie be that agree living a,(tte.u.-ye;i,im-gins, sevying senepca aourt ;hei;o, op , a substantially reduced before labor 'A;d , b) Lite. ,fcl(-'Va- ! charge pf violating tbc espioinige. act,, should be asked to accept lower wages, and' thus industry should stand the V, Dejis,, 'Socialist leader,, ' the Bolsheyist rule iq Russia and first shock of readjustment. referred fq, I.cpIng.iiiKl TroJky uSj tiip REVOLT OF THE UNDERWORLD .stgfii f(j'eiqo!jt.r.statesiiH;n. W..-W- D OP MOtfTrVD ECOCfftV'BRfTTSH - -- REMfl i : s J t . I - Establishment of Bolshevifct'-Gove- i ment is Object of I. W. W., Socialists! and RadicaF ARMchisUsp DbclaVes , Solicitor L$nar.,. . REitoY-BYiN- -- BY5REDS. .i'1 BE DRAFT-WIL- REPUBLIC O V E BIHROWrOF-TH- E t i :i BY; VALENTINE MOTT. M. D. It ur almost impossible fto 4giVe a jist ol the bndlesS diJfciseB that ftSlldW iirdigCrition Perhaps a wlmle.colUmn. m tins newspaa11- per .WPVy,.e, fgquired tft You eat to keep alive to supply blood and flesh ajjd. bone and muscle and brain. It i --not diis easy-to see that-- if your-foegested Ip rid taken Aip'.by the delicate organs, and distributed whpxttit s needed, a. disease of some sort is sure to come. Dys- pepsta is a common symptom, and so are Kills Family as Religious Sacriflce..-Clasevill- e, Mich. Paul Muggje. aged 30, was arrested here after thej finding of tlie bodies of bis aged mother and Mnggle told police three children. officers, they said, lie killed tlie fotjt; as a .religious sacrifice.", ' " 1: Raid Upon Anarchists. Waterlrui'y, Conn. Nearly200"syne pnthlzers of tlie Industrial Workers of the World, Including Alexander Clieer-nofof Chicago, national organizer of the I. W. W. movement, were arrested Sunday, f, Amelia Barr, Authoreaa, Dead. New York. Amelin K Barr, "the; authoress, died here March 10, Mrs. Barr, who was within a few days of Sunbeing 88 years old, suffered stroke last July rind never completely rallied front its effects, ' Recapture of Riga Denied. i :i Copenhagen. The recently reported! recapture by Germuns of Riga, on tlie Baltic const, Is denied in a Berlin dispatch received het'e. The German troops, It Is stated, are still a considerable distance from lUgu. N U.S. STOMACH RELIEF Jooopb Taggart M. C.trom Kanaaa, Declaroo EATON1G Boat for Indlgeotkm Ho Ever Uaod. A eoBEreuaun burs for and agalnat HI dill west propoaltlou. la tv conviction, miol but bofo.o- M raata bln vot on aov mnnaure ba tnalatn upon avldcDct tliai, on own wclsbt, carriu conviction. ., In the raec of "KATOX-1- 0 Joacph Taxsart, t, from tlie 2nd Kanaaa City. Kant., decided that a trial of the Itself, would for-- 1 remcdjr. ntab the noet conclualvw Und bia declalon and do wbat- be tclla pou. One box of KATONIO will- convlncn the moat akeptleal. It la the bext remedy I have aver tried for Indlscatloa. Beeprctfullr, I08KPI1 TAGGART, M. 0. 3d Kan. Plat., Kan. C.t)-- . Knu. cauaed by te Nearly all etomarb trouble Slurb add In the ntomneh. KATONIO neutrsllau the sieves acidity and tnablu yon to ent wbnt you Ilka nnd dlgut wbei you nt In comfort. It kaepa the atomacb IB atata of perfect health KATONIO taku up tho Itere's the aecret-acidity, drlvea tba fee out of the body and the cent er two bloat sou with it. Coata only day to uae It. Ont a box today from yonr Srufitlit, oq !' Old Folko Cougho FIso'l wM he rcltsvwfl protnctly by Stop throat tickle) rellevtd Irritation. The remtay teated by porn than fifty jrtan of, uae is , -- |