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Show WE IfAirMOlW Kilties Mrs. Geo Forney went to Provo THE MAMMOTH RECORD this morning. Mr. John Larsen of Spring city is the guet of her daughter, Mrs. .00 rate.$2. eraumim Subscription 0. W. Nielson. Published evtry Saumlsy, GEN. PERSHING PostExhufn Ortrseas Taken Ovmr by tH , AwriseAto tary D. J. Hoggan moved his family up from Manti this week sad is John Mikeseil has gone to Salt Lake for a few days and Mb wife is visiting relatives in Springville. with the govcniment in the cause of America; lor th) period of ihe-vvar- i P. N. Andersen, Len Forsey and D. J. Moss went to Salt Lake this morning to attend the auto show. Mitchell Jamison arrived from Bingham last Saturday night and may decide to remain in Mammoth. total and Personal Max and Wilmer Smith came iu from Salt Lake Wednesday night this office. tire Harry Peterson is visiting to spend a month with their Mrs in Spanish Fork this week. Mrs. Wm Cowan. Cowan entertained a party cf litMr. and Mrs. RoUa Peery spent tle folks today in honor of Maxs Sunday visiting with Mrs. Peerya fourth ' Get your auto licttase for 1919't grand-motbe- r birthday. mother at Payson. The St. Patricks ball given FriA number of young people motored op from Nephi to attend the day evening was pronounced the social success of the season. The ,Ht. Patricks ball. music wss never bo inspiring. Tte Miss Vene Larson and Mary punch was delicious. Pretty girls Banks returned to there home in in abundanoe. One continual Spanish Fork Tuesday. round of pleasure. Mrs. Albert Larsen entertained John Nesbit went to Provo to the Primary offloers in preparation his wife and attend the visit for the busy hour Thursday. ' given there yesterMrs. Alex McDonaid entertained day to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nesbit guests Thursday evening; at the who were married in Halt Luke anniversary of her husbands birth, Wednesday. Mrs, Nesbit who Las Owing to the lecture Monday been spending a ecu pie of weeks with h r parents will return with night he Preach and, writing him. Thurs-daHohoolwili not meet until - Mrs. Virgil Bid of Springville came up Wednesday for a weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Lathead Curtis. Mis Emma Emery of Provo will arrive tonight for a visit with her father, 9. ! Emery and her bister Libbie. A special program will be given at the L. D. 8. churchy Sunday Aa n y. The Mammoth Relief Society will hold their annnal social in the L. D. S. church, at 2 oclock, Tuesday, March, 18, at which the Re lief Society of Tmtic Slake will be their guests. A splended program rendered chiefly by tbo visitor1 will be given followed by luncheon tind sociability. Coraeand epend . Local an enjojable ladles please assist with refreshments. etf tea f Iteitof nk pBP-sound- AeeerUng that tha vWmabla aM sum 4am4 to to war swtees f tha ?. kg 0. . lak bean a lara motor ta fcs flaal greet accomplishments of the meriaan army, Ctaaral Pershing, fa a communication to R. C. Oartea, ta charge of association operations with the American Expeditionary Ibwai, pays a splendid tribute to the work which this agency accomplished under extrema difficulties and Kiljirmo The T. M. 0. A. served tha army heater than ooqld have been expcctad," says General Pershing. At lta own request tke American T. M. C. A has been relieved from naa post exchanges with tha Expeditionary forces overseas, tha aaod for such service having been relieved with tha signing of tha aralstiea. Qta respondance exchanged between Osa eral Pershing and H. 0. Carter, ta chargs of the T. M. 0. ,k. with the army, rasulted In this decision, (tarter wrote to General Porahlng January 20th as follows: Deer General Pershing: A year and a half ago yea requested the T. 1C. 0. A. to under-take operations for post exchaagaa tor the American Expeditionary Ytorees in order teat officers sad enlisted men may not be taken away tor that purpose from their paramount military tanctlona ft training and fighting. As aoon as hostiUttos ooased we ' raised with you tha question whether time had not come tor tha T. M. C. A. to be relieved of thg operation of post exchanges ta flew of tee fact that there was at longer the same pressing demand on man power of tha army for training and fighting. Whan wa first raised tha question with you It did not appear to yon that It was tsaslbls ta th boat Interests of maximum service to (he army teat a change he mads. Now the site-atiois materially altered. Recant general orders from mala headquarters and requests front commanding officers have laid oe the T. M. C. A. increased respond- - a resident of lower town. n fdneattap to fShg&te a rapid fores, taersMtag bssasB pea eer RENDERED ART.IY 9, a daughter. ;has enlisted Us to corns AD Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Thatcher, Sunday1 morning, March now WSCOID, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH ' . ghortalfhtad 8 . ' y , ecsstbWhat yC3 ftOCom-pll- - c! when dr yes don't Department of the Interior, U. 8. Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, February 20, 1919. Nciise is hereby given that avid J. Greenhalgh, of Silver city, Jtah,who, on March 26, 1912, mad) Homestead - Entry Serial No. 09573, for SWA Section 13; NJSE, EJSW, Section 14, Township 1 South. Range 3 West, Salt ake Meiidian, has filed notice of r nteution to make Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Reg-ste- r and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Salt ake City, Utah, on tha 8th day of April, I9I9. Claimant names as witnesses: Colon Me urphv, John Chambers, mi Lud Ysa knew they been ea do a U i othstel But i , gsneftepubttc-'- ai thsytatenasd? TcP rtutol Dont keep k a date issret.' five-yea- J I 1. Wjghtman, John Betts, W. a-- of Silver city, Utah. B. BLAKELY, GOULD Register. Auto Stage Kirkendall J. C. KIRKENDALL, Chauffeur Fhone 138 R-- Mammoth Phone 3 Eureka -- 2 a Let the light shine through REGULAR SCHEDULE Lea ve M 1m mot b the column Leave Eui eka of this paper. (Oowyrtgbt. M. UJi t Reputation 7 Props SCHCAHII JOHNSON Let us build you an inch ad- - in this paper, a column ad., a page acL, or any old sixe ad. DRUG NO. 10 H. H. BOURNE, Manager Everything in the Let it tell in forcatal tsnns: Drag Line What youve got to sell What its worth Why it's best at that price Phone 01 your wants We will give them prompt attention Such an advertisement in this paper will bring buyers who hardly knew you existed before you Utah EnrekB, Phone No. 3 aud 11 Kirtendalls Auto leaves our store at raaular in- - Until ws want to war, to ordsr to gat a teoasaad loBwra together ous had to go to too talk sad pat a little each monte r sate weak or r 1 tel part St his niter teoabtsamas to go old soak, ft to tea hank sad tea sask wn toe -- advertised. terval. to tF (GopTflffcW TT DIEHL I. E. NOTARY PUBLIC Iter Cateiscs CtaKSS. to teem of to Wted fitatos, teaftoir those Bate with a ynana-to- tot jpanfMteBt Bankruptcy Proeeedifi s f tor tor sat taterate toiBltf qMtetorlr. opsns tha One otu bigte. with tee Kts. UB. ftv W. Ads. as aftf-rooor- gtote to ad-ther- .t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tepor-futtls- a Claude F. Ber from returned the vvhoreoently office service, has opened a law in the Elks building in Eureka in connection with his brother, Lee Baker who conlucts the Provo offlfee of the partnership. Don Fullmer of Butte, Montana who has been spending the winter . ia California with his family ar, nved here Tueeday and spent a few days visiting his brother. His sister MrB, Ethel Bowlde t rf .Springville accompanied them Mrs. Wilmer Hutchison, by D, C. Mansou and family spent Tuesday and Wednee day visiting relatives in camp, Tuesday evening th 3 relatives were Full-iao- r i ntertained by Mrs. C. W. and on Wednesday they were rliued by Mrs. C. 0. Robeitsou. The festivities of the week ended vitb a family dance at lhe cabaret. iig.,a individual prapoee'to tea svateaB of tax EskSlar ee tdatedsetaabto eouns Daniel 0. Roper, A of Intaraal le-filv- ed Lieutenant tha Quality cf year goods a raw am) I wish to know whgfbor you do not think ft wdd bo pooslUo tor tot army to a vary oarty date to MB rospoaatotllty tor to malntononea of past amhango throughout tha Amiku ExpodA tlonary YorccT Tory ccrdtoSy yoors, (Signed) B. C. CARTER. . . General Pershing tmmodlatsly acted upon the augg osteon mad hy Carteg and relieved tha Y. M. 0. A. of its teal of maintaining tha pate aashangaa. mid: My Dear Mr. Carter: I have received year letter of January Mto asking whether, to view of present changed ettuatloB, It would be possfkAa tor the army to sesame fall responsibility lor maintenance of poot oxchangte throughout American Expedltlem-arForce. As yon correctly stats, the T. K. C. A. undertook tea management of post exchanges at my request at a time when It was of greatest that no available soldier should be taken away from vital military functions of training and fighting. As reasons which impelled ms at that ttma to request you to undertake this work af longer exist, I am glad to approve your suggestion ta reaching this conclusion. Consideration has beoa given to new burdens ta ccnneo-tlo- n with entertainment, athletta activities and education that yea have assumed. I have accordingly given directions that army u<s themsalvea take over aad operate their own poet exchangee. In making this teange permit me to thank you tor tha very valuable services aad assistance which th T. M. C. A. has rendered to the American ftxpedttlonary Force ta handling these exchanges. Handicapped by shortage of tonnage and land transportation (he Y. M. 0. JL haa, by extra exertion, served the army better than could have beea expected, and you may be assured that ita aid has boon a large faster ta the final grant accomplishments of tha American army. Very cordially yours, (Bgned) JOHN J. PERSHING. evening by the Relief Society. Everybody invited. TTOTIRSTTIIOUSAND .Friday next at 1:15 there wfW tbe a mm Kte ttanasnd dot- a debate between the 8th and ton sasM ap tecta In ehveys grades, the subject being, tor a god4 iatntouBt. U I that the United Strtes is bard to plan aawl ton than that, why ttealfiiy toga who are salt tow passing through a more ci itical t.lfcat is advise made yoaag ton to tecta period than that of the civil wai . early and savs tlto Etet thousand. Mrs. Walter Webb his visitii fe this week with1 Mrs. C. H- - Webb She expects to ri-- t a id family urn early in the week to1 Mapel Ion to make ready' to move to Divideuds where Walter i Wtvk- -, ing in the Standard mine. ttCDPlN.0 o A-t- M. C. A. THATS WHY POte PUBL "Vtewed ta N set sense, the :.Js payment for la vtew of tea dtogB sltusftoB rrs WORTH WHILE i P INCOMB TAX . Thg stony to toko now gpw paring tor too dattvary of all sag. dtea tor pool retamges white heretofore hgte. booe Imported, gtanufaatarod and daBvaiOd by thg 1. warurwwwsrwi oom way. Legal Ducumenta Carefully .nd Accurately Drawn -- THE INTERIOR, DBPARTMBNTOP U. S. Laud Office st Sslt Lake City, Utah Fsbsary g, 1919. Notice ' is hereby given (hat Shirley 0. Evans, of Anaconda, Montana, who, on July 9, 1912, made Homestefcd Entry, Serial No. BLAKELY, vention of Preventable Diseases. Register. !)r. E. E. Erickson, will speak on First publication Fgb. 8, 1918. of Adolescence. Psychology Both men tie good and entertain log speakers and are being sent TRADE MORAL The difference rmt bjr the University of Utah Exbetween business and suooess tension Division Bureau of Public is advertising. Inquire about Health and Preventive Medicine. is free. and Leoture starts at 7:30 our rcto The publio is invited. buctoan to this community. Mr. Merchant MAMMOTH RECORD OFFICE start mi right Ttor youve got ft alL YoaVe selling them 3 theyTl bay. anyhow. But at the same time you would like more business. I Make this community buy tjnfuutnnjwinjuuiniinruvijwnnjj 5 DR. L. E. PIERCE 88 WJ, Sec. 5; SEJ 0IC227, for tiWi, See. 6; NiNEJ, NEJNW, 8ec. 7, and NJNWJ, Section 8, Township il South, l'ir.e 3 West, Salt Lska Meridian, bas filed notice of intention to make five-ye- ai proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before' the Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, at fcalt Lake city, Utah on the 22nd day of March, 1919 Claimant names as witnesses: Louis Oakley, oi Provo, Utah. Reed Oakley, ofSilver city, Utah D. L. Monday, the 17th, at the Arch Lambscn, of Springville, U 8. church Dr. L. L. Daines. state AmmiOakley,of Springville, Utah bacteriologist will lecture on PreGOULD B, ad. ia directed at the rrHI3 I maa who has eft General Cessaltatka NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I DENTIST ' . per. UTAH EDREKA - ruiATLoixium uvuannaruumn - - Foundations (tj for Fortunes? Put in an inviting g ltiHy & power. I. OUR., AD. RATES ARB RIOHT CALL. ON U (Gowrrf Are right here ia the idvertking columns of this paper. If what you're selling hss sisrit, IT. ADVERTISE An sd. will sell It for yos. (Ootejittebi. Mto, by W to. U.J pic- washtub where people can see it the minute they look at your ad. Talk And strong on washtub. youll find every woman in this vicinity who haa bean getting along wfth a rickety washtub for years and years will buy a new ore from you. tj That's creative business ture of Stott Building, 2nd Floor $ more. q Advertise strongly, consistently, judiciously. Q Suppose you can buy a lot of washtubs cheap; advertise a big wa8htub sale in this pa- -S- Hl. HkiU by 'v- - M. U ) HfcBW CUTLERY EVEHY BLADE WARRANTED |