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Show 1 JOj f'flA tAlc I CrA "A1 s' M HyVViyk MAMMOTH CITY, JUAB COUNTY. UTAH, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1919. VOL. XXIV. immsm Wm. Isherwood is on the eick list this week. - Ben Boyer has opened a grocery . at his home, James Tnrlfcupie made an an to When your home burns, you get week. this to Nephi np your Hartford check promptly . A new son arrived at the home See Mark McChrystal, Eureka. ( t Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum . Naylor - Mrs. Tbos. Walters was called to on Thursday. Oasis last Sunday by the serious E. F. Birch is attending the ill mess of her mother, Mrs. Niels A message announced meeting of Liberty Loan ohairmen Anderson. died Friday that Mrs. Anderson at Salt Lake. Mrs. James Tourloupie morning. Eugene North returned Tuesday left last for Oasis to attend night been from Salt Lake, whore he the funeral of her grandmother a few days. spending which fe to be held at that place Miss Pearl Oberhanaly of Pay on Sunday. ' am visited in Silver Sunday as the Why work for others-whe- n guest of Mia Benlah Boyle. you ean make 86 scientific as Wmi Lemmons is reported home. Cost you only recovering from bis attack of $1.90 retail' out at $40. new. Sells to everybody. pneumonia at Lynn junction. This will get you off that small Mrs. Goldie Storrs has been role. Send stamp A, Box substituting in the school during pay 142, Ocean Park, California. tlie absence of Mrs. Chidister. . trust that Director OdeT wil( be able very sco to supply us a list of the chairmen so that the work can go forward aud tre camgaign of thrift make stealer , headway. - won-ders-- Insure your home and household goods in the Old reliable Hartford See Mark Me Insurance Co at THE TINTIC IIILL HAY ENLARGE Ciirystal, Eureka. Lavonia F uller aeturned Tuesday from the Prove nniversity ' here be had been visiting his friend Vivan Birch., Miss Thelma Jasperson will ar live this evening from Snowville i !oxelder county, to spend a month with her aunt, Mrs. D. B. Willis. PUBLICATION. FOR NOTICE Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Salt ake City, Utah, March 4, 1919. Serial vo.023162. NOTICE is hereby given that on July 23,'19i8, George D. Felt, of Ibapah, Utah, made appli ati u to select Section 5, Township ii I of, one of theee hospital, that he has bfen permitted a visit to a divine workshop where men are fashioned In parts, put together, and tanght to fune-tidh- . Qod made Adam of dust, but those modern scientific surgeons make their men of wood and Iron, gold and silver, hone and clay. That 1 the physical. .Of the mental and spiritual that which is intangible well, only thle: these surgeons blow into their men of wood and Iron, gold and silver, bone and clay, a spirit. And having blown into their product this spirit, they feed the spirit. Then months later from this hospital walks a man who was a machinist before his legs were blown off at Chateau Thierry. Now he is a draughtsman on his way to a job, confident, happy. Independent. He is walking on legs of iron and wood. Yon would have to see hfm take them off before you would believe It. He walks so well. Yet his legs are no newer than his spirit or his ability as a draughtsman Nor is his spirit or ability less fljin than those nsw legs of wood and -- South, Range 18 West, 8alt Like A Shipment of Bollfion Being Sent Base and Sier'dian, in lieu of and in exchange for Section 28, Town- iron. out today Prospects of The Cost. ship ii ."outh, Range 19 West, 1200 There are war wounded and sick Cyanide Plant. Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Geneml Hospital in the under the Act of April 2i, lgl)4 in Letterman Most of Pfesidio at San Francisco. The Tintie mill is shipping a (33 Stat. 2ll). Serial No. 023182. tljse men from the Argonne, Belleau car of bullion today, of about 1 he purpose of this notice is to Wood, St. Mihiel, Chateau Thierry, are allow all persons claiming the land being remade bodily and spiritually. ; 70,000 pouads valued at between : under themining or other laws, Of the two phases of their regeneration, . $85,000 and $70,000 in copper, desiring to shQW it to be mineral the spiritual is perhaps the more l of is a man when For The T. 8. K, club met Wednes- silver and gold. This the first in character or adversely occupied, mangled jlt. an opportunity to hie objection to h p legs, or his artps, or his eyes, he is with Miss Helen shipment since January. day evening & t to lose more than those physical One-haof the tonnage now 3uch application with the local aid win and decided to give their lie loses his economic value and officers of the land, district It his confidence and his i axt' invitation social about the being run is supplied fnin the which ,1'h the laod is sithatMwdKi V.JY'or proof of that we have the and Star lease and the of April. Dragon .5, 'ihe XHaioss, the blind begg'.ni " SlabHthr4nterM4rVin 'v ' T ' , , j comes from the "Colo- themineral character thereof. remainder our street corners. They have lost e.i ' ief Rel Thursday afternoon the or Such' small their a siirit. and Blossom v Iron protests objections rado, Society gave a dinner and quilting amount from Of course, this divine workshop of should be filed within (3d) thirty whoare the leasers bee at the Amusement ball There from the date of the first the niUAary surgeons is an expensive in the poiphyry in days It takes thousands of operating was a good attendance and two publication cf thB notice in v the regenerator. month to carry on the dollars each of Diamond. tne vicinity United States Land. Offi.e, alt work in Letterman 'q'lilts were quilted. Hospital alone, and Plans are being'discussed for Lake City. Utah. Letterman is only one of many such to Bae Andereon went Miss GC CiLD B. BLAKELY, the addition of a cyanide process hosoi'als, all of them run by the govKeels tor. ernment. ' Talt Lake Saturday to meet her which will recover a greater perSo next April when the Victory Libbrother wl o just returned home centage of the gold which i3 now Date of first publication; March 8, Loan comes aknocklng at your 1919. erty She came back lo going into the dump. The ad; from France. door, remember that a big part of the cl beT sohool duties Monday.. dition of a cyanide plant will money you lend Is to be used to keep running the machinery of these divine of the the Delbert Boss has rerumed from plant output workshop when men who were mana for aud largofficers the artillery give safe employment gled for love of America are being retraining made. school in where he er number of men. No definite , dif-f- & lf - self-re-''- . -- in ' .. , , Youre Kentucky completed the coarse and received action has, however been taken commission as 2nd Lieutenant. , in the matter but an expert is now engaged in figuring out W. T. Hatch and wife are spend- tie details. ing a few dayB in Salt Lake and 8amples from the Mammoth expeat to return Sunday. Wells slu n pond have been taken and Honghtonof Mammoth ie acting and if an equitable conas deliveryman dnring Mr. 'Hatchs sampled can be secured from the tract absence. Mam mo Mi company ,thereis a prob. Mrs. ( hidister returned Wednes- ability that the entire tailings day from Delta where she wtu? from the old Mammoth mill may called by the fatal iilnesa of Lei be shipped to the Tintie mill for daughter last wtsek treatment. ' The roasters which Her daughter d ed just before Mrs. are now being used are not suitChidister ai rived. able for handling the fine MamMrs. Thos. Walters has sold liter moth tailings and it may require of a McDougai hoarding honse in .Silver city j. the installation a with probable c:.t of Mrs. Rebecca Sutherland, who roaster rui-mil take charge ou the 12tli of $20,000, it, however, if but ihj plans should April. Mr. and Mr. D. B. Vil- -( it means a great- be consumattd I; who have been operatcog the er production tf metals frr '!in blace for several months will move tic and its consequent increase to other quarters? in the number of men employed A suprise party was given Thursin Mam moth and Silver city. day evening by the Lh 8. K gills on Livonia Fuller at bis home. Pesids the T, S. K. hoistetees, COUNTIES NOT , Elmo Fulla ier and huene North were present Light ALL ORGANIZED luncheon was i erred, candy was made, and a jolly evenii lg WAS Lack of Patriotism Being Shown by ' piob-lemati- c, - J.esiie-Oromar- spent. ' , Utah Public Men. Ed Bigler, who went to Ai izona about two weeks ago to shear i beep The Record expected to be died at that plaoe at & oclock Friable this week to print a full day morning of typhoid pnenmoi ' list of county chairman who His wife and her mother, M the W. 8. S would handle Waters, started for Arison the coming year, but campaign Wednesday but owing to a wreck Odoll has notify ed us Director which delayed their train they did that about ten counties so fa r not arrive before Mr. Biglersk ' death. r have no chairman, due to the at Home Prove your patriotism Buy W. S. S. Today a flay -- fin Idea Protect yori ceas. '1 p, ,my jr JdllM 'YSlDEKHmN A: CO D. o lor their $ ce8,HaWaw,in8to. tw Himrireri iWpur c t t i,r . tOo t i The Income Tax drive comee to close on Saturday night, March ip. The payments and returns due o that date under the provisions of the new Revenue Law must be in the handa of local Internal Revenue Collectors before their offices close that nlgh't. The Income Tax is being collected to meet the war expenses. Every person who shouted and tooted his horn on Armistice Day is now called upon to contribute his share of the cost of winning the war. The laggards and the dodgers will face seveh'e fines and Jail sentences. The Internal Revenue Bureau announces that its officers will check us all up to see that every person who comes within the scope of the Incomo Tax law did his share. Where to Pay and File. Residents of Montana, Idaho and Utah are required to make their returns and pay their taxes to William 0. Whaley, Collector of Internal Revenue, Helena, Mont., or to any of hia deputy collectors who are now doing free advisory work on Income Tax. Payments sent by mail should be attached to the returns and should be in the form of check, money order or draft. Cash payments by mall are sent at the taxpayer's risk of loss. If you are unable to make your return personally because of Illness, absence or Incapacity an agent or legal representative may make your return.' If there are any doubtful points as to your items of income or allowably deductions you should get in touch at once with a Revenue officer or a bank f er for advice, ' u. - Women Vay Tax. Women are subject to all the requirements of the Income Tax. Whether single or married, a woman income from all sources mtst be considered. If unmarried or if living apart from her husband she must make her return for 1913 if her net income was $1,000 or over. If married and living with her husband her Income must be considered with the husbands in determining tba liability for a return. Their Joint Income, less the credits allowed by law, la subject to normal tax. The wife's net Income is considered separately in computing any sutax that may be due. Husband and Wife file Jointly, as a rule. If the husband does not Include bis wifes interne In his return the wife must fils s separate return. Severe Peoaltlaa, The new Revenue Law places severe penalties on a person who falls to make return on tlm refuses to make return or renders a fraudulent retnm. For fallur to make return and pay tax on time a fine of not more tbaa $1,000 la named and $8 per cent of the tax due la added to the assessment For refusing wtHfctljt te moke retrrn n or for making a fntfl o? fravdrlcnt ibci is a fine of ret ctcced.njj $10,001) and ImprtkSntVnt of not exceeding oi:p year, or im h, Farnnra Income Tavabla, Every fanner and ranchman who bad a'fuir or a gnud yc.-- r Irj 1918 must heed the Income Tax year. He must consider nil his lucotie as taxable. lie is entliid to deduct from his gross income all jjmoiuits expcndel in cumin;' on his D rrn. Tha cost of farm maci nerv, fam lulldl.fga and improvements c.ufiiot be deducted. The cost of live stock, ether for rea'e or for breeding purpose, is also r.egur.dei as investment. Overtime and Bonuses Taxed. Salat y and wage earners must consider as taxable every item receivod from employers and from other sources. Bonuses nnd overtime pay are to be reported as well as the regat lar payments. Allowances for Lssss. Losses sustained In 1918 and not covered by insurance are deductible Items If incurred In the taxpayer's business or trade, in any transaction undertaken for profit or arising from fire, storm, shipwreck or other taie alty or from theft -- ro-tur- H TO NORMAL Pie ha, Professor of Plnanoe, UntvereHy of California By Carl Of course K Increased the war upset business, some Uses such as war common, munitions hut decreased everyday peace Usee. The only possible way back to noamal la to baOd ( up eommoa basin aaa. To get back to normal mesa that we have to get capital book Into those lines of business which have tollen ' behind. If an Individual has met a great loss the only way he ean mate himself whole again is by saving, by strict economy. A ooustiy Is only a lot of individuals. We have, ooDse-tlvelto meet the coat of the war, an economic lost, although a moral gain. Wa ean meet It only by saving. The government la coming to ns next month with the Victory liberty Loan the last of the Liberty Loans. There are sound financial and reasons why the Victory Loen should be brought again to ths people. The government could make OS save by heavy taxes right now, but ft prefers the less harsh and wiser course of borrowing our savings now and taxing on the Installment plan, a little each year. I Leave Banka Free. Now If the people take the loan, they must, the banks will be left free to lend to the farmer, the manufacturer, the grocer, tbe butcher, and the baker 30 they can get busy again. Then production and business will grow and, by the formula, prices will come to normal. Then we shall all know where we are at and get straightened out again. If we leave it to the banks," they will have no funds left for business, bi? or little. We, ourselves, will not be saving and tha day of our redempThere tion will only b8 ''postponed. will result Inevitable Inflation and the continuance of high and abnormally fluctuating prices. The Victory Loan is part of the war Job just as much as any other. Liberty Loan. We can not afford to let, e do .we Ale0rg9..do It, because if shall be turning our banas Lom lie plow before tho end of tbe furrow is reached,, and leaving a big crop Of weeds to spring up. y, eoo-noml-c a ' LOAN QUOTA NOT TO BE CHANGED BY STATE? SALES Director of War Savings Alters Original Plan of Hinging Two Securities Victory Liberty Loan quotas will not be affected by Thrift Stamp sales a planned by the Treasury Department the first of the year. It was announced last January by Lewis B. Franklin, director of war savings, that wherever Thrift Stamp quotas v ere exceeded the amount of Oversubscription would be taken from the ooming loon quota and that If the Thrift Stamp quotas were not reached the deficiency would be added to the loan quota. Governor James K. Lynch of the Rarerve Bank has Just Federal received a telegram from Washington advising that the plan to adjust Victory Loan quotas in accordance with the sale of War Savings Stamps has Tbe reason given been abandoned. was that some of the Federal Reserve ware not reapportioning Districts Thrift Stamp quotas. - Dont forget! Liberty Bonds ars go ing above par. That is why brokers are advertising for them. , Brokers know. Be wise. Hang onto your bonds. it St -- -- IS WAY BACK INCOME TAX pro-Si- c We FREE RANKS DYANDMD J rr. - The merchant who is trying to do business without advertising is winking at Dame Fortune through blue TRADE MORAL spectacles. He knows hes winking, but she doesn't. This paper is a good advertising medium. 4 NO. fact that some of iLe old chairPAY AMD FILE men have refused to helpUnc'e war It now tl at Sam tat ovei, YANKS and he is .hav'ng difficu'ty in scouring otlev. to show tha r they arc rtady p.oe . ho t their at.d patriotism towrads the b'jc M n Wests Crippled Heroes Being U. S. Internal Revenue Bureau I ave done their d uty. ' Filled to Make Their It should be considered ; Gives Warning That Severe Own Way. ..., honor to serve as no uty chah-ma- n Penalties Will Be Enforced. for tin V. S S. and t'mst .Reconstruction no, that's too Regeneration is the only word asked should he lilug to sacrithat can describe the remarkable work WOMEN WITHIN LAWS SCOPE; fice something to help at this 0$ rebuilding the wounded la the miliHOW THEY REPORT INCOME time. tary hospitals. One feels, after a tour LilD s', f n 4 , it k A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER. D. 0. The Washington, of all persons now filing Income Tax returns are amply protected by provisions for, refunds and up- abatements, peals, says Commissioner Dan- iel C. Roper. Every person can be sure of a square deal. No person is ex-- . pected to pay more than his share of tax. His share Is de- termlned solely by the wmount and nature of bis net Income for 1918, as defined In the law, Abatement petitions are dealt with Refunds will be made In every case where too much tax is erroneously col-lected. Tbe Income Tax Is on the level all the way through. rights open-mtndedl- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Read the Recori A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A l |