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Show r The Daily Utah Chronicle - PLEASE HELP! dorm contract for sale - I will deposit. Call ten at message. DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves the right 10 deny or edil classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and words propriety. Autumn rates are as follows: words S5.00day. $3.00day . $1 2.00week , 0 ad S20.fKVweek. The classified deadline is 12 noon prior to the date the ad is to run. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. For information ahout classified ads call AUTOMOTIVE FORD FESTIVA 4995. Call drive. Front wheel 40 Air. M.P.G. 2 2 '89 HONDA HAWKE 650 Less than 500 miles. Red. Excellent condition. $3500obo. Make offer. 127 Tony. 1984 CHEV. CIT. High miles, V6, 4 sell $ 1000obo 272-- 1 438, after 6 pm. SKI EQUIPMENT 50 OFF Like new! Skis, boots, 127 poles, bindings. Call Lisa at MIST SELL DORM CONTRACT. OFF! sacrifice at $795. Bridal set valued over $2000, 127 leave message. 943-519- SKIS: Dynastar Course SL Ceramic (203) 957 Composite bindings. Great condition. $260. LOST 5 127 AND FOUND TAKEN FROM EMCB MONDAY NIGHT - Grey U of U Uphilldown book bag w much needed books and notes. Reward if found.no Please call Scott at 127 questions asked. PERSONAL- STUDENTS EARN CASH!! Donate plasma. Earn $IOOmo. Alpha Plasma Center 2978 S. Stale. Tues-Sa- t, 4 pm. Earn $50 in 4 visits. Must be consecutive. Must 127 present this ad. Call for details. '82 CHEVY CELEBRITY miles. 4 runs door, well, 100,000 127 $9QOoffer. (X66I9) 1989 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER, 85,000 miles. Excellent leave message. 127 cons. $l5,500obo. 5 WHY NOT? STA-TA- I visit $3.00. 10 visits $25. 677 127 S. 7th E. Winner EDITING- WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks & dissertations for 127 Ionic, style & continuity. Winslow's 582-202- 0 ENTERTAINMENT SAVE LP TO 50 Pantone Audio near On ! home top brands and car stereos. 117 "IT. FOR RENT- RENT THE DOLORES CHASE ART evenings & weekends mini exhibits $225, $280. Gas included. for receptions, 27 S. 8th E. utilities paid $240. 3 122 $265 - LUXURY 2 BEDROOM, fireplace, air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, covered parking, Low No utilities. pets. WOODWINDS, 2295 South quiet. 1 123 200 East, Manager 0, 484 0247, 486-- 4 1 48 ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH in exchange for 3 1 126 7 evenings babysittingweek. Call 583-6- 6 1 BEDROOM CONDO 127 S. 800 E. 15 $250 Call 3 127 Mark HOUSING in Sill Center FREE apartments in exchange for research participation. Call 127 3 Lesa Coleman FEMALE Private bath, some ROOM kitchen privileges, garage, utilities included. Near U. 9 127 $150mo. APARTMENT TO SUBLET from 1191 to 6191: I bdrm, all utilities and phone included, within walking 2 distance of University, $175 per month. Phone 27 NEW I BDRM. Only $215. Mike near WD town of U. 127 & U 363-008- 3 FOR SALE- - DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH.'Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky 127 Mtn. Diamond Co. 486-352- 1 PARKWEST SKI PASS sell for $250. Please call for sale. HEY, OUT THERE IN CALIFORNIA! IT'S MY DAD'S BIRTHDAY, SO WISH ROBERT A. THOMSON (no "P") a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! $400. Regularly counseling, Center DON'T BE AFRAID to learn the truth the Bible tells about Tithing You'll be amazed Send $2. to Inform U, 127 770 East 9400 South, Suite 146, Sandy, Utah 84094 EXCITING IN YOU AN ARE INTERESTED Several very CAREER IN CHIROPRACTIC? are successful chiropractic physicians willing to donate club. If time and money is starting a 125 interested contact Dr. Craig D. Campbell 566-435- 7 22 YEAR OLD GUY seeking very intelligent, attractive, innocent, funny girl to hang out with, possibly date. Write 127 to T. J. at P.O. Box 58492, Salt Lake City, 841 12 XC SKI SWAP to benefit the Utah Avalanche Forecast 127 Center, Saturday. Dec 8 at REI. Starting at 8:30 am. POETRY TONIGHT AT 10 PM WITH G. BARNES (Next week Hodgson Van Wagoneer) Bistro to Go! 271 S. 2I6 Main STEFANULA SERGAKIS . . . Time to let go and to hold 127 on. All done with care . . . CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN HOUSING rooms available. 6 Live in a Christian community at the Newman Center. 127 CHRISTMAS TREE TRIMMING PARTY and a midnight candlelight mass. 9:30 pm this Saturday 127 Newman Center. JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. Receive D. King. Savior for all eternity. y will I 127 MINK JACKET - Looks new, like comparable coats costing several hundred dollars, matching hat - $150. Speak to Susan only or leave name and number. Rocking horse also $25. 292-600- 7 126 NEW WHITE SUZUKI SAMARI CONVERTABLE TOP $150. On campus every day. Contact Robin 127 ENTREPRENUERS Health, fitness book left. Pay as low as 29 Mailorder, or 7 Don't beauty, closeout. Full color. 2 titles, 7.000 cents ea. Retail to $3.95. Swapmecl. hesitate - when they're gone, they're 27 gone! IBANEZ BASS SDGR 1000 Active pick-up- s. Hipshot. 24 frets, great shape, includes case, extra set of new rotosounds. $550 or offer. 27 ROBERTS DELI and MARKET 1071 East Lebanese STUDENT WEIGHT LOSS RESEARCH First 20 126 3 TRAVEL ONE CAT, 2 BOYS, 3 DOGS, 2 WOMEN AND 1 MAN seek roommate for house, virtually on campus. More of the 14 phone smokers. $ 1 75mo same welcome, no and ask for and lights. Gas heat paid. Call 581-70127 Amber. RESPONSIBLE PERSON to share large furnished home 5 utilities. in HarvardYale area. 2 min from U. $215 Jason. 127 Get 18th of 127 TICKET to NYC (JFK) good on 121790. Call 127 Make offer. TICKET lo 12 PRICE ROUNDTRIP Dec. 17 PLANE 4 to Jan 6. $250. Dr. Hale Detroit. 127 MUST SELL 2 ROUND TRIP TICKETS SL to Cont. US, Canada, or Alaska. Use by 31590. $4501 $7002. 8 !27 0 $235 126 7 ROUND TRIP AIR TICKET SLC to Chattanooga, Tenn. 4 to SLC. Leave SLC 1218 return 1223. $215obo. 127 afternoons and evenings. NEED PERSON TO SHARE 2 for 1 DC Christmas Break. Mike 1 TT ticket to Wash. 127 TYPING FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate 0 studies. students welcome. Specialize in Mid-Ea127 EXPERIENCED. LASER PRINTER. Reports, resumes, 3 graphs, charts, APA format available. Cal Christy WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. 127 Mrs. Nelley, 467-43A & W PROFESSIONAL TYPISTS specializing in Resumes, Thesis, Compositions, Legal and Scientific 3 papers. Highest Quality at a low cost. Marsha 127 Janice 58 0 82 Annette 583-3- 0 AZTEC TYPING AND COMPUTEXT offer typing services of all kinds and word processing of term papers, 211 reports, theses, dissertations, and resumes. 364-680127 East 300 South, Suite 204 WORDPERFECT IBM-28- service. Lynn u t mrtcr I Laser printer. Same day 5.1 127 8 127 WORDS EXPRESS - Quality word processing. 24 years 127 experience. Evening to morning turnaround. 484-471- 3 SPEEDY TYPEWP PLUS, 90 cents DS-Pspelling, resumes, thesis, transcription, medterm., business rates, 5 127 notary, FAX, copies, DOCUMENT PROCESSING by former English and word processing instructor. Professional preparation of dissertations, theses, reports, resumes. Letter quality printing, editing, desktop publishing, cassette tape transcribing available. Located close to University. 127 WORD PROCESSING - WORD PERFECT, laser 315 printer. Papers, resumes, etc. Call Cindy, 487-815- 0 TYPINGWORD PROCESSING. QUALITY Reasonable rates. Accurate, fast, check spelling. Call 0 Laurie 27 (Sandy area). WORD PROCESSINGTYPING. Fast, accurate. 10 years experience. PickupDelivery available. Great rates! 977-072- 4 18 FAST, ACCURATE, EXPERIENCED word processing. 18 PickupDelivery available. Sami 118 campus. TRUE PRINT. Fast, accurate word LETTER-QUALIT- processing. Close to U. Call Diane, 7 127 WORD PROCESSING - Word Perfect, very reasonable rates, accurate, fast, Sandy area. Call Bonnie PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING. 13 years experience. Lase printer. Murray location. Call Claudia i;rimHis!miiT;n XJ4 a better value. sjjliMMIiljjE'IIMijp intPi:iiihiii NANNY WANTED to live in with caring family in Washington, DC area. Must love children. Salary ranges from $150-$40- 0 per week plus free room and board. Call 127 $300 TO $500 PER WEEK Reading Books at 1H ext. B347 EARN E RESERVATIONIST. Work at airport. Good 5 people skills. Own transportation. Neat appearance. 127 PART-TIM- home. Call MATURE, RESPONSIBLE NANNY to care for 2 children in my home. 5 weekdays. $600mo incl. paid LOVE TO SKI? Like People: while skiing. Sheryl 278-969- 5 127 eves. holidays. FEMALE VAMPIRE NEEDED. Actress needed immediately for student video. Volunteers only. leave message. 127 CARE POSITION IN PARK CITY Three boys 3 and 21 months. Need enthusiastic sitter I weekday and weekend day. Great job for the right 9 127 person. Must have references. d 4 127 126 7 127 GREAT JOB FOR STUDENTS! Work as a receptionist at our Visitor Information Desk weekends, holidays, and some evenings. Responsible for patient information calls, directing visitors and giving assistance and information as needed. Must have demonstrated human relations skills. Typing of 40 wpm and previous receptionist experience preferred. Interested applicants please apply: University Hospital Personnel Services 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Job Hotline: Lake City, UT 84132 Phone: (801) (801)581-231- 0 Equal Opportunity Employer. 127 WANT TO RENT Kay ProTwo, w modem for one day. Curtis need you! Make money 6 OPENINGS Gearing up for 1991! We are expanding!! $5 to $20hr, guaranteed. Phone order desk. 15 to 34 Great job for great hrsweek. Flexible. Call 127 students. CHILD ages 5, CASH FOR USED MOTORCYCLE JACKETS, sneakers, street leathers, western and work boots. We KEYBOARD PLAYER WANTED FOR OUR ROCK N ROLLCOUNTRY BAND. If you're interested and 0 days, 359-8- 1 12 evenings or serious, call Amy 127 leave message. ALTA PERUVIAN LODGE, ALTA UTAH seeks 5, 1991. housekeepers, drivers, and housemen. Dec n 9 Live-i- n or or live out. Wages plus ski pass. Call 127 stop by . Ask for Dennis, Arlen or Pam. STUDENT COUNSELOR ASSISTANT (NO EXPER. NEC) WK. STUDY. jWinter Quarter - 12-1- 5 hrs.wk. 1 1 0 p.m. Must be Jr., Sr., Grad. Advise students & tutors reTutoring Center policy, receptionist duties, recordkeeping, excell. communication skills, accuracy with $5.hr. The Tutoring Center details. 330SSB, by Buddy Kckerson THEQU1GMANS 127. TECHNICAL DIRECTOR WANTED for a newly constructed performing artsmedia theatre in Helena, Montana. BFA preferred. Starting salary $16,000 paid medical insurance, holidays and vacation. Send resumes to Helena Presents, 9 Placer, Helena, MT 59601 by Dec. 17. 1 990. For additional information call 27 HOME TYPISTS, PC users Details. needed. $35,000 potential. 128 Ext. BABYSITTER WANTED month old infant. Call Monica mornings, Mon-Fr- for 2 i. 127 4 NANNIES Experience life in the East, doing something you enjoy caring for kids! Min. 6 mo. commitment. Call: 127 Nannie Network, Inc. BABYSITTING, 2 12 YR. & 9 MO. OLD. 3 nightsmo.1, plus occasional. Close to U. Own trans, (no bus), over 18, 127, exp.,refs. E VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for upcoming 127 events. Call Alissa at 53 1 9 92 WORKSTUDY OFFICE CLERK WANTED Law Start Winter Library. Contact Dana or Lee at Quarter. NANNY Full time for 3 children, experience and 0 Linda,466-7S3- 7 127 references required. SALES REPS NEEDED MF, University area. 20-2- 5 for advertising commission paid. 562-257- 6 tabloid. 18 Cruise Ship Jobs Men Women. Summer GATE KEEPERS NEEDED for 6 Telemark races on 3 weekends. Get skis. Jacket & passes. Call Troy. 127 Year Round. NEEDED: INSTURCTOR TO TEACH course to prepare students for dental admissions DAT score & teaching experience. H. Stanley WILL test. Require high $15hr., starting. 127 Kaplan BUY RESEARCH PAPERS. Cal) 126 3 - HIRING : ! PHOTOGRAPHERS. TOUR GUIDES. RECREATION PERSONNEL. Excellent pay plus FREE travel. Caribbean, Hawaii, Bahamas, South Pacific, Mexico. CALL. NOWI Call refundable. Ext.gOON RESEARCH INFORMATION Largest of information library U.S. All in ' subjects EBfi&. IttUiil' Gifts 800-351-02- Think in Calif. (213) 6 globally... 1322 Find it locally Environment Science Wildlife Natural History ALL AGES rush $2.00 to: Research Information 206-Los Angles, CA 90025 Idaho Ave Or, 1 Books Books Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or Cod Great Basin Nature Company FISHING Foothill Village Shopping Center PEE. is hiring JapaneseEnglish translators on a long line fishing vessel in the cold Bering Sea. 3 month contract. $ 1 50.00 a day wages. Must be physically able to work long hours under adverse conditions. 326 0 Foothill Drive -58- 2-9233 Off With U of U I.D.i Does not apply lo sale items KM Drug screening required. 9 Call (206) (12 block ffmpui) ompiti LEADERS for Before and After School Childcare program. Shifts 9 a.m. andor East p.m.. Monday through Friday. $4.83hour. Apply at Millcreek Recreation Center, 2230 E. Evergreen Ave., 127 Equal Opportunity Employer 127 9 JohnThomai 231 $0.1300 L c instate FAX 9 the most for your mt, I'B show yev why Ailitato is 7 ALPHA OMEGA SERVICES English M.A., teacher. Typing, 95 cents a page. Corrections free. Also resumes. car insurance dollar. Call . e. Day rates to STUDENTS WANTED! full and 127 5 $480. Commercials, print, movies HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. 214 ext. Details. Motion APPLY TODAY, WORK TOMORROW 484-298- 7 127 pictures, models, extras. Big $SS No exp. HIRING RECREATION AIR TICKET ONE WAY SLC to Chicago for the Dec. Contact Solomon at $125. QUALITY TYPING from office in home, near 2500 1 South 400 East, low rates, 114 , anytime. DONAHUE EDITING AND WORD PROCESSING B.A. Englidh, 15 yrs. at U of U, fast, accurate, close to - CHILDCARE: Near U. of U. Begin Dec. 1st (or ski 9a-4Own car required. season). ThursdaysSundays. 5 Apron. $200mos. Referencesexperience. Day: 127 WINTER OPPORTUNITY Make up lo $750 per week, winter quarter, demonstrating software products foi Ashton Tate, maker of DBase IV. No selling is involved TempReps. Inc.. a three year old company, introduces demonstrates and educates America's computer dealers on new personal computer software and hardware manufactured by major domestic and internationally known computer firms. Students will be trained by AshtonTate in Ogden, Utah, the week of January 29. 1991 and then sent, all expenses paid, lo one of several large U.S. cities where they will train eager computer dealers on Ashton Tate's product line. Students may earn up to $750 a week by training three stores a day, five days a week. Each training session lasts approximately an hour and a half. A list of stores to be contacted will be given to a student for each assigned city. Various traveling expenses are paid by the manufacturer. Besides a handsome compensation for winter, students will have the opportunity of meeting executives from high growth computer companies, paving the way for future employment possibilities as well as adding a significant work experience to their resumes. TempReps is seeking lo find students who are looking for an exceptional opportunity winter quarter. Interested individuals should have a working knowledge of various software programs (word processing and data base) be highly motivated, self reliant and have an interest or experience in the teaching and training of computer products, own a personal computer, have a car and be willing to relocate. If interested please send resume immediately to TempReps. Inc., 1935 W. 3875 S.. Roy. 124 Utah 84067. 367-459- 562-660- 0 Armenian grocery Food with U. II III i Editor U Ethics in Mini-Tal- k: the of U Philosophy Professor and Author of: Sanctuary.- Examining the Practices of Organized Religion (Yale Univ. Press, 1990) - "Letting professional ethics take organized religion as its target" Reception Following Thursday, December 6 4:00-5:3- 0 Alumni House Sponsored by Religious Studies Committee and the Humanities Center ofV. ID. I III flEFuiaMi the Author Margaret P. Battin Meet available Rated from DeseretNews Discount 22 r v ROOMMATES- 355-814- 1 We serve homemade Middle Eastern healthy vegetarian food prepared from scratch We use 100 extra virgin olive oil (No cholesterol) Deli sandwiches Falafel sandwich with pocket bread Middle Eastern plate includes taboule, homous, babghannouj & falafel with pocket bread Gyro with free Coke Chicken Chawarma with free Coke We cater parties, birthdays and weddings 15 your OLDER THAN ME! LOVE, YOU'RE HOORAY! REINIE in 900 South Him as DAD! I JUST WANTED TO WISH YOU THE VERY BEST ON THIS, YOUR 74TH BIRTHDAY!!! DIAMONDS WHOLESALE. Buy bigger, finer for less. Also settings, invitations. Christmas sale. Call Cynthia 3 127 BRAND lH 24 hours. 3 3 PREGNANT? WORRIED? We can help. Free and confidential pregnancy test. Evening hours. Call Birthright 124 6 ' 127 Act now! 0 NANNY: Near U. of U. Gegin Dec. 1st Own car required. 2 young boys. M.W.F. 8:30 a - 4:30 (5:30)p. Apron. 5 $340mo. Referencesexperience required. Day: 127 accepted. Call 127 FREE services: Pregnancy tests, medical referrals.Call Pregnancy Resource PREGNANT? models. Earn to S95 hour! VOICE LESSONS! Develop your full potential! Rock, 127 blues, showtunes! Marey Bishop 363-0- 1 1 5 PROFESSIONAL FLIGHT INSTRUCTION: Private, instrument, commercial. Competitive rate on planes. 128 9 Instruction SlOhr. Call GALLERY 7 BEDROOM APT. 644 528 East Elm (2185 S.) All 1 HI GUYS! Want to look good? Join satisfied people for the best $7 haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. "If S. Main you can explain it, I can cut it." Barney's 2480 127 2 Monday to Friday, 10 am - 6 pm. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for medical use. Payment 127 given upon acceptance. Call QUESTIONING YOUR MORMONISM? Read "For 5.95 at University and LDS book Those Who Wonder" 127 stores. 2 fixed for winter. Free estimates. VCR BROKEN? Get 127 5 Pickup & delivery. Cheap rates Dan offer. of the 1990 31 5 6 fun. BARTENDING CLASSES: Earn great money; have U ONE WAY TICKET TO NEW YORK CITY! SLC to 2 127 NYC, 1217, $150. Call $195week E Bartenders Tuesday and Thursday evening classes. UH Incredible t.v. ads, Christmas YEAR!!! BUSIEST TIME OF 127 NEW YORK ROUND TRIP AIR. Dec. DANCE MUSIC WAVE TECH SOUND SYSTEMS. Battle of the DJs.226-949- 7 PART-TIM- openings. COLLEGE MONEY. Private scholarships! You receive a minimum of 8 sources, or your money refunded. Guaranteed! COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LOCATORS, PO Box 1881, Joplin, Mo. 64802-188- 942-594- HAVE YOU HEARD? ROBERT A. THOMSON IS 74 YEARS OLD TODAY! WANTED CUSTOMER REP $.75start. Retail immediate SERVICE LOST: Ladies Citizen watch between OSH and Rice 8 127 Stadium parking lot. Reward. 127 FOR SALE DODGE DIPLOMAT 78 $600obo. AC, power steeringwindow, cruise control, 30.000 miles on new transmission. See at 900 E. 400 S. (w)58l-3l4127 SW comer, (h) 942-136- 7 Will pay your 127 0 with Salomon air, auto. Must Dr., or Julie at 585-47- Word Processing of all your D & Y G SERVICES draft and NCQ collegiate needs. Spelling check, editing, 9 Call Dennis printing. No job loo small or large. WANT FEMALE TO SHARE RENT W FEMALE in access, Midvale duplex (7th E. 72nd S ). easy I IS & private small room & bath, double garage, fenced backyard, homey, great study invironment. Leave message 9 $200 incl. or call evenings around 8:00 pm. 127 utilities. MTN BIKE: 16" GT Karakoram. Red. I yr. old, barely 127 used. Was S50O. now $350. Chris 534-- 1 96 1 WEDDING'S 63 VW CAMPER BUS. Rebuilt engine, new tires, new 127 brakes, rare model. $ 1 300obo. Dale 484-- 2 1 43 your 1J pay EPSON COMPUTER AND PRINTER. I year old leave message. 126 S750.obo. No hard drive. deposit. Call Wendy at PORSCHES TO PINTOS ... I'm a licensed automobile salesperson working my way through college. Let me go through the trouble of finding your next car or truck. Any 5 kind, any price. Jason Ji7 1968 LINCLON CONTINENTAL Classic, suicide doors, runs great. VSOO.obo. Snow tires. 127 IVX8 Thursday, December 6 1990 Page Sixteen I. Ill I 11 II L'JU'.iiii VJ.k.VU mmmjv tjW0T Applications from minority students who wish to participate in the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, at the 5th Annual National College and University Student Conference at the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia, January 1 , 1991, are now being accepted. Students must have a better than 2.5 GPA and must be actively involved in student leadership activities. Applications are available at CESA-31- 8 Union Bldg. and Ethnic Studies-11- 2 Carlson Hall. 1 is Applications deadline Friday, December 4, 1 990. TURN IN APPLICATIONS TO Ethnic Studies, 112 Carlson Hall. 17-2- nnrrfi uunuzjULLAoroj |