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Show Thursday. December 6. 1990 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Seven possibility that the patient might drugs most of which are prescribed as pain killers. In order to receive these drugs a federal and a state DEA number must be checked before pharmacists can give the medication. opium, take the drug wrong or take something with the drug that could cause them to have a reaction." from page one the concept of mail order prescriptions is not new. Smith's at 876 E. 800 South has been filling mail orders for nearly two years. Jensen, pharmacy director said, "The only real benefit is people don't have to Gaylen come into the pharmacy. It makes it easier for people in rural areas, who don't have drug stores in their community." He added, "The big disadvantage is that people don't have direct contact with the pharmacist." Craig Herzog, University Hospital assistant director of pharmacy, agreed. Herzog said, "That's a problem with all mail orders. There is no opportunity for the pharmacist to counsel the patient. Without that communication there is the dean from page one position before the past few months because there was not a permanent committee to promise support for the new dean's policies, he said. The lack of a permanent "Pharmacists should be much more than a dispenser of drugs. They should be a drug information .yiiwiini,'iiiiiSii I j - m I Golden said when their company receives prescriptions source," Herzog said. Another potential problem with mail order prescriptions is the they first make triplicate copies so they can comply with New York possibility of fraud. Vicky Prager, U. Wasatch Clinic medical director, said, "There is a potential for fraud when giving any type of prescriptions." In order to receive any type of state law. Then they verify the prescriptions through the doctors who issued them to the patient. But they only call the doctor when the drugs are controlled controlled substance in Utah the prescriptions require two different identification numbers. Doctors have Drug Enforcement numbers which must accompany medical prescriptions for more potent drugs. Drugs are categorized by their level of potential for addiction. Schedule Two drugs are the most addicting. Some of those include codeine, morphine, Demerol, and S substances. She said, "The whole process is very safe and very legitimate." She added that it gives patients who are chronically ill the chance to get their prescriptions filled without having to leave their home, it would give students the opportunity to bypass committee was another result of the process of choosing new vice presidents. Last April, candidates for the position of liberal education dean were interviewed, but the ' """ CHRONICLE PHOTOEart Cline Richard Rasmuson, from the University Pharmacy said, buying prescriptions through mail orders is not as beneficial as purchasing medications at a drug store where you can communicate with the pharmacist. applicants, and several became discouraged and withdrew their and the offer was withdrawn the week after Thanksgiving. The position will be after the search committee is appointed, she said. When a new dean is found to fill the position, she will head the department as Dean of waiting for a decision," he said. During the past few months, the position of dean has been offered to a candidate, Mclntyre said. However, there were aware they were one of many "' - the the Also, "everyone candidates became weary of down the number of candidates to a few to select from, Newell said. So, all the candidates were ' "v - V necessity of purchasing condoms and birth control at the local drug store. applications. committee failed to narrow v lA problems negotiating the terms, change is it means there will be "someone who stimulates excellence in the whole undergraduate education as well as in liberal education," Lubmudrov said. liberal education acting A associate dean will be hired from January 1, 1991, to June 30, 1991 to help with the work load, he said. Undergraduate Studies, rather than Dean of Liberal Education. The significance of the name Events Dec 6, 11 a.m., 102 EMCB, ENGINEERING "Brazil's Mineral MINING SEMINAR- - and Industry ProjecT-Geraid- Titanium Almeida U..; o Ph.D. student and research--engineer, CV.RJ). Brazil. Dec. 6, 11 a.m., Eyring Room 2006, Building . , The best way to wrap up the term. ; CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR "Hydrogen Bond-Mediat- ed Folding in Natural and Unnatural Peptides" S. of Gellman, University " Wisconsin. ; ' Dec, 6, 3 p.m., Fine Arts ' . SOFTWARE: TO THE FIRST Auditorium, CREATIVITY IN and EDUCATION Film presentation on "Innovative Ideas and New Advancements in Cultivating Classroom Creativity" presented by the Creative Problem Solving MODEL 80386SX (16 MHz) Processor Group. 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And eventually all good things must come to an end. liul with an IBM lS2,you can be sure of a really designed for your college needs. Wozniakowski, Columbia University and University of AUTHOR-"Letti- Act before I )eccmber 31, 1(W0, and you'll receive a TWA "Certificate entitling you to a round-tri- What better way than with an I BV1 Personal Systcm2.Make your holidays really happy and the new year a lot less hectic with a computer xity COLLOQUIUM-"Compie- 8555-U3- 1 great, new legiiinifig. mi Organized Religion as its Margaret Battin, U. philosophy professor and author of Ethics in the Sanctuary; Examining the Practices of Organized Religion. A reception will Microsoft Windows 3.0 Microsoft Word for Windows . : . DOS 4.0 Mfiiiiiiniiiimmi Target" , : follow. Dec. 6. 4 p.mM 3235 MEB, "Diffusion and of Medical Acceptance SEMINAR x UNIVERSITY Perry, University Georgetown Institute for Health Policy Analysis. Dec. 6, 4 p.m., 103 James Flectcher Building, Dec. 6, 4:10 p.m., 212 So. Biology, BIOLOGY DEPART-MEN- T SEMINAR "Nucleic Acid Packaging by dsDNA Viruses as Exemplified Bacteriophage" by Sherwood Casjens, Department of Cellular, Viral and Molecular Biology, University of Utah. - Special Price $227900 BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY BIOENGINEERING Te5inologies''-Seymou- - Saturday Holiday Hours 9:00 am - 5:00 pm , , Educational Price $2349.00 F 8:00 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday until 7:30 pm M UTAH OF CAMPUS Offer expires K't:Ksn-- l . II IM In , I" . Id il .i it r l nn. .. .lull- .11 tl .if l .iloliir.lilnln.i, ilnpii ..n'l.-i. ilin-.' , . I. t. il in, . ..ll...nl aiiII- H ih.IIHI.1m. i, .mIMi ia M nl ,r . ., i,.,il., ,iM, Ii, . ii. I... I, I I'll HI 1. .1111. . 1. .1111. 11. lii MM-I'" ".Hlili" i.l ill I'. .1 I 'I- - ll'.ld. 1. 1. II I. ,,, li' HI' 'I' ml . I'l I'f II il Hi. 1'. " ill, 'i' up Mil. ,n 'li ml " !' li Inn. I'. I'l'M II" . li ,. , I'l I'f 1! .iIk ' , ,. 11, h II, f 11 11,1. ,. h ,1, ii.i ., j 1, , 'i ., ' I'l CHI .mi-- hi. i,.,... 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