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Show 1 The Daily Utah Chronklt. Thursday. December 7, . "" I MM 1978 Patjr c Terrace to close doors aner long, landmark lite as SLC's dance king gssi I tt bv MARTHA WICKELHAl S Chionicle staff For more than 10eats. the Terrace Ballroom has been a refuge for loers of music and dancing. But on January 1. the era will end and the ground where the landmaik stands will, it is big-ban- d t speculated, become a parking terrace. In recent years the Terrace has become the home of r country western concerts in r 1 I! ik the city. But, in its one-hal- f century of life the structure has also welcomed such performers as Guy Imbar-do- , Glenn Miller and Nat King Cole. C c II Originally built around auto agency, the has been the site of building a miniature golf course, 1920 as an u II lMAy r-- f - II , YA i presidential banquets, proms and concerts. The Terrace restroom was even the birthplace of one baby. The building which housed the Covey 'Ballard Motor Co. was not as large as today's Terrace, but it was large enough to have a The Terrace Ballroom, a longtime for hole ballroom dance fans, watering shows rock and music concerts, country is being torn down at the beginning of lot 3909 90th 8490 1300 I All Twenty-nin- e miniature goll couw on the top floor. Around 1929. a local musician fKisuaded manager S.M. (xvev to turn the building's north end into a ballrxm. The music ian, Jen Jones, now a Salt I, ike attorney said in a Deeret Sews interview that he ami his band, Jetty Jones Round the World Band, plated three songs, then the flooi was cleared and dancers were charged 10 cents lor the following two fox trots and one waltz. The Terrace was initialK called Dance I .and. Around 1930, the place Ixcame the Ccxoanut Grove. In 19.10, the golf Qney dunifx-course and made the entire top floor into a ballroom. It was remcxleled a year later to provide enough dance flout for 4,000 people. Admission at the time was 50 cents for men and 25 cents for women. Ballroom dancing was popular throughout the c ity and there were several other dance ballrooms in Salt next year. A "Farewell to the Terrace" concert featuring Cow Jazz will be held lke: the Bluebird, the Granada and Jones' own Rainbow Randevu. Hie Rainbow Randev i burned down and Jones wei ; back to the Terrace. the Rainbow. Jones in brought sin h big names hs Glenn Miller, the Dorset s and Duke Kllington. ITu Qxoanul Grove used local bands until Jones came bac bands bringing with him. In 19) S.iltair took over the lease. The place changed hands agam in 1958, this time to its present owners: I .a goon. lagoon renamed the ballroom the Terrace arid remcxleled it, adding booths, the site lhe Terrace of political conventions, high school proms, ballsan occasional teen hops. The 1959 reopening featured lixal artists Mel I la and Max Kngman, who continued playing Friday Win-runnin- V big-nam- , e 1 e 1 1 1 and Tuesday nights, resxc "lively. Guy Ixmbardo and his Royal Canadians also played at the opening. continued on page 30 FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE LECTURES Monday. locations PRESENTS 600 So. 600 E. Colonial Ford So. State Trolley Square 8600 So. 1300 E. at Dan ' South Off Fwy. Sandy 4040 W. Kearns 5415 So. So. State Sandy 5th W. 12th No. - across from Riverside Plaza E. 2100 So. Sugarhouse lot locations not available at time of publication. Pki' rail above number for additional areu) GEORGE F. D. DUFF Provo wmiaiaB 'THE CONSERVER SOCIETY: gfitty Mountain CANADIAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN EVOLUTION" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1978 ONE COUPON PER TREE HONORED WHILE mm DECEMBER 24. 1978 QUANTITIES LAST ROCKY MOUNTAIN NORTH PHYSICS OFFER EXPIRES ttutUs ' BLUEGRASS CO. sJffli 7:00 pm Sponsored by the College of GOOD FOR $3.00 OFF ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY LIVE TREE! ' OR 731 Is 103 GOOD FOR $1.00 OFF ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY CUT OR FLOCKED TREE! Science Appointment registration will be conducted December 4 through December 1 1 from 8:00a.m. until 6:00p.m. weekdays in the Union Building Auditorium. The following is the schedule for students who did not advance register and is based on the letters of the last name. Students will not be allowed to register in advance of their scheduled appointment. We hope this will be of some help to you in your planning. ATTENTION RUNNERS! SPECIAL WINTER RUNNING PACKAGE WOMENS MEN'S YOUR CHOICE: Nike Waffle Trainer Reg. 30.95 Reg. 30.95 Reg. 31.95 YOUR CHOICE: Reg. 30.95 Nike Lady Brook Vantage December 3ra -- Halm-Ha- sk Hall Hasl-Hi- lk Hill-Jen- k Jenl-Ki- ng a. Monday a.m 10:00-12:a.m 12:00- - 2:00 p.m, 2:00- - 4:00 p.m. 4:00- - 6:00 p.m. 8:00-10:- 00 Shaq-Srr- .it 00 Srrn'u-St- er Stes-Ta- b December 5, Tuesday Kinh-LaLarl-Lin- d Line-Ma- ge Magf-Me- rr Mers-Ne- a.m. 10:00-12:0- 0 a.m. 12:00- 2:00 p.m. 2:00- - 4:00 p.m. 4:00- - 6:00 p.m. 8:00-10:- rk ls 00 December 6, Wednesday Nelt-Ok- z Ola -- ?atu-Pin- n ?ino-Ro- be Robf-Sh- ap a.m. 10:00-12:0- 0 a.m. 12:00- - 2:00 p.m. 2:00- - 4:00 p.m. 4:00- - 6:00 p.m. 8:00-10:- Patt December 00 Tac -- Waro-Wo- od 7, Thursday Warn a.m. 10:00-12:- 00 a.m. 12:00- - 2:00 p.m. 2:00- - 4:00 p.m. 4:00- - 6:00 p.m. December 8, Friday Wooe-Zz- zz Aaaa-Ar.- de Andf-Bal- d a.m. a.m. 12:00- - 2:00 p.m. 2:00- - 4:00 P.m. 4:00- - 6:00 p.m. Bale-Bli- n Bl io-C- as 8:00-10:- 00 10:00-12:0- 0 YOUR Blue, Red, or Gray CHOICE: Sweat Suit Bassett-Walk- Reg. YOUR CHOICE: er Cat -- Clas-Cra- n Clar Any 2 pair of SAI, Adidas, or E tonic Socks Reg. 2.60 YOUR Nikl or Adidas CHOICE: T-Sh- Cax -- Erid-Gq- z Eric YOUR Blue, Red, or Gray CHOICE: Bassett-Walk- irt YOUR CHOICE: er Sweatsuit Reg. 14.95 Any 2 pair of SAI, Adidas, or Etonic Socks Reg. 2.60 YOUR Nikl or Adidas CHOICE: T-Sh- irt Reg. 6.00 11, Monday 8:00-10:0- 10:00-12:0- Crao-Da- w Reg. 26.95 New Balance 320 Reg. 30.95 14.95 Reg. 6.00 December Roadrunner Adidas TRX 0 8:00-10:0- Nike Lady Trainer Waffle 0 a.m. 0 a.m. 12:00- - 2:00 p.m. 2:00- - 4:00 p.m. 4:00- - 6:00 p.m. ALL FOR ONLY $49.95 Cottonwood Mall ALL FOR ONLY $49.95 Lower Level |