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Show The Springville Herald PubliMhed wfokly at Springville, Utah, by the Herald Corporation or Provo, T n ah. Kntereo us .second-'jJass matter at the post off ice in fiprLiif.' ville, Utah, undei the act ol March 9, 1879. Spring-ville is a :lty 4.000 normhition. lis chief industries consist of a five million dollar steel plant located near the north city limits, the Springville-Mapl Springville-Mapl -ton sutffir factory at the south, Springville Canning- factory, extensive poultry production, intensive truck gardening and farming. Kxhrfjitora of the (irratest Art CoiloWion Writ or Mississippi Kivcr Subscription, in advance, per yoar $1.00 aAkRISON CONOVRft Editor ii!iu Manager MilS. MANILA liKOU'N Reporter |