OCR Text |
Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, May 14. Gold. Baying, 111; wiling, 111. Good Niws.-Dr. Lir.floman will remain re-main at the Townsend House until Saturday, Sat-urday, May the lUth. If yju have Corn, Buatona or Bad NaiU, renieniber lie cures them without pain or drawing blood. Charges moderate- Remember, until Saturday evening, Alay the lr.h. OlGco hours from 9 a.m. to G p.m. Ladies attended at their residences without extra charge. my 15 Tile new advertiscmerjt of the Wilson Wil-son sewing machine is plain, pointed, and easily comprehended. Head it. C. V. Stiybeb, Notary Public files City Lots at Calder fc Scars. Vakdyke Coal $11.00 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil Ladies Lixen Suits from $4.00 upwards up-wards at iho California Store-. my'J Vandyke Coal $11.50 per ton delivered, de-livered, mil. Skvkntken, and hink and a halk ccnts por pound for pared and un pared Peaches sucked in burlaps. Enough wanted to lim&h filling a car. J. V. Snkll, Idaho Store. ml 2 Auction! Auction ! 1 Assignees sale. Wednesday, ilay loth, will be sold without reserve tho entire stock of merchandize mer-chandize at tho storo of Riggs, Lcchton-borg&Co., Lcchton-borg&Co., Kast Templo street, consisting consist-ing of Dry (ioods, Groceries, Yankee Notions, Liquors, Sogars, otc. Also ono lire-proof safe, one largo sot Fairbanks scales, a large lot of rope, a fine assortment assort-ment of teas, and otbor articles too numerous nu-merous to mention. oiyH Jos. Gordon, Assignee. Assignee's Sale. The sale of the stock of Messrs. Kiggs, Lcchtonberg & Co., in bankruptcy, commences this morning at tho old stand of the firm, next door to O. It. Savago's photo-graphic photo-graphic gallery. Parties intending to participate in the exorcises as buyers should make a note of tho fact. BooksI Bookp! Go to-Dwyor'a Salt 3-ako Hook Storo, Wows Depot and Circulating Library, where you can got tho latest new books and tirst-elass novels1, nov-els1, and all tho lending newspapers, mag- a.ines, periodicals and lirst-clnst station- aT7 legal blanks, fcc. in 12 Aiitificial Flowers in &rcat variety vari-ety at iho California Store. niy'J P kicks HeduuedM llinton Coal, best in tho market, at $0 pur ton, at tho Utah Fuel Company 6 Coal Sheds, near U. U. li. K. Depot. may 1 r You Want lirsl-elnss shooing dime at$l a span, go to Baylor Brothers. All shooing warranted. iny'J HANPPOMB STi'CK OVCl.OTHlN-. jUJt opened at iho Cahlornia Store, my',' Geo. Snow ell is prepared to do all kinds of night work and can bo found at Showoll's Stables. my3 Danfortii Fluid, Occidental and Petroleum Fluids are prohibited from being usod in any mannor by all Firo Insurance Companies in tho world. Examine Ex-amine your policies of insurance. Should a flro occur you would forfeit all claim under your contract. Don't fail to read the printed portion of your policies. Tho EUREKA COAL OIL is tho safest fluid in use. my9 For ttik Fixkst Views of all points of tho CHEAT WEST, go to 0.11. Savago's Art Gallery, u:7 East Temple street. Cuttino & Go's California Canned Fruit, Jollies, J nine, otc, are fur superior supe-rior to all other brands. For sale by all tirst-cliissgrocors. niyl-1 I Four diloruM awarded by tho Jln-j Jln-j clmaics Institute- of S.iu Francii.cn to 1'. 1 I). Cop A Co.. for CAN NED F K U IT, I JELLIES, TICKLES, etc., etc. 3 Corn, Oats and liarley for salo in lots to suit by Gordon & Murray, Hall Block South of Railroad Depot, maS Take Notice. H. Dinwoodey has just received ono ear load of very One F U It N IT UK E P A K L O li and BED-KOOil BED-KOOil SETS. 67 East Temple street. al2 New Goons. Mrs. Goldman, 101 Kimball Block, has just received a rice invoice of Kkal Point Lace Collars, Col-lars, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Thompson's Glovo-fltting Corsets, Cor-sets, and Ladies' and Children's Suit?, which are ollerod for sale cheap. a26 otice is hereby given to all parties having our price list of glaed sash, that owing to tho great ri.'O in tho price of glass, wo will not bo able to till biiU at our published price, until further notice. iuU Latimer, Taylor & Co. To Tn z Tbavklivo PrnLic. Yen are hereby noticed that at Oieri city, the junction oilhe 1". 1. K. fi. a-d C. F. X. K, there is one oy, n-mforubie ho'ol, well kno'ii by t.'':;.-u ar.d . om-tuercial om-tuercial niuD.wbere t. n and cleaah-ne cleaah-ne and a.i of me re-,ui;i.e o; ".Ho soa-ron soa-ron csa be :V -ir.J. A ;re-o earna.- always al-ways at the dopot to convey guetW to j the i"n Hou.-e. a4 First National Bank OP1 UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY. DESIGNATED DEPOSITOKYND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WiRBKS HCFSKY, C L. DaHLIR. President. Vine Preat. Ahthost Qosbk. Cuhier. Author lxcd CapltaJ, - - S500.001 PAID UP CAPITAL., - $150,000. EARNINGS, ... 9136,000. Dividend in J87I, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Institution iii Utah. A. General Snnkinc Business Transacted. AGENCIES IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. INTRIIFBT ALLOWED ON T1MF DEPOSITS. Hii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, MAXIM GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA. piIE Ptibllo aro espooiallj invitcd'to cx; JL amiDo cur method of producing llA5 for Heating OITIES, T0WH3 AND VILLAGE?, Private Residences, Publio Buildings, Factories, Fac-tories, Churohea, QUARTZ MILLS. etc t etc., et?., in city or country. THE MAXIM GAS WORKS arc different in their construction nrl oror-atien oror-atien from nyihirg horctoforo offered to the public. the Works are eimi'lo, very compact in form, sife, reliable automatic and produces A Superior Q. unllty of ' Illuminating Gas, at a Very Modcrato Cost. The Works can be icon at Walker Bros' Mammoth Store, SALT LAKE CITY, or at the office of the Company, No. 2J8 Montgomery Eilrtict. Hun Krunci co. This Company bnvo al randy lighted five' Towns in California; vis.: Santa Ka, Pnntu Bur bur Ban Rafael. Watgonvilla and Kod-wood Kod-wood City. orks nrc also bciDg constructed construct-ed for Cnrfon City, Novattn, Eureka, California-, and Healdsburg, California. Wc ean also refer to the following gentleman gentle-man who bnvo been uting our lJouaoslio Works for over one year: ED- 0. Mills, Pros't Bank of California; Johx II. Rrdi.vhton. of R.dington, Eos-totter Eos-totter 4 Co., Sin 1'ranuisco; Uko. II. llo-mid, Prps't Uomo Mu'uil Insurance In-surance Co., of California; J. Mora Moss, Vice Presi-iont San Fran-ciioo Fran-ciioo GdH Co.; M. J. O'Cii.NSoa. of Conroy A O'Connor, San PrancUco; Jamks li a u it l k, Sup't Western Union Tolo-graub, Tolo-graub, ftn Francisco; Kbv. C.T. Mills, Mills' Seminary, Brooklyn Brook-lyn Ca.1.; Jons T. Doyle, San Francisco; II. A. BLU38, LaLbrop, Cal ; Talamtais Hotil, San Rafael. Col. Tle Company proiiOH lo mnkc nil effort lo Inlroiliice IliU iia Into Salt Lake City at sn early day. Those desiring further information, either from busintsj molivos or othcrwio, oan obtain ob-tain tho snuio by adtlreosing The Maxim Oas Coiii'ant oi' Califdknia, 233 Moulgumery Street, San Francisco. OmctRB: President. J, 0. EldridgOi of Ncwhall JfcCo., San Francisco: Vice President, W- H.Lald. San Francisco; Treasurer, Chris. Rcis. of Rcis Bro, San Francisco: Secretary, Robt, Day: lieneral Manager. Jumos H. Clark, my 15 A. W. WHITE & CO, B .A. KT K IE R 3 , EAfiT TEfltPlfR 8THKKT, 8lt Lnke City. Dealers in GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION. Exchange on alt the Principal Cities of the United States ami Europe. Particular attention (Jveu to Collections, ajid nrucoeds 'remitted at Current rate bf Exchange on day of payment. GEO. E. WHITNEY, Attorney. CORHKSFON DENTM Ilnnl ofCaliforDia . - gai, ( run l""o Lfr k Waller .... jfvvt Vnrk Conk Ccatj'y Kt ,ionwi Eaak ' - . Clin .nn llkcii Uafc '- - . . . Bl. 1"!' Slate lUok of Nclira.'ka - - Cmti& J. K. CDHti. r SMRlUfl. COHEN & SPERLING, Importer, .nd WMchJc Dclcra to T O B A O O O , AND MANUFACTURERS Ot CIGARS. 3404t33'4Bn1trrj'St.ln.nr cor. CI. y, SAN PHAXC1SCO. 'Br. J. P.P. YANMBESGH, From Prussia, THE GREAT EXTERMINATOR, L-tte of 9a Krua,'ifcp. CaL, Wu'.l i-form the tifk tenerally that about forty years' eitensive practice vit mod-, mod-, icicc ana ? urcry in Kuripc and the Untied j Slates, of wiik-s twenty-one have been in California, h:is, by close obyervation and Krt-ai exi'eri:seEt5. cose to ihe conclusion I tnat there axe more acute and ch -onic dn ea-M bv worms. hy.iiadids. animaloul u or other f j)ecie oi entroica. The 'ublie (en-crally. (en-crally. or the proiession at largr, are not nvi-j of the numoer of r.ttieoLj who arc treated by emiceLl pcysiciani for thi?. tha or sue i a coujMainl. without any reuef. If the diic:ie been understood, a few dose ol Ib. V's Si-vKfcbMiN ft'i'kii KakBDT would have initnc-iittiely cured the comi ain'. and have iaved a great many live. Dr. V. ha, collected o larRe variety of Ca'ifcmia root and herus, which, by ajialysmg. close obserr-;uion obserr-;uion an i csteneivc ienmeiin, he can con;cientiously f.iy that he his discoveroi new remedies for the successful cure of the following liireaei : S Dyrcfsia. Chronic Affection? of the Liver aitd kidneys, tirst and second .'laces of Consumption, V nue Swelhnp Palsy, .-rr-nmorrha'.i or local weakues,.Neri-oos Debil-iiy. Debil-iiy. Epileptic l i;?, Knemmie m. Neuralgia. Diarrbu'i. lncoi.iinauca vf trine. iirael. Fluor Albus, Lttkbeics, Dropsy.ai.d all thoj-e diitases wh:ch arc known uuuer the name of Voner.U. such a Syi'biUs. in ajl itjj form?. lutlaminaiion of tho lilaJder and Pros'.r.ite tiijnds. Escoria:iitii3. i'ustulejs. Piles. Pimples, Pim-ples, iiloU'hoa and all Cutaneous KruiJtiuDS of the skia. Citccr Tumors cured with or without operation. In Ki:cett Vencrat Disease?, Dis-ease?, i he Dr. clients a cure in lroui three to six nay.'. ir no charge. torLbcKycs, Lj.r and Throat, Dr. V. possesses pos-sesses new and invaluable remedies. Dr. V. would iidvi-e those ladies troubled with IrreKul-iritics of the L'terous to try his new remedies and cet cured. Dr.Y.n Denbernh's luiallible Worm Syrup for children. Price fl. W.irraatedto expel the worms, or the money refunded. Dr. J. P. P. Van Denberh's,li;itr Tonic a suro euro to destroy all mutual aula1 of the llair Follicles, prevents fulling out and promoting pro-moting the (jrowth ef the Hair. Price SI. GO, warranted. By consulting and undergoing a timple examination, ex-amination, the aillcied cm learn il their discuses dis-cuses i.- caused by Worms or not; a, all oveats Dr. V. n Dt nberjjh can tell thorn from what diseases they aro tailoring. Conf ultations and csaininations FREE of charge in all case. Dr. Van Dcnberg guai-ouiees, guai-ouiees, in all Ciucs, to expel tho worms, or no chaises. Card from Judge Frier, of Polk Count)-. DR. J. P. P. VAN DKNBKllO : Dear Sis:-I ta.c plc.vuro in thinking you i'U"licly !or the resioration of tuy hoaltti after nineteen years of great suffering mentally men-tally mid bodily. I doctored u groat deal: was atlli led wi-h almost every imaginable pain and ilea paired of seeing a well day again. When I c.iuio to .-ee you at Salem, jou sail you would reiouvo tho causo of nineteen years' suffering iu five hours. 1 coul-i hardly believe it. but after taking tho fn-o tasteless powders you gave me, aoout itx) worms passed Iroin me. and now, lour-teen lour-teen days a;tcnv:irds. 1 feel like another man, and aui nolo io follow uiy business without pain or inconvenience 1 remain, Yours rospectfully, A. H. FRIKK, Bethel, Polkcouncy, October 10, IST1. Hcmnrknble. - Klglit Huudrtd Woiiui Kxiiclled. I think it a public benefit to make the following fol-lowing statement, that 1 have bcun nfilioted for two yoars with conptant pains in the stomach, and, in fuel, pains all over my body; no appetite, and lot mo cat what I would, it niwuvs put mo in distress, tio I medio in o would relieve uio,and I grow worso and worse, until n I uui a mere skeleton. Nobody could toll me what waa ihe mutter I with me. until I consulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Doabergh, in Salem, Orogon, and ho told me I was ft 111 ic ted wilh worms, and they wore tbecauo of all my misery and puini. I took the Doctor's medicine, and he oi celled Ku) worms lroui mo. They are like lencbos, with long tails, and measure from one to ono and one liulf ine:io In louKtb. I only look six liitle powders, aud they brought tho worms within four hours time. All ihoso tfQioled wi-tbiug ti fee m e, can find me at Sam Ken-lot's Ken-lot's stuble. tialem, Oregon. V. CRAIG. Subscribed nnl swon to before me, (his 7th day ui Septeuibcr, 1STI. J. J. MURPHY, J. P. i Said worms can bo ocn at Dr. J. P.P.I Van Uetibergh's ollice, Upcra House block.; Coutt street, .lIcui. A Card. DR. J. P. P. VAN DENBEBGU: Dkar Smc1 do em it my duty to make the I'ollowirg matcmcLt: For the la.t llireo years I have boon suffering wilh constuni gnawing pain and a ftuivuring sonnat inn in my ftomiien, also pain in my cbestand heiri, ray food would not uiecst.and I was fo imrv-ous imrv-ous that with difficulty I could follow my occupation, which has been here in tiiilcm for too jiusi ten years an a practical dentist. In fact, Irom tho constant pain aud misery 1 had wasted away to a mere skelolon. I had been doctoring a great deal without any beuefil.and bo:icving there was no help lor mo but to lingor on until death would relieve re-lieve all my sullering. tome rf my friends thought 1 bad worms and bud bottor sco br. Van Dcnborgh. He told uie at once that worms wito the causo ol all my troubles, so ho gave mo five small and tasteless puwden, and in lour hours about .W worms trom one inch to one and ono-half nchca long, omuo away from mo ihnt day, mid tho toilowing night soil e more came, and now I am happy ;o say 1 leel liko unutlier man uain, aud am saining strength from day to d.iy. 11. SMITH, M D. SaSojj, Orfgon, Septcmbor -Jd, 1S71. Auot lie r Great Slaughter I Wo think it our duly to make Ihe following follow-ing statcmenr, in hopes it tu iy do some good to s lck chilortu : t'ur child bad boon lick for some lixc. Thinking all tho time our lithe L-ne wns ti'iubte 1 wilh worms, wc tried in ii y iimti rs and a greut many rcmodios, wilhiiut any relieT. bomo neighbors told us we shovil i go and try Dr. Van Dcnberg, tho Worm Dor.or, m Salem, Wc d:d to, and be gave ue ouu bollloot his celebrated Worm Syrup, and after giving Lie mcdicino, to our yrtai a.-ionisiiiut-iit .'Ujiui &"u worms Piim-j aiTa. lrom our doar child, ami now, thauk heaven, she is well atniU, r , I. D. G1UZZLF,. Salem, Oregun, Oct ihor :;J, 1S71. 1,51)0 Worms Kxpclted. Afler seven yciw f fiitVoritiB, p.iin and JcLiI l-yt :iTi 1 riocto: inc I j r in any cm plain:;, now pre ou Ih-i- I did not havo, and lalimg dillercnt kiQij; of mc'Ji'-inc Innu mahy ciui-ncui ciui-ncui pbyMcmn-, 1 guvc up in dcap.iir, thinking think-ing it win h' U'O 'o .iicneh my poorslom-sLb poorslom-sLb an longer, an l lii.n 1 tunt wnic iwt) until there w,is i.othiii lei: of poor mo. JJut bearing ol tho iist'un.-lntig cures that Dr. J. P. Van Drhbiriili 1ms peri'Tmcd in so rh'Ti a time, cilcctwig etiroi malcw bouri, i,rd my fricuof udvisiiiK mo to tn r;li no lourc el! or I, I conf u itt d Dr. au Dv'iii.Lrgn.fwid be told me tr-at my un cues were cusod by wtruir.Hiid hti ft uld expel Uiotn in ,t i five hours. After Inking live iuiall '..owdors ' abcut Tiiietn humn-d wortUF .uf'ed a way ' from me. and I am happy to mijiIiu Uui better loan I have been 'or a ureal wbiln P. 1U EVEi. Subtoribcd an l sworn lo before me, this 15th day Qi iwiomber. lo71. J.J. MURPllY. J. p. Gratitude r-ompe' me to make thr follow ing Ftatrwunt, thnikii.g it may do some su od to u,y leiluw suliercrs. 1 have boen alllicmd for a I'mt nuinber of yiarb with the lollow- 1 1DK cotnplainu : 1 I ci. ult n it CHt anything anlfiss It wmld produce great i,nn m id HUiuiah and bowels, bow-els, almajs palpiL-iti'.n o( tho heart, i-evre swelling and rln uidhiIc pains in all air jointf, also neurnlgia in my head, no sleep. duced to a mere b 1 ; : 0--J skeitvon. not able to walk aldt-canl gave up in UOKpair. I must ..'so ft. to 1 bad tipn doctrines wilh the mi't eti,init plun-ian oftb;- Plate also w,th tbt lx-t doci .rs of San hiaruc, arid ' idd nnlr knnwi, with out atir relief, nil I heard tl.e groat cures Dr. J. P. p. Van Irr,bergh had irrf'rinfii in and around jitiem. J apie-l .o h.iu fr he.p, and may ii',4 ble'C him ( i tho rest'irannn of mi boa lib. f have nnlj ukrn hu- w.c'Jn-irje two tnnnth. anl have gained, durilic that tine, twenty Lufmrl'in w net., anil am able Ui do all tuy bou.-ework aid id .re. J A ." E POTTER. Linn ftunly. ar.nutthirtj u.iJm east ol ihe foot oi the L.a Je-. saieu.. Orei ,n, December 2'., 1-, 1. Long landltiR Cough, with Kictl-alve Kictl-alve Kjpctorallont bared In Koar Wctki. This is to cer'ify that I hive hf-n troubled w;;L k c.-c i a.n w, u,y cest ar, 1 loi.c. fc J u,r'r . U j k:i' - I hn cc-ur'n iLg. m-r.'b a'.r. i!.-.;.ih, tJ.n: ii'.h'iiy I ':jv'.1 .lei, i, it. il : Lou -. ler b'.Jy san I i- : so; t ..-d. T:.fe I a-j-. to sr.e iir. J. V. P Tan D-r.ber L. r,d i:,-n. it ,ck. u, h:f f r. ,.1. br ar' i rr.' n, ab-.nt lo';r tat.rnr u.f Ji .nr. an i m weigLt ,t gowLt DiiL.r'i ar. i fei :;:y-. ).! ('nr.-jt, ami . , , r , LEWI HELD. Salem, Oregon, De:eiuber i is"!. OFFICK Si .AlBiii street, SALT LAKE CITY. EAGLE EMPORIUM. Their immense sales and stock of carpets have induced Z. C. 31. I. to open another large room 50 x GO feet, for the exhibition of newest styles CARPETS, p Brussels, s- 3 Tapestry, Three Ply, vT s - Ex-Super, 2 3d $ Super, B-i ji Stair, 'g - 3Iattings, &c., c& w Shades, - 'fZ '-r; Cornices, Covd, l-ggfe Tassels, -5 Fringes, "2 B'Z 5 Fixtures, rt O Brocatelles, S J Damasks, Swiss Lace, es Tambour Lace, Nottingham Lace, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Q,uilts, Comforters, B c d Feat li c r s, of various grades and ju ices. Persons desirous of house furnishing should first examine our stock and prices. Carpets made and laid. Upholstery, Bed and Bedding made to order with promptness and dispatch. Retail Dry Goods Department. Terms Strictly Cask. II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. FLOUR! FLOUR! FAMILIES, BAKERS, MINERS AND ALE OTHERS WANTING SHOULD BUY Wm. Jennings' Flour, To be hail by Mpiilying ut the ciflh e one l.ior west, or Hie Flour Warehouse, on First South St., between Kast nnd West Temple Sib., Salt Lake City. b7 DUNFORD&SONS. Mammoth Boot, Shoe & Hat Store. Wholesale and Retail Departments. GROCERY DEP'T, Z. C. JAL. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery. Glassware, Tinware, 31iners' Supplies. We do not throw out an? Baits by Advertizing a lew Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS AEL CHEAP. DEALERS IS TIIK EETTLEMENT3 AND WJ.MNO T0W'8 WILL FLND IT TO T1IE111 1.NTEKE3T TO CALL AND ENQUIRE J'RICES HKl'ORE ITIiCHAKINU. |