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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. The debate on the tariff has closed till Thursday next. The empress Augusta has returned from Englaad to Berlin. Gold was weak and stocks active and ! strong in New York on Monday. I The President has nominated M. C. Pago U. S. attorney for Montana. 1 The Knglish parliament has adjourned ad-journed lor the Whitsuntide holidays. The Ontario county,-New York, fires are still raging in Shawanyunk mountains. moun-tains. The Spanish government asks the Cortez lor power to raiso 40,JO0 fresh troops. A bill appropriating $jS,000 for the benefit of tho Marine hospital passed the house. Greeley's friends say he will soon declare de-clare his sentiments through an editorial edito-rial in the Tribune. Fifteen thousand government troops and seven thouand Carlists confront each other in Biscay. A fire at Brooklyn, N- Y., night be- lOro lasi, ucsiryycu uiuvcu ituciuum houses and rendered aboutone hundred familios homeless. A houso resolution directing the judiciary ju-diciary committee to report a supplementary supple-mentary to tho civil rights bill, was lost by 122 to 77. A bill has passed the house, appropriating appro-priating $10,0U0 to the erection of a monument to tho memory of tho late senator Baker, of Oregon. Three men, supposed to bo members of the gang that burglarized and shot tho jeweler Phelps, in New York the othor day, have been arrested. Great preparations have been made for a parade to-day in Chicago, at the moeting of tho working men. It is feared a general strike will follow. Dr. Houard suffered very much on the voyage, being loaded with chains, but at tho request of American officials at Cadiz the chains were removed. Tho oommandant of tho Springfield Spring-field armory, at Rock Island, is opposed op-posed to tho adoption of the eight-hour eight-hour labor system in that establishment. establish-ment. Trcviao is reported in the northern part of Nuevo Leon; his army has bo-come bo-come so depleted that he cannot hope to successfully oopo with tho government govern-ment troops. The London journals generally approve ap-prove of Gladstone's explanation concerning con-cerning tho Alabama botheration, but have doubts as to the results of the negotiations. The Carlists report that the insurgents insur-gents havo occupied Bilboa. Carlos has entered Biscay. His partizans claim to bo masters of tho three Basque provinces. "By a circumlocution process, it leaks out that an additional article has been prepared for the treaty of Washington, Washing-ton, and the question is, will the U. S. senate approve it? Tho senate has passed a bill increasing in-creasing twenty per cent, on the pension pen-sion of disabled soldiers and sailors. It will increase the general expenditures expendi-tures about $GOO,OUO. The striking New York carpenters threaten to close out others who refuse re-fuse to join them. Boss carpenters agreo to accept eight hours as a day's work and pay in proportion. Ferry is likely to get the U. S. senatorship from Connecticut, a combination com-bination having been formed against . Ilawlcy, by which Ferry will have nine I or ten majority on joint ballot. The striking miners of Lake Superior Supe-rior have overpowered the authorities and released their comrades who were imprisoned. Ihe governor has sent a company of U. S. regulars to tho scene of the difficulty. - Voorhces has declared himself "for-nenst" "for-nenst" Greeley. He says he has never hesitated or halted in his opinion in this regard, and denies the truth of the accusation that ho had recently been hob-nobbing with Grant. The bill to amend the enforcement act was considered in the senate on Monday. Casserly offered a substitute, that no officer in the employment of the federal government shall in any way have anything to do with the elections. elec-tions. The bill removing political disabilities disabili-ties from the participants in the rebellion, rebel-lion, has passed tho house; members of the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh congress, military, naval and judicial officers of the United States at the outbreak of the rebellion, and some others, are excluded from its provisions. |