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Show CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE, "Washington, 14. The seuato discussed discus-sed tho establishment of a district court in tho Indian Territory, and an amendment amend-ment was offered by .Nye, designed, he said to reorganize tho whole Territory, until tho expiration of the morning hour, when the consideration of the bill to amend tho enforcement act was resumed, re-sumed, tho pending question being Trumbull's amendment adding the amnesty am-nesty bill. After discussion, the motion to add the amnesty bill was rejected, bv 22 to li3, and the bill was then amended in some unimportant particulars, and passed by Sti to 17. The bill to continue in force until March, 1S73, the act authorizing the President to suspend the habeas corpus, was taken up and laid aside, and the confercaco report on the deliciency bill was discussed till a recess was taken till evening. UOtSK. The resignation of Brooke, of Massachusetts, Massa-chusetts, was presented. Tho bill to modify the pension laws passed. The senate- amendments to tho naval appropriation appro-priation bill were disposed of, and a conference- ordered on the disagreeing votes. The houso went into commutes on the tariff bill, and Beattie offered a large number of amendments in- succession to the item on wool, all of which were voted down almost unanimously; Uawos moved to include in the second section "all sized printing paper," so as to reduce re-duce the present rato of duty 10 per cent. The word "sized" was struck out, and tho amendment was adopted. A motion to include in the second section "all steel and manufactures of steel" was agreed to. "Watches, jewelry and articles of ornament wore added to the itomofmotals and manufactures, so as to include them in tho reduction. After a long and ineffectual effort to agree on a substitute for the second section, tho commilteo rose and tho house took a recess re-cess till evening. |