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Show M0TAR1ES PUBLIC. CH AH. "VV. BTAYAER, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly qnahljod and commissioned by the Governor. Office it Calder Bro'a. Salt Lake City. ml2 .1 0 H f McKWAN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Will draw or acknowledge all kinds of mtrumenu in writ in. Prompt attention paid to bisineu. Office at residence, l'rovo Cuy, Utah Co, U- T. m3 W. P. APPLEBY, United States Commissioner, Notary Public & Conveyancer, COMMISSIONER fuR California. Iow3, Michigan, Nevada, Kan-iV, W ise -utin. Nebraska, Ponn--jlvania, New Jeriey, Wujouri, liimoia, ilntuiia, Indiana. MitifachusetL. and othc States ami Territories. All kinds of legal and business instruments accurately accur-ately drawn, and ackn owle I umenii liken Minim; and other companies itcjrporatfld under the Jaws of Utah. wjUj Wm. M. Gillespie. Jaa. W. Stainbarn STAINBURN & GILLESPIE, Notaries Public, COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS, IS e archers of Rccordn, OOIVVUYAIWOU il IS , Ofllce On right of entrance to Stock Hoard, Held' Building, Main St. The legality of tho Notarial acta of the above-nainod firm is unquestionable, as thoy act under appointments made by Iho Legislative Legis-lative Assembly of tho Territory of Utah, dated February 16, 1872, and oommissions of tho Oovornor of the Territory, issued subsequently, subse-quently, and have complied with both the Territorial laws by filinc tho required bonds. Ae in the Territorial Auditor's office and with the Probate J udxo of Salt Lake county. 127 A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, " Mining Deeds, Agreement and Bonds for Deeds, Mortgages, Powors of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instruments o writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. HHnlnff Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted vndir tli Lwi of (J tan. C. A. COULD, NOTARY PUMUIO and 4 COMMISSIONED OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Sail Lake City. mil Wm. Claytos. S. J. Jonassojt, Notary Public. Notary Public and Convoy&noer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY itriot attention to the collection ol money in all parti of tho woild. They also draw or aeknowlodeo all kinds of ins tram on is in writing-. Special attention given to tho drawing of W11U and Tentainentory Document. Docu-ment. Loans negotiated. Minos, Houses and Real Estate of all kinds bought, sold or leased. Incorporation and Partnership Pnpcn of every description drawn in strict accordance with tho laws of Utah-Win. Utah-Win. Clayton, CommiEsioncr of Deods for tho States of New Yurk. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Connecticut, Missouri, Iowa Wisconsin and California. OF KICK Fourth door eouth of Godbc's Corner. o29 MISCELLAKE0U5. FAR WEST FREIGHT CO. Head Quarters, St. Louts, Mo. D UK ANT &CUTTING, FOKWAKDlJftt COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WE nro preparod to contract for shipments ship-ments from all parts of tho hist, our Lino bavin mado special arrangement tor the .-life and spoody transports! wo ol all Freight from New York. Uoston. Baltimore. Chicaxn. St. Louis and all Eastern Cities, to Ball Lako Lily. Wo are offering extra inducements for the shipment of Oro and Bullion to all Eastern pom's. Ovnri aXB Wabkhiii'91: First block, inuth of Depot, Salt Lake City. DUKAST - CUTT1XO- a.LS O XX Bees! BeesI Bees! Buckwheat and Alsaoe clover at CEO. CODDARD'S. Vnrmcn 1 Farmers 1 I Red Clover, Red IV', Timothy, Alfalfa, Lucerne. Ac. at CEO. CODDARD'S. Owner and Drivers of Teami 1 Corn, Oats, Barley, Chopped Feed, Ac-, at CEO. CODDARD'S. (Uviirri of Cowl. Chicken", Hh-Mi Hh-Mi and pipts I :au, Shorts, Corn Meal. Wheat, 4c. at CEO. CODDARD'S. It is really worth while for Homekcep-er Homekcep-er n.i others (''irj to market, tu.-t to c:ill in ar.d ex.muno the immense variety of Brc-lul Brc-lul article there is for sale at CEO. CODDARD'S. And if you are thirty he will tive ion i drink of his celcbr.ued cider, and il hungry, ho will (ill you some choice flour. Chrc-o. B.ieon, Ac. and if tired be will tend thcui home for you free of charge. Where la CEO. CODDARD'S New Store! It's about half wsy between Kimball A La" rence corner and tho. Meal ii-i7.cL. STALLION BISMARCK AariLti Stand f.-r (he Ses.'n. -t the F.m ol J of. A. Youn at I W KNTY-FiYK DOLLAKS. in advance, So drawback. HILL RIW'lLLIAll, At the tame place, at FIVE DOLLARS, advance. Apply to. aU B. Q, PAKE, L MEDICAL, F.ANDERSON, M.D. H.J. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeoiis and Physicians, Offieee, for the present, at their reepeetiy reaidencea In the Liih andlith Wards; 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. PHTSIOIAlf. SURGEON AND DEOGGIST, BHIOHAX CITY, UTAH. HOTELS, ETC. TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWN8END PROPRIETOR. This Iloase Is centrally and pleasantly lo- oated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 180 ffaestfi. THE PROPRIETOR la now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel, whiuh when finished, will renJ-r it the Moit .Complete Establishment In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. . ONB BLOCK EAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE OITY. Term 3. 00 per day. Board with, out rooms 914.00 per week.. Hatha free to gutlli. J. C.LITTLK, iun34 Proprietor. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, West Side Main Street, ROOMS with or without BOARD. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, LARGE FRONT ROOM Added for tho aso of Quests. HOT AND COJ.D BATHS. TAYLOR & CUTLER, myll Proprietors. Washington House Oiirl South (Street, i SALT LAKE CITY Board and Lodging, pur Week 97 00 Day Board " 00 French Spring Dedi ? 3 00 Beda, per Nlglit 00 Meals - - 5 jU M Commercial Lote Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. C. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Spring Bed n, 5, 37 and 00 cte. per Mglit) 81.50 to S3. 00 per Week. Slnvle Room, S O and 75c. per Might) S3. 00 to 31.50 per Week. Doiiljle Rooms, $1.00 to $1,30 per NlgUt. ol6 UTAH HOTEL, Main Street, OGDEN The only firsl-clasa House in tie City. Omnibus to and from all trains. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, HOWLAND & ASP1NWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. 'Wlllndvnucc liberally on consignments consign-ments of Oro and Bullion. Bullion purchased at litglie.t market rate.. .27 MILLINERY! TO TUB LADIES OF SALT LAKE CITY AND VICINITY ! MRS. WILKINSON Respectfully announces to her friends n I Citrons that sho has greatly enlarged her usinejs for the! Spring: and Summer Trade And is now propared to deal extensively is Millinery and Fancy Goods EXCLCSrVELY. On hand and ennjtuntly arrlvine: splendid ajioruuent the latest stylos of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Straw and (actus Hats, Lace and Rice Kramrs, Neapolitan, (actus and (hip Braids, &c. Also. Fancy Millinery of tho moat l'ashinnable kinds. Ribboos. Flowers, Laces, Silks, jMalincs. Crapes, Tarasols, Gloves, l-ans, Ktc 'wilt ARRIVE FOR CONFERENCE A laree .-iortnieat of ' Fancy Dmi Grto.lt, 51 aples. ITntlons, C)ilEnni- llMlr Rolls, Llle' Linen Suits, and a upleiirild variety of Ladles' and Children's Cndcr- Call and tee. 'o. So, MALX STREET. I LEGAL CHARLES Q. LOEBER, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW. OSce Room So. 5. over FLrtt National Bank, Bait Lake City. my!2 W. P. APPJLZBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW And Register in anJcruptq, Officet No, Main St. aylO GEO. L. WOODS, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, OfGce in Secretary Black 's BaildinK, BALI LAKJS CITY. alO W. Ti.. KKITHL.Y, Attorney and Counszloe-at-XiAw, Taylor k Cutler's BoJUiog, Room No. 10, Oppoeita Salt Lake lloaw, Salt Lake City, Ctah. ax2i P. L. TILLlAKfl. LB GRANB YOU SO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OSce, half-a-hlock sonth of Theatre, Salt Lake City. jl2 GEOKGE C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MYRON HiWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of tho Supremo Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. 11A.SKIXS. 0Bce in Kimball's block, near U.S. Mar-jli Mar-jli Ehal's otEoe. W. W. WOODS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 53. MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City, Utah Ter. m31 JOHN J3. MILNEK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, UtaU. Collections made in the 1st and 2nd Judi-oial Judi-oial Die trio ta. Special attontion siren to Mining cases. Office at residence. Centre Su Provo City, j5 Warner Earll. F. M. Smith. EARLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT Utl CITT. First South Street- Rooms 11 and 12, No 105, Kimball Block. DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office west side of East Temple Street. Espocial attention given to Alining liti-lation. liti-lation. d27 Wm. HAYDON, (Late Judge of 4th District Court, Nevada, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Room No. 9. East Temple Street, over First National Bank. nl JK. M. BARNUM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Kim sail's Blook, S, L. City. Special attention given to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sales or Litigations in Mining Claims and Real Estate. Collections made or business done in any part of the United Statos by Association of reliable Attorneys. d!7 0. H. Hempstead, M. Kirkpa trick HEMPSTEAD & K1RKPATRICK, Attorneys-at-Law, Main Streot, opposite Wolla. farso k Co;, SALT UII OUT. f22 Z. BNOW. X. D. HOQX, SNOW At HOGE, attorneys and Counsellor sat Isw Salt Lako City, Utah. OtBcest Snow's core or. 1st East Street Jul JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Omoo Over First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East street, between south and 1st South atrcots. s20 THOS, FITCH. OKO. 1. WHITNEY. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, 36 First Eonlh Street, 2Q SALT LAKE CITY. S . A.. MANN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 36 First South Streot, 9 Suit Lake City. Utah. D. O O O P K K, ATTOliNEY AND COUNSELLOR., Offlce Exchange "d Readlng-Kooiuu, Readlng-Kooiuu, up-atalrs. Jn2S SALT LAS! CITY. AMERICAN BUREAU MIMG LXF0R3IATION For Utah. Oraasiicd by mining and business men of Utah for tho purpose ofobuiniug and disseminating dis-seminating Reliable Information in regard to Mines And Mining property throughout tbs TBrritory. WARREN TIUS5EY, President. TllOS. P. AKKK. Vico 1'rosidonU TUKO. F.TKACV. Treasurer. E. M. BARNUM, Actuary andsocy. Principal OlTlre In Kimball Block, opposite Townictiil House, Salt Lake City. Registry of Wines and Mining Information In-formation cstabltuhed, a synoptic of which will be published in the Bulletins of the Bureau, and diotribut-d at Stock Boards and Bafinef Centres throuBhout the UNUED SIAlliS AND IN EUROPE Examinations of and Reports npon Mines placed upon the market, will be made under special charge of the Executive Execu-tive Committee Thos. P. Akors, Edmund Wilkes. John T. Lynch. R. P- Lounibory, J. M. Uatkell. This Baroau especially solicits Specimens of Ure and Mineral Produetinns from all parts of the Territory, which will r-e labeled Bnd displayed in Cabineta by resrscUre Mining bistrists. Blank Forms for description of mines desipned for registry, furnished on application. applica-tion. T Miners and Capitalist are incited to make the Rooms of 10c Bureau thrir headquarters head-quarters (or negoLiaUona or bueinese en-gagemenls. en-gagemenls. a Rotary Public always at tha Offlce BEND FOR CIRCULARS. e. n. BARsr.ii Actuary and Seoretary. Liquid Bluing Cheapest in market: quality and satisfaction guaranteed or money relundrd. Cash Paid for Grain and country For Sale 500,000 lbs conrs Salt, Table and Dairy. Shingle. Lumber and General Uerhandise-Wheleeale Uerhandise-Wheleeale Jobber. J. W. OXF.LL, Idaho Store, one block south Theatre. ra. , . . BULLS. VluUT BEAD OF Dl RH AM BULLS. Li 'tit ia.i rted tr-nj C5a.;i. f' " dhiV-.-.'. a I. r '.ilcj.; :ic l. : rs; Livry SiAcie. err. U .-: if: .vie UiNW, onth :.. weft nf wser ,.-. ... S,-.i'-,; ; f i r oi is .-f .-;iLg m arst-claii S;c--k Jhcu.d give as acail- ,T BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK Salt JJalre City, IXJtnh, Ter. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Bcnj. M. DnHcll, President. Hugh White, Caahlcr. ESMF3T113 KiKKpa.TatCK, Attorneys. This Bunk will transact all kinds of lositi-mate lositi-mate Bunking businoss. and DEALS IS GOLD AND SILVER BILLlOJi AXD OKU. Gold and Currency Exchange drawn and Telegraph Iran.-f oh mado on New York, I S.in Francisco ar,J. uriocipal Atlantic and Paeitic cuies, avaiUblo in any iiari of the Lnited -Statee and C;inada. ! Deposits and pen era I business solicited from Eastern and F ..renin iiaiiks and Bankers, Bank-ers, Firms :ind individuals ; Check Aooounts , kept in Gold or Currency. Exchanao on principal litiw of Europe and tho Canadas furnished in sums to suit, t at tho lowest mas. and Tolegr&ih Transfers ott London. Loans made on Bullion, Public Securities, Bondsf Local Stock, Merchandise, or other 5ood Oollatorals. Approved business paper iscountod for dopoEitors. Certificates of Deposit issued, payable in Gold or Currency on oall, or at any specified, time, available in any part of the United States aud Territories. Advances made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to Now York, San Franoisoo and Etiropo. CORRESPONDENTS t NEW YORF -B;' ft0BB"SV6 SAN FaANCISCO-Culiforaia Trust Co. LONDON Jay Qaoko, MoCullooh A On. Tel 8 BANKS DESERET, Salt Lake City, Utah. This Bank has organ i tod a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, and will receive do posits of one dollar nd upwards, on which interest win be allowed at the rato ef eicht per cent, per annum, compounded semi-annually, f29 L. 8. HILLS, Cashier. WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers iu Exchange Drafts on Europe. Kuropoan Collections promptly ailondod to. K tat Temple Street, Suit Lake City. ml2 Ti!8o. F. Tkicy. Agent. First National Bank of Utah, SALT LAKE CITY. See SjteeUU AderrttucmciU on Third Bank of Deseret, Rurceswr to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Oornor &ut Temple and First South Streets, SALT LAKH CITY. UTAH. PAID IP CAPITAL, tlOO.OOO. InitlGHAM VOfNfi. Preidont,1 H. S. KLI'!iF.!r. .:, ViooPres. WM. II Hi N I? Kit, WM.JKNMN'iiS, Director. .IliHN" SH A h P, FKKAMi ii!Z LITTIjK, : L. S. HILLS, Cashier. Dl Id OOLD OUST, tOIS, KXCIIAKUsC, LA .tD W A It It A NTH, COL-LEUK COL-LEUK SCHIP, Ac. Collections made and promptly ro- mittod, I FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. Taylor & Cutler, MAiN STREET, HAVE STILL nvj HAND A DID STOCK OF i.M'JljS, which must be closed out immediately. GUNPOWDER TEA, A Firft-rate Artiste, Japan Teas, A First-rite Article. COFFEE SOAP, iIm beat 'n iim. r..usi"?, LAKI, I! ICE, STAP.cn, YEAST rCOVDERS, A--., Arc LADIL.-. nd ... tb.;r r!3 GOnilB sod ...il l-:v.s of I)hi OO'tDS. A Bif Lo. or(0UKIO A.D PAfU LUK TOV KB. ow is the Time for Clifap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. J A. 11CS GALI-J.OHES. JnHTI CA.LLA.rHHK WtLUJLlI GilXAC-Skft. JAMES GALLACHER & SONS, Bee respectfully to inform their friends and the public enerlly thai they have open- THE TRIX3E BAKERY, Main St., next door It. Walker Bro'a Kfw Hotel, Bread. Crackers and Biscuits of the finest uuxlitT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cake. CMd Lunch and Re'rwdmuf. Ire Crecn and "Abernethf " Supper. Fie-Nie nd -Excursion furtie-supplied with evrythins in the line on the shortest short-est notice and the nitisi mnderate terms. ORNAMENTED CAKES. al'l GROCERIES! TMISIOXS The Largest nn.l Best As. sorted Slock in Town. msm J T E A S lire unequalled In quality in Utah. We can mid will sell cheap and will not. fos undersold under-sold by any one. CALL AND EXAMINE. C. W. DAVIS. fl7 Pure Email Pure Canrly! TE ESTATE of RICHARD (lOLTilUTLY bee to inform tio Public, that thoy still carry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tbo old stand of Tlio "aiiOBE," EAST TKJttPLB STUMSKT, Adjoining the Co-operative Grocery Department, Depart-ment, whore can be found everything in their linoof boxinents.and they hope, b y strict ntteetion to the wahw of their cuFtoroors, to oontinue their paLroaajie and support-Pure support-Pure Ham r'-m mdr C ml (lies ft ttiioclally. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISFATCII. alO DANIEL GRENIG Sat Just Rcce'.vcd and for Sale A Choice Lot or jct" a.; w m m. -mr Uiimi,. flocH is Tor, CotToo, Surar, tfpicofl, Goldon Silver Drips, Sugar Loaf Drips, Hams, Bacon and rriud Uuof, Beat Now York factory Choose, Soaps, Veat Powder, Dried and Cannrd Fruits. WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, Primo LiveWocso Foathors, Cages and tjnnnry UirdF, etc., etc. Is in full blaft, and the Finest Dread, etc. is turjed out fresh every day. BEST BRANDS OK FLOUR Alwayi on band. All kinds of UK A I A botifthlnnd sold Give me n call at mr Now Drlok St o ret EAST SIDE K AST TKIUPLB ST. DANIEL CRENIC. mil II. WALLACE, First South Street. A choice lotof CLAMS, LIMA BEANS, GRKEN CORN, TOMATOES, SALMON'! Dessicatcd Cocoanut, Cracked Cocoas AXD Family Chocolate, Huntley & Palmer ENGLISH BISCUITS, ALSO THE CELEBRATED ALBERT BISCUITS. The Largest and Most Complete Com-plete Stock of MILLINERY GOODS la the Cli7 JUST Ol'liNfcD AT MRS. COLEBROOK'S i'alace of Fashion. Ladies. plse eall and eiainioe. aV W.J. HOOPER A. CO. 7, COfflJHKHCIAL ITB.KKT, MISCELLANEOUS. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Ffr the relief jTlc. lirr'r. and b'w - -Sf -T- " r el- w-',V' l1 put-tame. asNi! Br.K lrrly ve(ph!p.ihr7 whatevrr. Mnoh lerion? ai.-knesj and suf-fermc suf-fermc t rrevetiird bv tiirir innely a?.; and every finuty jh.-uld nave them on hsnj I.t their protection and relief, "pn re-iuirr.1. Lt cM'orien.'K hs provid itu-m t l the safest, surest, ard be,t of all tha 111 with whioh (he market aS.'Unds Wy the r (..-.-sicnal Ufe. the bl.'.vl i purified, the corruption corrup-tion ot the iyeieui expelled, obstructions roraoTe.i. and tf-.e whole maitiery oi hie restored to its healthy activity. Internal Jrcani. whu-B be.-ome clocvod and .itsifh axe oleansed by AurrS fiJJ.. and stimulated stimula-ted into action. "11ms in.-i;ir!H disea-e is chand into benlih. the value ot lueh chance, when reckoned on the vist mulli-iudcf mulli-iudcf niioenu'.v it. c n hardly be " l uted Their suear-coa tine luake thrin plent to t.ke. and .rcer o. their virtue? umm pired for any Icncih oi tm-e. so t hat they are e er fresh, and pcrlootly reiinMe. AUhou.h searchiriE. they are mild, and ..perate without with-out diaiurbauce to tho cvita.-mutioc, or diet, full J tree t ions are given on the wraprer to e:.,-h b.. ho to ux thoru a a r'nmily 1'livMo. and ir the following com plain I a, whi.-h the..p J 'til. rapi.i:y .-.re Vor Ily -phln oT litdtfimtlrin, l.lil-lenkitraa, l.lil-lenkitraa, Lniititr and lo of A)r-I'le, A)r-I'le, thoy shou.d be l:tken modorstelj to sti uiuinte i he stomach, aud restore iu healthy Kor LUit fom).llnt snd it rarions sviurlom', lit It ii in, limit orlie, Mi k liendnrhr, .Inuu.ttoe ,ir (ircrll Mrk. nr, Itlllntm lull,' M,d ltlllotm Fever, Fe-ver, they should bo iudi.iouly taken lor each cse, to oorreot the dixased aciion or reinovo thi ob -1 ruot ion' wln.'h o.iuse it. For 1 fcciitery .ir Ularrhwa, but on 9 mild ili- i- Ki'iienilly reymroil. For It lie uiii.it Imi, (i.iut, Criivel, Pnlplmilou of the II.M-l, I'ul.i lu (lit- Milr, Hark, and Loins, ihey hollld bo continually taken, ti routrtsl. to ofmiie tho diseased a.Mion of the sy.-lciu, Mull such cli.inire thoso complnints disappear. For Uroii.y Hll,t 1i .ir.t nl Sn rllliiKa, they should bo t.ikcn in I arte and frequent doses to jToduoe ill clloci o! a drastic puree. For SMitprci.i.loti, a Urge dose hmld be taken, ujj it prod noes the dmi rod eScot by sympathy. Asa IHntier take one or two Villa to promote digestion, aud relieve the sloiu- An occasional dose stimulates the stomach stom-ach and bowel, re.-tnres the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it it b ol ton advantageous where no serious dernngomeiH exists. One who feel" tolornblv well, often Giidf that it dope i'i those Villi make him feel decidedly bolter, from their cleansing: and renovating ctleot on tho diseslivo apparatus, ap-paratus, rUKTARKD BY Dr. J.C, AVKH Co., Praetlca.1 Chruilala, LOWELL, MASS., P, S, A. For sale at Z. C. ,f. I. Dntg J)ej't AND ALLUHUMlilST KVKHYWUKRK. To Freighters! 11I1IC KOLA It SALT CO. will oil-tract oil-tract lor tbo l'Voigluinii of from 500 lo 1,000 Ions of SALT, From their Mnrsli !n Pniike Valley, to Pioche. in lots l suit; nn nil tems tlint may come to the Mmsh will be lu-nished loads to I'iocho at the rate ol forty L'ullan per ion. Address, mh.r S i.t Co. m.v'.l Meheilbi'iirne, Nrvadn. Charcoal Agency, TRUCK b. TA1, V17E have, at pnscnt, sulneiunt labor to I'Mivldu Choroonl in Inrgo ipinnH- lies. if orders nro receive I and nrrnnivtuenis mado by tho lMh of June next. Orders, accompanied with satisfaetory guarantors, will receive iuunidiate otten ion. myl2 HI mo n, Wnlliicc A COt TIIK CK1.KHKATKD KIgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. STOCK Genuine Jewelry. The Public ro nortlialty inviLcd to oall and examine, 2;- c. :rvr. i. K A B T TKMI'LH. ITItKKT, Dai a block north ii the Ragle Bmpo'lem. Z. C. 1YI. I. -j-TE MOV A-p PEODDCE DEPARTMENT. 'imjk cnrv.SH fjr ' alt j, ak r. city i mid ti-inity nr re' ! I In 1 1 r i n I'.r in ol tKst tn Dcibrlu,ont 1 Ltie Oo-ofeiHtive I urlltutioD II As) HH-noVKU TO EAST TTHrrLE PTP.I.LT, ULIT IjOOR wokia or 7 hi: bamc or VKVLMT. W- r. r-w rr.a'"! b-:v .n.'l all m). ; OH A I I ABU PlioUltH st WU'lekle ae Kelaii- JI. U. CLAWSON, Hupt. My ih. T.Z itirll CITY LIQUOR STORE, Kt- ooDFttnUy on banC VlJoleKale and KetaU, Choioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At 1.', t . nOEIiBl.tM'1 Dl ILDIIOI, JT lul TH1 BtrseU |