Show euw rions A d I 1 I 1 S ago a purity association was formed in chicago where it was needed g much is as anywhere ft d on in t this a continent con in ia which the members bahk jk ivow af chastity we do 80 sot not lilar r rach much about it now nok and perhaps wo 01 I 1 1 have heard beard nothing abort it then boi capt by bt way ot ol novelty wee W boe however th that at ish taj koiv society dybas has not collapsed for lack of membership or continuity ti but b ut thea that it is working its way against the dark tide ot corruption corratti an that floods the commercial city by the he lake anew society has boo been started in london called aa speak no p eau its member sare pledged toasa to ask themselves these three ee before pasing any oae either Kieft tally or Is it true Is it kind isit Is it necessary when nhen these questions or either of them cannot be answered in the affirmative censure to is to be b withheld sexes exes maydeen caay be en rol houed ledia ia the organization and if ats members only live according to their pledge pled toe the good th atwill result is ingal calculable c ul able but if society should take it lap as a a new craze and anait it should be considered abod formal form to join the assoria association tion anat A atwould would the tea drinking gossips and the chronic scandal ai mongers bongers find to talk about radjko and sols bos receptions and Af madame adame at howes P I 1 apse ipse ase their chief attract tion and many of chaw ming L of conversa dosal gatherings would wold oe be voted ili h complete baah 11 we fear it will not do 40 for the haut ah and that t it cannot flourish in would lit not be very good for utah inthe it the rule to make the above menta queries were adopted by bf foth both abr and gentiles of coarse it ft would not work with the league organ that lives hy lying and thrives upon scandal neither either would it work among pious preach j 1 ers eks who profit VY by clr cu latIng monstrous about the mormons Mor mons with the ever ilig colliet collection ion plate br ab sub script lot list attached but decent people of all persuasions might govern their tongues and peas by dihe e answers to those adione and airo the world would be much 14 the better for it both the individual and the community toM would be vastly there iab are ven men and manaen in utah who are under special covenant not to speak evil ol of one ne another when they are about to repeat some highly fla vp ed P piece I 1 eaje of gossip would it not be right abr or them to ask first Isit Is it true isit kind Is it necess necessary lit 11 we be bieve these would lorta iree three distinct barriers lathe inthe in the way of 61 slander and be a threefold protection for the absent from the tongue of the backbiter and the lips of the talebearer many of e the stories teat t bat are pASsed from rom lip to lip gathering vol idane e and denbin as they go are cither elther true trae or kind or necessary what sensations are made out of some facts colored and dres dressed seii till they are arb jaidt perfect caricatures of the naked truth fh the vision ot of the damned portrayed lit in the me apocalypse torment is depicted as suffered equally by tho who love ove and those who maae anake a lie jl if the receiver IS ig as bad as the thief surely the carco lator is 0 us baalas had as the inventor Invent br of falt falsehood the intent of course qualifies ana deter determines minds the status of theat the act A speak peak no avil society the practical 4 adoption tion of its rules u T es would toe be a splendid thing inah in and if it prevailed tit the world would prove a boon such as has aas not come to since the tt elue and would be the ane harb harbinger ingero of I 1 a rapidly approaching ron who W will pledge themselves to themselves to mao make these thiet three queries condition to the att eranee of personal remarks arid the little tattle tait usually constitutes n bhatia hat is known as email talk |