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Show Eureka, Utah THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER November 1, 1968 Tintic High student body officers join in council meet by Debbie Ewell and Alice Judge On Tuesday October 29, the president, vice president, RE-ELE- sec- retary and historian of Tintic High School attended the Re- . ATTEND MEET Tintic High School student officers met in a regional meeting to help orient students in the region with of their offices and duties. Front, Carol responsibilities respective Fam historian; McIntyre, secretary; standing, Craig Stapley, Wirth Sanderson, president. Colovich, vice-preside- nt; Mary Thomas given Richard M. BROUGH gion Five Council Meeting. The students left at 9 a.m. headed for the meeting which was held at St. Marks High School in Salt Lake City. The purpose of this meeting was to unify Region Five. President met with CT Representative presi- dents vice presidents with vice presidents etc. to discuss the problemt of their offices and their schools. Through this they learned how to to their job better in order to help the students and their schools. Those making the trip were president Wirth Sander son, vice president Craig Colovich, secretary Pam McIntyre and historian Carol Stapley. Almost half of the overseas and Washington staff of the Peace Corps now consists of former Volunteers. in the Utah House Republican Do you want a State Representative who will fight to save TINTIC SCHOOLS? There is ONLY ONE MAN who has pledged that he will go for all-o- ut the people of TINTIC! Paid Pol. Adv. turkey dinner Mary Thomas was the honored guest lost Sunday in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Her sons and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomas and Dusty of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Bemell Thomas and family of Vernon, came to Eureka bringing with them a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Two beautiful cakes, presented were by her daughters-in-laused as center pieces for the attractive dining table. To make the day more enjoyable she received calls from her two daughters, Mrs. Opal Been in Phoenix, Arizona, and Mrs. Rachel Greenhalgh of Richland, Washington. Other callers during the day were a niece and her husband, Mr. and Mra. Ray Wcrthley of Park City and two of her sus-ter-s, Mrs. Charlotte White and Mrs. George Kirk of Goshen. Mrs. Thomas was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. o w Past RS presidents honored at luncheon Past Relief Society Presi- dents and their officers were honored Tuesday afternoon at a luncheon and program in the Relief Society rooms at the Eureka LDS ward. Joan Morris, president of the Relief Society, welcomed the members. A short but clever skit was presented, following along the lines of the Society rules. Rachael Hannifin was the acting Judge and the officers were the jury and the members were sentenced to come to the meetings of the Society for the coming year. Buffet luncheon was served following the program. Jackie Griggs was in charge of the program, Verla Richardson was in charge of the stage dscoration, Florence Garbett was chairman of the table decorations and Joan Morris was chairman of the menu committee. There were 45 members in attendance. Brought the Beryllium industry to Juab County and to Utah with his Beryllium Tax Amend- ment. Construction has already commenced on a $10 million Beryllium Mill in western Utah. Supported funds, under building new 14-be- d Hill-Burt- hospital Act, for on at Nephi. Worked to speed up Central Utah Project which will bring additional water into Juab County. Sponsored legislation putting quotas on excessive foreign meat imports which injure Juab County's important livestock industry. Sponsored law authorizing transfer of Federal land to Utah for State Park purposes. This made possible State Parks at White Sand Dunes and Topaz Mountain in Juab County. Supported funds for improvements at Nephi Supported Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, making possible Project in Juab County, and which will permit construction of Salt Creek and Levan Projects. Municipal Airport. Sponsored the Rural investment Act which would bring jobs to Juab and similar counties by giving tax incentives to industries which locate there. Miller-Biglo- w Fought for Juab County sportsmen as a lead-mspokesman against the Democratic Administration's gun control bills. Vote for the Man Who Takes a Stand for Von Bennett Day Rally Nov. 1 7:30 p.m. KSL-T-V ND FREEPORT Introduced legislation to aid mining in Juab County by giving tax incentives for mineral exploration. Channel 5 Contact your Bennett County Chairman CorMitutional Amanfawnt Dean Shaw and help in Nh)tMQNi n. i the countdown to Victory! Paid by Juab County for Bennett Richard Nixon laid, MGlvo mo Hio Ioom Wallaco Bonnolt. You Mod hln for Utah . xporionco." Veto H Nlxon-Jomolf- lo do Am and 0 Mfl g |