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Show for assignment to a base in England. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hone Mr. and Mrs. William Pax man drove to Midvale last Sunday where they were joined by their daughter, Mrs. Peggy Fowden and her three children and they made a trip to Park City and other interesting of Payson were in town on Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Butler and with Henry Wall family. Mrs. Elna Bird returned home from Provo last Friday, where she had been confined to the Utah Valley hospital following surgery performed two weeks, ago. Her ost of friends are wishing her contin- Artfully carved from black and white plaided cotton velvet is this high fashion design conjured UP by Bill Blass for Maurice Rentner. Garnished with feathers at the sleeves, the dress wraps around the body and is belted high under the bosom. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Milne and family are visiting here with Normans mother and brother and family, Mrs. Lila Milne and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Milne of Mammoth and with Mrs. Milne3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bird. rs. Milne and children will remain here for a time. Mr. Milne will report to New Jersey on Novefber 20 Eureka and accompanied her mother back to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bird and children of Bell Gardens, A total of 24 nations, following the lead of the United States Peace Corps, now send Volunteers abroad. California, left last Wednesday for their home, after spending a vacation here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bird Ftfd Political Advertisement by Friends of Cfcds MMar Oommittae R. M. MHr Governor Rampton has a trusted proven partner . . . He needs Clyde Miller's vote on the Board of Examiners to EXTEND FREEPOST assure industrial development and a better Utah. Re-ele- ct SECRETARY OF STATE nn Why its important that you yotp older? against No. 4 It is filled with hidden pitfalls, It would not really benefit the farmers in true farm areas, as these properties are already assessed at considerably less than other properties. Instead, it would benefit only land speculators, at the expense of home owners and all other property taxpayers. t It would lead to higher taxes for home owners and others, adding to your tax burden. If one group gets a preferential assessment, soon other groups may demand special consideration. Before long, Utah could end up with a hodge-podg- e classified property tax. . . , Start young. Dont be deceived by promoters of this discriminatory, confusing proposal . Start small, if you want to, but start steady. The important thing is to have a regular program of setting something aside every payday. So start now, start young, building up the savings that count so much later on. Vote against Proposition No. 4 PROPOSITION NO. 4 AGRICULTURE LAND TAXATION A joint resolution proposing to amend Article XIII, section 3 of the Gonstitutloe of the State of Utah, to provide that all land designated tor agricultural use nay be assessed lor all tax purposes on the coniidcratkn of only those factors relative to such agricultural use. Buy U.S. Sayings Bonds NOW PAYING 4.15 WHEN HELD TO MATURITY Tbs V.S. FOR AGAINST Cavtraatat dan mi MV far Ibii atfvartlMHMiif. a It ii pra-nai- public canlca la caaparatiaa wide tin Treasury Dapartnaat m4 Tha JUvartiiini Caaacil. Gas line to be built off isiana coast. UNITED CITIZENS AGAINST HIGHER TAXES Lou- Beverly S. Clcndcnin, Chairman Imsmal B Pax-ma- n. Sir. and Mrs. Pete Gillespie and son, Ricky, of Dugway, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gillespie. and Proposition No.4 How do you own a stack of Savings Bonds when youre 1, 1968 and Mr. and Mrs. William families, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Laird and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gourley, Sr. Mrs. Brodericks daughter, Mrs. Betty Paxton of Salt Lake City came to Sirs. A. L. Broderick returned to Salt Lake City Sunday after spending the past week here with her daughters and their ued improvement D the Sir. and Sirs. Ted Johnson entertained at a family dinner last Sunday for Mrs. Gary Boswell who was celebrating her birthday. Mr. Boswell and their daughter, Annette were among the guests on Sunday. towns in that area. FINE-FEATHERE- November THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Eureka, Utah |