Show DISEASE MENAGE MENACE TO UTAH FLOCKS Energetic Action Must Be Taken I 1 To Stamp Out Preva Prevalent Prevalent Prevalent lent Malady j LEVY ASSESSMENT I J lIh the Fund it ut t Hand ork I III to 10 n It Ie hf 1 Undertaken nt III i i Arc rc Out 1 At a meeting or of the tM UtAh Wool Grow Growers Oro ers n Mid held yesterday after afternoon noon ron In this city Dr A C Toting Toung state veterinarian and Dr F K E Murray of o othe the United States Stain bureau or animal nImaI In Ut Industry Industry pointed out tho the s of i ith the th present epidemic of ot lip and antI leg kg dla dl case ca which III In spreading over the state nt lit an alarming rate rale They reported that tho Iho III dUte e In all aU allover over oVIr the tho state In n spots If It is I Inot Inot not stopped at once It will m fl entail a ln 1011 of fit millions million of dollar Rn lead to Utah being leIng quarantined by other states tat which will win prevent the chipping hipping of sheep heep out of the tate Mate Tho The malady wan all lahl to be b at a stage te where It II t be bl handled now but hut delays dolay would greatly the cost coat or of coping with the disease which Is Ia already menacing the very try life of or the sheep Industry In iii places In Wyoming I It w wall n pointed out nut by Dr Young Youn that the state hRS has no funds runds with which to 10 fight the th disease and after arter some ome I din die It was wea Wa decided to assess aes each ch which Is III I to bo ho paid at once to the Wool association and used under tinder the direction of Dr Toung oung This Thie Is III Intended a All aa a 1 starter Other funds wilt will 11 probably be he needed 1 an as soon Coon as AM the work ork Is 18 well oU under way WIY The meeting yesterday afternoon con convened on ened Ht at t tho the call of the Man Wool association others Inter Interested ested In tho the sheep Industry The meet meeting ing In was wag held nl nt t 62 20 persons being present Among Amon them were ere Dr A c I Young You nil raI ria Dr F B E I Murray Inspector In charge hAtKI of nC o th the tho United States bureau of ot animal industry P C C 11 H Stewart i seers cre tary tAr of ot the Utah Ulah Wool Growers asso association elation Eno Enoa of or coun county county ty A 8 S i Erickson of or Salt Sail TAke Wil William WilliAm Wilham liam ham ton Mois of or Woods Cross W n D Cand Candland CandIan Candland land Ian of or Mt Pleasant PIMsant E II n Callister United States collector of or Internal reve revenue nUt nue N K S of or Mantl Manti president of or the Wool Growers rowers association J 3 8 11 t Osier filet of or II It P r of Hear fleer RIver I 1 fi IA Y Fackle of M Woods Cross milS An Andrew Andrew drew Larsen Larnen of Mt lilt Pleasant and other othar prominent SYMPTOMS OF I This disease di which Is U Known act lIeI an all In III mild to be Incurable when It gets get a firm hold It consists of o the rotting of puts parts of the heeps body though the rest rent of ot the body Is alive They are arc attacked principally In Iii the jaw and legs The glands of the jaw Jav swell and burst while the feet reet rot an away ay The disease may be transmitted from one sheep to another and It Is U even een said that the germs may like those of smallpox get Into the ground and live for years The disease has boen been known In Utah for about two year years during which time there hao hava been only Isolated cases This summer the disease e spread SI at an alarming rate It appears ap tars to have hae come lime tram from Wyoming Into Utah ant and In that state stat some ome sheep shepp men nten have hae suffered coffered the extinction of their herds Others whoso whose losses have ha not been beell so o 10 heavy hea have havi lost lent thousands ot of dollars end the plague pla ue has got Kot to the stage when hen something has as to 10 be Ie done right away awo Dr Youngs first move moo will be to Identify the germs causing the trouble with the view slew of learning Just what the disease Is III i It 11 is III i said aid that the cost of lr this work will vill be S WO After that thatIs Is III don done there will still be the cost COlt of stamping out the disease which it would appear will have to be met by bythe byth bythe the th as all there are lire no slat slate funds available for such a 1 purpose One thing Is li sure as admitted by the tha speakers at yesterdays meeting unless something Is III done right away there Is Isn 1 I n ft great probability 11 II that Utah will be he quarantined states before long lone by outside |