Show WITHDRAWN FROM PROM ENTRY Order nt at It Land O Irom Interior r telegram wa was received at lit the local land d file offlie orn e from the depart n It ment nt nl of nf the Interior at I or ori tIP i Ing tn that certain lands In III Washing Washington ton Ion s San Ran n Juan JUlin Garfield and Wayne Vane be withdrawn from entry The lands are arp and their charae ter whether mineral cir or timber Umber Umberta I ta Is not 1101 known knon definitely In time tho Salt falt I ake Ike Ikeland land orn The telegram the theland lands land reads ax Ca follows towa and Receiver S Salt Bait H I Luke uke City y Ilah The following follow Ins lands land have been be n withdrawn b by Iho limo secretary fr from ni m all alt foi forme in of or location la atlon allon settlement a tiling filing entry or disposal dIMIO under the min mineral Oral eral or public nubile l land 1 laws lawn Letter of or thin this datA to 10 follow What will wll willbe be when purveyed 31 II end and K n 3 south 7 1 and lid N a east eart 41 tl south Houth 17 U eat east III 40 t 0 41 11 and andi nd U Ii i south Muth IS it and nd It 19 east cant 41 U south 7 1 west went el elU 43 U and 44 U south HOuth 8 t neat 40 10 O 41 II 41 n 43 W and 41 tI south X n weal 41 43 E south SH 9 nest est 4 iS south Routh 10 to wept weft 41 Il 41 U I and K 43 south 11 It west wesl 31 41 11 t 12 4 nod and 4 t south i 1 12 w wM wee K M 42 12 t and U 13 4 south 1 II west went K 32 X 32 and amid 41 n south 14 It I went weal K SS K 36 41 tl and Md 43 u Routh n IS I went wat 41 1 south 16 west went 33 34 41 t 41 12 nand and 11 couth south 1 17 went 1 II at X and an 41 south IS I 1 west M IIi south 1 tl and X i west went |