Show OFFICE TALK TAIR irni If ill Br di n hits haj It tt ItI I TODAY Black Line Prints The Thu dream of If the blu blue 1 1111 If lu tu s eure a paper Him could PDt black lUlu lines on ais 0 whit paper Instead of white linn Un on Wise blue ua paper We W hav hae ha ju Just i that tort Oil of p pa par r if 11 t a Ii en aJia Look Like LU c 4 Steel EU t TELEPHONES S yC ml I hm hi h 11 lit i 2nd J 7 h 1 r rII II 14 a Jlii 14 1470 Hs n Planter Pioneer J lon r ild I 14 1 lal 4 and nr s aa 1111 ai teed erd erdi e d bt 11 I 4 i T 3 I i 11 I I II I Will ii Buy w r q 1 10 lb Z I I c W M I ISO SO 0 C Con n Wm W ii in Ma fah fadl h 00 1 I Hi I ht I 4 d 1 rd k 0 Kut II dI f r 1 I ih Ith SO 20 Al A I 1 I i I I S I SAt At All t S j IM 1 h S If S r 1 I A 4 I Edward Elward L t Burton 1 5 f M 31 1 In n Ft lor ell V T mm BEAVER LUKE LAKE CON GON HAS SOME IE fiNE ORE nf ut I I 4 irm niche Ironi 1 11 leik FV ht r m Urn th the Beaver ve ul mr ny In thu Beaver Loko Lak Mea Hoes cc 01 county Junt Junth has bee h been finding some lIOe excellent or we ore but th the specimen that A P F Palm secretary nd treasurer r of the corn com company m pany peny line h Just brought back to I J ro with him hi are re by far tar the tM best bait Accord I Ills to the chief hist engineer at t the prop property arty erty ert the Ule company U iii I to a It state stair that promise premiere a great Mt future tutu It Is Ii I declared that after the vein of ore or 01 pinched out In time the chart at a depth of toot feet the was wae matted ll IS II fe feet t of very wry hard After this the tit lead d was wa picked up u again and Ad within the past pact 10 feet the vein has baa h widened to 10 two 10 test feet t of excellent or ore OrO that thaI Is I eerily easily 11 mined While Mr Jr was at the property PM ty he lie h s vs vc v he nut out half a ton ten of rift ore In h Ires ICi than two tw hour hou In ih nu drift they hi have hav a three toot foot vein eln of or highly l talc With the III dip nf of the nr ore body assuming the fn rapidly the lbs maii K m tit thinks that hat I ha t a larg body boll at nl n ore oro Ic is 1 cl ems nt at Il hand Mr Palm alm declares that the rich r re that Is III now being found will bring from MO to net nat A s oar r I Badger Brothers Members Bale BaIt Lake Exchange t Main St Salt Lake City ORlee ome om Cureka Utah Uth 00 It A co X ew w York k lix Chicago Thiard nord of Trade It lIla to h lAte Private Wires to Ii all r tri lii 1 1111 States Ita If ond J r if r t forth for forthe forthe the th Handling of ill t 11 UTAH STOCKS WILL SELL 1000 Utah Mune Coalition Oo 00 1000 Consolidated PuI l 88 Independent Jn I Coal 2600 2000 eGO Con Fuel Bonus Bonds SIC SEe 1000 Sunnybrook Coal ISo tt 21 United Wireless SiO no 20 WILL PURCHASE 10 Con Iff Was Wal A to M At rh fo ta I KO W IS lo 10 sharps bar Amal aur su pfd t rd It 10 Z C Ml 1st 7 t Dond Ponds bought and Ind an sold ROId FOR RL too to 1 tiLh h SuK r fd d 10 ss 1 all ft to IsIh 1 It i A 10 to Amal sum Busar t r j rJ John C Cutler Jr INVESTMENT lANkER KANKEL E t 1813 1 ItLO WH MR M Hock Inland fo 0 r Hock Inland litand Ill ro pfd IM IMI I Southern 1 I tit II way I Union ei United States Stool A I 1 00 United States Steel HIel pfd IM 1 I h 1 pfd Union 71 Standard Oil e NIGHT SCHOOL Opens Open October 0 it ij not Shorthand Business Tyro Ute I Mechanical Drawing It t I Latet system export expert t equipped The demand by firms for our students Is Ia I never full i supplied L D 1 S R BUSINESS ESS 01 tr E i ONLY ONry DUPLEX IRIVA V I TO MAJI ETS I Jas A Pollock Co Ci and an aD Brokers No Xo I S B Second m J Booth ROuth Street Blocks and Doad Dou ht and Soil In ln any an market of ot th t WOrld Fastest service to toot C ot of Tr Trade Trad d I I WHITNEY JEX Company Stock Brokers STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission MEMBERS Of OJ SALT LAKE STOCK IM IMAND j jAND AND Salt Bilt Lk IAk iii 44 taIn Street Ura Provo of flee ce 24 N Ar Ams City In H leb bt T r i k Building PRIVATE wnm BETWEEN PR Vu AND SALT HALT LAKE PROMPTLY r CORRESPONDENCE BOI Investors or Speculators D D Desiring information on II STOC a 8 should bould get fret rt In tuh with witt UJ ua u CALL at No Main 85 81 CALL up UD No N 35 eIther phone phon WIRE on OR u ta j t for QUOTATIONS U ci mad IRa m DO o Chan Change CHILD COLt COLE COL CO Brokers Broker Bait Lake Jake lix VELIE AUTOMOBILE A A Great Conference Unload Unloading Unloading Unloading ing Sale At Sit the Peoples Cash Department Store Continues every day this week Conference and State Fair should taKe taRe advantage of the extraordinary bargains in all al departments PURCHASE NOW and leave your Parcels with us until you RE RETURN RETURN RETURN TURN HOME We quote a few of our grand Bargains among hundreds of others Millinery styles and modes Ladies Hats Trimmed I from rom f i Pretty Dressy Line Misses and Girls Ladies latest Style Suits 16 to 20 values 1198 1198 A large selection going oin at nearly cost price up to We carry no last YEARS GOODS Only reliable goods Blankets We T efy Competition 1 p A splendid line In WHILE THEY I LAST the latest Cotton Coton Wool and these are grand valus val us at worth In the Domestic Department pillow pi How cases He lie Sheets Pil PH Pillows lows white color spreads from Mens Suits Sale 1850 Young Mens Suits 12 Sale Boys Suits and furnishings prices and Shoes hoest fens and Childrens Thousands to Choose from fromA tromA A LARGE LINE of woolen dress and skirt goods going oin at the very lowest prices pieces wool work SOc yard to go io o at See our Windows Inspect our store and nd be CONVINCED AND YOU will wil surely purchase I 1 Note Noe t South Cor Richards R Ric h ards Street |