Show I L UNIVERSITY NEWS I IThe The Womans league three dle direction tion lion of tot Ml Miss s YelL Van lot Colt will entertain the Federation of ot clubs at atthe atthe the thc university Oct SO 0 Plans are be being beng ing ng laid aid for nn an elaborate reception A tar has ban been declared r lr Wednesday y by the faculty to allow tIle the students to 10 attend tho the state f fair lr on Salt Ball Lake L te day dayAn dayAn tia An election was held by the tho freshman class Monday at which the following officers were elected In addition to t th president Gilbert Williams who was elected nt lit the tho last meeting Albert Crabbe vice vico president Richard Richardson chard son treasurer Albert Alhert McCanne secre secretary 11 tary Mr Samuel Taylor Deo Xee Stone Edna Hull Paulino iter Itel and Frank Prank Camron members of or the Iho executive committee The lust last number of or The Chronicle eon con among other things a picture of oC Coach Maddock and nn an appreciative n of ot his hIli good work ork Competition for places pla on The Tho chroni chronicle cle ne Ie staff taft Is III becoming quite keen klen This Thin Is t I the last week of tho the tryout tf III and the tile regular members mem rs of or the staff will he chosen hon Immediately after Arter the th next Is la Issue sue 1110 is la published |