Show MORONI Albin C by Palling May Low Ills Foot Special Correspondence Moroni Sanpete Co July 2 on Jun while felling tImber In lb mountains at of Spring City this county C Anderson wa in killed He and hiss brother were working They had just felled a large tree as desired when without any cause or warning a dead tree standing some forty feet away and In no way con footed with the first one fell its top branches just reaching hIm striking him on the head and elicit him In the of a tree lie never SPOke after being struck tile brother could not him alone and hid to await the help soon caine from the mill near I Brother Anderson was the son of I S Sand and Anna B Anderson born on the plains while his parents were emigrE Ing pt 10 Ills mother a son two brothers and two sister survive him II was a good a faithful and good worker in hi quorum mm association and in th Sab Sabbath bath school When but eighteen eam old he was called on a mission to Sweden where he performed a good work lBs pad deaths brought sorrow throughout the town funeral ser services vices were held In the house today Comforting remarks were made by Elder Christensen Jolly Petersen Monson and aux MAT rOOT On the seine day June Ames the on of it I IAmes Ames While SM the field with hIs Lester father Brother Bradley had the front part of lii left foot nearly cut otT by the knife of a mowing machine In his anxiety to pave a nest of young birds which he thought were In he forgot himself and was by the knit Dr Is attendIng the case and some hopes are entertaIned of saving the Injured foot |