Show TUt Dener Il t bt n San Fran A little tell less than thau liven years ago she ehe a cae coat to the government o of 17 1 oooo Dun DurIng the SpanIsh war tWO to earI ago so when the coast US UP pe to be by Admiral ler tern era fleet nett U tI Oregon b by Captain Chari chirib E Clark was wa ordered to uban waters waln This Involved a run runo o of milt mIles down the through the Icy regions o of thi ur if MalIan Magellan thence northward progress 11 wag watched with an n In or of accorded to 10 few other during the ibe of the war r For Por da days lit she from leW then she hl would be briefly heard beard from and always under the mOlt moE satisfactory At length the Ibe reached waters waltre ItAI It was understood It at that time that a Spanish net fleet wu likely ly to Intercept her but so 10 great t WU 1111 the a In Clarks skill and Judgment that he be 11 was permitted to work out unaided his hll own anIta Iva lion tion Wh finally she reported to Ad Admiral miral Sampson so 10 ably had bad she b been handled that she he Was AI ready fur for im medial duty Later the Oregon par ar In the battle batU o of Santiago and It S Ii no to any of the theother theother other ships engaged to ta say IY that the Oregon wu was the most effective of them all |