Show ASSESSMENT Nl enst ast Ul UI by bJ County Auditor hp has s just JUtt completed the nt rolls for tor the lb current year as as lii In lip up th the total Jh Show bow a grand nd total of of oC taxi tax In leg value In Salt Sail tAke Lake county for Cor this year r a lain gain ot of over oer the equal lied total of last year To Tn this totAl will 11 tp ho added the assessment made by byth th hi board ot of to about will the grand total tott up to about Of this l sum over Oler 75 per sat ent will be apportioned to BAIt Lake JAke Ity making the a aggregate vai al Cation ut which the will collect taxes th the ot of about aft II a gaIn Ifan lit of bout about UI IMO over oer last years far total The Th total reduction In taxi n I alue made by tile the clInt board nt t It ill recent sessIon was R amm for errors and for canceled mort 1 and nd Bee 9 In raised railed Values It II I ii not the State Slate board Will order any n IFT OF VALUES The statement of oC County Auditor Wood ODd showing 1962 99 tn In teal ral 1 lat In Improvements and In personal property o of all 11 kinds a by br tile county ILl Al and nd by the county Is II as City aol tOil tonti II lots Iota 16 17 lAnd 2 1 corn acree mine acreS 1869 Improvement on reel 1 stat tate Merchandise 9 Solvent mortgages 1 judgment etc i tools and d i jH Molt full mi mul mules l heed attIc I 1 head hed and nd head 9 37 0 had 21 T Bee IN S colonIes 90 Personal property not other wi Wile enumerated Total |