Show WHAT KEPT REPTIlE IDE 16 TO 1 PLANK IN till Say Sait Jt Was the Cry that Bryan ron Would Not Was 51 D Beaten b by Five Votes and Then by 1 11 1 Only VIew b i JUly tIght fight on Ih the will ill be b carried to tb the floor ot of tI said Mid David Duld B JUIl The action ot of the resolutIons l Is III not nol conclusive Why just lok at n the list lilt of StOLes that tbt for tor a 16 to 0 I 1 plank It lu In eludes cluthe Sta t that never did brIng an electoral vote QU to tl the D Democratic party and nd Itt States with delegations In Inthe inthe the convention Look at list of States vod td no nearly every ery doubtful In that column It nearly nearl ever State that I Ii II a battleground sad and th the States with th the meat powerful delegations Thre for Instance and Michigan and New York nd Mary Maryland land Ind and Ohio NOT Ym TIlT Then you Ou dont consider tb the ItU lion settled by the notion of the Lions w was asked No air r H t Is not settled b by any means mean Wait till It up In the convention But senator It I is understood that there will not C e n a minority report 1 w wu u uI asked I 1 dont doat so 10 Mr Sin Sinclair Sinclair clair who W was l a member of the corn com has jut been b lair and I pUt gath gather pUter er from what h he says that there will lie be besuch such luch It a report In hot It IL was IM the un that nuch a 1 report port should be made IS ISM 1 Why do you TOU know h he continued In a excitable manner that we carrIed the conservative proposition b bot by Sr votes ot at one time and then they PUt up the or cry that Mr Bryan would not and then b bt two vot votes Think ot of It Two votes Probably and Okia horns homa two Territories that cannot give alve u I an electoral vote defeat the will of the East anti and the D Its appalling The strongest silver sUver men are r with tI us Even Jones Janes I is with us UI usand and Dd hu has so 10 declared but he Is II by br Mr Bryan Dran Just th the same as asI I am opposed to 10 Imperialism In a tie Da tion so II I em m o opposed to It In In an In Ill This is II Im of the worst Soft I bell well but beat them VAN COLD WAT R Rr Mt r plans plu arranged with StD Sin elair of oC W Va and Ind Daniels ot of Vs Va hill ha cold thrown on them early Sinclair announced that there 11 was to t be C meetIng ot of thON thoc itt tI the on resolutions l opposed to the Ibe plank for tor tile of at drewIn a o I minority report VIII Van WICk the Uti t f Nw New York ork promptly cd that h he would not Dot sign any such luch sport report tie He said I have made my fur lur a conservative tb the cOmmittee and I 1 hue have hueben ben been beaten I do intend to go 10 back backof backof of the decision Murphy leader of the Nw New York Ld New ew York Tork will vote as a unit DU for the m t report The from Greater New York J Albany ud sad Monroe Ire are for tor It That I Is a mi ma majority and aad w we abide by their d cislon II IIA A few minutes later It wu was that Georgia hatS hM It at I a decision WHAT THINKS General Wamer ot of OhIo one ot of the hits found founders of tb the league learue is II vigorously opposed to the action actio of the majority of the committee on OD inserting I a n it to 1 plank In the Uti platform The Th Id idea of that the tree and nd unlimited of silver at t the ratio 0 of I IS tr to I 1 I Is a greet eat moral pie is II all 11 iti Id h he The ua tio I is I a thing to he determined b by Con Congress gress Hr w we lave the spectacle of Oklahoma and Ind Territory and some ome of the th smaller maller tern States die to ludl Itt States pa Ohio nl Nt New York end and It ill is ab Bryan Is II and Dd earnest earnt but he Is II by a lot of people peo who evidently DUr control his hll views It Would be simply limply Im to carry Ohio or Indiana on any Iny such platform as 1 Is II suggested by the majorIty of the resolutions committee The Germans will vote solidly against u us It fOl forces 8 1 Is to I 1 to the trot as a a paramount la Is laau Issue au sue of the It 11 is II not that to so much but the party will hue have to te defend It front the minute the with a 16 11 to I 1 declaratIon in III I It t Is II adoPted Th 11 played led right Into the hands handl of their o NO Augustus Yn Van representing New York on the platform committee h has refused to sign Ih a minority against the 1 to 1 proposition The TI action ot of Mt Mr Van n Wyck on the platform I is ap approved by Tammany Kin KIngs count county and ADd a majority of Ih the delegation It is II looked u upon On as the fIrst break In the Georgia voted vote n the committee Mt Insertion ot of 1 C to 1 but tile the State hu his decided to 1 vote te In convention to sustain majority report Tile Titers will be nit report on the platform The oppositIon has bl decided ed that such ucb a rePort would be useless COMES LATE The committee Oil oi hi has de decided to present It iti tl report to the eon COli at t I 4 P m The Th delay I is due to the number or of verbal changes being belne made In the draft or the report r |