Show TIIE SALT LAKE TIME EXE SAT UK DAY MORXINC MAY 18 27 19:52 Store Your FURS h Aucrbarh’f Fur Rtorg Vault th cliy U oulpid with the new A All? mrthod of fur protection an ibolut protection TION (Second Floor) lrnt afinl FREE PARKING In Park your car free of charge in Auerbach’s Auto Park Main FOR THE PICNIC! 66 Ditle Cup anil Ira Creom Dljhei dozen At ERBVI H’H (OMPiriE 1INE OP PISHING rOUPMENr SEE ON PAGE Shout These Perfectly Charming lOo 80 for lOo Napklna paper Platei doi Bo and lOo Fane? Was Paper 125-- ft 39o roll Vartium Bottles 7Bn to $238 $t Outing Jugs Rrotrh Plaid Table llotln 90o B9o Napklna to Matth dozen UMME iiSililCD ou ntcil fur EvrrjthuiK that holiday outing! line are a few suggestions: y il ' Outing Hammocks Made of sturdy canvas in blue and white stripes GRADUATION $1 (Third Flool) 20 ' ion'll tcant oj course new frock or tuo for your tT n vacation! j Folding Stools — a value! Sturdily built with for $ 3 Special 1 over-popul- The Most Beautiful Styles You've Ever Seen for and Sheraton 50-Ye- ar Vi Guarantee Reclining Chair — Reg $198 Sets of 6 tJtl MM MM MM ASM MM Sets of Ideal for camping Comfortable and sturdily built Special $13$ 8328 $328 $380 $260 8328 Teaipoona Tableapoont Dev vert Rpoona Soap Rpoona Ira Tea Rpoona Dinner Porba $1 Dancing! WHITE Gay Summer Resort Wear! (Third Floor) For Decor o lion Day! Late Afternoon! 6 MM Deaaert Porka at MM Ralad Porka at ID M Dinner Knlzea Stalnleaa Steel ar and ruffles EVERYWHERE FINALE SALE Patterns With - and the prints organdies in st ties that volt will simply adore Sleeves that puff even larger than usual with ruffles (Third Floor) Adam These arc ahsoluldy flic loveliest models wc have ever shown newsheers crepes Graduation! $328 8278 $8$0 (Aueibich’s J fo ! - Re Floor) W New Piques! tJ&ZZi rfrvimj pircM t PRICK Calf and Suede GR0SVKN0R LEATHER H0LL0WARE Vi Price' JACKETS — for Men (Silverware— At reel Floor) AUERBACH’S Cut Rate DRUGS 12 Electric Vibrator SPECIAL Complete With All II IJ Plnkbatn'i teg tonip lal XlepatUa Mt Ral Hepallta l M Adlerlka Me Alka Seltzer l IV Meeda Deilrl Malloaa He flvrertna Ruppoattortea Vlk'i VapoRub Me tie Tlrk'a lapoRub lie Rteadman a Teething lie Fpaom Salta tie Rorte Arid M Rubbing Alfohol BrmvJy Tabteta Me Hlnkta Pltla ia'a Me Dtekenaon’a VMtrh Hazel pta lie Feenaznlnt fie (Izrertna f! petMMWlent AntUeptlc It Honiara It Irett’i I mulzton Przllttstn Seed dk lb Fljiilunz heed It Ik 78a 49e 83g $g 28a 48a Fowder I ) Me Phonola Vtafera Me Phenoiaa Watera lie Naturo'a 9o 70S 39g to 7g 7a 1 Go 39o 19o 9a 28a 17a I7 99a 790 79a 39a 29a Sue I lik a $ 1 29 No ft Ut Dtnpe Ft Floor) fhoiolatea y Cf QQ $J95 JL the first to wear these new They’re n pace Fillet designs in gteen pink yellow blue and of couise smart styles in ALL WHITE (Shoe Ikpt — fltreet Flour) A NEW Shoe! y’v 1 v r’A' -- Tust arrived! even smarter styles to end the day sports hat carnival You'll hate a head start for cvtnl Dccoiation Day and for we k end play in ilh one of these new sportsters brims white crayons darks big mushrooms medium brims high hoys! All head sires! y$' I PFRHME BAR SPFCI4L! M COTY’S IsRonp Jarqtilmlnole Muguet 3 lolrl Special eath Be among solv’d ( ‘ smart flexible cool shoes setter for Rummer styles is A: yl 0 ALOAH SANDAL A 37o 19o aa tlioenlalee 31a Jte Mllea Anti Pain Plllt i9o lie Doan a Kidney Plllt 49a II M Aaro $ 111 lie BUIae 47o II M Bromo Sellzer 78a Me Milk Magnesia 29o II IS plerre'a Mrdlrlnea 89a IM Krutehen Salta $3o l Rtnet for Hay lever 99e 4$e Caatorta 23a Mo Syrup of llga 39a Me Jyn a Vermifuge 39o Me Itall'a (anker 39a It 6 Ovaltlne 9a a lie Soulbb Mineral oil 3a I! 00 Dr Mile' Nervine 79o il Cltro ( erbonale 83a Me Hindi lloney and Almond Lotion 83o Me Revelation Tooth Ponder 99a Me ingram'a Shaving (ream 29a Me tlazo Nall PolUh 39a lie Kteenea 19a Me The best grade on the market Has a free swing sleeve feature New Straws! —Angelo Fillers $25 15 (Third Attachments atid $18 Regular New Crepes! AUERBACH'S Introduce (Mllllntry V focnnrt Floor) Flower Special HOSES — Special doen CARNATIONS —Special doaen snd TCLirS 59c to $198 49c Boxed with wax paper If deWe sired deliver Call Wasatch 300' vlz0 NEW S0ETEES! 69c ni ll( be thrilled wUh Ihrll potilltc In (State Street fritranecl color itnart dnlin Iierrtx l’rims Turbans just unpacked and are they smart! Ideal Whiles for the week end vacation rilore and cidots too ' ih (Street Finer) M A L |