Show TIIE SALT 26 111 ICE LF A1 W1IIIAM VERA rilFO I) BMDIF Louis l’etorsen of Succumb to Sleep-inA I) 1VM S KF’Y 4 Col'll re 'll 1 fl il SU Lar 27 fltll II 26 flail laaf FI OR MAN 24 Salt laaf AM1FHHON 21 Halt laaf SFYFARril BANDERS IPA I PR I' I IF NT K 22 Salt akr EMMA CRYSTAL 20 Ball lakf 24 HOWARD H Rlnrlian FLORFNCE M BAHT III Ulnmmm A F’RANK 26 HUIHFTTr Salt Lakf PHYLI 13 E PDA 24 fcaR laaf wmrr A R I 21 I C! OGDKN— Influence of the Aneu Ipgion brought bu ordei retain Ulg the lfgional officers of the vet crans’ bureau including that of Salt Luke when ttie government s eton then! omy ptogrum t ontemflluted INallonal t ommiliioi elimination Lous A John oil told Imge mdi (inf in the logon chatodti a Flirinv night ( ommandei Jnhnxm ' nc tailed many other influrmes of the legion In behalf of difauled rtenn and pi edicted that after July u tun the new reyulHtlon kmnir efler tu e J ll tllP and a f iic Li Ul will pie LOGAN— Louu A Petersen 41 superintendent of Logan citv schpob since 1926 died at 5 p m Friday at a local hospital of sleeping sickness Of AN APP'CP PAY Al BUN 24 Oar'aril 2 LORLNCE hFARh 21 CUT on piano can Hoi ate JlJpon !1vnon pm j Kuowliou 5tIE rIf hr I h"n iid Hnar SniluroHy and at tut home of her daughter Mrs Btrubroueh 1'flG Harvarr a tuitjay evening and Sunday prior o jv t oi Miff in I the SPEED strng tne Cl A Sickness chad H R Sir inn are her husband Sian rv Htnnafrllow of Salt Lake a I ga R 8’ rlnufellow of Pomona Mm Beth Demidon Lurilr oaugh'er Mainbrouini and Mrs Martha ( ox 'of Lai m fudge Samuei W Stem-sr- t lorof SaltbroU L a Ke and C B 6tearf of t O' D Fife Mrs Ane ev three curt Mrs I ielia I S of Salt Lake-an- d Mrs induv Net le P Anderson of Los Angeles and 6 grandchildren Frierus may rail if tie Deseret mortu-ai3fi Fa t Seventh Suu'h street mill 4 I I g Cook Fails to Show Up or a If ‘NDFIOSON- - Funeral aerv ces for EOzabevh Anderson ate £4 'l be hed Sunday Steno Clerk or Waitress Quits Get m m tne Ueotge A Jenains P at Action Same Day in Telrgram W 590 mortuary Fnentij may call at t'ie mor- tuaiy tocay after 3 v m and Sunday1 Dorn 10 a m uiu j t me of aeivue iiuerment in Mmy city cemeiery un-- i cler direuiou of Geoiga A Jemima mors 12 CMPLOYMENT TRAINING 22 OST AND FOUND l - tuary N INOH AM — Kmer i y'MTgvtrT for Delia Marie liurwintmuTAwlil be hield Sunda REWARD for return of large d lUIlluN-baiu- tr 8PFCIAL piulissiun at 2 p m In tlie'rr luntlful First ward mond ring set In piaiinuin with six tauant in a short time Approved by ail t Impel Bishop Quitvle Cannon official insl diamonds met on side Muier Barber ( oil 118 Rgen si xutrs lux Friends jnav ucall at the gold downtown Friday Phone ftasaitn 2164 loom In the mortuary J6 Last Seven'h or Hyland 26'7-— — — 25 South street Friday and6aturddv until1? rTr' L "k in"— q'Tu f POSITIONS WANTED and at tlf home m Bo inulu k! mrta'7 Linrvi? 1 r?Vulle i hf2l fea urday cvfnma and finndav prior to ndLar trm i Tfld’i ( Lail i4it Inifrmf ni Bountiliil cfmf- Vfmcfe Was 1D011 REWARD SW'ISS couple aanr worx any kind dairy ery under direution of Deseret morSn Ria'e i 27 ( 4t0 n REWARD offered for return of purse fur expej ence tuary from ' coal eic guede faike' tagen n a A7 ARI— P uneral serv ices for Oron D No car Tues 26 HELP parked night question PEMALE a be hetd Nalurday at i p PL Braard Was 8hH ked 4 m in tne Murray WANTM ward cnapel 8ACK lot Tjes Friend Hishty) Hasmu'sen offuiating and demonsi raiot for I ‘ y call at Iff Autumn room In Ihfl blVd iiftioiL SALF9 girls Call 322 Walker '"3 bet mortuary 26 E 7tn So Tluirvday ard v’ch Bank Bldg Fr day until 4 p m at the home 42J So 2nd West Friday evening and Sat- - LADY 8 Butova wrist match muh slver IF you are a former student of i B iMnru Colick link band lost last Friday morning and not eramoyed yna urday prior to services Interment in ' ncl ool at once Reward 3 tould get in touch with Call Hy 4JJ4 R Tarlor’ ille cemetery under direcUoa of t mortuary Have had aevrral good positions lately BRIFFCASE containing nr2ie boct8 lot Murtent to BLCKBFE-Funer- al Notify R F Rpikcr 15a So 8 air Was DPPOR I UNITY for aervice for Arthur GH4 llv expenses while attending Hena-ge- r Reward earn Buukbee lather of Fanny and J C W ntr £or c a talus a Buslnes8colleK BucKbee will be held from his late i caidence 20J Eaot Seventh South street ATTENTIONBCHOOr TFAC HFRB I have a real opportulnty to offer you hatuiuay at 2 p m the Rev Cnester for tarwardlne officiating Intermenr will 1M RAY the summer months For particucloved follow In the family plot In Ml Olivet majssagi bwths IDs 10-lars appy 4 1 bldg Saturday E 4v 3rd Communltv bo Sun apt t emetery morning ant 408 Take elevator 4th fgpr AMERI- EXPFR1FNCFD FUR HNISHERS HARWOOIV Funerai aervueg for Forcvter "‘'t N ruling academv CAN M R CO Mai wood wul be held Sunaay at I p HOThour Hv fio77-SQe additional hour in in the Rose room 38 Last th South J5ALF-FXPERIINCFb 8FLLINO ADY agent Fnendv may cal at the Roe room in tXPR T irig'vage Frano-AmericiAMFHKAN M'HCO R 315 23 E 1ST 80 Was 8132-Stoe mortuary until time of services 380 a’ore to in work GIRL rale and Csuidy Services will be conduce d by Die 2 O iVERY bevt mama hof path at rub Atl Ho 4v West Interment will be in Cm lodge Blde room 228-2- 7 Hours 10 to 8 NmrrrltPr - undex lne direcll0n °f to 11 ft to $6S fillings CHOOLS" FOR 27 Dr Hudson Dr — SmjB'dg S HUI’FAKFR— Funeral seivicev for WayneiBATTLF Creek fianltarium 21 Judge Bld W BBT Huffaer wul be held Sunaay at 1 p in Treatments at reducedrate In tlie Magna w'ard n QUISH SCHOOL chapel Bishop MASSAC E Restful alcohol rub bath Incl Dimond officiating Friends may 4 8un di of Beauty Culture Best in the west irn South M tin t room 40 il at the French room in the 5 Wav mortuary 1021- - 8 MAIN off 20 Mavsage batli fir Fra ThftmpvonBlcl Jb fy TtirSouth Friday and Dorothy Stuart hrs 10 to T flifn 10 to ft until 3 and ftt the home '27Saturday Center UTAH" HIGH SCHOOL In Magna Saturday eve ling and Sun- MASSAOF and bath 10 a m to 9 incl of Beauty Culture Complete tours Run Ml" Coats 21 N 1st W mMH day prior to services Interment will be in Wavatrn Lawn burial park under MASQ OF medical 9vmnaiulc CD ft H d 115 mo Write for cataio Fina Lard ret lion of Deseret mortuarv rm 212 son 20 E Ird Bo 29 ferr Funeral services Chailes POSITIONS WANTED Michael Keller will be held Rundav si IJ 10 p m In the Winder ward chapel RUMMER SCHOOLS VI E IEM B shop Don C Young being in charge The body mav be viewed at the famtlv BOYS— Shop work archery twimming etc GIRL of excel’ent character from wishes a home where she ma? levideuce 3741 South Thirteenth Fast 14 J4 rvm IV June buaid and room wtile attendn c vireet Saturday evening and flundav L I) S Biismess cohcae Was 1812 until 12 noon Interment In Mill Creek cemeterv under direction of Buemei A YOt NO liuiv attending business tollrge QRESSMAKING Ku ghi mortuarv m wishes place — private fa’nilr to earn c Marboard and room Phone Was '’Til turmllltnery—hana-mad- e URFSSM K G Kendell will held be garet fiym her Ladies bans 81 lounging pajamas— WIDOW with g rl 10 desires work in Or Oit late revidnce 917 Second avenue Sunmen a shirts ec HOI LYWOOD 8HOP of town 2)74 So 6ln Last 214 r a day it 3 JO p m in charae 0 B hop Dt So Ant 48 We RELIABLE girl of 3 rie&lres general hoie-wo- r W Moulton Aitlnir Interment will folcoo1 li g Ref C')flbe Hy f'M6 low in tne family plot lu C'ty cem- will be conducted Sunday p ni n he LeGrand I D 8 ward rhapelj Yai t en and MfC'elland strre' Blshon h ra nic B Dowers will oinrlate Burial will mke place m the Wasatch Lawn liunal par k Mm fUnngfellnw died at the home of her daughter Mr lutile iUmbiounh llm Harvaid avenue Thursday vt 11 15 a m orn frmlMei ln ident lo ace Phe va born in Draper but had lived i Am She was an active lake 40 years member of the L I) 8 ihurh It National Commander Talks cYA woAtTLT'iJLL‘'hn' HI Oil C PA mu K 25 Sa HFIFN KNOW LDFN 26 hl lam lo Ogden I’onI Will K "9 flail lakf SCHMIDT MARIF KELMlENb Sill akr Visit Salt Dike Lo-pa- n 71 leilo m?' 27 fUNERALS lliee Steuart Stringfelhne r icewitffurof Mrt Alu- H- S rii nfrllou on routoi lake KT Fit fl VV F 4 OStlSR A WAITER Obituaries I F1 M AV K HE1EN ECONOMY PLAN ARRIAlt M FRS'-riMO- Death ioricfi REGION BEHIND LEADER DIES SATURDAY MOKNIXG MAY STATISTICS News From Utah Points CITY SCHOOL JATCK TIUBTIXK m Mamet Mtrurdv Nesirn fioip ien non ipport ilomaid D il tornr) Ann JfiHfn linker Irom Mhs Df'la Mailf Burnlraliam 12 daitall Nmnnn Bltr cruelly Wiltlf At Hand-itfr of Ilfbcr J aid Scrali Francea Tiinnu aitumev FrerieilfA William Reudter tiom Marga- - Bnrnihwi nni of Bymiful d ed in a local In 13 Superintendent Teteisen had been ami Wednesday since the J had been senously ill about ten days Jc1lrr M u ''ratt The illness came as an afteimath of a M Burnmanum 'n Bouni tul boji December n attack of influenza in 1M0 and had Ived there a'l her hiy30 !1()R(M(iRSNIfl) fe a member of the g?d u'ne ftne t from which he never fully recovered ' ofv’hP Ul'' h UiWo1 ln iq’8 C°nnri 0Hmn desruon jue JbiVm The superintendent an oulv'anding knmr tViryearnboogbf4U'y 0 hp’j-'Ui'foOF fiom Jams R me is survived bv Bi'yirtfM educator of Utah was born at FounKVl11 d B u°l‘ Kihrr Irerti platfb hr 'll pren's v WOMEMl1L1e ’0 s brolhen and vters Ir n Burn ngharn Thonirll tain Green May 21 1R' a son of K‘ nuf y Pi lo' ii A R irn ntiniiT md Amen a W al- M Petersen and Annie P re of Rfa rs w Mrs Me tide Poun uM rice a ill H il George firm tarr'Cf rose ionMiiipi vail PiTHUUJ VCteianv He married Emily Anderson of Fountiae James W Me Kmia MiCo'iib Vr Fdtfh ClcverlevCMrA Commander Johmon Cmphatimllv 'I"'' Yid‘Jn "urn‘"’”T o( " ij tain Green v3 nrad-- j “I’ Muted that the legion wXf'n would he M r rba:iir3?Tt:5t Graduating fiom the Snow Funeral ser Ices Will be conducted Bun emv at Epluaim in 1906 Super 'item among the leading agenrirs lor gov lev p m ln Bountiful First I n Mrurdy Ncsien fiom fl E ernrne ntal economv and he pointed dent Petersen attended the Urmer iity of Utah In 1912 After his giadu-- ' ation he taught at the Jordan high i7V flunrt'v pn'or ‘mj1r"mdkeii fr school at Sandy as an Instructor m government before reaching d''Jblcd B IT ill take AR1 1( 1 06 1M OKPORAl ION 3r veteranfl Fnglish from 1912 to 1915 going from paie in the Bountl- 13a ' u‘ ‘ was he where h of Bniirr ML Pleasant to the Convirr the Detaninu there cnmiiaii7 in opTBtf program gion Peter ten l nor Commander Johnson faid that the m Uimeii into an instructor In the high school for ci)'ll 1 u fcttares par value iloul iUtAiuem tmu rson two years He was then made prinIeret M4dination is baik of the federal kiiv miim mo mmoh fra prrMa ern M bel later Iv no and mtvc for Mn E lvabcih Ard-rschool Funril to of ulai f man the the high in lemment pimikiui partu cipal w dow iliaiwnnu 84 m wi'l be son of e( treasurer Anderson Ju iriary 15 find came superintendent of the North COmmunkMll pci pptllit m t'ie Oeorve opposing Jerkuis ror Hilrjie Htiop til to con cot lirctadway S m- i liaprl 4760 So Hh fl a'r nrrri Ilf du" inillinn md rnai mru haTilisii tiurrditej Sanpete school district a position he lug a Sti OI1I2 national goveniim-n- t ' mkr a cr in ihr " "l M°r ‘ of ser In held until he became superintendent items J many public pointed uli eires v r value 110 Olfuen and ceme'ery of the Logan city schools on July Ablie n Hue 81 Vlfp performed by Ihe orKimJton 'rtor Mm AmWson (1H it hfr liem president A J n e prrMriiii "" ecMaughan John (ty For'y-anth South street T nt'rvriay a 1926 succeeding Orson Ryan Uunikfr and Heim b e A HMt to rmit m of incident inf Kiwani-cluP He was president of the 184 'She wav horn in Norway Match “ 16 etery of Logan a high councilman of QETECTIVES depot upon hia arrikd! fiom the west! WH' PHroImm nd RTlnm com- - ri hurt liid in Murra 42 Nnr 30 SALES for Dr au lamoreaux Funeral venluf !'ruv'd by RUCTION the Logan U D S stake a former di by Depntment Commander Chailes omVr iSimr TnI sct YTiiVm' &toi k Andervoi and' Waufr Lamorraux wtll bt he’d Saturday AiWERICAN Detec Aasn Legitimate former mavor of Murra R Mnbev rector of the Utah Educational ommunder E W Nirns of divided into 21 oou Mtaicv par value tl Qvrpr at W iu8 r h a r p ni In the Rose room 36 Fat 7th and 401 Utah Bav A Tt bldg fuTsT f ii a or r nic k ir fs L' st nd'lh'tdr? South B ahop A'ma Kaste’er officiat-- I PRIV5TE detective we find where hev o H Confers the Oden povt National (’ommittre 1V Ji' 77 7 "nd TenVrTT kl'll mFrii'"ir0A ciation member of the LogaiiMen's Iiidiop KrarilC) aucMon ervxe Wa A4fl4 room Oold at Friends call ihe may ig of Cham K what tl ey do Hy 1144 Pqt 1872 man Joseph W H ADAMS AUCTIONEER NeGon of Spanuh Duncnmbe vice president ana Foil'll rlub and member the Logan lu the mortuaiy until t me of arr ice 14 14 TO 1488 SO fll A T E utasum Sacrament I pon Cla nt Kork and othen Ecgionnanev fiom ber of Commcire JH Y 4Hh Inteimeni wul be In Wasatch lawn ert‘fy al bur under his of mother Deseret and SPECIALISTS widowr 17 his dieclioa park Besides 8 nf 'om northern Utah pnts and wester ni Mr Marina F nnn’eid pOOT mortuaiy FriUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 a k"el hnsp nue died 'n Si two sons and three daughters sunue lari?li Wsomintf attended the merlins POPE A fiwendolyn l‘oie 19 P8 T h r Ria FI L— Funeral vervUe nr Ralph rii? al li p ni of infirmities Inc dnt 10 MAXW iu4 reit Bug Complei l P DHXK Helen Delbert Eugene Eeln and wlurh wai pICMded 0cr bv Coin Wallas - Maxwell who died 11'nn In Rf 11 ukuir ij treat Invl corns meeMiy cal both rtlrrAiKLR bu th vvayne N'b‘fv huifackcr dv wiU beL conducted Miriam Petersen Logan two sntrt 2i Mr niander Nim O'rvesd wan bornB1 tn r?nada Imre — to nai’ - foot d'ur w 2128 Park ward bi n ah e for o r r d lved in ihe 'ed Sunday Mav 111 Mrs Joseph C Hanon St Joseph fruernnr i il nr Tf Dlood pain BIkU HaRWchjD Jtmfink Msv 12 10 p 2k a v1f m 8 for life con OGDEN— of Forrsier which re Tlie af'er in Lke Bhe sirrament had dd hroou to Ariz and Mis I rank Slaugh Verwill be to Peoa as interbody taken one for the legion rf the tribute 17a n ent under the dirfcion nf Lindqu’at frmatim was ronfered upon a chvs nal ml IMlrll)tl( organizations rVvm ns Co s w Friends may ralb funeral arrangements aie being of 100 childien and adults of St He com of the nation af ttie late residence Creen at 'DR GRIFFITH ipecialial for rren CaiJ m in th h 1 wirrrt‘ B r l history n'6a n c H3‘4 South Main at Wa 4M4 10 until time of fiom Sunday r 144 made through Lindquist & Sons mor- seph'i Catholic Smi’ii morning Bur! Mabev mim Governor former Fro Buun Most fvt by the plimrnted ni iuh Lga parLi service tetnejuum 11 O to Ifiuur $0J priMngi mniv11 le Mount pi4ie Commander for ht tuary and tentative plans ai e that ser- 'Kev Jarne V k'ruinav hixhirwif tne drpnrtmmt — Funeral serces fnr Hurt et A AN MOP t norLoouxmiow OPPORTUNITIES 18 t£‘ iamgrv Firuerug vices will be conducted hcie after AN AUTuMOnilE WILL HELP YOU Miller Morgan will be held 8unday at JRAVEL of Salt Lake In fine public emce m the legion and uey Judgment granted by Juue osiat w Mi Connie U la p pi In the Hnlldy ward chfipel which the body will be taken to Mt iCatholc dimese in public office m Stlhurrh B WtlHam S celnK EARN MONFY AND burshop MONEY Pvberg offlclaMn Julia Pleasant or fountain Green for Cope Commander Mabey welcomed Na Icofooraftof'NSTe'Ir’t'l'TY'iV The auditoiium was filled to capacity Fnrndi may call a Ihe Italian room In of Mrs Julia S Cop- - 7 former restrti-nlaL 36 Fast Seventh South Die Johnson timnit Commander ai YOU mortuary NEED aiturnrr IT IN YOUR BUSINLfl diduiaA with paiihioneis and their friends will help you plan Los Antr'e hom in flult Lake dird her al 4 untM D p m and at the Saturday at THAT TRIP TO THE GREATEST It was Solemn benediction of the Blessed Mu R L Hat m of Ogden depai - jh’!"!' 8 Valley View a' enue home Mari if JuluHtune Hhfurlake IliursiUv In afur Lutsshori illiifs Ho’Udav LOOK TO L3 FOR USFD CARS OF fridt Suit lilaruwMi company Jame Sa urday evening and Sunday prior lo M 1'eteiMn Irsrnrd VCPLD’S FAIT Sauament was given bv Bishop Hear merit auxiliary preMdert I tV s born Salt Jsnu in Cnor Mis A nd Man cemeiDailk ice Interment Mil Creek btatc nt bank iomcommander Bundv Ora HEAL QUALITY Maur past 4 Maul a ol and of con nev following the conferiing dauahlrr 166 IN HISTORY! ul tne ban to recover irr uoiitr in tery under direction of the Desere n'nlrd lo AnHJ’ lo ‘h" He was assisted bv the of the Ogden post was given a tu suo on not inaigf firmatmn ana lorn ioe 7on ?‘rL°V Shf 19 lul mor'uary Cali- P11 rs?EX cot pr moifd and 4 RFASONS why It will pa you tc to ex mi riuma At Thom iWurun't foe OLMST9D — Funeral aervic Rev Patiukf Kennedy and IhtEcv muKunus ovation as he aio-Mr for Ifll Uk'l K hMMN lo lo ChlCAi'O bv— 1a F he he d t Oiir ed wi Mart 0 he national comjrirL0“-- y welcome U2J FW X COAt H rmi5ictenc P Morcton r UNION PACIFIC 8 AGES Joseph Sprual 2 n m at the 8 T Rickf‘5 r at t CUfc SEDAN 60 0 w ai furnished 10 re bv th® St Jospph'i niand®r ai th® r®iu)t of his acfjuittal bavmgs Rus and rul lompaiu w of flap 144 East firt Rntrh Rev hrr bru the Brrr4 1— Ant The for area pr va’e ear ir park'ng Mrs t H Smith o Theodore O L ev o'fir at rg and vemor choir under the direction of "" conspiracy charges in federal court Vuh Ir 1970 buil'!' A0uuVni'“un‘M'' no ESSEX SPORT COL PE will be 4 muei from tne fa r cava Cn f be M will O ve' cune’erv m lmna SMn Friday Mrs S P Dobtu heirs ol Setflr7ke wr r ground nd burial all CaVf lUO HUDSON neersved J— Nearest tourist camp STRTNOFFI TOW — Funeral rOPr rODRF for aerrice aaain-- t 34 Intro Pml mea away-Commander Johnon Rul An illustrated Ipcturfl on "A Trip Los i I la mn 1J pallmakik "aVa B ewart Sfringfeltow wil be he r p'l4J no'" rnnvar in Ahre e sedan Anj a"' 8 — Our Mon a Cali’ft At Maaiid flundav at 2 n m 'n the Le Gr'f Cn’cn bu terminal iThrnugh Furope" wa given bv Bih dured by K L OKon who was mm ounaan but 101 offi-nm HPDSOV BROtrHAM b o ka from the fa r ground ward cha’ef B'hop Frank Bower 4M rr’imd’r of lhf l'ul' dpiartmnl ' m K'‘rnPV ‘'ollrKe lhf Wcbr I’ Murdock u' np inlet i 4— Rabbi Gordon Addresses ditormm following the religion exer-thJ WUIRPiT SLOAN a’ine Friend may call a the Trp can be made bv U P 8T AOF time Mi Johnson wa command lo 11 Mi No an Mnrdnrk in the monuart 18 Fast FIVSKRI rii x tna cou of HIRIR — Sir oar a' four dealer ol Ihe Wesl Vnjmu depntment fl MurdoiV an' un finuth and ar Ihe aireei i U Jama The Irises in rhuich Friday Sird''v ula N Sh piomo ft y Vttsd bishop P r yrr nuth at Gradualing SPFCIAL FXrURRION FARES now Ir and a the home 1186 Harvard siciniiT diad idtiano mail nl Ini 'acnbfd th® anoia scenes and ungThe legion quartet fumhed rrmsir' i u' uwg 44 8I3oO 4pm win rvamiu U1S 'nr hr a enue homf Th Saturday evening and Bund"n e'fett tROUND UUP for fare and one of the Luropean and the drum roti funned an escort 1h wth be or to aerv'ce Interment da of iiunnal pr LOW FARES to al odier pom' drsciiptive hgif nk chum! Stale Ssdiool Uke H- - wa Jr1 lAtatrh Lawn burial park under di- in U 8 cnunirle bilitirv n eu 40o( hs sse ph accompanied at (or the rommander jin Hite of the Deveret mortuarv dr born JmiMAIN AT 77 W SO TrMPtF DEPOT rerilorj Ira J SCUTH 3RD EAST Like NarJy Mix oa) liabilities the piano by Ruth McBride Jr iry 8 1881 in Mor- TAYTOR for Daniel A WAS Funeral aervice Ioin Johnnsoii rational com Oi'S 4J assets a 7 o VAS 12£6 m I3S7 g cluih‘er diof £ ABATf W 28 Bishop Kearney will be the guest iDivvei Taylor who died Tuesday nd D 8 Ume will be held at lie Wandamere ward OGDEN — Annual commencementf honor and principal speaker at jmsnder of the American Legion w ill f r nroR rti i r CITY TICK FT OFMCF JUDSCN mlefle d McM en TE6SAPLAH5 May 28 at 1 c m 2f9 South Ma n (KenvonHo'eD Sunday rhapel exercises of the Utah State School for the annual banquet of the Holy Crews address a public meeting Saturday at wth am Andrron flan La liter liahi Ules The fvmlly rail at the Friend retdenre ua to Burl'nilon asri 12 Assembly hat) state tfi‘ia 2917 Bo iry 13 noon the Deaf and Blind were held in theUlumnae association Saturday at 8 P nl ruriMu lOvi 09 rroied from VAS Fast Ifh i9 Sunday eynm A rn W vo Htie a gradu10 p m 136 nnMl at LiV mj'L'u °Uin' and at the funera achool chapel Friday evening with p m in the Hotel Ben Lomond Oth offiuaU of the legion announced Fri Liii J'ok IfiJ ated from Ihe L D 8 212F ’'AACT XA home of Lmdqutvt Nurex 1 Rabbi Samuel 11 Gordon Salt Lakejer speakers will be the Rev W A day George J Mutterfield Boufh Jordan I I at m flo In'rr State Saturday p m the rim of National Cummander Johnson will b'1Uir IUlul aAicts in no eatepuoua pm ool Rhe ment will take Place at the Wasatch IRuel of Price the Rev Patrlik F rec!ln4n delivering the graduation address ileeper chair coarhe wa nvar- WE HAVE A NUMBER of ou Mijtl I awn Burial Gt ARANTMD TRANSrORTA LION Iried February ji m3 Diplnmai were presented to slxjKennedv and the Rev Joseph P More arris® in Suit lake Saturday morn li'e mode uri in m ai t from unit W II K INBAN - Funeral bue Rmsell fnr Pirft inrpect'on Invited ervle Wl11 Our piture of used cars is chant nc hu- lul the veterans tier Brsid IV I B D graduates by Dr L L Daines Sainton of Ogden Revelations for the'1! 8PFC1AL FAIR Round OF b K a lied Monday Trip Ankirjon will CoiiMant y Many buyej are tan g adz on bend she U urvived Bnm Bm'dmi Lake president of the achool boardibanquet mav be made until Saturday hospital shortly alter his arrival here 30 p m shi in tre Provo T’t rd ward bv a 8n Dei) vantage of lie present market pji- 7 LOS w AKGELES n r o N"rion V w no a Eve n B Br"ia 7 hon Albert w offtc a At to ved ill be sei noon luncheon rhapel FTank M Driggs super noon with Mis Marie Bla fit trustees Ad liuhcatiObis pont to a t se Codv hr oil Friend mav rail at the home m Pro o Phoenii- - Ar IIS Denver $4 0(1 her troth' Uyo Jntendent of the atale achool for the 12 10 Dntn Saturday noon until time of aet-24 M Bui Fran Detroit Mt McNiven PICK OUT YOUR CAR lm 17 17 cemeIn Provo p (H In ermen 0t) Kansas C T? deaf was in charge of the scrcisea Omaha bI BLY NOW 7 on betieia Huiid ng Svrtey aa nt 0uhi J 72 id N Y Citv 34 Cf Chliaio tery under direction of Dieret mor The graduates were Geurge M I m nt r and a hr t me luraer 'o u'J !f ! tuary De I nr mil ' I 0 Popr CurHOTEL on 1HH'i nau SEflLOH John Glasetl Salt Lake Afton icovrr LTkf moriloirrlu mu FORD 8 Coupe s)0rij Coup nd luiC' lllif 4JS Bckmii At tucwmn ruUf vvntnii w n tis Emily Millei Rodney Walker and iiniigl coninunfler ind hix pailv will NATIONVAIDF BFPV1CF UJ0 HI PMOHII E Npet ai COfpe 117 BO B TA TF PMONF AB ‘ W D Uke Ned Wheeler Ogden William Wood u 'd'n ghtcccmg trip bout the ctv IVNSuJi’’ Ri' r”e J mTw Burlr i r “jo" pLORISTS 190 DOIXE D I) (oiNt i and to Bingham Canvnn 'r mu lmutr umn I) 'unwn Brmnmi Alvp lid CumLjT mMurdo ward N'eola Diploma also were a :S"5T “d A Mr Ml ( n COIONIAL FIX)A FR HOI BE Mr on M1 Mohr nf aw arded to two former students of the ' FRANKIIN Tour ng esce ert eon- h ee if to rn no r re r iybe'h Rl h e Reber Mr DAIIY RCTVlrF or dumrrnl' Mari Jorgensen Mae fren bvuv Pnnne 4PM Mgr d on ' Salt IAkf school now attending Gsllaudet col ro mnf'gf and 6UStl ttte imimnn wood fla't lae and Ml Clara Bun mri- t M pa r ant Hv 8 91 8 0 F3t t h Bo itnday bne u'd e' ve X t I use w Pli Hartman i'Iohimi OP FA T WMTERN BTAO I pud lohnr n a ill !ra e th® Nrw hoiLN® ho V I AMBOURNT l)im p n f lege fer the deaf In Washington D 87 Bo Main LRNrr m8 c Am f Douff 01 MAIN Biuil fldan I!I WILSON lii HOIFI b lv f rur'tnr’C LrpnT n' flimrl t iritr 8 fl PI M 7 111 p m fnr lb e Avcmniv ph’rM gfli C — Joseph Burnett Ogden and Dmi Hl H m’Sf'lJtfl Cnrn a '(1 r VAa 2 d flri’h 12 F Oron Hr 4141 fl it C to riu Pt O (t br ic ihrr I BIlIMhAKFR D p ex P’aetapon 1 P rfrtiev where be Will ric'lver hi na nil mil l(irlo lores Atkinson Wommg m ih luipririn in ll'hr C 'J mnrui j’v y ' II P rm VAULTS PlvK 3a CRAHDIC KEVIHS LHES numn inn- enctn r' c‘mii Mabev Charles The commencement program In Logan Aradrmv Will Mold 'ate rnmmand gURIAL P 1 CHPV SJ H 7S p Lute 1 9 toWFflT RATFfl TO AIL POINTB a nn pr nf the legion will preside at the eluded Invocation Joseph McFar Pig N ACH 4 dr liftaj fl t) crt q 8nenrr ’JOHNSON wiin Brn cement 12 EAST 2ND 80 waterproof ftp 6288 WA9 PJ7 NASH 4 0 I a Hlu Nedaa m tevOver ivw fnr alleaed brean of cmilane selection school for the blnd 1144 d burial mfeting Main vaulti reel Bjy tract Badger Hicn it Rich and Ba&n I ID orchestra “A Changed Viewpoint' d'd B YOUNG man wants ride to ( hiraao nr BRTI ANNOVM in John Glaett Tn Retrospect" Afton r L'inl "wr" ’m'm’ louls good merhaiue and dri er I ar Sj Vyj i a wJ Th® third rhlld driven rt ing cars Adores Bog ai bor n to )0 Meara to recover JISOO on note forerioc idn Curtis piano solo Margaret Hale MONUMENTS MARKERS after a few dav T “l4 ‘“i"‘ Ka" DIRECT DOIKr AND PLYMOL’T H Mr ue Mr t0““ of of unmnia U nd Oliver pnt Inhrd “Open Doors" Ned Wheeler: chorus A AND POTS ILOHIR TWO college men traveling east in Ford flhe DMl Mtfl ai born In '1350 Sevpilth LU In A local Bmlth Jr u uuh atudents of the school for the blind imurnr flail Lika JmiflO ahara inuring cieaire pakxhgers tin 10 n 115 6100 'mrkrt LOGAN—Fomtppn g rU Will grtl ha llaj Xhuiutjv (tred 'iLunnn 7£0 SO- - HAiri ST Ml I Unmniulmifr tor oiniiimPH of bmwl flcrnnon rib Tel Bos I 4b The Wil soloists Ruth gtevenson snd William ute Irom the fniphyi urn and flower for n n po no ot pnrrh garden thu mov ed ler iddemy Rei June 6 R Iogn WAfl 18P2 80 Tfh 14 18 Vd W C Morrl 4U2 b Baines benediction Mr McFarlant ' Cr(i tirnirlv vAas m itotnpany for ement axerruei (urpoe of ireuao liiatiunNew198 var at rninnvem 19 TEAMSHIP TICKETS w Lc l ” mrmbPr of! After the graduation exercises ejwednesdav in her parent beldei jop S Fust Pres ton L Lo F Wr for Mrs and Bertha Mwton four J reatlluuon ght Angeles she U survived bvINeb W8trrl°° L P S ard "ld u thf of premise CO reception and dnce were held In and t® fljat ttj Thomas P flrhwab Balt Lake h Lm the Rev Theo-llCartuce brothers and nephew four of J M Brhwab T N Woodward and J P INFORMATION all lines tours and cruises achool gvmnsium in honor of U Eoberi iiter Iuis G t! Salt Lake delifrr0uncij 2 S W 2uj Ame(icanFxpre(o24W Woodwai d lva Angele of the' D Oroiman against Kati C fan tan and Arlene era and postl®4 fve firaduatea W CMH Jeiutn lu reiover lljbo ou pole Rural Will be U Calvary cemetery a Bsrilett Heiper - D S church U'L lorecifH will be MALE HELP i 20 UCED CARS THAT ARE Funeral arrsniemeni Mr BarUe'l il a flat lake mottgaae and qu tl till in® barcalaurfate jervlrei will bf A t he nmniim ed liter by the Kt krndal-Da- i a lotney Htimn oa ling I1 1VANTFO conducted Sunday at t p m in the Arntild Ruvae aga nl N‘iora! Reerve FEADY T3 G3 U'an railway imorluary — - - r u e Ho d ng rontuany at d J W s i Presbvtenan ihapcl with th® Hr YOUNG nan 18 In )4 nu( b neat ao Funeral itcon--to 17 and nu i fy be will iiv in rond Ai el to free ire tra I and tovej VA'arrcn H Wilson New' Ymk nalmn halw pairing P11 BU1UK flrpAN r e1 flundav al 11 10 am) Wide A F tide it aMninev ni - a— 3 and (till I OX a le mnu ) a 4pm room C tr fia r i e Mr ei L II in 'i aaml New UiinMi Am t®rtcrntali® of niiMion of the' il n el Bn ok I e e n Chs !l on urn 4600(1 - teger PrbtenAh rhurch giving th® s®r wth Iirr ronrtinom h M nt 3low M'l rrm'i' W " died TiupCm at id n IF sou aie i former awd ni of th bode tl! he taken ('oriine ""J t' n opM B Miitou tr lege and not rt uni W num t Iipm'i'sI gfttr lli binmnr'r "V" rtliin NR mm HI ffl flrjAN rur phred vi J a a Ofi'i l art in to h It with sc hnl at once dt lied eii'ward and nnv‘ inec§ ai d K C I trier a nrttev pte tronb'e jry stnmgrh lo d licbnt iki flmnv n o Til® fil a dll ill r annnuiu ed b V M I fe IiiMir u e un pant 'HI H g snn bf Mr Hush Tnv Iirhd d mtl ? a rr the livin' ft tm Meiioi"! Have had several good position latei gtvl Mr I n F Be'atv nt tWon nt ftlllnvv l F art ii link Arinm nf KnniMhe lent) la M!nrieu hern rmnlnnu W AN I F1V— (Mil g®f ih pfihcipdl nj 19 10 GRAHAM 8 BFDAS w ho nt aleman nrk " ' r( nr some nme Ott nf hu tis r rti lit N'Erill -- rrHimmr v Jicu'irg fnrClaia Anrtew t'mnm I mi and Lu t Vi" I)ir (nrtme iV nerstandi luntu and Ur mums iiain i i tem nh r 2 II im from Krmvil( nn her in fke 2848 me 9 Jf Was n derful csre ne t 'I ure B fr4e Coho pf Turfk rm rhrg of Vila Bufklnrt 81") Dan lor irenh whirl) nti Ont bnrl gnd nf !ne ' winch Will be qu'et rvit'si entering ihe touniir rhgrg jtiltif 8" eler tru r) and W ! EXPERIENf FD a itomobite died lenheswe for bufigl Ilii BiietLi ailotnr th§ (reon Washington uM ( fR N M — me truidrr for th ilaying of )riik Mr Thornton Idaho Maigairt Ilarnr (mm 1829 Bnn 7 BI ACKHAWK flFDAN W nter Bee — Mr man 4 — m in his radiator in hnme it dtstrbution baa al gen p resiled repair gt Thutov sUrr bui1' n rail o I p y t res 4 Intyrf tl prominent Juab rountv IMarjorv f'heltnn and Anahrl Whiting eritea 4fti Bo Main at between lam and I0j al ( loud n he Rorky Mount n i naeriitg iHiif in with heart ( nt mi RyALF8T4TEYRANMR4 t l t t g m flund? Hefereiirei here foraaio ft re! beau t 8r3 iih Ki'rM ai ranrhfr will b§ hrlft Wednurlay at Idaho rat! Idaho Chariot' t artflr1' W rr ri r'ii jb ihl hurtlef hlf!(tr nhrl 1" 188 nd Mm Wnm but Mr fur fitir- rt Wise wag h"rn flep'emher ni In 11 a m In Ivan brfore Jutu rent ("t mr nf I nl j of I’ocatrllo Idaho Barbara Hochcl Ar TWIN Smir'V'f EX( HANfr lio 329 priNTlAC rdae H resirKd here 3? flFDAN l0nlp (ha pieu region AprihkirIn Mist'tinl prevail hd I ti range jq tT'P 1h f n —M f Vfl gt Tfar Nifla Lundtrrn The ro Idaho Maxm Hunt A hlon Ida mu a ml mo i remnd ernil j r“'r"! ' h "’n'1 ‘rb' un P'1nf V’d' oied ltt'g (I erppU'Ted good ('re m Hit M )(Kl (hunder ghowst ou (he le briirh nf ll Orenl jot rf agreement to conduit the heaurg in'hn lirMe Kvle Howe Idaho f Idora A! !'?ni tc nd grd for I"" 'd nn es n II r fll OH line rnnirt an Mr 2’1 fl t Lke end Nevan waa reaihed Irutay bv P J 'Peteraon and Thelma In born BXurlleff alls Ijgan CU fl L Bell lake Her Ihe nl ii rhutrl mm ds(g tomi'srilni tl le here In Uvl e itil h rv r e‘ liln nd le (nl rim reb b Kanderi deferi Degree fx heuer halt Ike lie a I IT rot attorney and C M uni Ui ' 9V in flhohrn hain Mr a nM Henry C lat'd lnd bulne and dauchters miiK ini i 4n LaUierburr Juab attorney Th ! pros an J! j n W tv year f na caued h m t reiire fl n Marvavtl e Wan p‘ailh F Me ve Inlvr® Umond aurvive Mr dien May 18 from th® Imludrj Mi n Mwran lUr® Invixa son ard 0u1 Ur Ren ( iirinne Mia Fran et fll aw ot-2 LAIR ftGTCR CO "llh lnc 'aniin Wie fla ne Wah Jovruh W ie flhurt eff tying Bear t) Ca! IPorel and efferts of a blow allegedly delivered tmn the Hev 1) H Haie Caldwell m J( r y “ AH) CAM ICrT an by Cobo durlnf an at Sere ation at the Idaho oral duet ML a Hare and Mina Nv'n'aU Mra B V Mrav Iae flock fat Nr Mrs FmiT Holef Brno HrighamKa! 8'5 BO MAIN FN J rVINGfl C ubo home Waio Teiaa 38 giaixlt hldrru and two great and Mrs L A After the t ght Mr Mr-- Huaheth Denderlik addieui the Key ( ln t 10 19 w d or h T" il a ile d t in 1 mh( hildren hu“ r -'7? Whbb do IT 2 Idaho llTtir Intyre wa aaid lo have alumped to Mr Wilvon v mlm into I adore shore Q not been p have rrim atraherneU 1“ ytmeral u k lol the fround umonsctoii and to have'bened etion the Be this Bank A rul K VVlInn T'"i t r no Mr I 3 la i)‘ " tt v4w l p eed Buna! will be in Himeywle Cnyl plitfs fxpii— L I( Rjiih t'tah 10 (8 blot I 14 five a p ( A mnetery died before ha regained conn linunei 'pntlude MU Hare W il am I H"ndf to hai'e A 1932 Idaho lirenre ptute tf Cobo was held and aubequently 1 he ennunem cment program In foul nr OtiDtxr to da'e HU ATIUT toy KSg I’pris lot 28 OianJ Haven a ibU in !u good until May 31 1933 A ' ciHi a led def u tape t since O b if bf r I dimion r harged with murder af'er a coio etude lliiir! lut Ilf Jenkins 160 Lnry w hong senlm elan addrem A 7 0 May 37 to WiMiam ( I gnd in Chane ai f Duf'y a few weeks af'er O' Jvut MWriJN Tier 1 Jury reported that a blow rau-ethe Rev Mr lulley p'ano do Mm tb3 ria 11 w v i a fi i w!nn Hendry (owmhp KMfiir'ii it Rei q How high did rroleor Ptafd tl n M' iu n ran ( rvflwwflVATiGSfl veir jg da h n tif 41her h uband Kuth Johnson pr®®ntation u( d plu Taffn tf-i( iitoid Uiisin d r r iM w nf Ink In in n hg com ihiuv go In h bflltoun jpreiiitin mule la t b “ w''‘ fcrTAu TIM ' UtM WG r n r t i n k Mr Sunder objected to havmf a him MjI Frank her her hniiit alirr Tituivday JO g ern f Wa tiger J Ctiii ei itn w u if 7 Augutt- ’- Y U I Helper cm 10 h A real hi l( t teuf prri minarv hear inf be for® Jui u e of at j j ftjr ' al Tb Trlbeei Are wa hrn here flfjv'ember 28 T k a rd re J( bed A he gl t of 6 IE th'u J Jit ngti tn Miu F th Pnr John S Cflprr nf BUI 1 Krnritrv AtltlrCfl'C R 'l) Keu M n dauaolrr of Joph if nn D loimnlp 1910 n CM'HMI F Ser er 1 IhUS'P rtFV I LAND Miv ’h 1 e nun ynt meiri ihnut 53 1 fret or ft 8 ft rfl na n®dnedy Itlrd motion lor t( M il lie tae Inn E t Inf 0 o r 'h erf II in a a lit p 7 a i n hmur mile Auk ii ot' ro ttm R live rhin ol vmiif Aftrr roofrrrm r nirtat' GmillUllcfl lit IVirf mine rdl wfie ' ti (miiin if) vert i' W ii ’1 Im Mlid n r rl i 'nd p 1(ki t f uliir u bia n nn j week tnd nuuti’il h'liei rtlnv( thfl flefenr bod pforrr oil Pnl in 19 ai ioi H i' u t A (n iulil t i mi S M Hu ‘ rninv in'e rid V "un I in in no Q P PIU( p - Tim Mt Ho hnbring t Lvn ( rMj Jme bgirri to hold thr nil m t t 3KX mm- i y dit-copper r:“ W ' 2 S( Mll t Keurner 1) I) buhi'p of ttifl hnl' rhtnl h I flflit Nrv ol 1 Jb k 21 0 Ml Jpat r r w ll ft Indlf l( u1 i e d d rn (eiJsiif °nnr t ®'®i 1h® P HI ( e r lion' attiot h fi a tiV the a o a flfliool Head Llt't'lcil pi ir ved (y adoitrd (hi dren rlioryb drlivritd n 11 M C’ Je th® I n1 ak® M Kbit nauat fl would t) il at r t A fhit u Ba thn a 10)5 8 adre in Fa ftp! ronneni promt fer ijn pill® Ih'in J bolli ha l"u i! Sriim ftPM ' ImiimIMu n 27 towuih p in ilii rn e A Lion 4jul I rrMdcnl n-- of til Notr limr ( hoot 1 hum- - i'”''" U4SY M' if t 111 ( ii a di4vtnl futmt d n bfMtir hijjhrr in th® md ti i J0 D S gatHi I iruig f ‘ — Msv morning i“er° ' ) flupuia B " 11 Cormnner Interest w u‘‘ Hl ' N B A "r"'” R: nar mm i8 hi il t MITRAV—K Ailfln Butemn 'S'' M Il pluma wrir “ to the fol "f! Jln !f'“ “li’ Wes'miserMesn " f h'' pi btk Lend iiei cum into the mi kr t (or G B i MumF IhhjU lovaiftg MtiflenDf MtiU it i tn pei mtfiident uf S’fl fll MAIM flooih HfT'illf Nf a J W Ut ry T rl tmirmed w Aft f Ref U Wlesnor T M Her d "rnd ft Mftmprd f)r n Intmugr pud sellei w is f let ted Run® 5vvo Jennie Cnrte® ider ( 4ll ffl aden flej jamlh J (mffu J ' pieshtent of th wtManny lot 1 M ir p ar ii fl fl nni-Al to 3 6(1 renti yr AH ( u M(3 n he itindtfed Nun Viinied tlieir qii"tlion U Funeiii rer'lrcg Or p I M r tu raimr 1 Miller w a i MS Hoibtrl Loirti r'afaiedl Mirgairt L‘’mii rnon Ijimi chib IhuriMlrfV lught j D A ehai'fl dav at 3 m in ih hralmn Fast Jit Mnns bi tl 3 75 renU New u( Ji M sr n t' liflvrn H (Iirryndi I’urlry Mr M Halt unu Iami'b I itirr'tr Vtiornt m IF a if (I at an o( Mh r 17 hut under cd ritf M I Mi r irn'efcry Non in fceannr T In Onn to York Zine tontinuril up push Ml rt lot As ir i I 0 Anns mor re ii i) of the UnduulaV wound and third vim prrl (Tilrnl Jmrph How a Henry T - “L'via (he ay nff (f4 14 M er p a e 4 ent melal In tnime-diat- e with (rtfage 1 jMa y itiarplv lua R T M M j er Id iler dent rain Or ii Willmm Manwell ) rant tellt Jennie I'nlam emt uguu Cut M t pirvpett (ilvbt Urn were r Thilip A Pt tumn pi f idprt if tHr EH IT'1 ' ' "n tuX H Pi elover and ?’ In N 1r ed Anderaaui e!U and (l!g brflliko e F f ar M's Cl Mpp lis Imteir Ptm Siliifi4 tank of prtjokhn zn Eli Jane w Donnelly riic Teninited k tit I p at f’ aniirlflry ff O nd MimiL-37 tour 7w tin Ird rrnU dinUg(N Y t‘dav wa ®lf trd prrai Uni " VJ M fla t ii A fl' Inin (r 04 fit N Mm 8 llflll ( (HIM Ot T nr I At OT N'tri f nm t 71 Jar J" B on her Ilugl pr ¥ tie5uer on ®k ti® (owtitJi p it) years Wtal r W ard and pile® in mole of th® Nalmrul A m- UllOtl inl nf i o mlet i i aihi t 'Sin f'V '! TAM 9 ffl Ml'so nn MILWAt'Kf r Miy : lib Iiould rm ti radl e ie "it d ai Prlry Jri’av tf an tlur® vrai8 1a tf 'I if sd in t n hnka I7n H hi d er Mr Hotitin w i!l h lion hit nb like fob but t (t"eMi I want a'1 e rt 1lni e imp nf auk hi fi 'a fl Un K rp h e J liiflnwi1 il f tr !Hw w aifl V a M k 1n( ItiWi I r t rnl f f ml opernhng gt BT irr ml of r 1 tti)(u 0 a In U p rr lit ra nf hear Iff sod Mr W ard ta'l iw iler them to turn out of the loud mill Ft M U"' 1 hi s it la ak n rr rati pat pip® Tie gate to the twenty I rd waler When I tuiiil tJ" A ei S' atu M f b IS I a ' V eigtth die In g' trt t Kmr1 taker ' oe o Yu h tr ir t rntn r'1 'on at g lerr rn June are h a rr e!rr t 11 Ko w Ub f ' I ffir'f’a he )oneit a ns Anlintfit n HI o r lib onrt irtd 4 Ml Mr Ba'err n and Mr Itohbina with wilb Joe b hihwada fait ( !l(t rsu ?V'n rt i T h rilv fun neri w k t fv U' f a ® ''ll f in trier at 1!' n f a rod Mntiniii I !i'm Mr Maw rJ and Mi W rlov rr n r 14 MV B() tu ir g u g that a filliaiton p ant be ui w 'Ml I t Ml " ' ' PU-f fl'iutril lu pi h iflv a ii Bi m ii u !! f E f s S' rr! n rt ft f I ’'t'c j t In Ueit 1t! tei i9 Note r rn t’TryraVe it the city trrw rk i r r Re t lit 19 biM g 44 irp nu I al A turn morn mi "‘it U no ‘bj Ur A ij i m fie s r n ( rn ibityiSen m l2 lU oiasi ) 11 L ho-pit- al i ' MM C 1 11 Iri RITES CONFIRM ! ' 4 id A 1 100 CATHOLICS b - ao e detec-fiv- C 1 r ' Jociltn - ll 1 fL 4 vr t nan ib-- q - - i- wi t !‘ SE ljuiHPAQTAGE3 - DEAF BLIND tel iter 2 -- i V ' v Su-- C e 3 Sun-(Ia- j or-- WIN DIPLOMAS y le rniin I wn 111 ' Mciren e Iaii-rf'f'o- (Tas b 1 h V driv-o- VT $ lirm-orrh- 1 - w ' !t I f ® w -- Ft? 1 oipltil llt-I- ’ ps pa-- k 'i j - j GIRLS SLATED L ' V W r UK Uli LUMAj trr41!n vv 1 I i 1 w j rll l j 5 wTh 8 A 1 1 M f) i - ' lrIVA''Pn rne W ll Mbunf-Jlgra- tl' Mn1" T tp"'" i Ft thlr EUR H3T0? V - i Slayer Suspect Scheduled to He Heard ednesday Weallier Report i irnr 1 U i y V rt ) 4 “"! I r litMi b'n r H- 8 I t het 4 ( e I — ft 6onl(li'MW 111 ' ien 4 tit i yr rll'" ul mi I T j ln 6- t ( VS Ifi XrnarV:: ui 'i ' TRIBUNE I v brlaulerxH lo M P ’ “ IT— Information g ! ’ J 3 emm-an- 1 f r A Copper Ajjain - 1 Crijjin l ' Frr8 Ar Makes Advance1 I et I j k I il N-- ph H r iv:v 4 l w ' er-- K cm I 4 1 i t1 (' irv A H ’ u t m--- n f fn‘ Ut 4 r y pip-irip- t tr 1M‘ d I ' I" w I 1 i i f M1 rr t m (1 3 I tu rr i V j T t Sf ur ' btuf 3 B fi 1 ' ® I A I r I U r I -i Ilrt i ot uj 1 - ! i 4 4 I t Im vk 1 I Itr bfftr 3 i t t i 1 1 ! ’ i in-- i 1? I ( f 4 f ! ( I? N I 't ® Jtr "f H ' 4 v rv 11411111 r A M 'i ' W 2 4 H v ( I ' I O -- I' J lull bit |