Show fe J fj j s ’ :U-- rP- Jf'i of- f - " ! f - ? £2F 1 iSf 4 t er gry rSb I ' il VJt'Vi: ' ’iJ J thk salt lark 12 that putt h of snow Juit room would witiirvA the strancit nrver saw snow before of her life Mary Fastwood swept upstairs on She gave an ecstatic wiggle "Iike a flood of words “Get into your snow things — you kid— "Fif'd ttfterwaid confided to his wife ‘Like a little kid that had did bring sport clothes didn’t you never had many good times " Ardeth1 You won t have a bit of fun More snow not just white patches until you rhange We're going nut on By GLAMS ()WSS(M We were there all sheltered places but long the toboggan linking 'banks of it Great masses of cotton morning B's goigeous fun!" A long ride —with Ken awai'mg WHAT HAS HAPPENED BLLOKEi Ardeth changed her clothes In the wcifghlngt down the datk branches of Ar-fne anfi small bare bedioom assigned to her Ardeth Carroll has charge of the at thes other end a As thnugn— heart gave glad lunge within Before long the whole country lay pulling on the new spin Us rig with specialty shop owned by wealthy dpU' a cloak of white and the whocLs hands made clumsy with Joyous exthough they weie nlr eady Jeanette Pailccr She meets KenhcrH‘’ of the lues crunched on the snow as citement Gleason fiance of Jeanettes Sister married to the drive the long up When she had bought these things though they spun through coarse salt Oecile and they fall m loco Hieiii Luring oahin w itti Fied Eastwood Vdclh they readied the cabin thejthe expense had Lightened her a bit marriage Is prevented by Ken's moth of sen ition the moving tlnough alr 0( unreality deepened er s wish that he marry Cec lie Whenl'1(t They A silly thing to do— when she needed ant story have been moving through a di esses for every day But the thought might Ken fails to keep an appointment some plea t10' no precedent for any- - Christmas card so !t'r 1e‘ with Ardeth Tom Coibett takes her picturesque waslof Ken turned the tide The other the the building with heavy The pledsuie She mases of girls would dress appropriately to dinner They meet Ken and Ce thllk hke thus now clinging to its gables and dormer couldn t let Ken be ashamed of her cite Later Ken tells Ardeth fear of JlYle 'A'A'ii"’ which Jeanette and e—1 hvllis n evtn Tweed breei hes and high laced windows disappointing has mother whose davs'eiEastwood took as their naluial Mary due boots White sweater bordered At the sound of the ear’s horn one numbered forced him to attend casement w indow flew open and Mary with black and red A white cap le' party Tom invites Ken and h'"" the thrill of novelty for h?i Ardeth Carroll 'an(j pbvllis Hawknu stuck out their pulled down on her bright hair until — the big beads with shrill shouted welcome it framed her glowing face She was cabin Mary Fastwood urges Ardethileaning Itluxuriantly bark in Into the climbed steadily At the same moment Tom and Ken glad she had bought the things when to encourage Tom warning her of car as appeared on the porch weai ing rough she looked in the mirror impending disaster where Ken is mountains Just to intensify the pleaire of trousers heavy sweaters and high concerned Ken reached the car STORE the moment she let her thoughts drift laced boots bai k Suppose she could have fore- - first and lifting the girl carried her seen this m the gloomy dins of the lover the wooden porch streaked with the living room— appraising admir- CIMPTER XXI llar'ison flut Then it had been a mud and half melted snow ing caressing Ardeth never censed to wonder dial treat to go out Bill Lane a tall thin fellow with driving at night ml He poised his laughing face a few Jeanette permitted her to stay awav Neils "Hello How stiange inches above her own ford d I saw rny glasses spokeIt w is that she had been that same from the shop on Saturdav a 'Tve gut good her first! Give me the first ride down girl'" not natural for Jeanette to be big Aunt to vou here mind kus Mel— Bet -- Neil her first and give the slide Mns Carroll'” right rtc 'Ihout cause I' beau" — Ned whom she vaguely thorn all a thrill “Oh no don't!" There was one she would day narry- -l Mary Eastwood's voice sounded be unnecessary you BKUrenle 'rMiirmi1 wit- - thought in Tom's voice vigor Ule outline taken 0 ' upv h()d jim hind them in mock severity"Ken I asked her up here1" vlted on this party It would Irritate ‘‘j'J put that poor girl down and let her They clattered out on the wooden her to loam that a mere nobody like j yf Sparle get her bieith Here — if you feel fo porch their heavy boots sounding like Ardeth Carroll was invited on a house ut when she of Keri at strong help Tom pack those suit-d- n invading army party which also included Ken Glca- -- fhit very moment thought impatiently await-tlo- n cases upstairs From the first few moments the son If a thing caued Cecile lintaa sweet she glowed with And still the glm lows sense of two girls held aloof Inclined that were sufficient reason fo " A long living to be affronted that this heady happiness as though gold- - familiarity persisted Jeannette carrying it through She and gul who cn wine bubbled through her veins 100m its low wide windows framing worked for Jeanette should be inwas sweetly giaeious to Ardeth Glancing down at her Fred Last- - vistas of snowy hillsides and riuk cluded In their number A joyful dream to be leaving in But Mary the middle of the morning! bitting wood gunned pines Comfortable wicker furniture Eastwood's matter of fact manner rather silent ‘‘You look as though you'd just side curtains of turkey red nt the above all the attitude of the men beside On the walls hung a cou- helped them make up their minds i’red Eastwood snuggled undr the bought and paid for the whole coun-t- i Windows v " warm laprobe — for the day was chilple of Indian blankets to supply a Whoever tried to snub Ardeth Carroll e note of warm color She crinkled amber eyes at him Altogther a was going to find herself in the disly Her shiny new suitcase back thei in the tonneau holding new winter "I have' Mountains and trees and that restful friendly room thought the card that much was easy to see That to we noon little biook tell her that sweet settled it for Phyllis and Maida passed over back girl Nothing sport clothes— a week of hectic bitter time to come when this The toboggan had been built on a there And that patch of snow houra had gone to their sole 1100 pet rally dnv ” Girl Unafraid ' 1 111 hr ir yn ' elk-ski- n - horn-rimme- MORxrxn may Saturday tkiiu-x- long hill skirting the small town a mile from the cabin At the bottom of the grade a snorting important little donkey engine pulled a steel cable up to the crest Suddenly snatching Ardeth’s hand Ken ran her laughing and breathless over to the sleds He hooked a bobsled over the cable and pulled her down with him as it stalled up the grade grinning derisively at the outraged Tom who had pelted after them "Think I was going to let old Tom get away with my girl’" Ken asked triumphantly Laughter and triumph bubbling in Ardeth s heart Glorious to be young and wanted1 To be sitting d like this on the sled with Ken her cheeks glowing in the crisp cold Wyoming Given Picture Disliked Ily British King cross-legge- Caecho-Slovaki- Fs-'a- 916 South Main ti May SUGAR TUNA FISH SHU DRIFTED Horn Perfected 2a No Tins Package Wb“esur-'- EXTRACT 15' Cans ls ” MAYONNAISE” PORK and BEANS SARDINES Large Oval Cans BECCO — Full Pint Bottle fntidc ever? tark of Drifted Snow 'Horn perfected Flour are 11 reel pee Onre you hero tried (hl m pertor floor yoa will fee eaiUfted with ne other r r1 Ked Garnets Fancy Green Fresh Te or Orange GREEN BEANS— Fresh Tender ORANGES— Sweet and Juicy LEMONS— Fresh Thin skinned m White FRESH TODAY Regular or Drip Grind Rip CHERRIES — Sweet T&rt&riam 2 lbs 19 CANTALOUPES-Sw- eet 5c Cam gc GIBSON’S EXTRACTS Lemon or Vanilla 2 ounce Bottle DC ELGIN SALAD SOLID COFFEE Pintle for Thotr 19c H MEAT DEPARTMENT CHOICE FREEH DRESSED SPRINO LOIN PORK ROASTS STEER BEEF POT ROASTS STEER BEEF RUMP ROASTS VEAL ROASTS— Leg Loin Rump PURITAN HAMS— Half or Whole FRESH GROUND BEEF ho Prefer the Brut FRIERS lb 12 POUND CAN b Full Loaf White or Whole Wheat COFFEE Kraft’s All Varieties cept Swiss pkg 12-l- ( I Prime Beef Shoulders of Fancy Utah Veal Ground Beef C lbs 21c Maxwell House Coffee lb 27c COCOANUT ppw ii-9- c Shaver’s °5' Grapefruit 1 15' offee 27' in- - Libby’s Fancy 1)111 Piokleo fcl -- a JLifC Edwards Dependable Any Size Piece lbs 17c Baker’s CHOCOLATE! 10' Steak 3 23 24 4 2 LB JAR 25" Fresh Ground Lean Beef Fresh Rendered Snow White ex- b i Roasts Pure Lard 19c OUR CHOICE 7 Small Shoulders Picnic Cuts Veal Solid Pack c&D3i 2 cans PEANUT BUTTER Pork Roasts 3 ID dmdmV Challenge Quartered lb Parchment Wrapped lb i Lb cr Fancy CHEESE Meat Dept L Bra- - TOMATOES 9' 69c Fancy Breakfast 5 Airway Pure zxlian Blend BUTTER Can luU iOC Shrimps 25c IIORMEL HAM 4 Q FLUFFIEST PKG No 2Ya MAYONNAISE EACH 18c rL Bread Fancy Gull Bacon 15 14 Z MARSHMALLOWS POTATO CHIPS 7c 4 I0l XOC WiliPPING CREAM 16-o- z 6c fA 25c 9c Lb lb 8 lb 15 lb lb 10c dm CARAMEL LAYER CAKE SLICED 45 2 lbs 9c IMPERIAL MEDIUM SIZE-R- IPE 39 BAG LOCAL CANTALOUPES 23 Best Shoulder Cuts 10 lb CHAPMAN’S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 1 Pun Itolls 1 Apple Sauce Cake Tvvo-Lny- Qts 1 MALT SYRUP Veal JLUC 4 lbs 15c FRESH GREEN 2 Pts 25 Lb 23c 12c II KOSHER STYLE SALAMI or THURINGER SUMMER SAUSAGE Note low price price— LB Cburcb’g From the Choicest Concord Grapes And 4 ASPARAGUS 5c Sirloin Steaks FOLGER’S L ID RED GARNETS NEW PEAS TOO NO No 300 Can Lb 5c RED RIPE FANCY TEXAS 10c BEST FOODS 2 cups 15c TOMATOES Cans PIERCE'S I'a-L- P L 10 sJU LETTUCE PORK AND BEANS FULL QUART 25 b II RIPE FANCY PLUMS FULL PINT CUP Large CAN PINT JAR DELICATESSEN DEPT lb 14c Crm LONGHORN CHEESE (luUty Ruprpm SWISS CHEESE? jr lb27c Impurl4 Ml lb 94e BUTTER— Our Own (nuin II) 59c ROQUEFORT CHEESE Imported The Genuine Chicken of the Sea 7 r““ Italian Star TUNA '2 FRESH DAILY 5 for 13 Each 10 ( Ton A RU k lb-2- FULL PINTS Jar i fti iffii! n e A NEW POTATOES LARGE OVAL CANS 10 IK - LARGE CRISP SOLID HEADS—EACH SARDINES 10c Dor Pekoe 25c Yrlb pkg CXT1 Japan Flours orn 3 ROLLS 5 LBS 5 2 lbs 19 Each 1 SAN FRANCISCO (UP) — Gus Behrens has been shaving all the way from San Francisco to Honolulu and back again since February 1910 and he isn’t finished yet As barber for the Matson Steamship company Behiens tins month began his second million miles of baibering aboard boats of the line He is starting his seiond nullum miles aboard the new $8 000 000 liner Lur-lin- e which the Matson line put into service last month Behrens became the ship barber liner Wilhelmlna aboard In 1917 he transferred his in 1910 shaving mug and raor to the liner Now that the Maui has been Maui retired fiom service Behrens has once more transferred his lather to a new ship - CHILDREN LOVE THEM LB BAG Zee TOILET TISSUE DRESSING 1000000 Miles BERRIES 5c Each 5 GRAPEFRUIT— Large Seedless Breakfast Club Tea Pkg for 5c 3 lbs 3 lbs CARR0T8 PARSNIPS TURNIPS 29' GOLDEN Harvest Bell SUPERB PABST O U 4JLUC Qft dm IUd Red Ripe Imperials LETTUCE— Solid Iceberg Heads TOMATOES PH Spaghetti or Noodles 6c 10c 10c Barber Travels BANANAS fK40 SHREDDED WHEAT pkg STRAWBERRIES ""'c0"50” Plu" NEW POTATOES Tor Strgwberrj Short Cake GOLDEN AGE 7c 2 S' mFresh Fruits and Vegetables Utah Beet GRAPE JUICE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT ASPARAGUS Bottles 2 f°r 25 4c Post WHOLE BRAN— Per pkg 48 MdSl29 z 25c DEVILED MEAT FLOUR b All Flavors JELL-- 0 For Drllrtoni Root Brjr Full Pkg 2-l- Brok'n s"c1 PINEAPPLE ROOT BEER Bottle CRACKERS GRAHAM Lady Jane 3-- oz 5c 6c 18c 11c 5c 8c 16-o- rf 5I No Large j -t 27th 29th MISSION FLAKES BROW- N- H & C SUGAR Eolila Two-third- s TUNA FLAKES These Prices Effective at Once Fell Pinl MARBLEHEAD Mass (UP)— Patrolman Maurice Iee testifying! against Raymond llazcll charged with diunken dnving told the court the defendant was "a third drunk " In replying to a question from the judge Lee described the three stages of drunkenness as 1 A third drunk when he can just about navigate 2 drunk when he can hardly navigate Three-third- s 3 drunk when he can't navigate at all ALTA CLUB GROCERY DEPARTMENT J 1 Iluy for 2 Days — Stores Closed Tuesday — Memorial Day Prices Effeetne Saturday and Monday Broadway at 4th East MARKETS Visit Our New Market at 4th East and Broadway-S- alt Lake'i Largest and Most Complete Marketing Place One Pint Maket a Gallon Officer Describes Drunken Slaves Del Malz or White PRICES EFFECTIVE AT BOTH MARKETS CHEER UP flees let good-natur- HXk £ j ‘ - tr j bought the work of art just about the time It was ready to be consigned to the royal attic The pietuie was shipped to Wyo ming and now occupies a place of prominence in the anteioom of Gov ernor Leslie A Millers suite of of i ITT ji abflbik r£ 1023 27 CHEYENNE Wyo (UP)-G- reat Bntam's king objected to a picture which was hanging in the house of parliament in London and as a re suit the picture now is the property of the state of Wyoming The picture painted by Margaret Lindsay Williams in 1929 depicts a figure representing Great Butaln kneeling at the feet of a figure rep resenting America King George- V did not like to see Britain kneeling at America's feet air Parliament did not like it In fact (To be continued ) it was quite a task to find any at mireis for the picture except a few (Copyright 1933 King Features Americans in London Syndicate Inc ) One of the Amenrans the late Ira a has a boom In Casteel former Saratoga Wyo apartment construction stockman and Denver banker 3 i "37-- : Qt Jar:1 i m i |