Show j tjSf’’ THE SALT LAKE TIUBTTKE Insurance Chief Livestock Market Quotations WOOL MART STAYS FIRM Rise Seems Accomplished Unless Foreign Prices 87 40 top fed c Ipped 84 pound 40 four loads dipped California 77 pounds 87 15 light ewes eligible S3 75 shorn feeding lambs 70 pounds 6 25 wooled 86 50 short load fleshy 86 03 K ANNAS CITY Mar 36 AP (U8DA) — Hoes — Receipts 3300 fairly active 6 to 10 cents higher top 84 80 on choice 300 to to 323 bulk desirable 180 2S0 pounds pounds 84 A54M75 better grade 140 to 170 4 83 sows mostly 84 00ti4 Jft pounds 84 estistock pigs scarce few 84 00 down lambs up to 13i fered Sheep— Receipts 1611 Including 1827 to mated holdover 300 Denver mancat and 3788 to Chicago market Cattle— Receipts 1000 calves receipt 100 non for marst hulk of ear receipts on through billing generally OGDkN May 28 (U8DA7— Hogs-- Rer lptn tight hetfer and mixed vearltna other killing classes of rattle weak 517 Including 88 for market 139 to Oakland steady "’’’"'Ads vealers 128 to San Fraurlsro packers and spots 10 to 15 cent lower on cows ptrkart and calves firm Stockers and feeders little 188 to South San Francisco market stead few loads and and odd tola heifers changed 75 14 14 on best lots few drlvelns 8) iop yearlings 84 5065 35 bulk butcher fri 10 mixed kinds down to 84 ‘SO few mixed ows 11236 3 75 very few fed steer ofCom mixed underweights around S3 75 few sow fered BOSTON May 28 (P)-- The most medium bulls around 83 00 83 8585 S 25 better grades of vealers 81006 6 00 mercial Bulletin will ay tomorrow Cattle— Receipts 244 Including 88 for marTexas killing calves up to 81 J5 weight ‘ and 1)0 to San Franrinro flheen — Receipts 2100 fairly active lambs Prices are consolidating this week ket 28 direct odd lots good heifer 14 35 generally 1ft to 33 cent stead native packers higher around the import parity ba'lj'-im- e and medium steers and sprinters up most sheep scarce quotable tfilJI common 26 R 4 28 medium and good cows steady heifers IJ were most native better LWey than are grade sprint higher quotations 12 2563 23 75 bulls 87 medium to lambs 87 63 no choice clippers offered lew a week ago but the rise in prices choice vealers 83 JOfil 00 sales 83 6Am3 81 7190 seems to have been fatily well acIncluding 18 for Sheep— Receipt anee Reorganisation of the National Surety company vav furthered iri day with appointment of E A Smith Jr state inaurance commLssioner as ancillary receiver for the company in Utah Appointment of Mr Smith uas made at hi request by Diytiict Judge Roger I McDonough in line with a reorganization plan which waa begun May 1 m New York offices of the surety company arc to be Ancillaiy receiver named in alt states in which the firm 003 market 1781 to market 4488 to complished lor the moment unless St Joseph marketChicago 325 to Denver market values go higher abroad which might 283 to Omaha market and 328 to Illinois feeders noue aotd early happen transacts Smith Issued the following statement explaining the reoiganua Cotton DENVER May 18 ftTSDA)— Hogs— ReNFW YORK May 16 (API— Colton rose "In tbe west there has been tome ceipt 13u0 six singles direct tlx to Cali- approximately tl a bale Friday reflecting buying at about the levels noted a fornia market active opening fully 10c gossip as to posa'ble acreage control meathan Thursday a average early top sures as well a activity In the goods marweek ago In one or two sections hiaher 14 83 bulk to choice 180 ket reached 8 73 and December 9 13 where prices to growers were unduly 14 80484 10 good heavier weight scarce little duringJuly the middle of the afternoon or II to on 1'ght lights packing sow mostly 22 points net higher high the Units have been cut two or done 14 00u4 33 43 8541 4 10 feeder pig The market was active and strong late In three cents 14i5 gheep— Receipt supply oil ssle the day on the proposed abandonment of Manufacturers report good bust consists of two doubles California horn the gold standard futures closing very and three loans Idaho ranch lamb strong 3947 42 higher July 6 93411 93 Ocnes especially in men’s wear and lamb the first of season no truck lov available tober 9 119 18 December 4 9lrtS3 a I7n 9 177 9 38 March 9 55 May knitting lines with improvement not early quality fairly good but 15ocarrylna or more Spot steed' middling $9 00 ed in women's wear Mills are gener- feeder end asktrtaboutstrong to Califorsteady top nNominal higher talking schedules on ally operating nia late Thursday 47 40 memo good Cattle — Reieipts 400 calves 100 steady fu IS NEW YORK Puces ol goods have been marked up three load alters 16 10 Joed ture elated vi Mt tieidz St- - 3 paint hiih from 10 to 2Q cents a yard 11 73 two load 713 pound mixed yearling Prev cows heifers S3 8J6 7 Close I s t Huh Low "Consignments ol Regional Agnail-turi- l 877810 poundabsent bulls 83 006 3 75 lew I 93 I 16 8 9JiPl 6 18 Credit corporation controlled practically UP I 18 8 83 9 11 II 6 91 light weights 84 00j4 23 few ealets load wools are being lecened more Iieely to 87 00 odd slock steers 84 73 down 9 00 9 it 8 97 9 814712 I 39 9 01 9 21638 9 07 but no tales ol thee wools have jet held around 85 73 Re23 9 9 31 15 35 9 38 H©r— WfWAl Maw PORTLAND been reported 30 I 47 9 67n ceipt 500 rail supply 3ft direct andto maarare markets drtveln of bought strong jority very expected ’Foreign few open market gales steady on basis and il anything slightly dearer loa- rive butchers of 85 75 for belt the week London bemg up Irom 15 Cattle— Receipt!light 33 calies receipts 40 drives except II ealves direct nothing to 20 per cent lor fine crossbreds and all sold early talking generally around steadv merinos with medium and low cross (By Associated Press) Sheep — Receipts 50 all expected in trucks none arrived early breds 7 to 13 per cent higher Furl eit — Strength in the gulf market has 36 led to reports of an Impending advance here ftOVTIV 8AN ri4NCO May Mthalr Gees Higher The local price Is 75 —Hoes — Receipts 325 steady to weak bulk in Bunker fuel oil 114 to a barrel choice and Cellforniasjctntt "Mohair is higher again th s week good Texas S6 85tt5 7S hehi and good New York market Is ruling The Burlap— on fair demand and light supplies nd medium 83 00M t nw ifh leveis lor some constructions fights 85 30 common quotable around 83 00 ft u rPorted in th trade that buvlng in The Bulletin will publizh the fol- 5 11 packing so 0775 thl country hes broadened considerably low lng quotations Cattle— Receipts ICO includinr SO direct demand from various consuming Domestic Ohio and Pennsylvania fairly active on small supply grave steers reflecting trades other than bag manufacturers with Thursdays aversie two loads fleeces Delaine unwashed 27U2Bc steady in Improvement Destuff — Seasonal Ca rorma grass medium 967 to s tire and chemical Industrie hall blood combing 27 1 28c erg 85 71 other grades and fed steers not eatnt rubber mors sell demand for lead s has brought t 1th Thursds 32c one blood combing 318 Buying of bensol continue on at 12 21 mg Hems jow cutters a broad scale quarter blood 31732c Men s clo'hine —Some lull in trading Is M ihigan and New York Reeces to 11 00 few bulls to 83 30 a manufacturers and retailer Sheep— Receipts 950 Including 673 direct - expected Delaine unwashed 24 25c hall blood active lambs fully steady to strong con- adiust quotations on finished isrmtnii to to deck 2Sc three-eion fabrics and trimg good hilts blood the values 25b higher combing k6 pound wooled ctrrylng small me- ming blood choice combing Simile dium end I6 23 iireiht package The Work clolhlng— price trend Is report shorn from same shipment 55 10 ewes 21 ed upward combing 318 32c thiouthout the work shirt msr deck lartely medium and good ket The market not active on new biul Wisconsin Missouri and iveiage cents lower shorn is II 50 sorted 3J head II (rads authorities believe thst late Indiana and New England Half late yesterday holdover lambs to feed lots new butwould find it difficult to arrange buyers blood 21 fi 23c thre-blood 36 Me ANGrirff LOi ghths largely early dehverms Receipt 600 hotrioverg 19 steady 10 joed 28 h 29c blood 271 28c California fed Texas steers 1190 to MIC 1 3A load Scoured bass Arizona rows pounds Texas line 12 monLhs (se'eUed) 13 31 few loads Texas and Arizona cattle bulls srirre and heifer unsold early 65&67c fine short 12 months 628 calves receipt 100 no earl sale good to Bt Asjoc’gtfd Pres) AP— Naw Mate NFW YORK 64c 1 ne 8 months 5760e ehoka veelers quotable l4 7a6 6 50 good May 26 84 756330 calves and municipal financing scheduled for next Callorma Northern 55T57c mid Hots—quotable 1PJ week tola s 111 573 334 says tui Daily Bond Receipts 100 ae ady half load die county 56 a 58c southern 57 i pound eatern 1100 load Colorado hold- Buyer Th laraest Ham is a 2104 Jsn-uar- y on 5 Trade Trends tiorr "At the request of the insurance commissioner of the state of New Yoik and pursuant to the plan pro posed and adopted bv him for the re organization of the National Surety company I was appointed as ancil lary receiver of the National Suretv Pursuant to the approval company of the insurance commissioner of the state of New York a new coipora tlon known as the National Surety corporation was oiganized to take over certain of the business of the said National Suretv company and it ha assumed liability on all urtv bond of the old company outstanding m the atate of Utah "This new company ha beeii II censed by me to do business in the state of Utah and has a capital of $1000000 surplus of $3 000000 with total assets of over $11000 000 This company is in a ationg liquid post tion and on its board of director are such well known men as Charles Hayden John C McCall P A S Trankhn Samuel McRoberts and At fred E Smith " d three-eighth- e 'USDAi-4"attl- e— ore-quart- Wall Street Briefs overs billed through 1000 Sheep— Receipt 59c generally steady Oregon Qaetations medium California truck packaae 97 pou Senta Crux lamba 85 10 load Fm-- x V M ®na Oiegon Slkplo uJjtsland lambs 14 15 four loads good P3 t° 00 ( 103 and F M-H Arlone fj 63c pound combing V- O lods 131 to ns 61Cr63c ime and F lew out 113 13 00 60c valley No 1 56i58c oo t t pound 3 Montana! T Ucoured Bheep— (usnA)— JO'reH basis) mt Territory cho1 c7pf Lnd supvle half blood combing 63i6jc91 pojnd average 86 40 Others mosll so O'115 three-eightblood combing 38H60c ' cents htghPT top 27 5 bulk 87 A0rf7 50 one-quart- fre Trrurmo? blood combUrg 55tj57c Delame 687 70c AA 65 fine A gupecs 60 62c A su 5 per loan achsdulad for Friday cnt 10 to 15 cenla advance pac Cane winter firxLa nominal ' 1142 cents b gher pig slow steady numerous lzc aummer firsts 12 n 13c cape lairs des'rable weight hog 85 C16 5 10 puli cUuIg lou n ak kkbs 27ft30c turkey beat 12U nost liter lng 84 30 late pain kind down to lU(i or blow stoppers took soai S4 5004 60 1000 furnt - i V F f 7V 34 Ml h Ave 1130 f Mt hafl at! City f ihMr 13 S 20 & V-- - - rt i If ' Vf lv:- - u-i-v4'L- 4V -- ! i f Uebt Holiday By l)f(larfl - Siamese cats (S0AH the shoulders N R 90 VJH0 DltD IS MnLrtaJie' the Of I AUTHOR of the AWERIttM BEST SELLER COPIES his “SptUttoi the figfsA UnQuMe ” HAVE BEEN SOU) i -- jKl flTtHi4 For the A? V but Traffic A Runaway locomotive RAN WILD THRU THE HEART OF (including 3 street car crossings) 8 HARMLESSLY COUPLED TO THE REAR of the Coloiado university fell deadidid it himself Of trSTritDAI rnNT10V A8TOON Discovering his own auto license vesterday at the luncheon table in the Norhn home Thysicians aald dealh'among 63 others lip for heating on f Iht GsmiHlth BrsieHt- - W A was due to heart disease She had traffic algnal violations he immedl Dsmst who is b'skmUh hr trsds a sun fspto ry In his 'elelv pleaded guilty and paid the fine hsd navar resided In Boulder five vest C (wm ih 5 10UI ClTYjh OVER 34 in STREET CROSSINGS RAILROAD CROSSINGS OF A TRAIN WITHOUT and GAME5' FINALLY ACCIDENT 0 V tl I Cv- o- u ——— feereeet SedMWa W Urt HMi 4IO-- The Interior Decorator A'” ' rorrre ift iltli ‘"no 44 2i BRINGING UP FATHER 7 WAT THAT make You HAOf'T’7 NVOULO nr LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE YOU STAQTfD ON TWE CIVC CEMTER AIREMDY? MY- - YOU SJ8E ARE FikST WORKER- - UA! HA! YE3 INDEED ANNIE- - I HAVS TME BEST ARCHITECTS )N THE CITY DRAWING UR PLANS- - BUT IT WILL TAKE THEM SOME TIME OP COURSE - SHE FELL A&OUT t CAN WERE FOR THAT DODGE ARCHITECTS- - LATER TELL HER THE PLANS NOT SATISFACTORY-WH- THIS CAN GO ON cwrp unmlth I Iiiille ermid ef th eun llh tool thlonelllnmrown or(cl warXmohlp of hi hommd fit jronl n h hop Th brr ®rlv-lrM r wm md out of an old tuiomobilt and shaft whlla th iirxk was rrvd out of a I Tb KI44qni af tbs tow lit Maud walnut ?m growing In Ihf lorsllty Thf Imd WINNIE WINKLE THE BREADWINNER C5C- - WAVE I 2 suar vwfg 130 both to outport refiners itdeclines in futures ware followed and sharp reactions on active covering news Ajaculatlve buying on the Washington clause the gold regarding The market opened unchanged to 3 points lower and later showed lift looses of 2 points on most of the active positions under liquidation and trad sailing promoted by tha continued Inactivity in the snot marabsorbed by cover ket Tha offerings lng on Ihe scale down but the Washington news led to renewed general bu yint and from the pMree advanced 4 Id i point lwent 3 Final prices wera net uncJ"y4 above the previous close Salat 19 I'V' points 1 49 tons Juiy closed 1 44 1 Bentember 36 March 1 63 I 57 January December Mar 1 66 was unchanged with t better Refined withdrawal cemand and business In second Pitres aete quotrd at hamla mute atiive 4 M) for fin granulated by refiners while second hands were ateadier at from 4 30 Lrr M Slaatem Hit arrival 'inl rrrnr Hl ALLOWED KAW BMAB QlIET NFW YORK May 36 AP— Raw sugar was quiet today and spots mere unchanged at 3 37 6ate§ were one concluded late yeHerriay of 10 000 bass of Porto Ruan for June shipment at 3 27 and one concluded today of 9000 bags of Philippines for June Id ) YEARS AGO TOttORWW 62000000 PANAMA CITY May ?8 (71— The government yestciday ordeied a u pension in some cases of Judicial atic lions of properties attathed for Ihr payment of debts and placed limtla tiona on interest rate It acted under extraoidinarv pow era in fiscal matters granted during the session of the assembly The suspension effective for the remainder of thia year will be ap plirable in caiea where the debtor is DEAF MUTE HINS DEGREE not more than one year in arrears CINCINNATI Ohio May 28 MV-- A in interest payments In no case youth who never heard a lecture however will the courts permit the nor took part in a class discussion will auctioning of properties for lesa than be awarded a certiorate in anhttec 30 per cent of the appraised value ture by the University of Cincinnati Hilbeit G Duning 23 a deaf mute JuMicr Fines Self $ since birth won the certificate In Violation For three years of evening study it Xt Owned fcy Providence Panama Covernmenl C V HEAD S AUNT DIES PITTSBURGH Mav 28 (Pi-J- us MV-- Mr BOULDER Colo May tiie is dune in suburban Wilkinsbuig Inhn T Covert 87 an aunt of Mrs in fact Justice of the Peace Cieotse Geoige Norlm wife of the president1 B Shields is don out of $5— and he Joined of IUOOOO inti CAN By Ripley Th sala of two New York stock fxchange seats today at 2160 006 and 8164 000 re specthely compared bUh tha pravtous gale - ' "11k7 ' 730 to no pounds bulk good ana tnome iwi 10 437 14 lo 140 round" pound LuJLh S ptember 4Lu No 5 35 " MV'11' 144 40 to 10 poind" 44 00" December March 8 20 May 13 7404 00 I4 10H4 30 PH 134 (Mdr 5 17 13 0- 3 15 ah p er bouaht 5hd Spot coffta quiet Bsntoa is I'ACf'A Cattle — Receipts 1200 caDes receipts thd bill moat killlns cUaaa cuvad s’eadr weak to 10 to 15 rente lower stockers and fed s ears and yearling feeders scarce 5 81 odd head uo to 84 74 few moill II Th reorganisation committee of Avsocl os short fed yearhr ga 14 1145 33 heif hea led era tiedH Telephone tllHles compan bulk beef cuw 3aOv)4(K O Page announces that it has agreed few I4"5i1)0 b 86 to 9 4 30 lot cutter grades 12 ‘O lu prlnrli i ' on a pan of adluRiment 1 oO medium bill 12 71100 prscttr which will be submitted to the erurlt?itcp yealer 16 00 1 older a as soon noulhle De'aha ofl Bheep Hecetpta I'OO il reorganisation proposal were not made 'California apiiig Iamb puhl c WV4 AT ii 00 to 4 35 animated holdover Cattle— Receipts 150C calve receipts 100 upoly beef alters mood medium to good DIT GOODS ACTHf trading on mature elutes closed fairly ac NFW YORK May 28 (AP)--O- rtr cloths live around steady bulk kUUr steers 813 beesma and active today under Im strong 4i5 7t few odd lota up to 16 the that Uiputie of retort from Washington maflr 15 75 down oddni 111 5! roo bcom ' jfcl 11 most cutters in rollon 0001 JiiIt is the 73 31 Musas bulla fairly aMve bilk fwtue 3IS-lnc5 h were 64x60s ales of made at 1 OflsJI ii odA head 83 23 dealers active U cent from recent r' rents ‘ Utrorg lo 35 cents hither bulk S3 Jjm 00 Finishedlip goods were less activ quotations than gray (selected kinds upward to 24 50 Wool goods were strong with manv old crop Jpmbi rloiha Bheep — Receipts 6000 were tn Bilks lines from sale withdrawn J 'strong to 15 cents higher late mostW 10 to demand Reon wgs sirons sale 'I1 ill cent up other classes cleared before ed-l'- Imoderate were 1 mad into August being irlapa jvance developed several losds around tr°Ti at the aeaaon top prices y U 0 shorn lamM pound freh and about Aorll 81 46 15 than early roughly 1M how higher oi woolskin spots bn load good 87 pound noo-nsoffe v7 10 was NrW YORK Mi 26 bulk native apringerg J 5017 a Utils on trade covering pen bucks 11 less heavy shorn ewe tods steady 3 00 cipihy In Bantoa contracts owing to re- n light weights upward to 8)15 ports of a dock strike In Bsntos Commts-lioOMAHA Mat 26 'AP l’RDA— houses and outtlde tiueres's so d II 0)d dtU mainly on plainer Bsntos opened uncharged and rioted unIhlle late aaies showing grade cleanup 7 No Sa ea 13 (Wt to & lower a 1A l changed rente tHi inr k tuxne nt eefl V St 3030 year 1300 Bank of Manhat f has Natl Commercial Professor Walter C Neville of the department of sociology of th Uni versity of Utah has been awarded a scholarship for study in the Umver sity of Chicago department of aoci ology beginning next year according to word received recently Professor Neville who for the past year has been with the sociology de partment of the Univeisity of Utah completed last year a thesis showing the trend of population and race tin tmction in Utah The thesis based on material compiled bv himself was sent to Professor William C Ogbuin of the University of Chicago sod The acholatship ology depat tment w huh Mr Neville received was made of a basis scholaiship and the upon merits-ohis thesis At Chicago Mr Neville will studs social trends in Utah His study will be made under the direction of Pro feasor Ogburn who was director of the research on President Hoovers committee on aocial trends Mr Ne vilie will work for a doctor's degree He received hia bach in sociology elors and hla masters degree at the University of Utah 'ft du BELIEVE IT OR NOT Study Social Trends in Utah V by frn 60c BANKS '!'$ Early (abfc jerA 55(580 Domestic good original bag Texa spring 26 27c good original bag Texas kid 40ft 4tc Arizona and New Mexican 20ft 21c Oregon 22ft 2Jc Domestic grided Pirat combing 8ft 35c second combing 30ft 32c third combing 23ft 27c: fourth comb Jng 22ft23c good cardlrg 25ft 28c kd 60ft63c second kid 48ft - City of Philadelphia buviness Mr m ‘MAY 27 Professor Will Named Receiver By Surety Firm springers am'e 88 NORTH SAIT I ARE Mav IS (nSDAl— Hog — Receipts MO Inclualtii 75 for market Wi direct 108 to San Francisco pack art 348 to Loi Angeles packers stead top 14 85 on best light and medium weight d 14 50r drtvelns few lots 191 4 80 lot light lights 14 50 few 1 00 oackUig sows 62 7 few tood rows non Cattle— Receipts steady at 12 754i3 25 no other kinds of- SATUftlVAY MOiraXCI i wi H li ' ph ) Y V OP COURSE IF CORNELIUS 1 DANK SHOULD HEAR THAT I VE PROMISED TO SPEND FIFTEEN OR TWENTY THOUSAND ON A CIVIC CENTER IT WOULD E£ BAO FOR ME- - BUT THERE 5 NO WAY FOR HIM TO HEAR- - 7“ "DON’T FORGET- - AM ONE WATCHING YOUD'ME FOR A CIVIC CENTER AND I WILL SMASH DANK- YOU- - CORNELIUS - - GREAT SCOTTIT IMPOSt feL TO HIDE 1 |