Show TIIE SALT LAKE TEIEUNE SAT UK DAY MORNING their hamper with Us theimos hold ing something hot and ate lunch in the car If thev did not do that they chose some hotel or mn or tourist home that looked neat and clean By JOSEPHINE CULBERTSON Then the childien were allowed “World’s Greatest Player and Teacher” Says Ely Culbertson an ice cieam cone for dessert As a result of this tempeiance the whole reached their destination withthe double quite fiequently facili- family DOUBLE COSTLY A out upset digestion or difficult temRecognition Given 180 When a and of the cards makes tates the play pers A routine of meal hours can be partnership at the bridge table has reached a grand slam con- posable the making of an otherwise followed m travcl Students Extra Just 3 lt can eontract e ‘mpossib tract the opponents generally should be earned out at home I P of Manila C recently Littig devs Activities hit h aie good at any Sandwiches refrain from doubling unless the feat of the contract is assured because sent me a hand w hich illustrates th is 8le tounr1 ln a "Sandwich” leaf point He was South and Mrs Iittig1 let Send a stamped self addressed The North and South Beadle Kister Joe fltruthers Aften Goethe was North for copy Wute Nancy Awards were presented to 180 Beih hands together with the bidding envelopcare of jour Swan Katherine WilllamB this paper Page S H A O awards Dorothy Bauer follow South high school students for extra Lenora Berr Norma Berntsen Virginia curricular activities at the award as Dee Bonnie Bronn Judith Cannon Sally South dealer Ellen Emery Better Grarms Marjorie Noith and South vulnerable The list follows Newiran Ann Ostler Shirley Deanne Poul sembly Thursday Price Dale Frances Qulst Anna Rhea AAOj jon First ild certificates Alice Westra Storrs Beth 8wan Doro hy Jane ThompV A a 10 7 5 AWARDS MADE CONTRACT BRIDGE for j MAY 27 1923 7 to build a fortress when the pioneers Scouts to Assist successfully impeded the advance of General Albert Sidney Johnston’s m A bronze plaque will Shaft Dedication army be furnished for the marker by the 1851 Members of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association w ill be assisted by the Vanguard Boy "Scouts of the L D S church in the erection and unveiling of a monument on the Mormon trail at the top of Big mountain 16 miles east of Salt Lake John Giles ansecretary of the association nounced Friday Plans are being made to hold the unveiling ceremonies on July 24 Mr Giles said The monument will be constructed partly from stones that were used association Mr Giles said Woolten A’hletic awards Dorothy Jane Thnmp-i- n MtGarry Leah Tate Betty Han-ae- n Dorothy Bauer Fern Knott Ann Cottier Betty Gramc Marguerite I anros Ber-re Bloomfield Norma Sundberg Ruth Twomblv Kenner lots Shaver Iy Pegay Dean Fae Ashworth Bessie Mil dred Badger Margaret Fdglngton Mela Melvls Gwen Duncan Judith Cannon Anna Date Storrs Fsther Stoker Oenete Gold I ae Parrv Mariorle Newman Frances Oulst Ruth M nson Ine Brewster Alice Leah Tate Mary Thurston Wumwrght I Ullan Kelsey Berenice Smith Helen Connie Hlgbee Marie Thomnten Frances Hul'quist Leah O Brlen Annie nrya Alpha Bandt Verglma Bennlon son Ruth Twombly Helen Vogeler PayllU Werrett William Barnes La Boxing awards Grand Davis Floyd Downing George Mux-weTennis awards Joe Parker Tom Walster Henry Buma Brent Davu Bud Raleigh Cio Armantrout Jay Wrestling awards Brlnton Bob Erlrkson Ray Gulver Alvin Jacobsen Hubert Purkev Delbert Bwan Jack Aliev Jay Br'n-to- n Footbad awards Burt Buxton Clarence Crooks Frd Duehlmeler LaOrand Davis Flovd Downing Vor Fairbanks Ous Gold Bob Harris Don Larson George Maxwell Ray M irray Thornton Phillips John Pignatero Tugene Russell Kimball Smith Mark Smith Joe Sullivan Dean Wllsted Howard Alder Ern8wlmmlng awards est Campbell Val Jean Chapman Edmund Fehr Lewis Nash Hooper Mortenson Harry Russey Morris Stark Jack Alley Jack Cross Track awards LaOrand Davis Leo Dem trakopolus Jim Bob Harris Ray Featherstone Farl Roy Jim Matthew Mark Smith Fred Kelson Stevenson Tugene Russell Fred Duehlmeler Basketball award Davis Ralph Gerome Ous Gold Bob Harris Bill Nielson John Olsen Fuaene Russell LeOrand Uffens Ronald White Max Wilkins Vincent Clayton Wilbert State hands Dangerfleld Lawrence Deverport Junior Egli Paul Handley Lester Jackson Heber Kimball Adair Knight B aine Sheffield Walter Woldberg Val Jean Conley Karren Bennlon Roger Davors Usl ers George Kuhn Harvey Moore Frank Murray Ernest Schrader Richard DeVere Robinson Sorenson Charles Stevens Arthur Strong Dirk Tanner Jack Watson George Wood- rU8tudent officers Eugene Russell Frances Jack Alley James Bonnie Braun Qulst Burton Vigos Perry Brown Be Gold medals were awarded by Principal DeVoe Woolf to Eugene Russell and Bob soHarris The combination athletic and The Alley cial medal was awarded to Jack one the for medal honor girls' She was girl was awarded to Ann Oitlqra girl during hi? two years the best in individual efficiency in high school scholarship leadership physical akill and participations li z c M I Modern Market BUTTER — Clover-bloo- m 2 lbs COFFEE White — Bed and or Hills ?: 31c 29c MILK— Bed large & White FLOUR— High 48-l- b and PORK Pierce’s Ig QQ C LEMONS 25c cans 3 for WASHO— The new Soap —granulated large pkg faOv and 29c — Large 9Cp juicy dozen BTRAWBER-RIE- S — 3 cups CANTALOUPES 15c r2 Bakery CREAM Pineapple LAYER CAKE each TIFFIN ORANGE ROLLS— Dozen 25c Meats i ROAST— Eastern Corn Fed Prime Steer Beef lb SUGAR RUMP OR PRIME RIB STANDING seROAST— Gram fed lected quality 4 LITTLE PIG SUPER SAUSAGES — Our own POT 19 Beef lb Lamb lb Leg or LOIN ROAST Extra lb 4 P-cho- 3 CURED HAMS — Armour’s ’ Super lb Star l&M STEWING IIENS-- Lb possibly slightly optimistic in view of the failure to fmd a fit in either hearts However they held or diamonds g and three of the four every queens and could count 12 truks in In view of this perhaps top cards their bidding cannot be strongly condemned East's double of six notrump however was very bad When the dummy went down after West's opening lead of a club it made practically certain that East held the heart queen-knavand the diamond knave guardsmalt11 cards ed bv at least three Should one of the guards to the diamond knave be the nine the In dummy's hand could not be finessed as Eat would cover and there would still be a stopper in the diamond suit However in this event South had another line of plav — which he followed with deadly effect He d the three top cards in (liamonds took two more tricks In dubs and continued with four spades winding up in his own hand On the lead of the last spade the following was the situation (West's cards are immaterial) SALAD-- D POTATO SALAD-- rt FRYING 19c 17c CHICKEN FRUIT 25c 15c 15c COMBINATION SALAD — Tint Sport Jackets 298 Suggesitve of the nautical reeler these new Jackets are shown ln w hite red navy and green with metal or bone buttons You'll want one for holiday and vacation trips ten-sp- ot - A 9AK107 0 -- - hrtfc VQJI I I 0 Vm'fc A - A- J A- t 10 Pull It On or Tuck It Aieay! They Co Everyplace! Sportt and Afternoon New Softees Twill Slacks New Dresses — Faced with the choice of a discard East now realized that further defense was Impossible He must either discard the diamond knave establishing two diamonds ln the South hand or unguard his queen-knav- e of hearts assuring the establishment of the ten for the thirteenth tru k The result of the double is easy to see Povslbly Mr Llttig would have found the key to the correct plav w ithout lt but certainly f ast s double facilitated the discovery Today's Question Your partner Ins opened the bidding with two notrump and second hand has passed Yhat do you bid holding 76 (732 0 5 4 QJ 8 7 3 2 Answer Three clubs This bid is Justified by the length in the suit If partner holds three clubs to an honor the chances are that three notrump can be made A special holiday purchase of these popular new sport hats of linen pique knit crepe felt or panama toy a -- —Cellophane 15c FREE BRIDGE BOOKLET Readers of this newspaper may have a free copy of ‘ Bridge Rules and Etiquette” by Josephine Culbertson Adthrough apeeial arrangement dress Mrs Culbertson in care of this newspaper Inclosing a stamped artd envelope It'i fiecante IS'eu'i It'i Xetc! 9 X Aiiw Roasting CHICKENS — R I Reds : BELGIAN White Meat lb Memorial Day model - blue good quality BRIEFER 25c HARES— 17c -- Tull Pint ) I Two Part That Combine Single Smartness Regular If t ren cli 1 CO BOILED HAM -- Ib ftu Others at 98c fitmplf captivating In their rUtgrmft) itrlprt unci th p?rk knot fMUnln In hack Strap from front around neck 198 Wide 3-Pi- 15c Kitr a q jaIUj In h ao1 a mtf aMlly and LOAF— lb rAf FRANK STICK driwt rr Nmw r n r IVirr ff vrrt r 1' rv t mu' n ifi - y f i tt In ' p hi nrvrf a ft jt ) i ' lum " n 1 ( i U fir v BROADWAY AT STATE ' 1 r r f e h ir f r it i t tino I'? Uj'i i O ’ - t r r i Ptcr tMir f u it t i a hdtiidftn bandank RoywJ to Pur wortl wtth mtuhinf Solid color matrhtnf atrip KM by Ni wool tltof nd Suits All-Wo- ol 169 lirtMt TI dom dmlgrui In rivr trim awlmmlnf (nmfort romra and bright ut to and fr- - nr lleiause Linen Eton Suit Health and Fun for Savings for Moth ers lf All-Wo- ol Bathing Suits n of thla BOIOQNA HAM SAU trunk tvl p worn with F Urrn inmmar veal FURTERB Inches Yard 30 and 39 A It'i Seie! Novelty Pattern Chiffon Voile Values SPICED WIENERS It' I For Sheer lleauty Graceful Pilnirvi a1 de wl’li rich rlalxua'e late trim Unusually heavy rpially pure silk wl'h a creamy dull li 'I earnre blue and pink 15 17 to t ies V iic "vV-- Bandanas Wool I We’re proud of their flawlem sheer beauty of Uirtr extraordinary long wearing quality of the Amertran woman a preference for this nationally advertlved brand sold exclusively by Rears fin-lv- 18c $ I Quality Chiffon or Service All First Quality Narrow Sandal Foot Graceful French Heel Newest Smart Shade 129 'lha rhi'dien wore rlr 'hrs whhh i nu d dand an a'l dav imi'nr (rip eas dav gt e n di They're Silk Gowns h d were at hand BRIGHTER Crepe 1 Islia oala I Al ( gabardine Wool Shorts heir Dull fus-m- g eai h tailored RACIER colon By FLORFNl E I A GANKE The Pages were taking a motor trip to a nearby town for the Decora tbm day holldass Joan and Peter spent most of the previous day In pat ku g and repai k li g their small auit ac s Nanry had inggcted that ev h one nt ase put into 1 Is or h r Individual some toys Thu meant she had learned leas bokering and in the La k eat d irlng the rule W hen a omnium imtiaje was li rd then I'eler wauled it dosed wtrn J ian w anted It open and v u e idi ei a vul lal eases se'tled the ’tpiemn f r Correctly ly styled with 89c HOSIERY Copied ln tlie new simulated Mudrurca fsral grain from an extensive new model pocket —double mirror — new fea- and smartor without leather reinforcement Exceptionally ever-popul- tured at this amazingly kiw price la well tailored and lined may be had ln gray tan or All Pure Silk $1 Trip Well Planned whipping CREAM 2 lbs Full Fashioned Vanity Square Tills Sizes 23 to 32 The New 1933 Styles Are Here ROYAL PURPLE (Copyr'ght 1933 King Features Syndicate Inc ) 198 $4 Leading Value in Loveliness 4J4 -m JLv 4 lb 8ACJE AQ 170 Breeches Sizes 14 to 40 Youthful sports styles of rayon or rough crepe and pique Breezy summer afternoon styles of lawn and voile White pastels and prints bob-tom- Jersey blacks j Wrapped lb RIB and LOIN ROAST PORK— Selected Grain-Fe- d ib White twill fashions these s clever slacks with cuff 2 deep pockets and side front button They re so easily laundered too Smart and Lote Priced! Polo Coats Sizes 14 to 50 Sizes 12 to 22 Arrivah! Voir 198 $i n 69c SLICED Delicatessen TUNA FISH Crepe e I'v Individual BEEF or PIES — 3 for Flannel and Wool ace-kin- ft ice CHICKENS V2 to 21b average selected qual- - i? The bidding: product 2 lbs Poultry SPRING 4 SUGAR OF SPRING IAMB — Genuine milk-fe- d LEGE VEAL— b 067 POTA-TOE- S Patent BEANS — V ftl GREEN PEAS— 3 lbs 0 bag K 10 5 Vb 4 lbs aJw cans A O AKQ87 A AKi 01 can bright 4 lbs NEW ! Vntli Vrgallon C - berth 25c WESSON 104 1 - ft Sponsors Supervised Recreation 10 Q No 2 GRAPEFRUIT Size R & W or Shav- - BANANAS — Firm SOAP — Crystal White 0 sports Miss Gloria Guste danc and Miss Evelyn rhythmics Harding music and diamatics and Miss Helen will teach the first Schweberger who Plans are being made by members group consisting of children of the of the Parent-Teachassociation of kindergarten age the Uintah school to conduct a series PROFESSOR APPOINTED of supervised recreation classes for Announcement was made Friday school children of the Uintah school district that Professor J B Bearnson of the The classes will open onthe fust of economics and finance department Monday in June and will continue until Julv 14 All recreation facilities at the University of Utah has been of the Uintah school will be used for added to the faculty of the university the course summer school this year Mrs Iva T Miller will be the genProfessor Bearnson will offer eral supervisor She will be assisted bv Lorin Powelson who will instruct courses in labor problems rural ecothe boys in handcraft woodwork and nomics and recent economic changes A er WORKING STUDENT HONORED FREMONT Neb May 26 (T)— During the achool year just closed Norman Carlton 22 traveled 5040 miles by automobile between Fremont and his home In Oakland Neb making the tiip twice a week so he could attend Midland college and run the weekly newspaper back home at the same time He was graduated with ‘"Cum Laude” honors Rer-re- Lester Thelma Brown Doroh Bca-a- r Lulu Cali Dorothy Miller Naomi Asull Mildred Mullin Carol Houk Leone Etiel Anna Vermfulen Vetha k tel Caro lvn Norton Alie Lord Jul(a VSach Anna Lee Farnsworth Irene Thompson Gwen Fay Catherine Kl mura DortheaBrandenburg Carlson Mavia Robbins Dorthy 'Wntttle Ialeen Matern Ia Cooper fcdlhe Dee Lida Packer Marion Powej Ana Mtllerburg Virginia Btrustcn Opera awards Mvrie) C uf f Ollie Derr Alpha Bandt Mary Thurston Beth Swan Beth Blake Joe 6ulhan Lai I Brewster Honorable mention Billie Wright Du k Leon Hovik bharp John fiiher Roy McDeavitt Gtorge Roy PhiUiDi Scribe saff Robert 8tanburg Leah Tate Joe Mortensen Gene Griffin Mar-- 3 ine Newman Betty Burton Reid Mauahan FUen Chamberlin Anderson Moyea farrell JdcGhif boutherner Marvin Bird Claire Bern-tse- n Lenora Berg Judith Cannon Thur-loCall Leora Eitel Claire Harmon Ray Rigers Roy bimnions School play Bernice Broomfield Mary Brown Hansen Hvde Myriel Cluff Heath Jim Edwards Betty Phyl Poihon Cleon Howell Dick Tanner Elaine Woolley btudent court Jack Alley Francis Bean val Berkeley Don Dr gs James OiauQua C arolme Porter Cleon Powell Marlon Large 1 nut Ned McDonough Harry Schilling Btholey Boyd W right Debate Art Larkin Harold Dent Ralph Halimton Reginald Homer Hans Reiser I’uy 8immona Charles Stevens Louise PT Uintah J E all Dike City !)y Tt bright aji ba tiny ll1 j tfl rlr nml fa h lu h4 of rlav-- r 1 to I a )’ lam- - Tots’ Sun Suits Pniig cl iicl bilel np in 1111 Ininl ltli Tots- - |