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Show A Daily Thought i that th Falhsr giveth mt shall eeaaa to meiand him that eometh to roe I Will In do wise east out John 6.37. AH - FOUNDED 1850 SALT T.akf. CITY UTAH Utah Mind School S.LCARQ ROOM LICENSE RUUNG At American Fork FOUND INVALID To Open 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 YEAH D Police Seize $7,000 In Jewels, Capture Suspect MARKER URGED ON SITE IN S. EIGHTY-SECON- S. L. MERIDIAN ROCK Cupid Deprives . Ogden Gty of Public Doctor 1931 L The city of Ogden hae tem- and vandalism bate caused On-Ocporariiy lost-th- e xiyphysi- t. concern to Dan S. Spencer, clan. Kepht H. Savage. Donner Trail Tablet to rteorge Graham, marriage Supreme Court Finds marker at tha northshown mendiaa here the viewing survey license clerk for Salt .Lake Be Unveiled Saturday. City Lacks Authority west corner of South Temple 'and Mara streets. Mr, Spencer county, Issued a marriage II- -. cense , to Dr, Savage - and . j "has asked the Utah Pioneer Trails & Landmarks association To Enforce Law. Thelma Khouss, of Ogden, --j to move for preservation of the landmark by having a pro- Friday night and immediate- ' iy performed tile marriage Ificting railing put around it. Police efforts directed by Detec- ceremony . license h The couple Informed Mr. a oldest and most Important Utah ordinance was held invalid by Ihr Saiurday in the arrest of A burglar Graham that they were delandmarks be preserved and marksupremo court Saturday in a desuspect and .the recovery of Jewels parting for Los Angeles on a cision rendered in the case of ed, with a suitable tablet has been at between 17,000 and valu'd , honeymoon. vs. Lake Salt D. S. made by la.OOO. City, With a personnel, of !t teachers Morgan veteran Spencer, --i E. Folic of Chief man railroad of Joseph In The a jewels arq tee property of ' and attendants, the Utah State Commissioner X. T. .Burton,, eater la the- - U lah Pioneer Trails John At. Wallace, Wc president ""Training school tor the tnehtally Vinson Police Officer D. and City' and Landmarks association. and trust officer of the Walker deficient will open for the recep Jailer Joe Raleigh. The case was, Bark A Trust company. .Mr. Spencer point out that the -tion of abnormal children on Mon Great base appealed to the supreme court by Lake Sait and meridian They were stolen from his suma the city after District Judge D. W.j mer home in Walkers Lane last day, Oct. 5, a American Fork. jetone marker at the northwest corMoffat had held the- - license or ner of South Temple and Monday, according to A confession Main D. A. Skeen, chairman of the dinance invalid in the district couit declared nr have been made to streets, from which all surveys In and .had issued a writ of habeas training achool board, announces. the intermountain region are bepolice byjhe. suspeeta. who gives the name of Herman Smith, 22, : carpus aiydd'.ic ha rged Morgan. MoyU.of tha. fiquipme nt hae ar- gun, Is badly weather worn and Is .Hint Operator and bu home aa Newport, Vt, rived and, installation! have nearly recently has been seriously dewaa pio-cea former federal Sm.th last Wednesday Morgan, faced. Mr Spencer urge that, a 7 been cotnpleed,-M- r. Skeen-said Is proprietor of brought into the police station afrsiT or fence be placed around . Three full time and two or three 17 east Second "the Mint resort, ter he .had exhibited a valuable the atone to protect It. time teachers will be employdiamond nng "at th. Anderson South street, for the operation of Wins Hearing ed In the school department. .. . i mtiieh the city refused to Jeerelrv . At the time company. rantt0 Tne is be to placed suggestion hint a keense. The place waa raid- lOIltlCM I ftCtlOUf UUt" before, the executive and history he said be found thq ring near a ' Eligible Described. South at was Second ed ar fountain drinking by police and Morgan "Tho policy of the hoard and committee of the trails and landline Platform For and Main street, and- - went into rested and lailed on a charge of marks an 'association at superintendent la to accept. In ao early tho jewelry company to have it operating a card room without first far aa possible only those cbJdren Vote Race. meeting, it was stated Saturday by appraised. Police were advised by obtaining a license. capable of profitiig by special John I), Giles, executive secretary. and Smith. taken of The a writ for petition compapy.qdala school instruction." Mr. Skeen said rftfT. OtlfR hold JEri flay-th&t-efMoatUigy Ha waa released into custody. brought by Morgan's The action can be taken it will be Saturday: any Wednesday and told to report back . two dormitories, having a rapacity to obtain permission and four comfniMlOA "in case A reward waa offered for charged that the! candujates. Three candidates of the necessary of SS each, will provide apace for-- . 2E Calliper. from the Church the federal govthe return of the ring. ITS trainable children, sexes evenly Workers' party M P. Bales for ernment and the City of Balt Lake, w The day of hia release, Mrs- - Waliras broug A waa void upon the mayor, Mrs. divided. The farm colony, situatand as ail three groups have interest Cornelia Jt inson lace discovered her loan Mr. Waltha city was without, Fred A. Childs for Commissioners in ground' ed one mile from the parent Instithe marker by reason of localace Identified the ring at the poAttCHBI-SHOpower to pass such an ordinance. HAXX V. tution. will take care of about Sb I . with the their filed tion and ownership, lice station and Detective Colborn district court upheld this con- city recorder, petitions boys and men who arc either past Tha Host Rev Edward J- - Hin The A the search of available The lad, on began seeking Smith. the normal school age or have not ha. t C.. archbishop of the ban tention. Whereupon the city ap- - Mr Bales' petition carried Sit assistant h th being apprehended,-- denied any tha capacity to receive training to Francisco' diocese of the Catholic i "upreme names, the longest list yet filed. Churchby Andrew Jenson, re teals that the connection with the robbery but tho extent that .such Instruction church, arrived. in Salt Lake Frl - jcourt Th of Mrs. Johns, m car location historian, of the marker was establater confessed to assisting a man would bf of pny material value day evening to officiate at the) The prevailing opinion of the ned petiuon 298 names and that of Mr. lished S. Orson 1847, bv Pratt the name of Johnson to do th. Aug. by This class of boys and dedication of the new hall and,upreme court, written by Justice Childs, S32 names. , to them. one of the first of the "Mormon" "job men will find their chief occupa- gymnasium at the Judge Memorial t D. N. Nraup and concurred In by Candidates Named. Pioneers to enter Utah. From this Saturday morning Smith led the tion on the farm and working with school Sunday, and to preside at! Justices Elias Hansen and Ephraim Majoralnv candidates holding offioers to the head of State street tha livestock. the fourth annual convention of (Hansen, holds that none of tne meetings were E W. Kelly at point all the blocks In Balt Lake near the espitol building grounds, 'Dne Jo the fact that no achool the Salt Lake diocesan council of powers conferred upon cities b headquarters In the Kenyon where he recovered A purse- con- " piarAinn Tn6 iB.il OI tO Usue tKensoa Louis Alarc.ua 1, headquarters, It . UlarK r 8J fhe building has Keen provided at theltheAlational Couhcttol Latnotic, ' some directfon St David undet taining- the" jewels ""Trom Women Monday. institution, the employes are specifically or by Implication in- west Second South street; W. the aid of the road. e weed f or by trsLsuiv fur ey NewJiKBurr. ll bum-sigeneraL the in t& the1 of chid at Rishet or embrace such headquarters former; utilise",' lng every effort possible" Smith said he 'threw the Jewels as achool rooms, any suitable space take place at 4 P nt Sunday' ness or occupation as Is ipflmated house hotel; Edward H- - Eardley weeds shortly after robbing Wins Vis Heart at th "home of Mrs. Christine Jarin pt her femidtngs ordinance in question. utmhe that rail beiai tbe wbooi. and the Wallace home Monday afterFor many years a small govern-- d J. ill be open for public Inspection spared for that purpose. nttefi vis, 1318 Roberta a enue.-anoon. Just Bates, A complaint by District Judge Nephi Requests Presented. charging Smith . the Temple wall. As a mesprogram folios- Justice W. H. Folia, .d. south Main street.M Marcus from for with third degree burglary will be sitting CThe board and superintendent -Archof hall for the Workers' r, ' government by senger carrying boy, Blessing was sho from parof disquahped ars not without a very sympathe- bishop Hanna: Gounod's "Unfold. the county attorney. requested each of th municipal wards have telegrams to the observatory, Mr. it waa announced by Detective tic Interest for the low grades and Ys Portals,'' sung by the students ticipating In thig case. It la coninstructions and now in mef, became received interested first Spencer VV Justice J. Colborn. re- - curred in by 'Chief epileptics who need the care oft of the are preparing to wage vigorous i the marker and the importance of introductory some charitable in&Ututian.. Be- marks bschool; ! or- - the- next - three, the spet on which' ft had ' been the Right Rev-JoJ Cherry, campaigns" thar care for ut some of quests of the Salt Lake weens. Supporters of Mr- Marcus, placed. In ttie Intervening years Mitiv, these types have already been pre- diocese; bishop address. Gov. George H. moet-- of them voluntary workers, he has Inspected it frequently and sented. However, the members of Dern; Ave Franbk's Merit." covered the city like q blanket has noted the action of the elethe board feel that It should give school glee club; address by ArchFriday soliciting support for their ments and also coma indications of preference to the more trainable . bishop Hanna, and ' Praise Ye the candidate. There also was a large vandalism. i hildren and by so -doing, the Id- Father." sung by ha students, number of paid workers in the Officers and members of the solution' will be carrying out the The Catholic women will open field. Trails y provisions of the statute by which j their convention at tn ".-- Hs numberKof5r ar, Tnvlted to it waa established. U has also Cathedral of th Madeleine nt unvellln been carefully explained by the 10:0 am. Mondas. with a workers in tho field for the last at,end lu of boajr' the S. L. Board Appropriate Jhe Donner trail ceremony that the present ness meeting scheduled for few days. LeKi Order of Tintic afternoon marker. are at 5 not suitably designed p m- In the Cathedral hall. Mr A. Saturday buildings At the Sfarcus meeting Friday for the rare of low grades and epi- H. 8. Bird, resident, wilt be m o'clock at State Fair the $6,000 For Elephant -grounds. Court Oust Woolley night the workers from the Fifth The marker la the first of the ji can leptics the were addressed ward charge. by -Catholic Woman's league of Jut what policy the state TheLake - - And Others. didate, E. 11. Ashton and H. C. standard markers to be placed in wilf give a reception for Salt Lake. It is located near the Alien- should adopt in order to provide for the classes now having to be;tb vlsttip archbishop at 4 p m Cut Lines Platform. cfoesings of the Jordan rrver by. - Mr. Kelly outlined his platorm the party whosa tragic fate in the . --excluded from-thA pair of far. Indian Black siate iralning. Monday. and Ernest R, Woolley, president, ached, the board does pot wish to (j0 a large number of worsers In Sierra Nevada mountains in 1848 buck antelopes from the Eld- the the marks saddest Other Lehl Tintic other d. rectors of the Third ward. presume; but in time it is hoped VVlIliam ' I vlllMC pne of speakers chaptrr ebaker xoo at Ean Francisco mad believed that aU classes of Mining company, are forced to re- were J . A. Barclay and George jn early western history. mental defectives will receive the. of their debut at Hogle Gardena so The ceremony Bailey. unveiling. a decree Jn final signed sign Mr. waa the principal which is part of the official Eardley sympathetic interest and support j Saturday afternoon. Th animal bv Federal Judge Tillman Ex-Deputth at hela at,g-aof will ies the State meeting D- - J 1 (arrived Thursday but had been kept I' S Roberta avenue. He stressed under lhe direction fair, of the Utah in seclusion. gallon. I the importance of voting at the pioneer Trails & Landmarks adoption bv the state tn the care; The blackbuck antelopes, ..aid Th suit was Ins'ituted several Oct. 20of its unfortunate people. Albert with Smith, George Hatton, E Alexander, secretary of the A. Wine Tax Defendants months agd by E H. Weaver and Fourth ward supporters of Mr prf.si,jent 0f the association. Lake Zoological - society.-, r Improvement Pending. halt Fixe er addressed bv th other mlnori'y s'ocKholders, charg- McKrwpht Judge Harrington ' Bound Over to 'the only members of the true ante""There are W7oollev and hia officers and candidate, E E. Randall. S VV ,iing Bail at $10,000 in of A minor type yet to be made David W. Moffat SaturdiyTHe was'. directors had uvd stock of the Ross and Harry Rose. Mf lope family in this vicinity. The District Court. are young gnd beautiful members before the Institution can perform conricied of looting id workers from Ward will meei c&f at 442jarin,nR edrnpany to thoir Each Case, of its duties in an acceptable man- neat Broadway lan Sept the species The.r graceful aerm at at p vantage. headquarters SatuMav ner. but tbose details are being Waning preliminary ial, leaps. with the male always in hearing EHimet. 39. waa sentenc-- j The decree alo orders Woolley Speakers will be the Rev G. L. lanuel A. James F.tfiert H. .Elliott, Delbert W the lead, ar expected to makq handled as expeditiously as pos- ed to an indeterminate McIntyre anj Emmet! term In, to return over a. million aharea of Lobdell and E C. Jenklne. Adams former deputy sheriffs Pfou's. George Day and Raymond them a headline attraction at th. sible sod it Is hoped that affairs An open air 'mass meeting is the Harry Cramer, 23, was arrested G. and to pay a fine of $19tock to the Lehl Tintic company. t "e at ere will bs running smoothly within a prison Underwood, bound Mr. mill Bingham, interest the Bales to he of Detective Lehl convict, were bound oo. Tintic on. a marijuana charge. wKh ex- 490.009 of which are held; Friday midnight by court Saturday for trial on, over tr the Third district court fori Sunday groat crowds of confer, very few weeks. ecution of the pnson sentence eue shares which Judge Johnson held at the city and county grounds at- Chief D. H. Clayton on a charge district an on alleged conspiracy to collect trial complaint charging an aa- nce and state fair visitors will InTh board and superintendent pended pending Yurther -jareettga- peca - purchaaed by tha company 7:29 Saturday plght The speak- of drivmg while drunk and a abort . Another era .ill be C. H. Barton, chairman time later waa released to his graft. on assessment No 88. jsau.t on guards of the Utah state spect' the gardens, Mr. Alexander give a cordial invitation to all the tion. The defendant t 'Prison. T. were of A. Metals Frederlckeon. Tinttc preliminary hearing, expects. of instituof Utah 702.590 to mother. visit Cshares - B. Glass the deputies president people whocamwup on two tion and be kdvised first band tn cases charging" Police reports said that Cramof 1- Mining company stock is ordered the street car man's union, and The 'city common Saturday possession "The candidate anl er's Taf southbound on State, possible! concerning pres- - 4uar (rom tne city eourt ws ftn4 returned, as is the 5 22 shsres of E B, Harrison. jracollided sWlarT -- TrTrrimnmr-F wine ent and future plana" with 7th car ofWofiect'.ojr or a" Thule company stock held In trust Others will- sleo 'talk a total of 8U4- harden YedeTgranT f 918 "east Firs: charge, from Supporters of W. Harry Night- - EmVst' Run E. A. Chare an Ogden man who v th. Debt compsny for the ben. Mockhoideis in the Ingale for commissioner -- m thesouth street at First South andlucr dismissed by Judge Tillman ns 57 BORX. Jg DIE- sppealed from th. eitv court rrom ",,t of Tinttc Lwiiltet.Min-can- t !. of cowvtrtton A. Pamuai Salt Lake recorded 57 birtha 28 company. 1 Please Turn to Kin, chjef aaytoQ wltnMe- the ac:j and drunk driving was sen-!- 1 foujhtbe Page S'x ) n. oacan be constructed in time to oro- rident and when Cramer deaths, and only S cases 'of proruUon on technical fenced to pay a fine of 2t9 or! Officers forc'd to resign belde who is onL diseases that the accident waa not hia fault, grounds, which were finally dls - 'puar erve 5 days In Jail. He paid" tnejMr. V oolley are Jam's Larson, from winter Hect the animal out and of TU:s state. th .l1ed when th suprem cu hearing was not held Friday. weather and at the same time pro- The possession charge a dis-- i rector. L. L. Cromer, secretary denied without 1. ,H Heath., direc-drn- k and jmeJuriee, treasurer, wnii men wit to he the and missed guilty pleaded Jnaor unemployed , 7 $5.75 , af prohibition. - fior.. Charles E. Zabriekie. vice driving offmse. &n Twin-Ta- il rare CxnnsHtar "said the Is 'defendants a defend Htr and present hjT V1 'hat th offense charged was ilk- not in Salt Lake so hs could not gJardbof " "h Octobei 9tji T Utah Poultry Official SUGAR CHIEF RETURNS. 3 !d ly to develop nothing tender his resignation, plaintiff and ,!ocked llmlrary hearing which wouVnot Willard T. Cannon, vice president To Attend Chicago Meet counsel explained hate to.be gone over .earn In th 'pfouftt-- U are. E W. Lrmere and general manager of the rear liea et- eh.lv earn, limited fee r, vcmmA, general ' TyTThe new officer of the Hah Copper compan; Vw T-..Sugar company, returned to refer, t. hem. daetlaaflee before " for a Juab county murder must preeid'rt and director." Flalph Works agnt th Fouary A d a. r. at director; hs offir Saturday from a buenes ha's been set for 19 am charge, he would tm rtb ng I.W.I SetelU. j ducera Cooperative aociation.,Gfo rJcrw. H- - Short nV.vH-ri4he7i"fv r,nnon - trip to Nest Tork. , Adv. Saturday even- U? tVe uder mdetrmiii?t-- 4.will leave directors. ilng in offer of th. copper f ?IC2.,fLf,.l5n,r3r .rjaddlUchftl will where he for uliroaa cmpar.-Chicago w Ing impose pany to provide 8309 mr,nrhlv-to.-de tenccs fa, Term cT Three to 2" tend th annual ward a milk fund for those cMI- - Pr cfnt.eh?.rge foT wcnd ventlem of the butter, egg. cheese imr Aren. Thmiffer Trg thide contui- A hey serv ir,, snr peulirr industries. of railroad errs. gent on the school board providing ccUon mntt-e. Jtrfg the will be heard-b- y Hundred, of delegates from all The sum the remainder of reeded the case 299.089, etch at wilt be Matparts of the United State vartons to rt'o a pint of mUk daily touacb fat TbUc utmtW commission in present representing "the ol tho undernourished children - -t the - cajkitoL industries. Sessions will beheld OH Decision of the board in the mat- - . Open Window Admits 4 to 8. inclusive. While jn the east CIEr a70 1be waa reserved, pending lecal ter Onll marketdiscuss Mr. Edmonds will Burglars to S. L. Store on whether it ha the r ght; advice with Benjamin at Hospital ing, problems to meet such an offer. The cost' Appliedhour Brown, director of markets for th Th through aa uniocke-Climbing state to the board would be less than eight employment; A friendly store Utah association at New York Cltv. window, burglars entered the De will be applied at the state 2190 a month, it waa said 1 to Utah return to Luxe Ha Food Shop o expecting by Hardy la Deseret. (mental hospital at Provo after Nov. 9 Third ast about the middle of October. j I. Downing And it was decided Saturday at a CeJII Afacc Rime ransacked the Fr4da board'-oUiVllN Insanof state nsht, Ollii the In looks meeting 1'Hjo COOUPGE TO SPEAR, r. place andT took $19. itv called by Governor George H. Tjie flneet place petectixe E. R. Apelgren an J Derm Former President Calvin That have met I V?. Cljde Smith said that a Over nation the address of this rule will The effecting In browsing 'rouj extends a cordial inbeeves left no dues. necessitate tho hiring of an add! countrywide network of radio staFor Boeki Signature of Judge David W - jtional 32 men'and 12 women ac- tions Tuesday evening. October ( vitation to the pubMoffat was Saturstill late awaited Hia talk Will with th relaU, S. DlSMISbLS CH YRf.l S. t0 Dr. Frederick Dunn, Cell I to a new ruling tn accordance conjjng the lic to visit at any tion of life Insurance to economic nlwl : Hiles Dean Levs, a' minor charged M'FTnr-7r- f with the the thomb of mandat time their modern-l- y , depression, "b'-tw.th A Dver act vtnlutieb, was preme court in the election con'e-- f GETS EXPRESS PERMIT. Th former president will speak bran equipped and discase Involving the county recorder! The ,"1' turned over to the juvenile court direct from hts own fireside In th commission utilities publie and employes of the officG tinctive. ijalurdav'by United Ma'cs CommisCooiTdge home al Northampton, Miss Jessie Evans end her Dem- - ieturday granted D. R. Hout. oper sioner Gould B Biakely upon recMaas. ating a passenger bus service be-- ommendation of E. C. Jei.sen. asRalt Lak "a Coalville, per- erMrtlHcStSf sistant U. 8. district utlo-reThe DENIES GUILT. matt0 trn8POrt l,re federal charge were dismissed 125 Earl K. Stic, charged with tlficate will be canceled as soon as beraking Into th University of new conclusion of law are submitWas. 3201 BIDS TO BE OPENED, RI I.E D Y SET. Utah postofflc station with intent ted and Signed. The state building commisison to commit not larceny, p!eedd Federal J'jdge TiUman D. C. IIKKT. ' 44 j? TmmH will open bids Oot, 12 on two small WOULD CLOSE STATION. guilty Saturday when Arraigned will hold a rule d &v of the STORAGE CO Tie Fees. 4 Wr. y Fnited S'atc district court Saturbefore Untied State Cornmissioper . The Denver & Rio Grande West- - building job for tho state school aaonmiTB I B. the Gould waa feeble Boa for minded fixed American at ern Blakely. Railroad company Saturday ap STORAGE-PACKIN- G day. Oct. 19. it rai anrounced by Pm. at 21.999 pending preliminary hear-In-g plied to its publie utilities commis- Fork, the two Items, a garage and W. Barlow Wilson, clrk of court. Oct. 7. The offense was alleged sion for permission to close It ata-- 4 a cowshed, at a cost .of approxiMOVING-SHIPPIN- G All vseue be a hi eass set at jury to hve- - been committed Oct. 1-lion agency at Bingham. Utah. mately iLOhO, at this titt Institution Invites Archbishop Public to Visit Here At5p.m. , To Dedicate N Catholic Place' New Project. Youth Confesses to Theft Detectives Report. Ra vages of Time t Wit-Ha- m Bur-bids- e. Sait-Lak- e, S. L BOOSTERS OF CANDIDATES -- r. HOLD MEETINGS trt r by m t:. m rec-ir- sUie-eioim- -- lu-th- nd t - - hn Rare Antelopes Company Heads -j Arrive At Zoo Forced To Resip -- one-da- 1; I'll Utah-Pione- asation Project P't , -- e- i Four Utah Prison Hearing Waived Mr! Sentenced to One To 20 Years in 'Pen -- ( Sat-iurd- er ; m RiotersBoundOver By 8 - -- -- on t Drunken Driver Suspect Jailed A -- jar 5 iI 'tnTo-111- h. Milk Fund Sought fetiir- McTa, 4kTswW - .!a L s'dhVrin Salt-Lak- e a'w -- - l4rb. 4v.er lb. I Uiafi-Ida- fall-tra- are-now- ipfqdEEP-- r The Cost is a ter of Your Own - desire Joseph William Taylor, Inc. f Holds Recorder Job d! morturary su-d- at n. D E N VE RO Call Was. 1463 Deseret Book Company Cm'::' wchncer:rl0n No. Main - ts, REDMAN v. VAN and John-a.istte- w -- trxtr, tatlor' 'T. a v - -- - A J - 4hA .V..A liMlikiti ', '.i 41 M 4 .1 4 a J- - I t 4 4 I I v V Ji A 4 t J ' V. |