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Show Church Department. 6 " GENEALOGY! ' t '" i Tbla department to conducted bj the Oefleato;lcal Society of Utah, 47 eaKt South Temple street. Salt lake City, In tbe interest of family noorganisations, genealogies! research and temple work. Inquiries, tice ami accounts of reunions, contentions, etc. for pultllcatioo siioiild be written plainly, especially name and dates, on one side of the paper only and brief as possible. ADUKRSS AM, MATKIlIAtj FOB THIS DEF AKTM ENT DIRECT TO THE GENEAEORICAL SOCIETY. . ' October $. 191. , Wtlceate te Oar Librttt We have been truly gratified to ee the many interested viiUori to our Library an4 Society head the opening days of quarters during111 Conference. To thia October, those who intend remaining over next Monday or next week, we offer our hearty welcome to any. and all . Into our Liwho ean and to visit the offlqimla, consult brary our books or to learn at$out the wonderful Books of Ksmembrance. We welcome you one and mill tbs Boob ( tsmwftl Pageants IUnmtniB Gratifying reports have come InJ from many wards that the pageant demonstrations of the. junior and the mangenealogical lessons Book of ner of compiling a was an Impressive success. , Some wards were unable to' present this om the Sunday schedule. We urge every ward which baa not had this demonstration to give It yet on Ute first available Sunday In their ward. Have children from parts. effec- - i your own ward take the most Till is probably the. tlve method for arousing Interest In these activities and In causing them to be energetically takes up. Those wards falling to present this simple pageant will miss a great tactical opportunity for advancing their cause. Tbe (MMftiss l.lnht Presents- ttens fer 9 eels gWnd What enterprising Genealogical committees may do to teachths peoof their districts the Importple ance of genealogical" and temple , work and at the samp time raise money to make a very substantial cf contribution for the purchase books, is shown by the following from the Teton Atkb and reports the Price ward of the Carhop stake. We heartily congratulate these committees for their excellent and commend their to other method organisations Church, The throughoutIs the a most welcome add!- -, Mon to our Book Fuad at this sea- t man. The letters follows SO. ''Enclosed find check for $62. ' Th proceeds from pageant-dramHearts of the Children presented here This amount we contributo , to the Genealogical Book Fund 'The pageant was an entire to we had a house filled I v standing capacity. L Hincerely ours Teton Stake Genealogical Commie tee BAT B. CURTIS. Sec." The Price ward. Carbon- stake. the pageant ordrama, presented "The Hearts of the Children Thursday Connecting Link." lasti for the and Friday to raise funds We were Genealogical Book Fund successful and hand you herewith $75 00 for the above use. "We feel that the influence of will this play 'on our eomhumlty be far reaching, and we know of a surety that the us oT this money in gathering record Will also be.It We rejoice In the stwf action congives our ward to moke this tribution. but workers ttf all ports or the stkr should ahare In It. and yn gratefully acknowledge th'ir help and commend them to you a well ?vottNRn, Genealogical committee of Price Wird' ASHLKT BAinJI-KTT- . Class Ja Genealogy eopthsaed The regular' class in Genealogv' D m being JieU each Thursday, at U w In the Genealogical chtt,roomon be temporarily discontinued ofhe of the clcty. Archibald E Bennett. Vnd-tn1 wltt-gom- e . 1 , money-collecte- N a, sOr-eee- a: r - i wiu.uk fibr j 11 errtrr rscfienlo lonl n Con.entionk in Th, California and Arlaona lit. .claaa therefor,.', .V 5, until Thursday, November to 1 Watch thla tfotumh a,m. announcemenf. further n , mmi Shrew work mpl name Those desiring to do 111 find on th "Skeen" line. Temple on hand at theafl SKKKN JOHNWOV MBS. ELECT Ho Vi. Mean. Arl.rfna. tt tJl I mCEn , it Grimtf book l.tHRARV. ' (fotilfncfcj than Citnitljrhlaorlen, by author, Buch Rchlalena Kuvna Mittelland-Cmra- s my Tu4 1 tfljlcd ... 115 amt Frank IfenrlrliJ' t kartutf, elner Famine von Heieitiefc Ourtruf. PiB. bay Ouatav Kuajet, Ie.lp.ig, 164 PP IJItA Dr Victor IliMiergraph Is Ioewe. wnd Hannoverscfcen rfer Gearhichte. Pub. Post 45 1908. PP en, Manccke. I. F- c BdschnrlUung- en dr Staedte. fAcmter iind adhch-e- it Uerichte in. Kuerstenthum Luen pehurg Vol 1. I, Pub., Gelle, 1151. de Mosschler Hauptkatalog Familienkundlehe Austeiltihg - in fitrttin, 126. Mar MosHcbler. aStcttl.n, J Nctibauer, Dr Hrausr nod Maetker Innuii Altstadt Magdeburg 4ii Pub. Degeoer 6 Co., Leipsig. 1H29. X1 pp. Karl Aus dent Pssrtarg.Midler aus Fpmmern votf Pub. by Krnst Jatte, Kart 1926. 162 Pommern, btargardL Popp, 'Max Thuerlnger kuaiker dahetm und draussen von Max PPP. $920,' $4 Pub, in ftp CrafGescnfehtc Praschma, - tur - ch 4r I647-166- 7 I Grelf-enlati- laaars. Gotia-'hoerlngt- a, der Herrschaft Falkenberg. Pub:5 Palkenberg. 1929, $26 pp. Kecciu, Adult Ueschichtc def Stadt AUendorf in dett Sadea (Hess sen j. Pub. $930. 192 pp. , Rslaecke, Albert Geschichts deif "Trelen HetchM'herrnrchaf Schaueni: f Pub. Oeterwieck-HarIMS. Hitsau, Mr. Otto Lebonsbllderf Anchersla grosser fitrphaner. Pub, ben, 1920, 6 pp. Ho- Deutachea RoUniJfeadcntleaohlechtsr-Kunde1 fuer lanbuch Vol. I Pub. in Mresden, 1A18. Pub by tit Itolabd Society In, iMresdeiit, t 416 pp. Rothert, Wilhelm Hanover unter dem Kurhut, Pub. Hani over, 1916. 624 ppa Rothert. Wilhelm Tm alien Kosn5 Igreich Hannover599 1814.1866, Ppb.j pp. Hannover, 1914, Wilhelm Hanoverschs Rothert. Maenner and Frauen sett 1866. Pub. Hannover, 1912, 76 pp Hiramermann, Mr. Karl Dag Wbl--( 1725.' fenbeuttler Adressbuch Won ' Pub. Ijelpsig, 1929. , i Keinhold Matrlkel gpechi. Gymnasium lliustro su Pub. Megener r 4b. ( Co, Leipaig. 1920. 191 pp. lt!rktmd-- I Btenger, A. Mengodsr A. tUo.i-- j; onbuch Herausgeg4an vonf ger. Pub. Dortmund, 1910, 99v. pp. FrflheviJ Kteaglin, Kell Btengle. Krsaehlngen aus dem Wer-1 FainHle derrgang elner Meutschen Pub. by Degener A Co.,1 Lelpaiy.l 1 I960, 100 pp. Me, Htockborner, vonOtto Frit,i Stareln Vereuch Stockhorner der Darstellung der Geschlcbte dieses Geschlechts. Pub. Wien, 2896. Truebenbaeh , Arnold Beitrsege Chronike der Orte tAschara,; tar Henn-- ; Grumbach. Kokardtsleben, Hocbheim, Tuengeda,. tsgaleben, Wangenhdm and Zimmorm 64 pp. derf Volger, W. F Urkimdenhuch Vol. 4, Stadt Lsunebtirg. 1897. 614 pp. Pub Lueneburg Calendar of Wappenkalender Coat of arms of German Statesman Puh.f with genealogies. Vol. 1, $ 8. 1931. Vol. 4, Dli.iVoi. Pub. C. A, Atsrke, Ooerlita. Ahcn-- I I Kln,l Wxck.nj Fric4rtoh. ntaJctMtmmlU'ig Wcckcn Frthdrlch vou Dr. lhll by Band t. Puh. Ecivvig.i Co P. Jl Dcg.n.r Bah n. W, D aeltwta Gthlcht,. ' a, b 1646-181- $, i i . Zerhust-An-ha- lt, 1682-179- 'I BAJT IAKF. TEMPI .E. fantastic symbol of the savage, thg BY GfLSduN REGA! CARD. of maetci piece 6f pagan architecture th expression Tempi 4u, the sacred temple of the Hebrew 4ho love beauty, faith, earthly tho wonder ind charm of oriental abiding jtlace obnt God. Vhe Garde shrine, tho magnificence of Chrlnj Edon inay paid toA havs bee tian rtahedgal, all bear wltneep of for there Go4 the flrwt? tcmpl? the divine depths of' the human walked attd talked with man. The SOUl. he Adam Was, built after altar by Binccre apprecial loit and admiral driven out of the Garden was the Won is fHt for the worlds great first building erected by man that of faith thut Hvoi on), monument Wa dedicated io God and tod even lit rums, to turn our thought most likely thft beginning of tm-pl- o and feelings to thing divine, sancj building. for ' hgen mao Down through deep reep,ct 1m acknowledged the motives of love, reverence and amf inherent revereinu InstlncUvje awe that! prompted their bulldlngi Ton Brlcb,n. reaching '"haufc-- to ih Katheir furr Nldcnuich. Zntraltctl style of Compared with beauty And from whdnce rvte came" has hhe Hltruburlg llwt arc hltccture our modern DattcrMdaU Famlltange.chicht,. iind lnsbii!Sition for t4fentlve chcr-un- d ap S.cUH.'hrtf ten .VHerchnl out Halnt tcmplen stand promlnenti and m ThA crude tamplOf lAiddinigii Bibliothrk, Pub. lu0. 17b pp. li s ly. and must he romHjded a plae of iavting importance among th "Houses of God both anctentr-and- j modern. However. s.there ik something more beautiful than beauty in Our; S? Rack of their building . f temple f i u.. " there is la purpose so fur reaching ji .j, and so definite that 'by eomimrii f son. In wbt they present and lepf resent to tho world. hey riae !faf fiiHMfe Youug above all that runn has yet eon; By reived1 in the field of religlouk and endeavor. While it thought e tej lawiaad auihoiity or Will may hei said of alt itemple, (hat t Those blessed women who were the nAtural reach htw. all attvor born In the meridian' of Ume, and, they represent Marj Was not5 deceived throiigii up of tho human soul toward! who heard and accepted the Oos-- t 4jg as was of natural emotions, Kve; hfr was j things divine, yet never beforeanhavo pel gv taught by the Savior cx . a, revelation and ktjs she Mankind wert permitted like thvj they exprewed 0 complete e oltfered tfetj divine privilege of men who joined hi disciples, to, planatiop of their dtvtite purpoM4 'mother emotlori Christ of of the of law human The ei the Hve and Isbor under dnplhs had both tjie faith and tH have hefn sounded and Ufes great4 freedom. Man's ii perfect Individual Jo aceeld heih heaveuv purpose explained In the del4 free agency was establlahed. or)' mimioiti tlpbrw women had longWhen Jenusi cation ti (Jod of a building for Hi rat Her ed. all through the ages, to beJir and Hot alone. lifted the Church from the reatric-'- ? t had loiiie--daMesdah. u she ben fctul ttfrt atjd 8alnt temples fep4 Mosea placed pouf tlve laws of tmined in ithat holy tradstion. (aif resent than an ideal, 11; or mofe each man and eath woman Ke' suffit ot these latter obedience iwn day sonat jrekponfUhUltv for than ah expr'aion of love pnd jj ieinllj? grndffui far her life end fatth. i.They represent this hnd to bolh temporal and phjrsnyal law, U . more.' for they wert built hyidlij He came to fulfill the law'. Ue . doors to vine tb.H-ijreverence to for command that tli-- full purf. unlock, the, gave the key. of heaven tno Prletlwod. 4hee were the gh- -, pones of (iod might he accOm Within bf ie,r ygrnlnff heart, pushed; for his children. It la a beftutiriil (esUmony to cred wait uiana relationtheir Mary, tHxabcth. Mary, Martin the glory of Motherhood that the j both living and dead, ship tojman. New Testament history opens wlthi apd MSryi of fielhany and the am! ht place In the tremendous oher Maf. stMer ot j Barnabi. tho storv of a woman. Mary, wboj life I made known and st Priscilla. PhootH Ojorcas, Lvdui was chotoon before the foundations! the Houl of tho children of lGot of this world were laid to become!, ngd the daughtK of Phillip.i all are aw.iktmed to a fullness of lifes these gre the mother of JmHis.i And Marys type of outatandiag The brotherhood of ffiee woneanhoud. All wero tabght responsibility. complete absorption in herA mis-- , man apd the fatherhood of God 'the doctrine of com mom consent siort as wife and ninther Is an for the heart becomes actuality as the foundation stone of the tern and tvpe for tall gimeratlona of hf jh4dren are weldkd together for hirVf r and, whne1or womptf after her to follow m htet and the eternal toj through o togetlhfydu reArt fautiful unselfcowscloua1 devotion gathftedalso. 1 women power jot his word. Ex ten there dere the atti-tu- d duty. No ileas lovely iife ofMhr Aa is th the apirlt rapt, of Ibours.j on bfGclal ocav. of her cousinj Elisabeth. . body 0 the priesthood, the pdwe of John the' Baptist. They slpna whSn JcsU9 commurped with and aiUhority to art 8a the nfun have iyen to the world their mas jhlja chosen a praties. ; of Ood; that whatsoever ts don on ij terplwcek of diylno ipersonalitie in a pointed his apostles, and earth n his name will standi ileu then somt their and, John; Id turn appointed patriarchs, they, time and all eternity is the thing both womW fade oui of sight priests, elders, seventies.1" buhops. enthat give life und a fullness of sons their divlrteiy ordained , hud But teachers dcncona. tho all Saint purpose to Lattr-d'i- y act the gloruau (ragedv of sarrt-ficibot h the o(i saints, congregation ple. nten and vomwii voted upon their salvstiprrnd redemption for all mankind. me before they might function, Ecclesiastical KyiHcbiu. j In bis rentui lea ago was A partpof Mary, who! was Xcaltured oung woman, as her beautiful poem Christ leaching. lestory, frefer to this on palge 2ll He 'Asya: Formevly bishop cloees. choeel deliberately! yet emo-- i Kath woman, under the GOepel k cguld not ordain tionallv and Iwith divine faith SndT, prloatn without plan Htablihod by Jesus made Uw coaw'itt of fthe clergy and ths when visited her covenants of otedience to, tho by' ghoj humility people. .The Nien fathers Ijord to put herself optaidQ the priesthood a represented by hog that th ctonaent of tho jupoplo shpw via her.hushnnd, or her blnhop. pale of human regularity; and sol fathrj CV 4 was sent ho bishop required, jlh another angel Each inan made hts covenant with day ticrj 4 names hm of. the people to tyistding officer, be he bishop clcfendXndj promised husband or other official over him. Moth those Who werf to b ofdalrif'd. action. It la also explain Obto if was Kv did thi freely, voluntarily, not bet a woman, tlen lkpy hjui anything niflcant thAt it cause force or coercion was ject; to sor haj aayj grieva ice who ignoraritly brought sin Into of wornwho measured up to this them; they mightahy the world, but It was also a faiUh! attest ft (inl.y Be Hkcrampnan, Mary, who by supreme standard, were the truly intelligenit, tartar Vf Gregorg the (tret,M pig 4 followers of Jesus. In God, brought Jesus, the author! MAry had obeyed tho angel, subpf our salvation, into the world. j j226, and rst. Chfysotdrti' Homily, mitted herself to the power of th 'Wha.6 m teatimOny to th divinity .What then, U this Icoy which j Most High through th admin! ofNfho ljrophut Joaephs miasion Jesus turned;, in the closed door Is1 b tration of the Holy Ghost, and hcn of repreaston? Tho key of free vflat ion bn the doctrine of byre she rendered, reverence and obe r ctrenton consent glven juet three agency God Igivea Us commanddiene to her human husband.! but was ortnonthSNter th Church e meats, appoints leaders, reveals she did it willingly, not because ganised, Teund in the i Doc. Cor. principles and doctrines, but It is j ah wa coerced; because nhe knew Bee 26a lfw pould he know that given to his children to choosey m my th whether they will render obedience j H'ontmued on Page Eight C 1287-140- II 1920-21-2- 2. hrurteiH j I .1 . j j i 4r Wliatl About Women? ' vi. 7 in t! i Under, tliel Covenant W' Christ It fur-edk- j ' be-th- euraa i et 7 j 7 , ; j jj t cr ! f . j 1 1 ; J j T i dif , th' J hr j : used-Thosi aga-inst- k r ' A i ' |