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Show THE DESKR ' Vl Wliat About NEWS. SATURDAY, .OCTOBER 3, 1931. I r IT, t "r "I I : k Jstd jjage 34 -- p pr-i I I Jli rTl t. By Susa Young Catos Con 1 rn ued from Church Department y Missionaries in the Nortliwest 1 Women? i ' t , ,r -- O JEf. ; ) in her own salvatiqH-la- y obetlienofv Hho bore and etfer- a thatu ed ail thing. omanmay, Ad she also joyed aod triumphed supremely in that act; of wofnanly renunciation. What jmore flight woman achieve! This key t was lost hcn Womeny accompanied men ,down thelplrU-ualldarkened pathway of mark-ed and apostasy which the devious course of Christianity inofthe middie ages, light there wercjL hut became Uccnsfck while obeliberty was dience ferced upon thosq who feared the law and lawgiver. for free agency was ,takdn Jtwaiy by , church aud klngdorpsv j But It is to laugh swjtn an' one claims that women liven 14 the "Lark Ages," were rushed? pnd Wh don't mentally timid. study women from human over angles instead of slopfling all; with sentimental hoody. Vomin dominated weak men throughftheir that her ti - I M plim-Inerin- i i gs k,-- t j ata He mbll-ca- n I told that story woman's banquet ih Washington D. C. over thirty j years? ago, and Chauncy M. Iepew. who was the uppresent, came to tne after roarious laughter had subsided and could borrow that asker me f.If t he nO ttf to him torv vj. & . a Vacation trip? to AlaAkh, president and Mrs, William Sloan of the miaelon. Inepir-ini- g words of encouragement driven the miasipnarles by thtT vleitlng era will long remimbered and feiom SEATTLE, WaH. Missionaries of the West Washington district!. Northwestern State m button, send at greetings to alt home and abroad. The regular missionary conference of the district was held Aus XS and 1S the conference being Albert vWted,, bv Elder CTeorge Smith, off the Council of the Twelve, and hir wife. Mr. Bury Smith, who luted phile reiurnmj?f and Hw of-f- ta all wo attended the dUtrlct are , Mireionarlen enjovtng good health &nd are eh J jqtyfng their wtfrk. The above pltpto, taken at the e nferenio, are, h ft tosrigM teofil a i . ' adpn-clate- th wOffsibna. by i orf Praying, Or Saying; Prayers js ' 4-t- - half-mpiu- te (1 thought-fulXpeopl- ? meAn-hearted- ! I I . gone to thr ceiling," Vhat kind ot pratfs rgo no Higher than the'edlUnfc? An old farmer miserly, once praed in these words. "O Ciod 'bless me and my wife, my son John und his wife, us four and 'no more.. Amen. Burely selfish totydnd the pravlra are never heard I ceiling One afternoon I whs visiting a lady who w u interested in ; the "Mormon Church and I wtA trying to explain it to her! when who should walk in but A lady missionary of another church trying to There we were, make convert. each of us Hoping to convert the lady of the house, she to her ti Not making church t to mine. any headway by f'targutpeut the4 that we lady suggested nfisaionary - Have prayer so we Ail kneeled down and she prayed. From beginning to end she prayed for the who poor mhuided "Mormons" were deep in fin and so blind that they did not know at, Never onc did she ask tho lArd to pardon her ins or show hey the iight; If yoii wish your prayer td find Its waj) to the Fathi? be Certain that yoil do not approach him in ,l sdtrlt Hememb(r of whst Jesus ajiid about dhe Pharif to ift tomple ti see who went' . Department Of Education , In an old fashioned country church the only outlet for the bad i w Air mt a email ventIUtor In the j ceiling. For some reason U didn't work very well and eometbing had ! to be done about It, j So the parson j and the deacon brought a long lad J der and the deacon climbed u to see what was the trouble-- After one glance he turned to the paraon who stood at the foot of the 4addcr and aid. The ventilator tSchok-e- dr wtlh prayers, that have only , U S- - .'rn I (('on t Inued from a hUue. !V.I1 UltlM . education edUeStaOtt 800 times with COlle chance." The niaKaitlnc B0e on to j Kdticdtlon fit. a man tor fwtter Four year spent inI th aervice. him rlKht kind of college make J of more use to thi world. " I Now nitty place ctuphatfa on fit I the 'right kina of college a college in which no field of frutit where ochOlaCkhtt hrdt u )to pnd y 1 are sufficiently hifeh to jmer-cifulihar the entrance of cl$ into- Justly eliminate the capable and Indolent, a college that troth to and appreciating; acting, thinking, where faith ip Uod.i, love college of fellow men. and COItfiden keif are lriotlvotlve forte your Many of you have made decision to go to coliCB, but nine Now can. t will if are aaylng "I let tne say, a psychologic!! can lllpd with determination IJcom cannon that will shoot kp tar jitar, Iaretiis Ju.t , ,a meiwnse to you. They wait no Bld.llnesM In ttus ntotheij who "It' mean ro much to nave a! col-- . Tha leao Kradnnte in k family." first one advertise theiMucatjonat ability of the group, inspire the other children, and otleu ripens th them that dn.r Otherwise would rttiilallt c o, Me. mid wiomen of means For, ty seconds with' you. Won't 'ly to a young person wantltlfc a chance to work his or her wiy through InuL caijse isj Just nut I college. Help esu do nOlhing for ypu." such, and they will ItHp other. Tour effort will (tart inn endless chatty of educitlnnnt upllit. Hitch the your chariot of Bond will to Sull.s tar and enjoy the young . graterullv riding upwaf. the w'ipg Now to the cltutenry. of our Commopwcaith., the tinier f the to Usteh oor of Itepubltr tprho of the words of ail illustrious statesman of long, ago: American -e A free people must be 'WO ntust educates or, Jouilnev "be our shbrt. will L i jiUlis-tratlo- f S 4 '4'"ikV - affections anciently just as they have always done, amP always will No f man do, Tont be jlectivwi. aver has breathed a wtifd of l&latne any frf her against Eve. ToMuch test this very dayt men daughters. hr far mote afraid of omenjthan 1. v woipen are afraid df itibn. Tliat Ho afraid mentally ahd spiritually. mon hae to show' their authority. and when they an deA physically based they becoin brutal. pmen fear brutality, not superiority. One of the most amusing Of this point occurred; here In the city ove? seventy years ago. A good Welsh brother ,arofco in fast meeting and bore his testimony. Accounting how he brought his family across the plains In ap of- wagon, and built ;thelf log yabln home, tiling how hid wifel had bone a family of six children and finally closed his fervid rjeoltal with the significant word: j and Brethren and' bisters, I anrf.the head of the hou " In thefhftek of the hall aroHd a lnek j little' Welsh woman who hers If !re an earnest detailed tstiilon t the. truthfulness of alt hefc good husband had said She vdsedhtf sayth & my ing "Yes, it is is the hedd 0$ the husband but ) Jni the nec c and I turn the brad witroe er K wiir" i. 4 ? auper-atituti- f s - , i !l j td th!uinbtd his wgylo end. Not fipding uji thing to hi, liking; he and wept njxt started at the back through 'lo the front.oviltlU not he looked! It r page by page, i At last he storied and in th' se .wiuds spoke to the old lad: fadainrl can fnd nd prayer for a broken leg. sO'J can? do nothing fair you, Riood rlaV!" HA. twelve year old bdy was once asked tol pray 4o Sunday school. tho pulpit add IIC took His plscfin ' Our prayed sOmethlpd weke this Thee thank hatiur frt Heaven, bb'HH to fur this food and. Ask 'liiee It in tlu.fam-of JeSus, Ameni." H wasnlt thinung o- his prayer faraa he and just reciting words wpjch h? had nvemuried. Prayers whlfh? afe Jusit word Ace never hdard not answered, i I I ,f ; One Sunday tuornlng I was kitting id ai public hail a here a gathering was Ao bo heJd Presently; the pikn who was to Conduct Vlie services came in. Ho went dirdctly to ihe front and oa)t-lidl- -- J ' uit? L 1 i j I' the stairs to Lhd stand were the preaching awas to it be In done, takfng a chair he; placed tho center of the platform and kneeliug Mown ho begkn. to pray His was fnot a silent prayer but -- one spoken in words O'hlch coUld heardf all over the? hall Even thin It didn't im enough thut a! should hear his personal prayer huf occasionally he emphaAhuid it1 by raiding thf pitch juid volurrien of his voice. There Was no have done jo whyhe toshpuld attract people's other fthan t his piety. After whRt Jwsus said of fhoae ho pray to f meu it 14 not likely ,b seen are such received that .rayors rea-soi- T"; in I , do not need; to be Ion, order to boj heard, it la thi in which tji?y ar exp reaped. spirit There isj a stOCy told 'Of Parley P PnUt i'hirh goes something dku tHis On One of HlB missionary jour-mfihh for a bight at the home Of ft lady Who had not book iohff a mfrmbet of the Church. &t! fie goin 'to bt)d he knoclcddowu and praypd ire Ithcse word. Hurd bless poor Parley! he lie so tired. Amen" The sister with whom,h was sfayhig ovf heard! tho prot and apostatized because an aooaAS tnRde such a hhort prayer. Later sho told bne of Her neighbors and that fiJ?itfthor thou giit It so sen 5 ys P very .religious old lady tc down the steps of her homf an broke her log. Beiievtni?. in hel iwg by &UH she sent for the pcis of her parish and Asked him t' pray for her broken' leg. The rev erend tnk odtearclhi) gentleman prayer book and begad his4 locca ito the suitable a for prayer slon. Beginning at hjHe front h A the cradle to the grAV " it Tins patriot, Heny5, Clay ths others of the earjr fathorf. ex we SefT front by Insight what dotulty and perience that the, of our country depc prosperity upon upon brisdom morel than wealth, upon education morel than upon arinsea, upon colleges mottI than upon cannon, i. ThU is an hour if world widf depression, behind wich is tint Th employment of thethkndAi doors of our factories! are partly closed hut the doors nfSou schools swing wide open. Happily) fpr ug We recognise that intellectual un employment is the mot dhavtrous form of idleness because1 it produces a Bpoertv that inay He as-- a . if by the ones l isakee poor, A nation will ink jubt as U fast as erases to think. Thinking la a of the race and are not colleges majorf generators of thought? td t- - stifle tHa baptism. s ! she I f H once , asked 1 fo! . stands pigh In 6u os a ioung man bn 4 mission to England TO bit mother he jvent. After please he had bdon there for few weeks th life apd work became unhohr-- 1 ahie tp Him because ho lacked he mtHsionary spirit, Th only Ui nar wtch k$pt hiHl front returning1 home ws the knowledge that it would break his- mothers heart. days he stayed in his Kdrjthre ro njt 4ymg to rhake up his nurd what to Jo. Onn moment ho felt like returning home, the next he was determined to stay. At Inst through prayer he .received a lA ntanf Who aa ca.ltd stte, to 5 4 s ij 1 t j f ( hii of)the gospel which is today most iprfeed poseesMion. J )tf 0u wish tp hare your prave' the heard and answered foilowr wirppio pattern Ifttd down by Jesus. which Pray only for tjbpse things u i il Ruth Leigh, Pieari C. Sloan s; of mission Relief socle-tit'president Mrs row Lucyi Smith, Middle EUcq Margaret row H. Quinn, Hannah Lind Hi 00 m, Elder George Albert smith of he Count oC the William R. Twelve Sloan mission president: Naomi Wttiard, Ethel tvris Itack row e Joseph C. Whitaker, Otviil E Oliate terton, district preshlenfc; Ira it. eland S. Muir, Idon Y. Pond, Haws and Morrill H Thurgood. ci! j - j -7- are needed Give ua this dov our daily bread" Very dften we ask for much more. It la so easy to forget the warnings oi Isaiah, "Woe to them who add1, field field and house to house (until they are alone in tho land.! And! mo words of Jesus vhen he1 $aid,i "Lay not up for yourelves treasures ert earth where moths and sust Ucth corrupt and thieves tre.vc. through and steal. h . 1 Ask forgiveness foC your bins, hut do not mention ail your good If you ?iaVC anv, tho qualifies Ioord already knows about Hum and td be awaro of our short com humble. makes Be'ors you ingx you ask forgiveness fori jyouri cah failing pe certain that1 you har bor not for ahvone and most important of all. never forgeti on he done will enitth j . f Thy It has been said th.at the1 real pur Jm to rtiak in our wilt pose prayer the unit am that of Obd. ber tho prajeri of Jesus semano. ',,! Do you knpw that yoiir pravent have gone beaml he Can, you say that you , know that ou have prayed and not inert IV said cannot sav that prayers? If you know this you have the most wonderful discovery in all the acrid yet before you. There Ls no other one thing in all the world which can give the exquisite joy that association with the Father In pfrater can gWe.l If you have tot exnerv lenced this, keep trying juntij vo succeed! Until, you comp to' tne place where you know that vou are truly praying not merelVI say-- i ing prayers LESTKft M. NORBBRG.i Principal, Coalville, pem InaryJ yu LIFES RKU Alt I UTATION. BT JAMES H. MOORE..1 I plowed a field And as 1 turned th soil My share cut through a, colony of ants. j hsd no It spoiled their home. .They 1 other chance But to rebuild with toil. They did not jytId. I stood one iaV And watched a roaring wind, A twisting hurricane, a tree. - ' j up-rp- ot x j birds that built their thvfe had to fleJ. Their tender young thinned, Yet parents May, t MS flood, A mu hate. Come rtuihlna .down narrow. t Bleep ralne. It ruined home and field like 1 machine I The folk accepted fate And cleared .the mud. ..IS, ' j! A friend of mine Wa tiickin with dleeaae. He lay near death for many weary wr k. He looked o wan with sunken ohCek But he walk now with wane, Itobuet and fine. ! j t My atrength Wa gone. I thouKht that I had done All that I eer Could expect to do. I iwa about toj' any that I wa j through. In some way. thouBb, I won And carried on. 1 , 1 There I a Power That will auatAln u all. Come to our aid In leach vjolwil-tud- e. If we retain tenaeioualy. the mood To 1111 avert a fall, Hour aifter hour. , j . V., J i I n |